Chapter 129 Teaching (Part [-])
One month later, Wang Quanfugui and Dongfang Yueyue officially met for the first time. Generally speaking, nothing major happened. One was taciturn and the other was bold and free. Naturally, there was no spark.

"In the future, I will teach you how to practice sword intent, and teach him how to practice pure yang flames. You must master them in a short period of time. Maybe I will take you to other countries to experience them. Only foreign lands can let you gain insight." Qian Mo He looked at the two and said.

Outland is an unknown. At the beginning, King Quan Baye took his brothers to explore Outland, but unfortunately they all died. He was the only one who came back, and even lost his sword heart. One can imagine the horror of Outland.

"Pure Yangyan is the unique demon-killing fire of the Dongfang family. It is easy to practice it, but it is very difficult to practice it to the peak. It takes time to settle, so before that, I will teach you other spells."

You must know that these two boys have the blood of the Dongfang family, why is only Dongfang Yueyue able to use pure Yang Yan?
"The Wangquan family has a kind of sword intent called the Wang Quan sword intent. As long as you have a deep grasp of the core of the Wang Quan family's sword, you may be able to comprehend the sword intent. I will teach you deeply during the period."

Generally speaking, these two people are relatively powerful characters among human beings. If they really tap their talents to a high degree, they may be able to compare with people like Bai Qiuen.

Judging from the current situation on the mainland, Outer Domain is as powerful as Aolai Country, and there are very powerful characters in it, such as the three young masters who were hit by a magic weapon from outside the sky.

It's not too late to start now, at least there are still conditions to fight!
So, in the next few years, Qian Mo sat cross-legged next to the bitterness tree every day, carefully taught the two of them how to cultivate, and when they had time, they also taught some methods of escape, just in case of emergency.

But the speed of their growth is really fast, they are ascending like rockets, and they are increasing upwards, without any hindrance at all.

In the seventh year, Dongfang Yueyue's pure Yang Yan practiced to the peak, playing with all kinds of demon kings with the technique of fire, it was at that time that Qianmo gave him the elixir to wash his tendons and cut his marrow.

In the eighth year, the sword intent of royal wealth and wealth has also been mastered to the pinnacle, and its power is many times stronger than that of pure Yangyan.

In the ninth year, the two often sparred and couldn't tell the difference. In order to beat each other, they often challenged the demon king outside to compare.

In the tenth year, the mana of the two reached a bottleneck, and they needed a huge energy to help them overcome the difficulty, so they found Qian Mo and asked him to advise them.

In No.11, Dongfang Yueyue confessed to Tu Shan Honghong. After a long wait, he returned disappointed and finally disappeared in Tu Shan. After that, Wang Quanfugui thought that Tu Shan was not challenging, and finally left with him!
No. At the beginning of 12, Qianmo came out of retreat for a year. At that time, there was a thunderstorm, the clouds were dense, and the terrifying coercion gathered over Tushan, causing the original Tushan to change instantly.

Fortunately, Xiaoxiao appeared high in the sky, condensed into the appearance of a little adult, and shattered the dark clouds with a bang, dispelling the terrifying energy. At this point, Qianmo officially stepped into the realm of gods in the Lingquan realm.

"At the beginning of the past, the long-distance is broken, and the regrets of the past become memories!"

The poem recited in the sky spread to Tu Shan, and Qian Mo also left here with Xiao Xiao!
In the following time, Qianmo traveled to various countries, went to many places, met many monsters, and met many beauties, but none of them stayed in his heart.

He went to Aolai Country, and saw many things that he had never seen before. There was spiritual power there, and there were many powerful monkey monsters. He even saw the six-eared macaque, the powerful female monkey.

Afterwards, Qianmo returned to the mainland and inquired about a lot of news. First of all, Dongfang Yuechu, the demon who had recently risen, but there was not much news about the royal power and wealth, as if he had disappeared on the mainland.

Then Qianmo retreated again, time flew by, and more than a hundred years passed in one turn.When Qian Mo wakes up, the world has changed, and the only people she can recognize are Xiao Xiao beside her, and Tu Shan Ya Ya and others on Tu Shan.

"At the beginning of the month of Pingqiu, another pair of mandarin ducks!" Qian Mo sat cross-legged on the Nine Heavens and sighed.Huandu Luolan and Pingqiu Yueyue are lovers. They have confirmed their eyes and met the right person, but they can't be married after all. Only after hundreds of years, when Pingqiu Yueyue's soul separates from his own reincarnation, can the true sense of love come true. Family, no matter how Huan Du Luo Lan messes with Bai Yue after hundreds of years, he still can't get back the original memories!
Afterwards, Qianmo went to Beishan and saw Shi Kuan, the demon emperor of Beishan.

There is love in the world, but there is no love in the world; under the avenue, love is boundless; what is love, love is divided into two parts in the world; there is love in the heart, but there is no love, and love will end in the middle of things.
What is love?
Maybe it's just the will, maybe it's just guilt, maybe it's nothing, but love can make people forge ahead, love can make people change, and it can even make people fall into darkness.

Next, Qian Mo will take Xiao Xiao to travel around the world. Qian Mo will not show her real body until something really big happens. The mundane things are the mundane things after all, and Qian Mo has no greed anymore!
Thus, with a sound of earth shaking and mountain shaking, an island floating in the air was formed. It was an island cast by supreme divine power, possessed partial consciousness and understood many things.

And on the flying island, there is a shop with few commodities, but every item is a supreme magic weapon, which has the effect of destroying mountains and rocks.

Although the flight trajectory of this island is uncertain, all strong people want to go up and have a look, but when they fly with their swords, they can't get close to the island. Only the really strong and strong can go up and buy the supreme magic weapon on it.

"Kiss, another guy has come up!" the little guy said stupidly.She is so bored on this, and only by hoping that someone will come can she temporarily relieve her boredom.


Qian Mo didn't seem to be surprised at all, so what if he could come up, it's just a flower in the world, no matter how beautiful it is, it will always die.

"Excuse me, is there anyone?" The person who came was a woman, her voice was very soft, and she felt like she was out of the mud, she was by no means an ordinary woman.

The woman walked into the store and carefully observed the surrounding landscape. The inside is not as simple as the outside, but a bit extravagant. Crystal silver can be seen everywhere, and there are many magic weapons on the walls. There are many styles but not repeated.

"Little sister, don't touch the magic weapon randomly! Otherwise, we will not be responsible for the damage caused by the magic weapon!" Xiaoxiao suddenly floated in the shop, reminding the woman.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I...I don't know, I'm sorry!" The woman looked very stiff and apologized.

When the woman looked up, she saw Xiao Xiao was looking at her with a smile, her face was as harmless as a porcelain doll, and she couldn't help but want to reach out and pinch her little cheek.

"Are you the store manager?" the woman asked.She was shocked, there was such a small child on a mighty and huge island, could she be the store manager's child?

"My relatives don't want to come out, so I'm the store manager!" The little guy said angrily with his hands on his hips and pouting.

"Oh, I got it!" The woman said again, "I want to buy a magic weapon to find my lover in the past life, is there any here?" She loves her lover very much, and if she can't love in the past life, she will let this life repay it!
"We have a lot of magic weapons here, and there are even more magic weapons for finding lovers in previous lives. There are many types. Which one do you need?" Xiaoxiao Duzui, another idiot, has already seen the complexity!
"As long as you can find him, any kind is fine!" The woman was excited, and she was willing to give everything if she could meet him.

"Okay!" Helpless, Xiao Xiao moved her small body floating in the air, came to an inconspicuous place in the store, and took out a package similar to spicy sticks.

"This is a memory powder. You just need to soak it in water to reveal the location of your lover in the previous life, but the price is subject to three conditions. As long as you sign on this piece of paper, you will be paid!"

There are payment methods for people, and settlement platforms for demons and demons. Humans and demons have different life spans, so you can't quote prices at will, otherwise you will make a loss-making transaction.

"Okay, I promise!" There are only three conditions. If you can really find him, a woman is willing to pay thousands of conditions.

Soon after the woman signed the contract, she ran out of the store with a memory powder and headed towards the South Country. The name on the paper was Huandu Luolan!

"Why bother? Even if you find him, he won't be him. Since you have transcended this world, how can Boy Yue make you happy!"

No matter how reincarnated and reincarnated, Dongfang Yueyue's consciousness is formed alone. Since he chooses to calculate, how can he let Huandu fall as he wishes?

"Everything is love, it drives people crazy, paralyzes them, makes them neither human nor ghost, and eventually goes astray!" Qian Mo lamented the love in the world.

Love is love is not love, love is not love is love

The structure of love is very simple, a loving heart, an unforgettable youth, that is love, only this kind of love is love!
Everything returned to calm, and the flying island flew into the distance again.

400 years have passed slowly, the mainland has completely changed, the co-existence of monsters and monsters has made human society highly developed, advanced technology has developed rapidly, and has been used by the whole continent.

However, Qianmo's flying island doesn't stop, it floats above the mainland without track or hiding, and it has become a legend on the mainland.

"Time is really ruthless, no matter how much you love it, if you don't get its recognition, it will still abandon you!" Qian Mo sighed.

One day, a beam of light rose from the flying island to the sky, and the divine light illuminated the nine heavens. Countless divine sources spread in the void, and scattered divine rain, nourishing all creatures in all worlds.

"I have transcended all worlds, and now I am born and descended to all worlds. I will give God a rain, which can cleanse my tendons and cut my marrow, and strengthen my body."

This sentence suddenly appeared on the mainland, which surprised the countries on the mainland. Looking up at the sky, there was a phantom, which was Qian Mo's back, exuding a strong divine aura, shaking all demons and people.

The rain of gods fell from the sky, and countless creatures rushed to appear. They believed in that voice, because it was the voice of that adult, and if they could get the gift from that adult, they would definitely grow stronger.

The divine rain shone on the body, but it didn't change itself, but with the increase of the divine rain and the accumulation of the divine source, its mana all began to increase sharply, and some of them evolved, which stunned the monsters.

When people are bathed in the rain of gods, there are naturally many changes. The most common thing is the sudden increase in mana. The unimaginable mana shocks even the monsters.

They took out the magic weapon, and then there was a great change. The magic weapon, which was originally low in power, was able to cut boulders and destroy the river, which surprised all the Taoists.

"If the sky has love, the sky will also be old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes!"

Poetry drifted to various parts of the mainland, and every time I thought about it, I found that my mind was blank, as if imprisoned by some kind of force, no matter whether it was strong or not, there was no progress.

"once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking!"

The mood is more vicissitudes, as if he is an old man who has experienced many lives, he understands the helplessness in the world, maybe that's all, no matter how much he loves each other, he still seems extremely small in front of the laws of nature!
"Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking about it, I will never forget it. There is nowhere to speak in a lonely grave for thousands of miles. Even if we meet each other, we should not know, but our face is full of dust, and the temples are like frost."

Love, what is love, even if you fell in love again in the previous life, you are just strangers in this life, even if it is unforgettable, even if it is bleak, you can only wait in the dark.
"Since love is hard to break, I will promise nothing!"

After all, the mountains, rivers and sea clouds, the earth boiled for nine days, countless fluorescent lights appeared, illuminating the whole world, countless unknown energies appeared out of thin air, and countless creatures on the mainland were amazed.

"Someone has figured it out!"

This sentence popped up in many people's hearts, and they were extremely shocked. Love is the most difficult mirror image to understand. If you understand it thoroughly, the world's love is under his control!
The continent is boiling, and no one has understood love since ancient times. The word love is extremely difficult. No one can resist the destruction of love, and no one is willing to give up love. Is that person a Taoist priest who has comprehended the highest realm of Taoism?
Qian Mo naturally wouldn't give up on love, he just saw a lot, lamented a lot, and let go a lot, and then he came to express his feelings. He didn't expect that the current phenomenon would appear!

"Xiao Xiao, if you want to play, go as much as you want!" Qian Mo waved his hand, sending a ball of strange light into her mind, and said: "Try to complete the task, if you can't, just rely on your feeling, just be happy."

It's time for Xiaoxiao to grow up, if she stays like a child, it will only hinder her growth, so from now on, she will do everything instead of Qianmo.

"Kiss is so kind, then... Xiaoxiao is going!" The little guy seemed very excited, and left directly through the air, but she never noticed, Qianmo kept watching her.

In human society, in a certain building in a certain city, a young man is staring at a lunch box not far away. His hair is neither long nor short, with a long and thin braid around his neck, and he is wearing a blue suit. The school uniform is not very fancy.

"My mother bought this for my future daughter-in-law. I think it is very suitable for you, miss!" The boy said with a high spirit while holding half of the emerald.

"Ah, really?"

Don't talk, don't talk, it's so gloomy, in Bai Yue's eyes, only food can satisfy him, and women are just clouds.

 A river of spring water has endless love, and my dreams haunt my soul;

  A night of endless spring rain and dreams, you are passionate and lingering;

  Once the spring dew and thousands of flowers bloom, I am infinitely beautiful;

  A day of spring breeze warms the heart, and you are full of style!

(End of this chapter)

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