Signing in to Datang: Rebellion at the beginning

Chapter 35 Let the enemy see us strong

Chapter 35 Let the enemy see us strong
After these men in black rushed in, Li Ke was helpless.

But I can probably guess that this is two waves of teams.

Because the ones who came to kill Li Ke before were three of the third rank, two of the fourth rank, and one of the fifth rank.

But this time it was actually a few second and third ranks who came to kill Li Ke.

Not even a fourth-rank martial artist.

That's a big difference.

In addition, Li Er would not be so stupid as to send two waves to disperse his strength.

Therefore, this group of warriors should be from other forces.

Li Ke didn't pay much attention to this. He sat on a chair and quietly watched the assassins come in and draw their knives.

At this time, the bedroom came, and a team of guards and a few special forces rushed in.

"His Majesty!"

The commander of the guards looked at the corpses on the ground and the assassins, and then at Li Ke.

Those assassins were also panicking at the moment. As soon as they came in, they saw the corpses of assassins all over the floor. They were a little confused and realized that there were assassins before them.

Li Ke poured a cup of tea and said lightly:

"Kill all of these, save one, and ask for details!"

The commander of the imperial guards nodded. He is also a fourth-rank martial artist. At this moment, he raised his knife and rushed towards the assassin, and the guards behind him also went up.

Several special forces guarded with guns, and did not do anything without Li Ke's order.

Fortunately, after a few breaths, all the assassins fell down.

The commander of the imperial guards grabbed a living assassin and took him down, and ordered the house to be cleaned.

Not long after, the commander of the imperial guards came back and said to Li Ke:
"Your Majesty, he belongs to Li Chengqian, Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Ke's eyes were cold: "Li Er, Li Chengqian, you really deserve to be father and son, they think the same, and do the same things..."

The commander of the imperial guards said: "Your Majesty, if you want to organize people to assassinate..."

"No, there are many masters in the Tang Dynasty, so there is no need to make such a fearless sacrifice." Li Ke disagreed, and this was not his style.

Assassination or something, don't let it go, that's a bad move that useless people will use when they have nothing to do.

Li Ke didn't bother to use it.

"Since you sent someone to kill me, it means that you understand that our relationship cannot be adjusted, and... you start to fear me..."

Li Ke took a sip of tea: "Then, let them continue to be afraid. Until one day, from fear to fear...fear!"

Hearing the words, the commander of the imperial guards did not understand what Li Ke planned to do.

He couldn't fathom what Li Ke was thinking.

So he bowed and retreated.

Wu Meiniang came over at this moment, and while arranging her clothes, she said:

"Your Majesty doesn't want to fight Tang Guo right now, but he wants Tang Guo to watch the Dragon Kingdom grow stronger and your Majesty grow stronger with his own eyes, right?"

"Yes, the way to torture the enemy is not to take revenge immediately, but to let the enemy see us getting stronger and stronger, but there is nothing we can do about it. That kind of torture is truly terrifying!"

Li Ke smiled slightly, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

The courtiers of the Tang Dynasty were all advising Li Ke to understand that blood is thicker than water.

Don't say that he is not Li Er's son, even if he is Li Er's own son, Li Er and Li Chengqian, did they ever understand that blood is thicker than water?
Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Li Ke never softened his heart.

Just, don't be in a hurry.

"His Majesty……"

A eunuch walked in and looked at Li Ke.

Li Ke said lightly: "Say!"

"A report from the frontier, the army has captured a pass in Baekje."

As expected, Li Ke didn't care, and asked, "Specific!"

The eunuch bowed: "Yes, General Li Yong, let the special forces go to direct the use of bombs. The special forces directly used a bomb to break through the pass gate.

They also used several bombs to injure hundreds of soldiers and horses on the other side. The huge explosion and terrifying power scared the passers-by to flee in all directions. Our army drove straight in, very smoothly. "

Li Ke nodded: "The word of mouth tells them that when using bombs, they must obey the command of the special forces and not come rashly!"


The eunuch left, Wu Meiniang smiled and said:
"Your Majesty, the bomb you made is truly a fetish. With this thing, I am afraid that there is no city gate that cannot be broken through, and there is no pass that cannot be entered!"

Li Ke laughed: "In the era of cold weapons, even the simplest hot weapons are enough to dominate everything."

As he said that, Li Ke continued to sleep, almost worried about the border war.

Almost everyone in their army is wearing armor, almost everyone is holding weapons made of steel, and almost everyone has been trained by special forces.

Such a group of soldiers has been upgraded several notches.

What's more, there are things like bombs to open the way.

It would be strange if he lost.

That night, Li Ke slept soundly, and when he woke up the next day, he received several more battle reports.

It's all good news. Along the way, several cities were conquered.

Even, the news said that out of the 20 army, almost only 3 participated in the battle, and the rest of the army didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Of course, it is also part of the fact that these soldiers are equipped to strengthen themselves, and the greater credit lies in the bombs.

A bomb was thrown in a place where the enemy was densely populated, and they died directly in pieces.

Often in a confrontation, a dozen bombs here are thrown by catapults, and the opponent is shocked by the huge power and sound as well as the terrible scene.

The enemy soldiers were frightened and frightened to death, and even beat them.

With low morale, they can only retreat in a row.

The Dragon Kingdom's army is extremely relaxed, wearing their own armor and holding good weapons. They are also courageous and have good morale under the condition of ensuring safety.

Coupled with the magical weapon of bombs, the Dragon Kingdom's army was even more incapable of fighting, and broke through two cities overnight with a single sentence.

This time, Baekje was scared.

The King of Baekje probably didn't expect that the original Goguryeo and the current Dragon Kingdom are so powerful.

So he immediately sent an order to seek peace, and wanted to talk to the Emperor of the Dragon Kingdom.

Just like that, a team of envoys, with a paper petition for peace, hurried to the Dragon Kingdom.

Palace Hall.

Sitting on the throne, Li Ke looked at the peace petition and couldn't help laughing.

Above, the King of Baekje said that he was willing to pay tribute every year and come to the court every year, and wrote down all the tribute items in detail.

Although it's not bad, it's not what Li Ke wants.

So Li Ke blatantly refused, and still ordered to take Baekje.

So, the bombs and iron hooves of the Dragon Kingdom went all the way north, directly hitting the imperial capital of Baekje.

On the third day, the Baekje Empire was completely taken down and the entire Baekje Kingdom was occupied.

The King of Baekje and many members of the royal family were taken to the imperial capital of the Dragon Kingdom.

In the Dragon Kingdom Palace, Li Ke looked at the King of Baekje, his concubine, princes and daughters kneeling below, expressionless.

The King of Baekje was afraid of Li Ke, but he had to say:
"Your Majesty the Dragon Kingdom, Baekje has already been ruled by you. Xiao Wang has nothing else to ask but to spare my children..."

Li Ke took a deep breath and said lightly:
"In the imperial capital, I will prepare a house for you. I won't kill you, but take your family and live in peace. Don't have second thoughts!"

The King of Baekje was taken aback, Li Ke didn't intend to kill him?
Immediately grateful, and kept kowtow.

"Thank you for your majesty's grace of not killing. To show that I have no second thoughts, I am willing to marry my only daughter to your majesty as a concubine!" the King of Baekje said.

Behind him, the one-year-old princess blushed and lowered her head.

(End of this chapter)

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