Chapter 169 The Legendary Man
It is a long journey, and it will take more than ten days just to travel.

Li Ke followed that Lan Xin'er, trekking across mountains and rivers for more than two days, and then arrived at Wuji Country.

The development of Wuji country is average, and its comprehensive strength is also average.

Fortunately, relying on imports from the Dragon Kingdom during this period of time, most of the people here have been kept away from hunger.

Therefore, the Wuji Kingdom has regarded the Dragon Kingdom as the Kingdom of Heaven.

The people here also regard the Dragon Country as the best country in the world.

When Li Ke and Lan Xin'er passed through the Wuji Kingdom, they saw a lot of things passed down from the Dragon Kingdom.

There are not only various vegetables, but also some salt and sugar, and some tools in life.

It has to be said that the influence of the Dragon Kingdom on neighboring countries is really huge.

It can be regarded as Li Ke doing a good thing to the world.

Although he also gained benefits because of it.

Continue west.

Li Ke and the others passed by Che Chiguo again.

After Che Chiguo brought the purchased steel back to his own country, he was quickly armed with the army.

After all, whether it is the Wuji country in the east or the country further west, it is very dangerous for Che Chi country.

Che Chiguo, who bought the steel, was also a little crazy and very proud.

All over the country, advertise how powerful their weapons are.

This made Li Ke feel a little funny, and it also made Lan Xin'er realize the importance of steel again.

She also secretly vowed that no matter what, Daughter Kingdom must forge countless steels to arm Daughter Kingdom.

The two continued on their way, passing through many countries, and finally, half a month later, they entered a boundless mountain forest.

Li Ke didn't know which country this area belonged to.

Lan Xin'er told Li Ke that this is a relatively remote virgin forest, probably not belonging to any country, because the location itself is not very good, so the surrounding countries are not interested in it.

And this boundless primeval forest is the entrance to the daughter country.

It takes two or three days to enter this primeval forest, and then you can enter the legendary daughter country.

It is precisely because of this forest that the Daughter's Country is seldom known, and if a normal person enters this boundless primeval forest, there is a high probability that they will get lost.

Only those who have known this route for a long time can accurately find the location.

Otherwise, if you spend ten days and a half months wandering around inside, you may starve to death or be eaten by the fierce beasts inside if you haven't found the way to enter the daughter's country.

This primeval forest is relatively dangerous, with all kinds of beasts and poisonous snakes.

The geographical location is also very complicated, and some swamps and very steep cliffs will appear from time to time.

If one is not careful, his life may be left here.

After seeing such a complex terrain entrance, Li Ke finally realized why there were no men in Daughter Kingdom these years.

Because as long as they don't accept outsiders, it will be really difficult for outsiders to get in.

almost impossible.

It is precisely for this reason that this is a daughter country of women, so it has not been eaten by the surrounding countries.

Two days later, following the route Lan Xin'er knew well, she finally walked out of the primeval forest.

The moment he walked out, Li Ke felt that there was another village in the dark.

I saw that outside the virgin forest, there were beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery was beautiful.

It is completely different from the gloomy environment in the primeval forest that is covered by countless trees.

Li Ke looked at the scenery in the distance, and thought to himself that this place could be regarded as a paradise.

Lan Xin'er smiled triumphantly and said:

"Let's go, the daughter's kingdom is ahead. There are almost no men in this place. Perhaps you are the only man who has walked in these few years."

Li Ke nodded when he heard this, and followed Lan Xin'er to continue walking.

After a short walk, we reached the main road, walked along the main road, and soon saw some villages.
At a glance, the people in these villages are all women, and they wear very simple clothes.

Maybe it's because of the heat, maybe it's because the place is full of women.

Therefore, they dress more casually.

Or... exposed.

At a glance, it must be a very beautiful landscape for men.

Li Ke couldn't help swallowing, and licked his lips.

Said to Lan Xiner:
"Are all the women here so tough?"

Lan Xin'er's face turned red. After all, she had been out of Daughter's Country and knew what the world outside Daughter's Country was like.Because there are men in the outside world where my daughter lives, women dress very conservatively. "

Unlike my daughter's country, some scenery can be seen at a glance.

"No... don't care about these details..."

Li Ke was taken aback for a moment, thinking: This shit is just a detail?
Well, then he cares about these details...

At least, I am willing to look at these details a few more times!

At the same time, many women in the village also saw Li Ke.At first, these women were a little confused.

It seems that there is some surprise for this person who looks different from them.

But immediately after, a young girl shouted:
"Man, is that a man?"

Then many women spoke excitedly:
"It's a man, that's a man... My daughter's state-owned boy came in, ah ah... This is the first time I've seen a man... Hurry up and have a look."

", oh, here comes the man..."

Immediately afterwards, the hundreds of women in the entire village went crazy.

I saw them dressed casually. , all ran towards Li Ke.

If we talk about the previous scene, it was just a beautiful landscape for Li Ke.

So now, this is a beautiful landscape.

His eyes seemed to be a bit lacklustre, he could only see in the distance, as those women ran, countless lumps of flesh bouncing under the thin clothes!
It was almost blinding his eyes.

"The country of daughters...a paradise for men..."

He muttered something, then said to Lan Xin'er:
"I think your country needs men!"

Lan Xin'er blushed and coughed, and said:
"Hurry up and follow me..."

So he pulled Li Ke without saying a word, and quickly ran in another direction.

She has martial arts, and Li Ke also has martial arts. The two run very fast, and it is impossible for those weak women behind them to catch up.

However, they still underestimated the power of these women.

Although they are usually very delicate, but now that they have seen rare species and legendary men, how can they remain calm?

That weak scene has long since disappeared, I saw them chasing crazily, almost catching up to Li Ke several times.

Li Ke was stunned at the time.

Finally, I saw the madness of a woman.

Finally, after he and Lan Xin'er escaped from the clutches of these women, Li Ke retreated a bit.

I just passed by a village, and I was almost given something by these women. If I went to a place with more people...

Li Ke subconsciously tightened his crotch, realizing that he was in danger!
(End of this chapter)

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