My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 286 Returning

Chapter 286 Returning



The Xuntian began to increase its speed step by step.In the beginning, Elder Liu's speed was far faster than that of the Sky Surveyor, and the distance between the two sides was constantly widening.Gradually, as the Xuntian increased in speed and surpassed each other, the distance between them began to shorten again.

Elder Liu entered the space mecha, using its propulsion device to help slow down.According to the current terrifying speed, he will soon miss the nebula viewing point because he "can't stop the car".

With the superposition of his own energy field and the propulsion device of the mech, his inertial speed dropped rapidly.At this time, the distance between Xuntian and him was also shortened to within [-] kilometers.

Seeing that he was about to return to the radar detection range of many spaceships at the observation point, Ling Qi became entangled.He also dragged the wreckage of six battleships and hadn't finished devouring them. Going back like this is very inappropriate for people to see.

"I'll send you away thousands of miles away!" After confirming that he couldn't catch up for the time being, Ling Qi bombarded him again, "Cheering up" for Elder Liu.

Elder Liu was frightened. The last time he was bombarded, he was already injured. Once again, the energy explosion between the energy column and the field continued to act, and once again gave him a terrifying acceleration, forcing him to speed up while spurting blood. .

On the contrary, the Xuntian slowed down and stood still, concentrating on digesting the wreckage of the six battleships.

"That guy just saw that my car can devour battleships with the naked eye, so even if he said it, it wouldn't be very convincing. The seven-level upgrade is imminent, and the big deal is to change the look of the car again and redesign the shape of the car!" Ling Qi looked at the space plane on the radar image. A quickly flew to the spaceship gathering place hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, thinking so in his heart.

After a while, Ling Qi suddenly burst out laughing.

On the radar imaging, the mecha can't slow down enough, and it flies past about [-] kilometers away from the viewing point. That guy missed the stop!I don't know how those people on the spacecraft will feel when they see such a high-speed space mech?

No longer paying attention to the distance, Ling Qi turned his attention to the spaceship beside him. It had not moved for a long time, which aroused Ling Qi's suspicion.

"The spaceship didn't take that guy in just now, there must be something wrong, go and have a look!" He had such an idea.

Xiaorou went to practice, Ling Qi didn't plan to call her, and didn't try to open the hatch with her transformation skills.He gathered ten destroyer cannons and bombarded the hatch of the spaceship, forcing the hatch to break through, and then he found a passage and quickly connected it to the outside of the hatch to prevent the loss of air pressure.

The passage door opened, Ling Qi stepped into the spaceship, and the passage door behind him closed automatically.

It was not until more than an hour later that Ling Qi returned to the cruise ship with an ugly face.

"Swallow!" He used his skills towards the spaceship...

On the top floor, Yuan Ye and others have entered the cruise ship for several hours.

Ever since they contacted the men on the spaceship again to no avail, they knew that something must have happened there, and the men were in danger.But Ling Qi refused to meet them on the grounds that he was busy, which made them feel like they were under house arrest.

"Maybe he is bargaining with Yuan Yi to sell us for a good price." The cheongsam woman said so.

Yuan Ye shook his head and said firmly: "No, if that's the case, he will definitely ask us for a ransom."

"I hope not. Now, I can only stay on the cruise ship with peace of mind." The cheongsam woman asked Ling Qiduo for two rooms, and asked the robot butler to bring food, and decided to settle down as soon as she came.

Being tricked by Yuan Yi, Yuan Ye didn't make a big fuss with the family. It was meaningless to do so, and it would only make him appear more incompetent and make people look down on him.

But he is not waiting passively. As one of the direct heirs, he controls many industries under his name. At this time, he is constantly making various deployments to prevent further black hands.

The spaceship was also devoured, and Ling Qi gained 68 evolution points, bringing the total to 146, which is one step closer to the complete evolution of the Eternal Energy Furnace.The size and physical strength of the Sky Surveyor have also been slightly increased.

The Xuntian left the spot and sailed back to the nebula viewing point.

Seeing the Xuntian come back alone, many people on the surrounding spacecraft were curious. Someone joked through the public radio channel of the spacecraft: "Brother, you are back from the field battle, why are you the only one left? It seems that your firepower is too strong, and the opponents all leave Stop moving!"

"Haha, it's as if you saw it with your own eyes!"

"Just now there was a guy driving a space mecha, running from there at the speed of light, did you see that?"


Normally, only the captain can use the public radio channel of the spacecraft, but at this moment, there are dozens of people gossiping.Ling Qi knew from their words that the space mecha had not returned after rushing over, and he didn't know whether he planned to fly to the Stargate Market just like that.

After the Xuntian stopped, Ling Qi turned on the energy shield again, and notified Yuan Ye whether to transfer to another spaceship to leave.

"No, my people are coming and will arrive in a few hours." Yuan Ye said indifferently.

As soon as Ling Qi heard it, he knew that he had called a super spaceship to come to meet him.He considered his time schedule, and said to Yuan Ye: "In a few hours, we should have returned to the nearby star gate."

"Your cruise ship is so fast? Well, then take us to the star gate... Can you tell me, where is my spaceship and those troublemakers?"

"They entered the depths of the wild area."

"Hehe, greedy guys, let them go, they will regret it!"

Disdain appeared in Yuan Ye's eyes, and the two women beside him gloated.Apparently, they thought the people on the six warships were greedy and coerced his men to lead the way to the place where the miracle medicine was found.

At this time, the female soldiers woke up after partying and resting, boarded the top deck to watch again, and the Sky Surveyor set off for its return voyage.

On the bridge, Ling Qi increased the speed to [-] times the speed, set up the smart driving and began to design the new shape of the seventh-level car.Outside the cruise ship, at such a high speed, the nebula is obviously gradually moving away from the field of vision.

Four hours later, the stargate is in sight.

And just ten minutes before that, a space mecha had just landed in the Stargate Bazaar, enjoying the rest of the life of the speeding Elder Liu.Relying on his powerful intuition, he insisted on the lack of star map navigation, and with the help of Ling Qi's "refueling", he completed the voyage of a conventional spaceship for several days in a few hours and successfully returned to the star gate.

The Skywatcher slowed down, slowly approached the market, and stopped.A battleship without propellers approached the Skywatcher from another direction and parked beside it.

Ling Qi looked to the side, it was a super battleship, he vaguely guessed that the person who came to meet Yuan Ye had arrived.This guy deserves to suffer. He obviously owns this kind of super battleship, but he wants to build an unarmed seventh-level spaceship to go to the wild area to pretend to be aggressive. It's his life if he doesn't die!

Sure enough, after Yuan Ye thanked Ling Qi, a group of six people boarded the deck of the market spaceship through the passage, then turned around and went straight into the super battleship.

This scene happened to be seen by Elder Liu from a distance.

 Good joke, should be shared/
  The teacher told the students: "When writing articles in the future, don't call yourself the author, because now, no one uses a pen."

  The student asked: "What should it be called?"

  The teacher said: "Call the key person."

  The student asked again: "Oh, what about those that only use a mouse?"

  The teacher said: "It's called the rat generation."

  The student asked again: "But now everyone uses smartphones, all of which are touch-based, so what should it be called?"

  The teacher said, "It's called Touching Life!"


  Who will design the shape of the seventh grade, I study sports and am not good at it
(End of this chapter)

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