Chapter 74 Nature

The next morning, when Qian Mo woke up, he happened to see the little guy rummaging through his clothes awkwardly, sometimes frowning, sometimes pouting, looking so cute!

Looking at such a little guy, Qianmo didn't bother him, and lightly waved his right hand, a screen descended, showing yesterday's school field and a few people.

"There will be an actual battle tonight, so there shouldn't be any big trouble!" Qian Mo stared at the screen and said secretly.Now there are a lot of little guys who have broken through the thirtieth level. If they really want to play in the Great Soul Arena, they should probably not have any problems.

"Dear, Xiaoxiao looks better in this dress!" When Qian Mo was thinking, the little guy sat on him and said with two princess dresses in his hand.

A princess dress is pink, with a pair of small white wings behind it, and it seems to start to move like magic in the little guy's hand.The other one is crystal-colored, the whole body is shining, and there is a faint destructive power on it.

Qian Mo was worried that the little guy would be in danger, so she specially set up an enchantment on her clothes. Fortunately, there is such an amazing character as Kun Lu, otherwise, how could Qian Mo set up an enchantment for a low-level demon god!

Although Kun is called a demon god, the nature of the two is completely different. One is called a demon god, while the other has the cultivation level of a demon god. What do you think is the difference?
Qianmo scratched the little guy's upturned nose, and said with a smile, "Our little one looks good in any clothes, so Kiss doesn't know which one looks good!"

Pouting his mouth, the little guy looked at Qian Mo resentfully, turned his head and said, "Hmph, kiss is a villain, sister Xiaowu can say, men tell girls like this, they are usually villains, Xiaoxiao ignores kiss now Kiss!"

Qian Mo looked at the little guy in surprise, I am your relative and not someone else, so what will happen to you if you say that, you little girl is really stupid!

When the little guy put on the crystal princess dress, the Shrek Seven Devils happened to be there, so Qian Mo hugged the little guy and disappeared into the room, going to the school grounds!
"Ning Rongrong is going to suffer this time, training with Xiao Ao, tsk tsk, what a bad luck!" Qian Mo looked at the few people with a smile, and couldn't help but think.

You must know that Oscar, with the encouragement of Qian Mo, has been working hard to cultivate, either the wooden equipment or the magic circle, anyway, the two have accompanied him for five years.

If the pampered Ning Rongrong is really allowed to follow Oscar, he will only enjoy the treatment of suffering!

"Auxiliary soul masters need to have the escape skills of assisting soul beasts, so Xiao Ao and Ning Rongrong's class is to practice physical strength. Originally, Xiao Ao didn't need to train, but he came to the courtyard to assist his junior sister, so Xiao Ao took her to practice. Let's go!"

"Twenty laps around the village is enough, you go now!" Flender looked at the remaining four people, and said to Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

Although he knew that Ning Rongrong was the jewel in the palm of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Flender would not be afraid, teaching is teaching and cannot be judged by the forces behind it, otherwise what would you be Shrek?
Oscar heard Flender's words, glanced at Ning Rongrong indifferently, and then nodded his head towards Flender. Running around the village twenty times was a small matter for him, but it was a tribulation for Ning Rongrong. Know what Flender wants to do with such a request!

Looking at the remaining two, Flender clearly felt Xiao Wu's aura, smiled faintly, and said, "Come with me." Flender pointed at Tang San, perhaps seeing Grandmaster Only then did Tang San's soul guide recognize Tang San.

"Kiss, Xiao San and the others are going to accept training!" said the little guy with a pair of big eyes staring at Tang San who walked away.

"People need to be trained to grow, otherwise they will just stand still!" whispered to the little guy.Qian Mo is very aware of the feeling of being weak, not only uncomfortable in the heart, but also a sense of powerlessness in body and mind.

As night fell quietly, Qian Mo brought the little guy to the school grounds, just in time to see Flender standing alone in the field, and there was no one else.

After a while, several figures appeared, looking around, it was Tang San and his party, they didn't play around when they came, obviously they attached great importance to the first class of the academy.

A certain student on Flender's quiet field had a deep sigh that had never appeared in his plain eyes!
"Oscar, Ning Rongrong, tell me, have you completed the task?" A pair of black eyes stared at the two, suddenly sharp.

Oscar's heart skipped a beat, as if something bad had happened.As for the training task in the early morning, he was the only one to complete it, and the kid Ning Rongrong didn't know where he went, he just felt very desperate about it.

"We didn't get the job done!"

"Oh? That's why you didn't complete the task!" Flender squinted his eyes, a little bit angrily.It's really a rotten bastard who stalks and stalks, and doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

"Because I don't think it's necessary to train, so I didn't run!" Gritting his teeth, Oscar decided to hide it.

Flender smiled sinisterly, so insidiously, so incredible, "Since you didn't run, then go run now!" Pointing to the path, Flender said.

After Oscar left, Qian Mo walked up to Flender, nodded to him, and did not move.

Tang San and the other five looked at the departing Oscar full of doubts. They didn't look like this when they saw Oscar yesterday. Could it be possible to change him overnight?
"Why did you leave the academy without permission?" Black eyes stared at Ning Rongrong, a little bit of coercion was approaching, making her cry out in agony.

It's not like nobody left the academy without permission. I met Chi Ji, who was talented and arrogant for a lifetime, and he was not punished in the end. Is it a big deal?

"You actually dare to spy on me, aren't you afraid of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?" Ning Rongrong looked at Flender with big eyes, her delicate little face was full of disbelief.

"Afraid? It's a joke, you joined our Shrek Academy as a member of our academy, isn't it irresponsible as the dean?" Flender adjusted his big-rimmed glasses and said.

The rest of the people looked at Ning Rongrong, their eyes were a little stunned, everything was not the fault of Oscar, the fault was the pampered Ning Rongrong!

"Now I only give you two ways to go, one is to pack up your things and leave Shrek Academy, and the other is to get rid of your own bad habits!"

Flender said sharply, the surroundings seemed to be frozen, no sound could be heard, only the breathing of a few people.

Qian Mo looked at the crowd and couldn't help but secretly said: "Growth is essential, only by facing the past can we truly grow!"

Unexpectedly, the dean didn't look fierce, but he was actually a tiger. Once he fell into it, he couldn't struggle out. It was extremely terrifying!
"Hehe, Flender, you are just a little soul saint. The world is huge, and there are many things you haven't seen. I hope you don't mind your own business, or you can't bear it!" Ning Rongrong opened her beautiful big eyes. eyes, said threateningly.

The little guy turned around and looked at Ning Rongrong, raised his curved eyebrows, seemed a little unhappy, and Qian Mo, who was holding the little guy, frowned and looked at Ning Rongrong, like Qian Mo who was so indifferent by nature Everyone finds it annoying, this Ning Rongrong's words are really too much!

"Haha, yes, I'm just a small person. I'm small enough to face your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but to you I'm a colossus!" Flender almost yelled out the last words, and suddenly, his whole body exuded a pounding gasp. The majestic soul power instantly spread to the entire academy, and nine soul rings of different sizes appeared behind them, floating up and down, so majestic!

"I'm just a small person with barely enough talent. I only broke through to level 95 a month ago. I can't compare with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but to you, you are so insignificant!"

Black, black, black, black, black, black, black, dark red, red, the nine soul rings floated up and down, it shocked many people, and I don’t know how many people looked at Dai Mubai sideways, this fluctuation belongs to Soul holy?This soul ring belongs to the soul sage?Labor and management really want to slap you!
"Our academy is full of masters, including two Contras, three Titled Douluos, and even a master like Teacher Qianmo. Our academy is full of teachers. Do you really think we are afraid of Qibao Liuli? If it weren't for you If you enter our Shrek, I don't care what your status is, just beat you to death."

Flender also has a violent temper. Although he has always been kind to others, if he really gets angry, it is simply not something ordinary people can bear!Otherwise, how could the flying horns of the golden iron triangle of the past be called for nothing.

Immediately, Ning Rongrong's face turned pale, and cold sweat flowed down like a waterfall. The aura just approached her side directly, and there was a feeling that she could die at any time in a trance. Title Douluo is really terrifying.

In an instant, Ning Rongrong covered her tearful face with one hand, didn't care about other things, and rushed to the dormitory on her own!

When his mood gradually improved, Flender dissipated the spirit ring on his back, and he should not be used to educating the children, otherwise she would think that you are afraid of her, and if you don't scare her once or twice, you won't be obedient. Otherwise, wouldn't the future teaching be Difficult to implement!
"Okay, this matter is over, and now I will tell everyone about tonight's class!"

"Our college has always been adhering to the actual combat first, so tonight's class is to go to the Great Soul Arena in Soto City. This is the first class of the school. I hope everyone will work harder!"

Most of what Flender said was nonsense, because when he spoke, no one listened carefully, and he was completely in a state of sluggishness. Obviously, he was greatly touched by what happened just now.

Tang San quickly woke up from the shock, and couldn't help but look at Flender a few times, seven black, one dark red, one red, there is such an arrangement of spirit rings in the world, it's unbelievable, is the teacher's conclusion wrong? ?

"Now everyone follow me, I'm going to take everyone to Soto City!" Afterwards, Flender led a few people to Soto City, the speed was so fast that Tang San and the others almost didn't keep up!

Qian Mo walked at the end, contacting Xiaoyou while walking, if nothing unexpected happened, the fight to break the world should be coming to an end, only God Hun, that bastard, was missing!

(End of this chapter)

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