online game bully

Chapter 64Chapter 65 Final Form Judgment Ring Quest! !

Chapter 64 No.60 Chapter [-] Final Form Judgment Ring Quest! !

Nie Zong knelt down and kowtowed silently three times. If he kowtowed loudly at this moment, he would appear vulgar and not liked by Guan Zhong.

At the prompt of the system, he chose to agree!
Although he didn't know whether there were four or five skills that Guan Zhong could teach him, and whether these skills were of great value to him, but under the gaze of Guan Zhong's deep and wise eyes, he could feel it for no reason. There is a tacit understanding that this NPC's behavior style is the kind that is very in tune with him. The system can sense it, so that Guan Zhong can take the initiative to accept him as a true disciple. According to the experience that Nie Zong collected from his surroundings in his previous life, The harmony of characters usually makes the use of belief skills smoother, and it is easier to comprehend and break through.

Another reason is that Nie Zong feels that he doesn't want to wait anymore. He has the biggest golden finger of rebirth, and he will become stronger as quickly as possible!

Let Nie Ruo suffer one less day of suffering, let himself and his sister get rid of the black household as soon as possible, let Nie Zong, the account, step into the forest of the strong as quickly as possible, and compete with the world's masters!
Undoubtedly, becoming Guan Zhong's true disciple at this moment is a shortcut to quickly become stronger!

"Okay, get up and accept this task!"

System: Guan Zhong wants you to accept the "Ring of Judgment" series of missions, do you agree?


What are you here for?Not for this!

The moment Nie Zong accepted the task of the Ring of Judgment, he was stunned.

Because the chain missions of the Judgment Ring series in front of him are not the ones in the previous life at all!
The task content is as follows:

First: Kill the King of Wei [Wu Shuang Wu Ji].

Second: Kill the king of Zhao Kingdom [The Sword of Alluring Years].

Third: Build a family that is full of thorns, and raise the family reputation to 100 points.

Special Note: The task time is 10 days. After ten days, the task rewards will be reduced as appropriate for each additional day.

mission rewards:

Ring of Judgment (final form) Tier [-]

Weapon attributes:
A growth weapon that can be upgraded by assigning experience when spawning monsters.

1. Increase the external power attack by 1000 points.

2. Increase the basic external power attack of Ba Ji to 1000% of the original.

3. Increase knowing attack by 10 points.

4. All the exclusive skills of the weapon that comes with the thorn are unlocked: suffocating blade, flashing surprise, fuzzy, and gift relief.

——Blade of Suffocation:
Introduction: Tyrant Spike sends out a deadly dagger thrown into the distance, which can slow down the target after hitting it.The ultimate release distance is 10 meters.

Attributes: Add 100 points of external skills to attack, reduce the enemy's speed by 20% after hitting, and enjoy the critical strike chance multiplier of the gift of relief.

Consumption of Faith Points: 10
Cooldown: 10 seconds

——Blink Strike:
Introduction: The thorn flashes to the side of a unit. If it is an enemy unit, it will get an attack speed bonus when attacking the unit. The maximum release distance is 10 meters.

Attribute: After activation, passively increase the attack speed by 100% for 4 seconds.

Consumption of Faith Points: 50
Cooldown: 10 seconds.


Passive skill

Introduction: When approaching the enemy hero, the figure of Ba Ji becomes blurred and difficult to see, and disappears from the enemy's small map. Some of the enemy's attacks cannot hit, and the trigger distance of the special effect is 16 meters.

Attribute: 50% chance to dodge all attacks.

——Gift of Liberation

Passive skill

Introduction: Assassin's assassination skills have reached the peak, and there is a certain probability of causing a devastating fatal blow to the enemy unit when attacking.

50% chance to deal a critical blow with 2x damage.

25% chance to deal a critical blow with 4x damage.

12.5 chance to deal a critical blow with 8x damage.

Nie Zong felt that his heart had stopped beating. He didn't know whether he was breathing 10 breaths a second or 10 seconds. The cells in his body seemed to be burning with crazy flames, a strange Numbness rushed from the soles of the feet to the scalp.

He knew that at this moment, he succeeded!

He used iron-like facts to prove that his deduction about Tyrant Thorn in his previous life was correct!
The strength of the Tyrannical Thorn depends entirely on whether it has obtained the inherited weapon!
He will show a real bully in front of everyone!

For all those who ridicule and despise, who don't hesitate to use all vicious words to belittle the bully, the day when you shut up is not far away!
When Nie Zong felt that he had woken up from the crazy state just now and could control his emotions, he took a deep breath and quickly regained his composure.

The reason why his task reward is so powerful is because the ring of judgment given to him by Guan Zhong is directly the final version, and even more because of the difficulty of the task given to him by Guan Zhong!
Nie Zong clearly remembered the Judgment Ring mission in his previous life. It was a veritable large-scale continuous mission. From the first ring to the last meeting with Han Feizi, the number of mission rings was 156 rings!
But in this world, there are only three rings!

Nie Zong knew that, of course, there was a reason why he, the great disciple of the true biography, received preferential treatment from Guan Zhong, but more importantly, the final form of the Ring of Judgment he was about to obtain essentially saved him an unimaginable amount of money for upgrading. time and energy.Of course, such a big benefit cannot be obtained so easily, so the three rings synthesized from the 156 rings have become what they are today.

Nie Zong wanted to kill two kings and establish a family full of tyrants.

On the surface, it seems that the third ring task is very easy to establish a family where all the members are tyrants. Nie Zong only needs to go to the Valley of Beasts to issue a "family establishment order", and then spend 3 ingots of silver as the settlement fee. built.

However, the difficulty lies in the latter sentence, he must increase the family reputation to 100 points within a limited time.

Family prestige represents the popularity of the family, represents the weight of the family in the minds of the NPCs of Chaos War, represents more high-reward family tasks, family battle clothes and family mounts with better attributes, in short, the higher the family prestige, Players in this family can get more and more benefits.

Never forget the saying that much power pays great power, the difficulty of gaining family reputation is enough to drive many players crazy.

For example, there is a special family dungeon in Chaos War, you can enter once a day, clear the family dungeon once, and the family reputation +1.

However, the difficulty of this family dungeon can make more than 90.00% of the families die under the claws of the family boss, and even more than 50.00% of the families can't reach the final step of the family boss, and they will be grouped by the elite monsters in the dungeon. Went out.

This has led to the fact that the server has been open for more than half a year. In the Return of the King server, there are only a handful of top rich families with more than 200 points of family prestige, and less than 100 families with more than 100 points of family prestige. In Qi, such There are seven in my family.

Guan Zhong is asking Nie Zong's new Quanba assassin family to become the eighth Baiwang family in Qi!

(End of this chapter)

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