My sampan can be upgraded.

Chapter 57 Killing the Wolf

Chapter 57 Killing the Wolf

"Can you do it? How embarrassing to deal with such a little guy!" The other deputy captain of the pirates sneered.

"This kid seems to have made a breakthrough. You can do it, don't BB! Who, give me a bottle of water." The deputy captain of the pirates who had just fought with Ling Qi panted wildly. The sky is venting too much, and the physical strength is obviously weak.

The monitoring pirate picked up a bottle of water from the side and threw it, just flying over Ling Qi's head.He jumped up and grabbed it, unscrewed the cap and poured it.The water came too timely. He lost a lot of water in his body at this time, and he was planning to get water from the captain's space to drink regardless of everything.

"Fuck, do you want to die, dare to steal my water!" The pirate was dumbfounded, jumping and cursing.

The other deputy captain of the pirates sneered: "The captain asked us to teach you a lesson, not to let you rest and drink water to learn slowly!" After speaking, he ran over a few steps and kicked Ling Qi's head in the air.

Ling Qi dropped the water bottle and fought with all his strength again.This pirate is stronger than the one just now, but Ling Qi's handling is not as difficult as before.He moves freely, every reaction is just right, easily resisting the opponent's attack.

The two fought for a while, and the sound of dense footsteps came from the passage again, and then seven or eight pirates entered the bridge.From the looks of it, it was the captains of other warships.One of them had a gloomy face, cursing and saying: "Unlucky, just killed one, and there are unsightly boys who need to be repaired, just for me to have a change of fun."

The other pirates laughed and sighed about how they played these days. All kinds of cruel and insane methods made Ling Qi's eyes tear up.

"It's time!" He glanced at the blood bars on the heads of the pirates, and suddenly stepped back a few steps, standing alone on one side, and the Tomahawk suddenly appeared on the bridge with a wave of his hand, separating him from a group of pirates.

The space of the bridge cannot accommodate the length of the Tomahawk, and a room is broken by the bow.The hatch slid open silently, and Ling Qishan got on the boat and entered it.

A group of pirates were stunned by the sudden appearance of an air yacht, and some of the pirates who got close were knocked out.While they were stunned, the gun holes on both sides of the bow and the stern were opened at the same time, and the hidden energy cannon began to charge; the automatic energy machine gun and energy cannon on the front deck began to rise, and the first energy cannonball was also compressed.

A piercing siren sounded from the battleship, and Hei Lang rushed out of the room immediately. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help cursing, where did the air yacht come from?

Four cannon fires combined into one sound, followed by a deafening explosion, and four huge holes were blasted out from the inside out of the battleship's inner hull.

When the battleship was destroyed, the Tomahawk happened to be stuck in the bridge sideways, with its head and tail facing the sides of the battleship.After a shell from the stern penetrated a relatively weak wall in a room, it exploded in the inner layer of one side of the hull, destroying the anti-gravity energy matrix and many system lines in it, and was blocked by the outer hull.

Because the bow of the Tomahawk directly broke through the wall of a room, the three energy shells in front penetrated the inner hull and exploded on the outer hull.The battleship's energy shield hadn't been activated, and even if it was activated, it was protecting the outside, and it couldn't block the explosion of the three shells from inside.

The shells destroyed the main control system, and the bridge was fatally damaged. Ling Qi received a reminder to destroy the enemy ship, and after gaining a lot of experience, he was promoted to two ranks in a row.Through the hull, he also saw six balls of light burst out and fall outside.Two levels of destruction also drop six loot, which seems to be the upper limit.

Hei Lang was the first to react, with a ferocious face, and rushed towards the Tomahawk from behind the fence.

Ling Qi has been keeping an eye on Hei Lang, and seeing him jumping out again, he immediately puts away the yacht, leaving himself in the air like a Hei Lang.In the state of bullet time, both Hei Lang and himself drifted down slowly, falling towards the floor, and a "Falcon" energy pistol appeared in Ling Qi's hand and pointed at Hei Lang.

How can you hide in the air?
Hei Lang was terrified when he saw the huge yacht suddenly disappear and turned into Ling Qi and pointed at him.Will this kid transform?Is Lao Tzu dreaming or the world has changed too much?He desperately twisted his body, trying to avoid bullets in the air, but without a force point, the effect was minimal.

Ling Qi aimed at his waist and shot, which was the central axis, no matter how much he twisted, he couldn't move away from the trajectory.


After several shots in a row, under the slow-motion special effect, the energy bullet of a larger caliber first shot a fist-sized blood hole in Hei Lang's waist, and then several shots directly smashed him in two.Hei Lang was clearly not dead yet, but the blood bar above his head was cleared, and the kill prompt appeared in the corner of Ling Qi's eyes, indicating that his death was only a matter of time.

Mutation and Ling Qi's "transformation" is too shocking!
In a blink of an eye, Hei Lang was killed and Ling Qi fell to the floor. At this moment, the other pirates reacted differently. Some hid in the passageway to escape, and some subconsciously pulled out their energy pistols or shot with their energy rifles.

When Ling Qi wanted to release the yacht to block it again, he found that there was a 5-minute cooling time after releasing and retracting, and it could not be retracted continuously.Attempts to use the Tomahawk as a shield failed, so he rolled and ducked into a corner to fight back.

At this time, the energy leakage in the bridge was started, and the area's energy output was shut down by the protection mechanism, and only the residual energy flashed through the gap.Some independent energy emergency lights above were on, which failed to provide Ling Qi with a dark and favorable environment.

Fortunately, there were not many pirates shooting at Ling Qi at the same time. He first fired a few bursts to kill several pirates with energy rifles, and then charged towards the passage.

In the channel, due to the fatal attack on the main control room of the bridge, all the airtight gates were automatically closed, and the two later "captains" were trying to manually open the gates.The other deputy captains and pirates faced the bridge with weapons in their hands, looking terrified.They are ruthless interstellar pirates, but they are frightened. Nima people can transform into spaceships. How do they fight?What they saw just now subverted their cognition.

At this time Ling Qi discovered the benefits of participating in several virtual shooting competitions. His tactical awareness was obviously much higher, and he regarded this assault as an action in the competition.

"Choo Choo Choo……"

After he was promoted to two levels, his four-dimensional attribute increased. At this time, he held the gun with both hands, pulled the trigger repeatedly while evading, and fired the pistol in bursts to achieve the effect of continuous shooting.The pirates in the passage were headshot one by one, and even several deputy captains and captains who had reached level [-] couldn't escape the locked aim of the bullet time.

"The captain's level has increased..."

It's level [-]!In a very short period of time, Ling Qi wiped out a group of pirates in the bridge, and almost took over the leader of the entire pirate group. Even he himself admired his fighting power and couldn't help but praise himself.

The airtight gate in the passage was locked, Ling Qi quickly ran back and picked up a few energy weapons.Back on the bridge, Ling Qi first searched Hei Lang and then his room, but he didn't find any surprises.

"There are surveillance cameras on the bridge. I guess they have recorded my actions just now. I have to find a way to destroy them! There are six other warships around, and we need to destroy them before they react." Ling Qi jumped off the fence upstairs and began to think of a way Eliminate traces.

At this time, he remembered a skill "reform" that the captain could light up at level eleven.

"Modification: The captain can use the auto-evolution modification skill characteristics of the car to simulate the car to make structural and functional changes to other spaceships, but it cannot perform overall upgrades like the car..."

This skill is good!It means that Ling Qi can refit an ordinary speedboat into the appearance of the previous Tomahawk speedboat, but it cannot be transformed into a yacht as a whole.It would be good to specialize in refitting business in the future... But now, Ling Qi needs to use it to process the surveillance records of battleships first.

Light up the skills first, the primary transformation, you can carry out transformations of less than 20% of the equipment other than the car, and there is no level limit.Then Ling Qi issued an order to the captain's system: "Reform the monitoring system of the battleship, erase the monitoring records, and completely destroy the storage structure inside!"

The captain system regards the black wolf who has the authority as the owner of the battleship. After the black wolf is killed, the other pirates with the second-level authority are also dead.However, the primary transformation skills were unable to meet Ling Qi's requirements.

Ling Qi upgrades skills, mid-level transformation, the upper limit of 40% transformation, still prompts that it cannot be completed; further upgrade, use up three skill points, reach advanced transformation, and the upper limit of transformation ability reaches 60%, finally prompts to complete the transformation, the monitoring system Records were wiped and storage structures completely destroyed.

"It's a pity that the main control system cannot be replaced by taking over driving beyond the level of the car, and the main control system is damaged. You can't use the modification skills to modify the authority, otherwise you can just erase the records! Now, modify the outer structure of the hull and open a hole!" The outer hull The physical protection was too strong, and the energy cannon couldn't penetrate it. Ling Qi used transformation skills on it again, tearing out an ugly hole.

Looking around for the last time, Ling Qi jumped out of the hole.There must be other pirates and captured women on the battleship, but the most urgent task is to deal with the other six battleships.

At this time, the cooling time passed, Ling Qi released the Tomahawk again, and quickly boarded the captain's cabin.

The quantum radar saw through the camouflage of the seven warships. Except for the Heilang flagship destroyed by Ling Qi, the other six ships were distributed around it.

"The captains of these battleships are all on the flagship's side, and they have basically been wiped out. The command system is paralyzed. The other pirates probably don't know what happened. Let's take turns shooting a salvo at the bridge position of each battleship!" Ling Qi commanded the Tomahawk to fly to another battleship next to it.

Suddenly, the other six warships were activated at the same time, the camouflage on the ships disappeared instantly, and a huge energy shield appeared suddenly.Simultaneously, they began to lift off, jet thrusters firing one after another.

Ling Qi was shocked. It has only been more than five minutes since he released the Tomahawk. The pirates reacted too quickly and neatly, right?He didn't know that with the actions of Jiang and Shen in the past two days, Hei Lang had activated an emergency plan, loosening the outside and tightening the inside, and was in a state of being ready to launch at any time.As soon as they noticed something happened to the flagship, the six warships were activated urgently.

Gotta run away!
Ling Qi didn't think that the Tomahawk could do better than the six fifth-tier interstellar warships with energy shields turned on.He quickly stretched out the mechanical hand on the bow, picked up the three falling light clusters nearby, and then rushed out of the canyon with full power.Before the battleship could increase its speed, he bypassed a peak, landed on the other side of the peak, put the Tomahawk back into the captain's space, and hid in the dense forest.

"Report to the Jiang family, just let this group of pirates help me take the blame!" Under the jungle that covered the sky and the sun, Ling Qi released a speedboat with no cooling limit to enter it, and took out the communicator.He suddenly found that he didn't have a communicator to report, so he had to contact Lan Bo and ask him to report to Jiang and Chen's family immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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