The battle of the beginning breaks the sky

Chapter 85 Heaven Dou Royal Academy

Chapter 85 Heaven Dou Royal Academy

The brutal killing had already made a group of teenagers turn pale, and trembling, they rushed out of the Soul Arena one after another, vomiting the filth that shouldn't be there.

Qian Mo and the others went to the backstage to check on the distressed teenagers. Only those who have experienced the experience of blood can be considered real growth!
The viewing platform is not very far from the backstage, only a short distance of 200 meters. When the teachers arrived, they heard the sound of nausea coming from inside.

Qian Mo went in first, and only saw Oscar, Dai Mubai and Tang San, the other four went to nowhere!

"This is just the beginning! Don't think it's over!"

When Qian Mo's words came out, the three of them turned around one after another. It could still be seen that the three of them were not very natural, obviously very resistant to what happened just now.



The voices of the three of them were very low, with occasional nauseating movements, trying to restrain their unnaturalness.

"Take this pill first, and it will feel better later!"

Throwing three Qingfeng pills to their hands respectively, Qian Mo took out four pills again.

They are teenagers now, but what about a few years later?Will they still be teenagers?Flender just brought things forward a few years later, so Qianmo doesn't think there is anything wrong with him.

What's wrong is this world, they breed soul beasts, and then create soul power, let them fight each other, and cannibalize all parts of the continent.

And human desires are infinite, for the desires in their hearts, they create wars, kill the same kind and spirit beasts, so, what Tang San and the others did wrong, was only for themselves.

After the rest of the people arrived, Qian Mo gave them the elixir, and left with Xiao Xiao and Kun Lu, leaving seven people to be brainwashed by the master.

The master is the king of theory, brainwashing a few children is still a joke.

next day
The Shrek people left Silves City and headed towards Tiandou City.

Everyone is a soul master, so they quickly found Tiandou City according to the map.However, as old farmers, none of them knew the location of the Tiandou Royal Academy. In desperation, fortunately Ning Rongrong was there, so they all went to the Tiandou Royal Academy.

As the Royal Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy occupies an extremely vast area, the size of a mountain. Not only is the environment good, but the air is also completely clear, which is obviously not comparable to Shrek Academy.

"Finally found the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy!"

"The area is so vast, it seems that there will be something to play in the future!"

Everyone looked at the buildings in the mountain, and there was a hot flame coming out, obviously they were very interested in Tiandou Imperial Academy.

Qian Mo smiled and said nothing, he knew exactly what Flender had planned, so it's a pity to come to Tiandou Royal Academy now!

Along the way, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, and everyone can't help but be more curious about the Royal Academy. With such an environment, the facilities inside must not be much worse!

Searching along the mountain road, everyone came to the gate of Tiandou Royal Academy, just in time to see a group of little kids playing around, before entering, Xue Beng came forward to beat them up.

"Stop, who are you!"

To say how stupid Xue Beng is now, Qian Mo doesn't know the specific statistics, but he has the courage to yell at everyone in Shrek, it's just his identity!

Qian Mo doesn't know how valuable a prince who is still a brat is, but he will definitely not be able to withstand his slap. If it wasn't for the fact that Xue Beng would be Tang San's apprentice after that, Qian Mo really wanted to step up and slap him!

After a brief conversation, Xue Beng clearly realized that this group of people came to Tiandou Royal Academy to make a living, so he said the deadly words: "Communication? Just like you? I see you You came to our academy to beg! Hurry up, or we will drive you away!"

Immediately, several teachers exploded, and the dignified Title Douluo was actually called out by a little doll?How could they hold back, when they were about to make a move, Dai Mubai who was already upset went out!
Dai Mubai already knew who this kid was, as the prince of a neighboring country, he had long been unhappy with Xue Beng, so he happened to use him to offend Shrek to punish him!

Black and white bright shadows flickered, Dai Mubai's soul power was fully activated, and immediately, two yellow and two purple soul rings appeared, surging his physique, rushing towards the avalanche!

"That boy is miserable, the fortieth-level Soul Sect is not easy to mess with!" Ma Hongjun snickered.Seeing that there are a group of people on the other side, but no matter how weak they are, they don't want to be able to resist the appearance of Dai Mubai at all.

Xue Beng everyone was stunned!
Is it so fierce, it's a soul sect of the fortieth level, why don't you have a good time playing!

A group of people quickly opened their spirit rings. Their spirits were different. The highest ones only had two rings, which were not of the same level at all. Others quickly retreated, unwilling to be hit with Xue Beng.

A [-]th-level soul sect beat a group of great soul masters, and it didn't take long for them all to fall to the ground, and the special care of Xue Beng was even more tragic, and he couldn't be seen as a prince at all from the outside.

"The Heaven Dou Royal Academy is really amazing, there are such hot students, it seems that they came to the wrong place!" Flender sighed, staring at the master from time to time.

It's better to leave and go to Lanba Senior Academy, that will have a happy ending!

The students on the sidelines looked at the unrecognizable Xue Beng, and couldn't help touching their own faces. What kind of hatred is this!He desperately greeted his face!It hurts to look at it!

"How dare you commit crimes in Tiandou Royal Academy, I will definitely not make it easier for you!" Xue Beng said resentfully, covering his bloated face.

Even though Xue Beng was lying on the ground now, he was just like that, uttering harsh words, as if he was going to win everyone over.

The teachers smiled and did not make any moves. As titled Douluo, they naturally would not let others trample on their dignity. This kid can speak rudely, which shows that his family is powerful, and they like challenges. It is best to put their family together. They are all delayed, just because they lack the opportunity to exercise.

"What's going on, so much noise!

A little bit, an old man dressed in a strong suit sprang out from some bushes and said to everyone present.

This old man looked very old, with gray hair, old face, a big face, the size of a disc, thick eyebrows, and he looked like a rough man!
"Teacher Sun is here, we are saved!"

Sun Buyu's arrival made a group of teenagers see the light of dawn, and came to his side scrambling to tell about the situation of being beaten.

After glaring at the group of teenagers, Sun Buyu stepped forward and said, "My next Sun Buyu is the teacher of Tiandou Imperial Academy, I don't know who are you?"

Since a teacher appeared, Flender did not watch from the sidelines, but stepped forward to explain the purpose of coming.

Naturally, after Qin Ming's invitation, all the teachers of Tiandou Imperial Academy knew that Shrek Academy was about to arrive at their academy, so they brought Shrek and everyone in!
 [-]D update on Saturday, hope everyone supports

(End of this chapter)

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