Doomsday Devouring All Things

Chapter 132 17 The White Haired Rat King

Chapter 132 17 The White Haired Rat King
Zhu Hui and the others are still very close to the broken bridge.The bridge here was bombed, and the villages, towns and cities north of the river towards Nanjing must have been searched, so now we have to cross the bridge.

WH City is the closest city to the bridge. When passing by there yesterday, there was still a small group of corpses at the highway toll booth.

Zhao Chuan decided to take the small town across the river first, so that the people in the Nanjing regiment could adapt to their own fighting style first.A city full of zombies is also full of food.To solve the predicament in Nanjing... It should be said that to gain a firm foothold in Nanjing, food is the most indispensable material.

Even if you want the people in the Nanjing group to follow you sincerely, food is also essential.

If it is said that the granary was burned, Wei Peng must be the mastermind.Although it is not known why he did this, he must still have enough food in his hand.It will not let Nanjing fall into the embarrassing situation of food shortage.

Crossing the bridge is not very troublesome, just cut down two big trees and build it on the broken bridge, but you have to think of other ways to open the traffic volume.Go down the expressway, the first stop is Taibai Tomb.

A tourist spot near Taibai Town, look at the signboard at the intersection, it is also the place where poet Li Bai is buried.There is a gas station on the side of the highway, and there is no doubt that the fuel in it is gone.

There was not a single zombie found around Taibai's tomb. Needless to say, there was no food either.Walking into Taibai Town from the small road, I finally saw dozens of zombies.

A small town, just because it is close to Nanjing, actually has a D3.But there is no need to worry, no matter the old or young in the Nanjing regiment, they are veterans who are very experienced in dealing with zombies.There are weapons in the hands, and there are evolutionaries among the people.Dealing with the zombies here is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

Especially the D3, it seems to be used to verify the combat effectiveness of the Nanjing regiment.Two agile evolutionists slowly led it aside, and the other two straightened a hemp rope, and rushed forward when D3 was too fast.

The hemp rope blocked D3's feet, and the two sides ran towards each other, making the collision bigger.Although the hemp rope made the palms of the two evolutionaries bleed, D3 also tripped over the hemp rope and fell to the ground with a bang.

The two-faced agile evolutionary that attracted its attention just now turned around and rushed back, aimed at D3's eyes and stabbed vigorously.

The M2 nails inlaid on the front of the iron rod pierced D3's eye sockets, and the two evolutionaries didn't pursue, they let go and stepped back.Then, D3 slapped the iron bar and smashed his own brains.

Dozens of zombies were wiped out in less than 2 minutes, and the Nanjing group squatted there to collect the crystal nuclei.But Zhao Chuan was rubbing his chin and thinking.

There are a lot of evolutionaries, there is no shortage of guns, and they have rich experience in dealing with zombies... Why do they still need to stay in Nanjing?
"Brother Legend, crystal nucleus."

"Let's divide up and promote more evolutionaries." Zhao Chuan thought for a while and said, "Which one of you is a native of Nanjing? You have been in Nanjing since the day the virus broke out?"

Everyone shook their heads, and a small man with a height of less than 1.6 meters stood up and said: "The locals in Nanjing are all from the five major forces, and Allah is from other places."

"Are you from Shanghai?"

"Well, they all escaped after hearing the broadcast. Listen to the boss... I heard from Shopkeeper Lan that Nanjing experienced a food shortage incident before, and many people died. Otherwise, the population of Nanjing now would exceed 150 million."

Zhao Chuan asked again: "Then do you know who proposed to counterattack Nanjing? And who was the first evolutionary to appear in Nanjing?"

Everyone shook their heads again, who would care about these issues in this world?It was the same little man who said: "I only heard that the troops from the Nanjing Military Region who counterattacked Nanjing back then were the troops from the Nanjing Military Region. That is, the soldiers in the city now. The people who led the team were Peng Shao and Xunlei, but why did they make such a fuss afterwards? I don't know."

And this matter... so Xunlei and Wei Peng knew each other early on, and Xunlei's status in the Nanjing Military Region is not low, the second generation of the army?
"What about Crazy Saber? When did he arrive in Nanjing?"

The little man shook his head and said, "I don't know, but he grew up from an ordinary person step by step."

"What about the mad dog and the centipede? They seem to follow Wei Peng's lead."

The little man continued to shake his head: "That's even more unclear. There are very few rumors about the two of them. And when I arrived in Nanjing, I already had them."

"You said you escaped from Shanghai! Are the zombies in Shanghai also high?"

The little man recalled: "In retrospect, it doesn't seem to be high, but at that time the zombies hadn't evolved yet. I remembered that Shopkeeper Lan once said that every time a group of corpses attacked, they appeared in the north!"

The cleaning work has been completed, and there are only dozens of zombies in such a big Taibai Town.If it is calculated by eating each other, it is reasonable.

But when it is found that there is not a grain of rice in the whole town, it seems very unreasonable.This town has been wiped out, how could there be dozens of zombies left behind?

They were not commanded by the controlling zombies, where did they come from?
Zhao Chuan's promise was quickly fulfilled. Lin Haoran got a D3 nail, and Zhu Hui took a lot of nails and teeth from low-level zombies, enough for her to make hundreds of arrows.

All the harvested crystal nuclei will be distributed to improve the strength of these evolvers and increase the number of evolvers.

No food was found, so more than 200 people had to catch some fish and shrimp by the river to make a living.The team continued down to the boundary of WX City.The corpses of the zombies at the highway tollbooth are not decomposed yet.

After entering the city, I saw the same situation as Taibai Town. There were no zombies, no food, and all the supermarkets were empty.

It's a city that has been wiped out again, why is there a small group of zombies around the city?Since the corpses attacked Nanjing from the north every time, Zhao Chuan decided to cross the river from here and go to the north of the Yangtze River to see.

Stepping on the land north of the Yangtze River, it seems that the smell of zombies in the air is even stronger.The vehicles obtained in WX City are pulled into a long line and driven on the road.

Zombies could finally be seen from time to time on both sides of the road.The levels are very complicated, it is difficult to judge what level the zombies in this place are.But one thing is certain, there are absolutely no control zombies here.

From Wuhu to the north, follow the main road to HF City, and pass through Chaohu City in the middle.

HF city is too big, with a large population and a large number of zombies.Just these 200 people did not dare to provoke them. All the way to Chaohu City, the number of zombies here returned to normal.

The number of zombies in the city is probably no less than [-], let Zhao Liming investigate from the sky.The news brought back is the same as what I saw before.The zombies were not concentrated, they stood in groups here and there.

This actually provided Zhao Chuan with some opportunities to let the agile evolutionist sneak into Chaohu College with him.There is no need to go too deep, there are already several snack bars and non-staple food stores on the small road outside the college.

The shutter door was not even damaged, and the shutter door was dropped directly with bone claws. The shelves inside were filled with all kinds of non-staple food, and the packaging bags were covered with dust.

The sound of breaking the door frightened the mice that were stealing food, and they ran around screaming and screaming.These mice also began to evolve, and each of them grew to the size of a pug.

Fortunately, they were not aggressive, and they didn't know where to go after being confused for a while.After looking around, the little man grabbed a bag of junk food and said, "You fucking black-hearted businessman, this stuff doesn't even eat rats."

Indeed, the rice noodles and biscuits in the small non-staple food store were all chewed open.But these colorfully packaged things did not move at all.

"It's all put away, it's better if we don't eat it to attract hungry people in the city."

The surrounding food did not find much.Damp, moldy, and rat-resistant stuff filled a van.Rats seem to be infesting here, but they're also food for the zombies.

At this time, Zhao Chuan unexpectedly came up with an idea, if it weren't for these zombies, all the food here would probably be eaten up by the mice, right?

Not going deep into Chaohu City, judging from the obtained map.Qingxi Town, to the east of the college, is the largest granary in the surrounding circle.

When everyone cleaned up the zombies in Qingxi Town and pushed open the gate of the granary.A large group of rats rushed out like a tide.

These rats were larger, with sharp teeth sticking out of their mouths, and they rushed towards the door with chirps.The nails with cold light on the limbs scratched at everyone.


The visual impact brought by these big rats seemed to be more terrifying than zombies. The team members standing in the front row exclaimed and waved their weapons.At the same time as one mouse was knocked over, several mice had already crawled up his thighs.


There were screams from the crowd.I finally know that the zombie branch here is strange. These rats are obviously very experienced in attacking zombies.

Now the humans who opened the door of the granary are also regarded as zombies.Their sharp teeth can easily break bones, and many people fell down and were covered by rats.

"Back off!"

Zhao Chuan stretched his arms, and the black mist spread to both sides, finally covering the entire gate of the granary.Became a barrier against rat swarms.

As soon as these mice came into contact with the black mist, they would immediately turn into black ash.There were not many mice that rushed through the gate just now, and they were quickly killed by the team members.Then the team stood behind the black mist and pulled the trigger on the swarm of rats inside.

Zhao Liming crashed into it from the roof, wrapping his body with broad and sharp wings, spinning continuously to grind the mouse into pieces.

The entire granary was more than half empty, and on top of a small pile of corn lay a rat king the size of a Tibetan mastiff.The white hair all over his body was shiny, and the white beard on his sharp beak was shaking.


It scraped its limbs, jumped off the corn pile, and clawed at Zhao Liming's wings with its foot-long nails.After a flash of fire, its nails were less than a foot long and had been worn off a lot.

Zhao Liming's wings spread out suddenly, and he slammed over.The Mouse King reacted so quickly that it actually dodged it.

But the two white feathers following it hit its tail like a hidden weapon, pinning it to the ground.As it ran forward, the feathers inserted into the ground dragged a long crack on the ground.

At this time, an arrow feather flew past Zhao Liming and hit the back of the mouse king's head.There was a light bang, the iron arrow was broken off, and the mouse king only lost a white hair on the back of the head.

"So hard?"

Zhu Hui drew out an arrow feather again and put it on the bow. "Bring it here!"

who do you think You Are?Just let me lead you here?Zhao Liming was full of disdain, he flapped his wings and chased after the Shu King.

"Bring it in!"

Zhao Chuan knew what he was up to at a glance, but now is not the time to show off.You can't fly fast in such a small space, and the sun will be setting when you catch up with the Mouse King.

With Zhao Chuan speaking, the order is of course easy to use.Zhao Liming accelerated and overtook the Shu King again, and he blocked its way forward by spreading his wings.It is forced to turn around and jump up.

Just as it turned around, an iron arrow pierced through its left eye with a whizzing sound, and then came out from the right eye.

(End of this chapter)

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