Doomsday Devouring All Things

Chapter 115 Chapter 144 Yibin

Chapter 115 144 Back to Yibin

I grass your mother!

Zhao Chuan, who was late, could only watch Wang Jun turn into pieces of meat, even if he had a crystal nucleus, he couldn't save him.The elongated bone claw pierced into M5's right waist, and then passed out from the left, hanging it on the bone claw.

The barb protruding from the bone claw fixed it firmly, retracted it, split its skull, took out the shiny crystal nucleus inside, dug out the crystal nucleus at its heart, and threw it into the river with a wave of hands.

"Cross the bridge! Quick!"

At this time, the crowd who left first was approaching the end of the bridge. Zhao Chuan gave an order, and the agile evolutionists who stayed here to resist the zombies quickly turned around and ran back.

Zhao Chuan was wielding his claws to kill several D4s, and it was too late to collect their crystal nuclei.Then he turned around and ran to the other side. The speed of the level 5 evolutionary is fast. They walked more than a minute behind them, but they arrived with their front and rear feet.Those Level 1 Agile Evolvers are still lagging behind.

"Xue Li, eat!" Throwing the crystal core he just obtained, he said to Xu Lan and Qian Shuai: "Blow up the bridge! Immediately!"

A row of fire pillars ignited at the Wenfeng Pagoda Park on the west side of the Nanping Bridge, illuminating the not-too-wide flat ground crookedly for the planes in the sky.

"Xue Li! Are you ready?"

"En!" Xue Li nodded, and stood on the bridge, blocking the left side, holding the long knife tightly with both hands, the handle made of steel was squashed by his huge strength, and it creaked and made a toothache sound.

When a zombie approaches within 10 meters.The long knife slashed out horizontally.A pale white saber air waved from the blade, swiping it forward and cutting away.The bridge deck was cut by the knife air, pulling out a broken trace, and countless broken stones rolled forward following the knife air.

With weapons, Xue Li's saber energy can fly further and be more powerful. D15, who was 4 meters away, was cut in half by the saber qi, and his lower body was still stepping forward, but his upper body couldn't keep up, and fell to the bridge with a bang.

D4 who was following did not check and tripped, just like the bone tower effect, falling down one after another until D5 stopped.

D5's footsteps were even heavier, and D4, who fell in front of it, was stepped on by it, twisting its body and trying to get up.This made D5 feel a little shaking, he punched down and struck down, and the force field was activated.With a bang, the D4 was smashed into a pulp, and even the bridge deck was smashed into a shallow pit, and a long crack appeared on the bridge deck.

Xu Lan finally found the shooting angle at this time, raised the gun and aimed at the explosives placed under the bridge deck.With a bang, the bullet hit the explosive bag with everyone's hope, and then exploded with a bang.The bullets strengthened by Qian Shuai were as powerful as several grenades, and the flames ignited a large number of explosives under the bridge at the same time.

The loud noise blasted a big hole in the Nanping Bridge, and the bridge deck of Jiefei fell into the river with a bang.The bridge deck began to collapse, and the remaining explosives under the bridge continued to explode, eventually blasting a [-]-meter-long fault in the middle of Nanping Bridge.

The sudden change made the controlling zombies stunned, and did not stop the movement of the group of corpses in time.I don't know how many zombies fell into the river, and the surface of the river that had just sunk began to surge back. Tons of river water rolled in backwards, and the vortex brought these zombies into the bottom of the river.

The vibration of the explosion made the entire bridge shake, and Zhao Chuan had to stab his bone claws into the bridge deck to stabilize his body.Those zombies that hadn't fallen into the river were even more distorted by the shock.

"Xue Li! Beat them down!"

In fact, Zhao Chuan didn't need to remind him, as soon as the shaking eased, Xue Li strode forward, waving the long knife in his hand continuously, and a series of pale white knife auras were stimulated, adding insult to injury to the already fragmented bridge.

A D5 also attacked with its claws. It was reminded by Xue Li that it remembered to use its claws.Five paw auras that were weaker than Xue Li's saber aura erupted.The two collided in the air, without the sound of a collision explosion, the knife air was divided into several sections, and the claw air was also divided into two, and then continued to fly in their respective directions.

Zhao Chuan rushed over and pulled Xue Li back, stretching out his bone claws to twist in front.Clank several times to stimulate the claw air from D5, and the fine bone powder was blown off and fluttered in the wind.

The bone claw turns into a spiral spear, and the tip spins towards D5.When it was shot by D5, it crashed into the guardrail on the left with a crash.

The shock from the spiral spear scattered the flesh and blood on the arm, leaving only white bones.Before D5 confiscated his arm, another spiral spear pierced through his armpit, through his shoulder and into his temple.

Devour... Grass!Forget about not being able to use the evolution ability today.Hastily twisted the spear, stirring D5's brains into a paste.

Without the threat of D5, no matter how many D4s are left, they are just chickens and dogs. The hurdle of level 5 can be ignored at level 4 after crossing it, because they can't stop you if you want to go.

Xue Li's force field combined with the long knife, the strength displayed is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two.

The zombies on the west side of the broken bridge have been emptied out, and the zombies huddled together on the opposite broken bridge will sometimes have unlucky ones fall into the river, and they have been stopped by the control zombies.Through their line of sight, the controlling zombies can see the relieved humans on the opposite side, and now they can feel what it means to fly away when a boiled duck is cooked.

This is not the end!It still has tens of thousands of troops not sent up.You only need to let M3 and M4 go over to hold back the crowd, and at worst, you will fill the river once!
"Retreat, board the plane!"

The movement of the corpses was noticed by Zhao Chuan. It takes time to fill the river, and use high-level zombies to fill the river?Controlling zombies are not such a luxury.

Suddenly, many black shadows appeared on the river, stepping on the water and preparing to cross the river.Now is the time to fight for speed, it depends on whether they cross the river first or everyone gets on the plane first.

Machine guns fired towards the river, and these zombies running on the water could not dodge, because they would sink to the bottom of the river if they slowed down.D4 at the broken bridge directly threw the lightweight M-shaped zombies over. These zombies that fell from the sky were the fastest to cross the river, but the number was too small to pose a threat.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

The zombies walking on water ran across the center of the river, and at this time more than half of them hadn't boarded the plane.Zhao Chuan and the agile evolutionists continued to shoot with their guns, buying everyone the last time.

"You withdraw too! Let the plane run!"

"Brother Legend, what about you?"

"Go! I'll catch the plane before it takes off!"

At this time, M4 and Zhao Chuan are already fighting hand to hand, and they will not be Zhao Chuan's opponents.The originally sharp nails hit Zhao Chuan's bone spurs, just like hitting a knife blade with wood, one breaks the other.

The plane began to move forward slowly, and then the speed became faster and faster.With a whoosh, Zhao Chuan ran past Zhao Chuan. Zhao Chuan's horizontal claws shredded a few M4s that were about to pounce on him, and hurried towards the plane.The moment the plane left the ground, he narrowly grabbed the tire and put it into the underbelly of the plane together with the tire.

"Stop it! Brother Legend hasn't come up yet!"

Xu Lan pointed his gun at Zheng Chao's head.Xue Li also put the long knife on Zheng Chao's neck.

Zheng Chao cried, "Brother Legend made me fly!"

tear it up~
A toothache sound echoed in the aircraft cabin, a gray-white bone claw tore through the iron plate, and a person climbed up from the place where the tire was held, and everyone in the cabin cheered.

"Brother Legend!!"

Hearing the cheers in the cabin, Xue Li and others all turned their heads to look.With a scream, Xu Lan threw away the rifle and ran over.Zheng Chao breathed a sigh of relief, and almost got his head shot.

Squeezing through the crowd in the aisle, Xu Lan hung on Zhao Chuan's body like a koala, touched his white hand bones and cried, "Woo...the hands are gone..." Realizing that there seemed to be no Saying yes, he changed his tone and said in a sweet voice: "There are only bare frames left..."

Zhao Chuan's head was full of black lines, and he had recovered his memory, but he was still helpless with the girl hanging on him.How can a warrior who is so fierce on the battlefield turn into a clingy girl in no time?I don't know who she learned from.

Kissed Zhao Chuan hard on the face, Xu Lan held Zhao Chuan's face and said, "Honey, I will be yours after I go back..."

...forget about it!I still remember that when I left, I did say that I would marry her when I went back.And when I contacted Yibin for the first time, I promised again.But the first time I wanted her to be obedient, the second time I didn't know what was going on, okay?
Looking at the girl in front of me who has been smoked like a big tabby cat, her breasts are still fleshless, her buttocks are not upturned... I remember she was 13 years old when she left... She is still a minor... Most importantly, she is dead now Thousands of people, how could it be possible to go back to hold a wedding?
What's more... the uncontrollable devouring black mist... and the zombies that have been chasing Zhao Chuan...

"Come down, what does it look like?"

Pat her on the ass to remind her that she's being watched by a lot of people.

She is good, and she accurately reflects the worldview of the new generation.Under the stares of hundreds of eyes, there was no embarrassment at all. Instead, he turned his head and threatened: "What are you looking at? From now on, I will be the legendary sister-in-law, you know!"

It takes less than 20 minutes to reach Caiba Airport from Chongqing to Yibin.I dare not say that the lights below are brilliant, but the light guiding the way is enough to illuminate the clouds in the red sky.

Outside the waiting hall on one side of the runway, the survivors lined up in a neat queue, with Lin Wu, Zhong Qian and other management standing at the forefront of the queue.Before the plane stopped, they ran over quickly.When Zhao Chuan's figure appeared at the door, he stood at attention and shouted:

"Brother Legend!"

Looking around, there are many people standing under the plane, most of them came from the Shi'eshan base together, and there are Zhang Kai, Yan Chunhua and others who came here first.

There are also people I don't know, but most of them have respectful expressions in their eyes.There are also a few people with disdain and disappointment in their eyes...

Zhao Chuan looked at his own image and it was indeed not very good. His whole body was in tatters, sticky plasma and minced flesh all over his body.The right arm is only a skeleton, and the left hand is also full of scars.The disheveled hair was stuck together with blood and mud, as if wearing an ugly melon hat.

"Why are you standing so far away? Why don't you come over to meet your legendary brother?"

Xu Lan shouted to the crowd in the distance.Out of the crowd came out a group of colorfully dressed men and women, all of them in strange clothes, some with pierced nose and mouth, and some with weird hairstyles.

Zhao Chuan stared at Lin Wu, the meaning was obvious. 'Look at the team you led, what a trick! '

(End of this chapter)

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