Chapter 203

At this moment, Zongzheng Xiaoting in the room looked helpless, while Situ Xunxiao was very happy and smiled charmingly.

Silence spread between the two.

In Zongzheng Xiaoting's heart, countless foul language burst out.Who would have known that this Prince of War God, who has always been the focus of the world, would have such an open mind. Facing being rejected, he would have this kind of thinking that you reject me as your freedom, and I like you as my right?

"It's up to you what you think, I don't have leisure time to accompany you to be bored!" Zongzheng Xiaoting gave Situ Xunxiao a white look, "I have a lot of things to do, I don't have time to deal with you."

"However, the problem is that the matter of getting married is a certainty." Situ Xunxiao spoke out, reminding the fact that Zongzheng Xiaoting had left it behind.

Damn it!Zongzheng Xiaoting secretly cursed, what are you afraid of?It was because of his failure to escape from marriage that he became more and more afraid that Situ Xunxiao would be sincere. Based on the previous transaction, he was indeed more at ease in getting married. However, the current situation seems to be in serious trouble.

Sure enough, following Situ Xunxiao's next words, Zongzheng Xiaoting rushed out of the door in anger, unable to reason about anything else.

Feeling like he was running away, Zongzheng Xiaoting was full of Situ Xunxiao's declarative words: I am very satisfied with this marriage.This king has plenty of time, so wait slowly.

Damn satisfaction, damn waiting.

Cursing along the road, Zongzheng Xiaoting walked faster and faster, so anxious that Qingqing and Ningshuang hurriedly followed behind, out of breath, trotting to keep up, but saw the master as if there was no one else around, muttering to himself language, cursed a few times from time to time, and sighed from time to time.

"It's so good, why did it become a princess so angry that she rushed out of the door and ran all the way?" Qingqing lowered her voice, puzzled.

"Yeah, it's clear that everything inside became quiet later." Ningshuang nodded in agreement.

"Could the prince belittle the princess?" Qingqing wondered.

Seeing the tangled expression on her master's face, Ningshuang couldn't help but nodded, "It's possible, otherwise how could the princess be so abnormal?"

Just as the two of them were talking to each other, Zongzheng Xiaoting was already quietly staring at the two of them.Sensing something strange coming from somewhere, Qingqing and Ningshuang realized that the master they were discussing enthusiastically was really leaning on a stone beside him, with his index finger wrapped around his hair, staring at them for a moment.

"Is it over?" Zongzheng Xiaoting asked with a smile, there was no sign of cursing and talking to himself just now, as if everything just now had never happened.

"Uh..." Qingqing smiled dryly, "Hey, princess, it's really hot today."

"Yes, yes, princess, this servant will prepare a fan for you right away, soon." Ningshuang also smiled, and trotted away in a hurry.

Seeing Ningshuang fleeing first, Qingqing frowned, this Ningshuang ran away, didn't she just want to obediently stay and be scolded?This Ningshuang really is now, the more she understands the princess, the more shrewd she is, and the more wanton she is.I feel sorry for myself, I don't know what will happen to the princess, as far as the princess's expression is concerned, it is definitely not a good thing.

"I see, Qingqing has a lot of experience." Zongzheng Xiaoting said with a smile.

The more she looked at the master's smile, the more Qingqing felt that she was being calculated by the master, she quickly shook her head and said, "Princess, Qingqing didn't say anything, she didn't have any experience, she was just worried about the princess, so, uh... Don't choose what you say, yes, don't choose what you say!"

Seeing Qingqing's appearance, Zongzheng Xiaoting naturally understands that she understands what every expression of hers means. Although she also knows that she is kind to them, she also understands that sometimes, she will punish them appropriately That's right, the space given to them also has its own bottom line, and when they are unhappy, they will naturally be a little fussy.

"Really?" Zongzheng Xiaoting deliberately pretended to be displeased when the voice was drawn out.

"Princess..." Qingqing lowered her head anxiously, "Qingqing has made a mistake, please punish the princess."

"I think it's not that you don't understand the relationship between a man and a woman, or, to put it in a folk saying, it's because girls don't want to stay. I think it's applicable to you." Zongzheng Xiaoting then turned to another place, "Zhou Miao!"

Following her call, Zhou Miao appeared immediately, respectfully paid his respects, and waited for Zongzheng Xiaoting's instructions.

Qingqing's heart hangs at this moment, she knows very well that the princess is easy to talk, but she knows even more that once the princess makes a decision, there is no room for repentance, but she doesn't know, at this moment the princess called Zhou Miao, What exactly is the intention.

Uneasy, Qingqing could only wait with her head down, not daring to make any other moves.And that's what Zongzheng Xiaoting wanted. For Qingqing, she always wanted to make arrangements for her. Taking this opportunity, she could also pave the way for her in the future.With his back facing Qingqing, Zongzheng Xiaoting smiled brightly, "I want you to go back to the palace on my behalf and tell General Yuan Xian that I have given Qingqing to him as his wife, and we will get married at a certain date."

What?Qingqing's eyes widened, while Zhou Miao was very calm and stepped back.

"Princess." Qingqing whispered in disbelief.

"Do you have an opinion?" Zongzheng Xiaoting turned around and raised his brows, showing that her remaining anger was still there, so that Qingqing had to swallow hard when she wanted to say anything else.

"The slaves dare not."

"In that case, let's step back, I want to be alone for a while." Zongzheng Xiaoting waved his hand, turned and left.

Looking at the master's leaving figure, Qingqing tightly pursed her lips.In fact, the princess has always wanted to match herself and Yuan Xian, she understands.It's just that she never thought that it would be such a coincidence that the princess was annoyed and meant to marry her. She couldn't figure out whether it was intentional or really angry, but, now it seems that she can't change it.

Sighing helplessly, Qingqing had no choice but to adjust her emotions and think about the countermeasures. Soon, her face was filled with bright smiles again.The princess bestows a marriage, and it doesn't mean that she can get rid of herself. As long as the husband sings and the wife follows, she can follow the princess. As for how to ask Yuan Xian to sing any big drama, she is confident that she can still take the lead!With a response, Qingqing walked towards Tianxue Palace with a relaxed pace.

But leaving behind the young Zongzheng Xiaoting, he walked all the way, thinking all the way, facing the approaching marriage contract, what should be done so as to delay it.

Before he knew it, he also came to the imperial garden where concubines like to hang out. From a distance, he saw the figures of Concubine Jing and Concubine Hua. However, there seemed to be fierce disputes between the two. When I approached, I happened to meet Concubine Jing's gaze, and in the next second, Concubine Jing shouted, "Princess save me!"

The next moment, I saw Concubine Hua, who turned her back to her, seemed to be twisted with her, while Concubine Jing fell to the ground like this.

(End of this chapter)

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