I have the strongest anti-war system

Chapter 85 The Tough Rival

Chapter 85 The Tough Rival

After entering the warehouse, Lin Xiao held the pistol tightly in his hand, and carefully searched every corner of the warehouse with his eyes.

The space inside the warehouse is not small, there are many sundries piled up around it, and there are bags of sacks filled with grain, it would be difficult for a few people to find it.

In order to guard against being shot black by the spies, Lin Xiao threw two more tear gas bombs.

Immediately, his body moved flexibly to a hidden corner, secretly observing the movement inside.

The poisonous gas in the warehouse spread out and soon enveloped the entire warehouse.

The rats in the warehouse screamed non-stop due to the poisonous fumes.

Lin Xiao observed in the dark, except for a few rats crawling around in the warehouse, there was no other sound.

He didn't act rashly, just stayed where he was, thinking about something in his mind.

"It's so fucking weird..."

The situation in the warehouse is a bit weird. According to common sense, the spies in the warehouse were attacked by tear gas and could not bear it.

What Lin Xiao didn't know was that Sakurako Hatano, who was hiding in the warehouse, was a senior RB agent who had undergone various cruel trainings. She had extraordinary endurance.

Of course, the taste of tear gas is not pleasant.

Sakurako Hatano covered her face with a wet cloth, but her eyes were burning hot from the poisonous smoke, making her very uncomfortable.

A few more minutes passed, and there was still no movement in the warehouse.

"Could it be that the devil's spies disappeared strangely out of thin air under his nose?"

Lin Xiao secretly suspected in his heart, and slowly let go of his guard.

At this moment, suddenly, an object flew over from the side of the warehouse.


Lin Xiao subconsciously moved his body to dodge the flying object.

As soon as his body moved out, Lin Xiao suddenly noticed a ghostly figure moving extremely fast, flashing out from the wooden beam on the roof of the warehouse.

"No, I've been fooled..."

Realizing that he was exposed, he used his hands and feet together, and jumped forward hastily.

"Puff puff!!!"

There was a muffled gunshot.

Sakurako Hatano held a pistol equipped with a silencer, and fired several shots at the jumping figure.

A few bullets whistled, "Jiu Jiu Jiu" flew past Lin Xiao's side dangerously.

Lin Xiao rolled his body to avoid it, and he didn't have time to think about it.

At the same time, with super adaptability, he raised his gun to counterattack and quickly shot the enemy hiding on the wooden beam.

The two of them fired at each other with micro-sound pistols at a distance of more than ten meters.

Stray bullets flew around in the warehouse, and the wood chips hit by the bullets splashed on the doors and windows.

Both sides are using micro-sound pistols. This kind of pistol has the function of noise reduction and flame suppression, which is very suitable for night combat and assassination operations.

After firing a box of bullets, Lin Xiao rolled behind the debris bunker.

Sakurako Hatano was hiding on the wooden beam, like a sensitive night elf, twisting her light body frequently to avoid the flying bullets.

Knowing that she was exposed, Sakurako Hatano jumped off the wooden beam, quickly shifted her position, and then quietly hid in a dark corner.

"Baga, what a formidable opponent..."

Sakurako Hatano was annoyed at not being able to kill her opponent.

After a brief exchange of fire between the two, the warehouse fell into silence again...

Just now, both of them underestimated each other, and they didn't expect that the opponent's strength was far beyond their imagination.

At this moment, both sides are thinking about how to kill the opponent.

"Damn it, that spy is really difficult to deal with, and he almost got fucked."

Lin Xiao wiped off his sweat and reinserted a full magazine into the handle of the pistol.

Sakurako Hatano is proficient in ninjutsu. She can use objects in the warehouse to hide herself skillfully.

Lin Xiao poked his head out slightly, his eyes moved flexibly to observe, even he couldn't find where the enemy was hiding.

Neither side knew where the opponent was hiding in the warehouse.

The two faced each other secretly, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

Unable to find any cunning agents, Lin Xiao took out a few grenades and threw them towards the window where the sacks were piled up.

A few seconds later, explosions sounded one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

The sacks and sundries in the warehouse were blown to pieces.

Lin Xiao threw the grenade casually, the purpose was to scare the enemy, force the spies to come out, and find another opportunity to kill the enemy.

Suddenly, a slender figure flashed out from the flames of the explosion.

Lin Xiao's reaction was as fast as lightning. As soon as he caught the enemy who appeared, he immediately turned his gun and fired at the target.

"Choo Choo Choo."

In less than two seconds, several bullets flew out of the gun chamber continuously.

Two bullets hit the bunker in front of Sakurako Hatano, and another bullet scratched her alluring cheek.

Sakurako Hatano endured the pain on her face, her body bent slightly, and she moved flexibly to shoot back.

"Puff puff……"

Lines of orange-red bullets flew back and forth between the two sides.

Sakurako Hatano used the sundries around her as a cover, and moved left and right to shoot. Her body shape and positioning were very well coordinated, and her marksmanship was even more superb.

However, she and Lin Xiao were obviously at a disadvantage and suppressed when they competed with each other in marksmanship.

After emptying the bullets in the pistol, Sakurako Hatano turned sharply and quickly dodged back to the bunker.

"Baga, damn Chinese soldier, I must kill you..."

Sakurako Hatano's cheeks twitched in pain, and blood flowed from her face to her fair neck, making her look like a bloodthirsty female devil.

(End of this chapter)

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