The battle of the beginning breaks the sky

Chapter 117 The Benefits of Obsession

Chapter 117 The Benefits of Obsession

The cave is very dark, without any light, and exudes a gloomy cool air, and occasionally you can hear the sound of 'whoosh', obviously there is something scary inside.

"You must hurry up, otherwise those two girls won't be able to hold on." Qian Mo secretly said, and hurried into the cave.

The demon energy inside is very heavy and thick, Qian Mo feels that they are eroding his body, and he can't defend himself at all, even if he wraps his whole body with divine fire.

Suddenly, Qian Mo stopped and looked forward intently, there were many bright lights, staring at him twinkling, suddenly strange and terrifying.

"Enchanted bats?" Even though the cave was dark and the demonic energy was strong, Qianmo's demonic eyes could clearly see the group of bats.

There were a lot of bats, all of them were hanging upside down on the rock wall, each of them was so big that it was as big as a lion. Although he was sleeping, Qianmo still felt that something was pressing against him.

"Disgusting!" Although Qian Mo is not afraid of these bats, there are a lot of shit under them, piles of poop piled up together, making Qian Mo extremely disgusted.

Qian Mo threw out a cluster of flames, forming a flame channel, stepped through it at a high speed, and when the bat woke up, it had already left.

Qian Mo found that the cave was very deep, and after walking for a long time, it still didn't reach the end, as if it seemed to be bottomless, but when he was wondering, he walked through the dark passage.

The end of the passage was also very dark, but Qian Mo saw a spring at the end of the darkness, walking slowly over, he almost yelled, what kind of spring is here, it is clearly a bleeding pool.

"The devilish energy emanating from the blood pool is so strong, it is several times higher than the devilish energy outside!" Qian Mo felt incredible, and found a cave. There was no stone emitting devilish energy in it, but it was transformed by a strong man. The blood pool, and the devilish energy is several times higher than that of the outside world, a little surprised at this kind of luck.

"It's good to have a strong demonic energy, it will help them speed up their demonization!" Qian Mo hurriedly released the two girls, but saw that their clothes were torn from behind, and a pair of black wings came out.

"Damn it, this devilish energy has eroded into my body!" Qian Mo gritted his teeth after putting the two girls into the blood pool, and finally jumped in. In an instant, his whole body seemed to be protected by some kind of energy, emitting Purple light.

"The purple light appeared again, which actually weakened the erosion process of the devil's energy!" Qian Mo thought silently, still a little bit conscious.Then passed out.

Two months later, the pool of blood was almost dried up after gestation again and again, and a lot of blood turned into demonic energy and sneaked into the bodies of the three of Qianmo and the others, making them demonize smoothly without any hindrance.

"Brother Qianmo, you're awake!" Qianmo woke up safely, and when she opened her eyes, she found that the little girl was actually lying on top of her. Immediately, Qianmo twisted her hands and lifted her down.

"Little girl, if you want to rebel, you can't do it!" Qian Mo said, rolling her eyes.

The three of them have not changed at all, and there is no sign of being possessed at all. If there is any change, it means that their strength has become stronger and more unfathomable.

"Brother Qianmo, my sister and I obtained the inheritance in the blood pool, did you get it!" Mo Qinghuan became more cheerful after being washed by the devil's blood.

"There is an inheritance in the blood pool?" Qian Mo asked.His time in it was similar to that of the two women, why did they get the inheritance and he didn't get it!

"You little rascal!" Mo Qingyu tapped Mo Qinghuan's head, and said: "We are members of the demon clan, so we can naturally get the inheritance, but Qianmo is a human being, how can we get the inheritance!"

Mo Qingyu spoke without any scruples, which surprised Qianmo. If someone from the Mozu came to the Diyuan Realm, he would not dare to admit that he was a Mozu. Such people are indeed rare.

Qian Mo shook his head secretly, the two women trusted him so much, so naturally he would not betray them, and asked, "Where are your strengths now?"

I soaked in the blood pool, my physical body strengthened a bit, and my cultivation level increased a bit, but in general it didn't increase much. Based on my feeling, Qian Mo felt that there was still a distance from the middle stage of the pattern.

"The cultivation base hasn't changed much, it's just that from the early stage of Shenyuan, it's just reached the peak of the true god!" Mo Qinghuan pouted, obviously very dissatisfied with this realm.

Qian Mo felt that the little girl was playing a joke on him, jumping from the early stage of Shenyuan to the peak of the true god, you tell me it's just, can you still dance?
"Brother Qianmo, don't you believe me, I have really reached the peak of the true god. If I want to advance, I should be able to reach the early stage of the god king!" Mo Qinghuan pointed at Mo Qingyu and said: "My sister is more terrifying than me. Reached the Fission Realm!"

Qianmo felt that God was playing a joke on him, it’s fine if one jumps from the early stage of Shenyuan to the peak of the real god, but you jump from the false god to the realm of the god emperor, you want to piss me off so that you can inherit my inheritance!
It takes years of precipitation to enter the realm of false gods to the realm of true gods, and it takes decades to break through as short as it takes, and it takes hundreds of years to break through.If Qian Mo hadn't taken the Spring of Life and Death for the first time, she wouldn't have been able to enter this realm at all.

And those who can enter the God Emperor Realm are old monsters with thousands of years or ten thousand years. Now you let a person who has been sealed for a hundred years and cultivated in the False God Realm suddenly enter the Fission Realm, how can you make Qian Mo feel balanced.

"Amazing!" Qian Mo had nothing to say, he was unlucky to meet these two monsters!

Qian Mo checked herself and found nothing unusual, so she prepared to take the two girls out, but was stopped by Mo Qingyu, "Under this depression, there are many magical and holy artifacts, are you going to take them away?"

Qianmo was pleasantly surprised, she didn't expect Mo Qingyu to be so considerate, knowing that she is a rare treasure, she made a special trip to remind her!
Sure enough, as Mo Qingyu said, there are four artifacts under the depression, three of which are a bit broken, with divine light shining from above.The other one is intact, with a strong aura coming out, and the runes are clearly engraved on it, exuding a terrifying aura, one can tell it is a demon artifact.

Coming out of the cave, Qian Mo felt that the demon vine outside was no longer entangled, and it was always as quiet as before, without any movement.

"We soaked in the blood of the strong Mohong, so we naturally have his breath, so these demon vines won't entangle us." Mo Qinghuan explained.

In addition, Qian Mo also asked Mo Qingyu how he felt. You must know that the holy land does not allow strong people above the prestige level to appear, and Mo Qingyu became the God Emperor of the Fission Realm, wouldn't it be strange?
"The law of the holy land is to prevent the strong from entering, not to prevent people from advancing. How can I be strange!"

To this, Qian Mo was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Walking out of the swamp, Qian Mo found that the outside world had changed, the sky was blood red, mixed with a lot of demon energy, the land, mountains, rivers, forests and lakes were all broken, and the crowd dispersed without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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