online game bully

Chapter 691Chapter 653 1 Hairless!

Chapter 691 Chapter 650 Chapter [-] Nothing!
Yang Zhu is very interesting, he doesn't behave like a thinker, but like a poet. It is said that once he went out to a fork in the road, he even cried, because he thought of the fork in life and couldn't help feeling sad.Another time, his younger brother was dressed in white when he went out, and when he came back he changed into black because it was raining, but the family dog ​​didn’t recognize him and barked at him, his younger brother was so angry that he wanted to beat him, but Yang Zhu said: “ You don't hit him. Wouldn't you be equally surprised if the dog went out white and came back black?

The immortal smiled alone and knew that the way of heaven in the chaotic war basically refers to the Taoist school of thought in the traditional Chinese school of thought, while the emperor's way refers to the thought of the Mohist school. Taoist thought is naturally represented by Laozi (Laozi and Zhuangzi), Mohist Of course it is represented by Mozi.

As for Yang Zhu, this person was rarely mentioned in the contention of schools of thought in the pre-Qin period. As a result, many people in modern times don’t know this name. In the process of studying Taoism, the immortal Lonely Smile pays more attention to Laozi and Zhuangzi, at most Zhang Daoling, Qiu Chuji, Yuan Tiangang, etc.'s writings and life stories, he really didn't know much about Yang Zhu's deeds and thoughts.

And the scenes in front of me are like an earnest and seductive mentor, pointing to pictures of ancient life, while explaining word by word to the immortal Lonely Smile. In essence, these contents have existed for a long time. Yu Xianren Lonely Smile's mind, but he has never paid attention to it, because the direction of his comprehension has never been placed on Yang Zhu, and now, these deep wisdom have been guided out.

Yang Zhu, a philosopher who was almost at the same time as Mozi, was extremely opposed to Mozi's thoughts. He opposed Mozi's "universal love", advocated "valuing life" and "emphasizing oneself", valued the preservation of personal life, and opposed others' treatment of others. One's own encroachment, and against one's own encroachment on others.

As Mencius, another great thinker and representative of the Confucian school, summed it up: "Yang Zi took it for me, plucked a hair to benefit the world, and did not do it. Mozi loved both, rubbed his head and put his heels on his heels, benefited the world, and did it." (And Yang Zhu said: Pulling out a hair and benefiting the world is not for nothing. What Yang Zi advocates is 'for me', even if pulling out a single hair on his body can benefit the world, he will not do it, while Mo Zi advocated "universal love", as long as it is beneficial to the people of the world, even if he has polished the top of his head and broken his feet, he is willing.

The fairy's eyes gradually brightened with a lonely smile.

Yang Zhu's political proposition is to build a society where "everyone does not lose a penny, and everyone benefits the world".

Yang Zhu opposed King Faxian.He thinks that abandoning the people of the present to praise the ancient kings is to praise the withered bones of the dead.Therefore, he advocated the establishment of a new society.This kind of political proposition is derived from the doctrine of "for me" and not "invasion".That is to say, on the one hand, it evolved from "losing a penny to benefit the world, and doing nothing" to "everyone does not lose a penny, everyone benefits the world, and the world is governed."

On the other hand, from not using the world's great benefits to change one's shins, it should also be derived: everyone does not take the world's great benefits, and everyone does not take their shin hairs easily, and the world is governed.That is to say, everyone does not pluck a hair to benefit the world, nor does he covet the world's great interests to pluck his own hair; everyone works for himself and does not invade others; in this way, the world will be peaceful and peaceful.

An earth-shaking brain storm is taking place in the brain of the fairy Lonely Smile, and the lightning of wisdom keeps shining.

It turns out that the essence of Yang Zhu's thinking is to value human life!
Life is more important than everything else, and life is only once for everyone.

So, don't tell me that the minority obeys the majority, don't tell me to have a collective consciousness, don't tell me that I can sell my own interests for the national interest, me!No!Dry!
How would Yang Zhu's ideal society be governed?He believes that people who govern this society must be "virtuous", and they must also have the virtue of humility, "doing the virtuous without the heart of being virtuous", that is, acting virtuously without thinking of being virtuous.Yang Zhu believes that members of this society should be cautious.

"Xunzi? Wangba" tells the story of Yang Zhu crying "fork in the road", which reflects this psychological state.According to this story, Yang Zhu came to a crossroads and said with emotion: If you take half a step in the wrong direction at this place, you will make a mistake of thousands of miles!So he wept bitterly.

Yang Zhu's cry of "crossroads" is precisely for the path of life.If you accidentally choose the wrong path, it will cause endless harm.Members of Yang Zhu's ideal society should be "for me" and not "invade things".But it is not easy to achieve these two aspects, and every step in life must be carefully considered.This story reflects the unstable economic status and swinging political attitudes of small land owners in the early feudal society.

Yang Zhu advocated the establishment of a society where everyone works for himself without infringing on others.However, this kind of society cannot exist in a class society at all, and it is nothing but a beautiful fantasy of small private owners.Just as "Han Feizi? Eight Theories" pointed out when criticizing Yang Zhu: Although Yang Zhu's proposition is clear, it does not conform to the actual situation at that time, and it is fundamentally unworkable.

Immortal Lonely Smile doesn't care about these problems that are feasible in the society at that time. Now he is like a door to a new world that has been pushed open, bathed in the light of Yang Zhu's thought!
Everyone does not lose a cent, and everyone is not good for the world!

Everyone does not harm a single hair of their own, and no one should ask themselves to pluck their hairs based on major events in the world.

Everyone does not lose a cent, everyone is not good for the world, and the world is in order!
If everyone does not do this kind of thing that needs to be plucked to benefit the world, that is, if everyone does not harm his own interests to meet the needs of the so-called world, then the world will be ruled!

No one is qualified to ask me to pluck my hair, and I have no reason to pluck other people's hair. Everyone does not pluck their hair, and everyone does not violate others. Isn't this kind of world wonderful?


The most intense lightning and thunder erupted in the immortal's lonely and smiling mind, illuminating his entire soul transparently. Afterwards, the wind stopped and the electricity stopped, and everything returned to calm.

In the mind of the immortal Lonely Smile, there are four big golden characters shining: Not a single hair can be pulled out!
At this moment, all the belief skills on the immortal Lonely Smile, pay attention, are belief skills, and their comprehension level has been greatly improved. Several skills that had just broken B directly broke armor, and some even reached A. First grade, full grade!

What shocked the immortal Lonely Smile the most was that the effect of his first-rank ult and second-rank ult had undergone major changes in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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