online game bully

Chapter 731 Chapter 693 The descendants of Yan and Huang, cultural confidence!

Chapter 731 Chapter 690 Chapter [-]: Descendants of Yan and Huang, Cultural Confidence!
——healing the scars of cultural erosion

See also the Chinese civilization, the annual rings like a song
One page after another, unforgettable pictures
My heart is fascinated, and I will guard tirelessly

Nie Zong was already outraged, and the separated small spaces shrank violently, and many large-boned, vertically and horizontally aligned tubas had already started to cry out in pain.

"My Confucian benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith have become God's? Why don't you become a Korean stick? Everything belongs to your family! You fucking brainwashed guys are more terrifying than the most vicious murderers Because you are extracting the origin of our Chinese culture, breaking the root of our Chinese culture, in essence, you are doing the vicious pushers who will destroy China and destroy our nation!"

clack clack clack...

Ah ah ah! !
Numerous elite tubas that lined up vertically and horizontally uttered screams, their bodies were forced to squeeze bit by bit, and the feeling of their flesh and blood being crushed bit by bit was beyond the imagination of ordinary people, even if the pain nerves in the game had been Toned down, they still can't handle this level of pain.

Nie Zong's voice became colder:

"I see that your belief in the so-called Lord is not firm enough! You can't bear this little pain? Didn't the Lord tell you to take pleasure in suffering? Smile and see?"

A short stature, but still able to speak people gritted their teeth to refute Nie Zong:

"You... devil, the Lord will never forgive you! You will definitely go to the [-]th floor of hell!"

"I'll fuck you to paralyze you!"


the innocence of my life
In my heart
Indelible Yanhuang blood

guard that forever

The unrepentant loyalty that belongs to us

Nie Zong immediately shrunk the small space enclosing the dwarf by one-fifth, squeezed him until he hummed continuously, his five sense organs began to bleed, but his ability to endure pain was comparable to others, and he didn't scream He came out, but stared at Nie Zong viciously, with the attitude of an ascetic who is not afraid of the pain of flesh and blood.

Nie Zong cursed directly:

"Erbi thing, your Western religion still has [-] levels of hell? That's Buddhism, okay! Also, I, an atheist who doesn't believe in your God, knows that the Lord will forgive anyone, and I haven't learned the teachings well. You still come to be the most devout believer of your Patriarch? But then again, since you don’t understand the teachings, it shows that you don’t believe in the Lord very much, which fully shows that you haven’t fallen deep enough, boy, there is still salvation!”

Hearing that he was said to be ignorant of the teachings and not a very believer in the Lord, the dwarf immediately became anxious. It made him feel more indignant and desperate than the death of his own father. He wailed:

"You are talking nonsense! My devotion to the Lord can be learned from all over the world. All wisdom comes from the Lord, including the wisdom inherited from China, which is actually the Lord..."

go to hell!
The small space collapsed, and the dwarf was crushed into a meatloaf. With a wave of Nie Zong's hand, all three hundred small spaces burst into pieces.

Boundless has been completely ignited now, it is even better than a sci-fi blockbuster, with this shocking music, I feel like I am enduring a bitter journey of Chinese culture, the erosion of Western religious culture, Chinese culture is forced to defense.

No, no, looking at Nie Zong's murderous attitude, he has launched a just war to wipe out the cultural cancer!
——Guard, the innocence of my life
In my heart, the indelible Yanhuang blood

I guarded hard, the love in this world is boundless
The road is endless

The background music began to turn into a shocking symphony, as if tens of thousands of people were echoing the female voice's increasingly high-pitched solo, and at the same time, the video picture began to change to gorgeous and passionate.

The [-] troops marched into Zonghengqi with the slogan "Western religion go away, the cross down" on their heads, killing anyone they saw, completely disregarding their own life and death.

The Central Plains thugs, Mei Youluo, and Xianren Lonely Smile, the three giants of King Qi are even more rampant. No matter which resurrection point they are teleported to, they will rush towards the central square of Wangcheng in the first place, blocking people and killing monsters. The devil is like entering the land of no one.

And the religious fanatics in all directions also organized large and small teams to attack, but only the team with the synthetic formation can slightly block the three destructive giants. Was spiked.

He clenched his fists tightly as he watched endlessly. Unknowingly, he has linked such a devastating power with the divine power that represents my Chinese culture.

——I am persistently searching on the long road
That true love that is sung and immortal


The background music at this moment is like the shouts of countless descendants of the Chinese people. I can't help it, and I yelled in front of the computer screen!
The screen switched, Nie Zong turned into a silver-white ball, broke through the shackles of the ten thousand god formation, rumbled all the way forward, crushed all obstacles, killed the cross clone, broke through the five elements formation, and reached the minister!


the innocence of my life
In my heart
Indelible Yanhuang blood

I guard hard

The love in the world is boundless

The road is endless

The four giants broke through the Phantom Mystery Sand Wave Formation, overclocking the attack to break through the Divine Light Formation, and at the last moment, it seemed that the light of the entire world disappeared, only Nie Zong, who rushed from top to bottom, rushed upside down, and killed the minister in seconds with Ghost Flash figure!
All the sounds disappeared, and the heavy metal-like deafening symphony turned into the female voice's crooning at the beginning, an ethereal sigh that seemed to come from the depths of the universe.

At the end of the video, Nie Zong and a group of Yi Zhan Zhi Zhan executives were standing in front of a table, looking humble, staring at the table.

On the other side of the table is a hale and hearty old man with gray hair in Tang suit, splashing ink.

Xing Wu Zhi Zhi quickly rubbed his eyes, making sure that he read correctly, this old man turned out to be a master of Chinese culture, who enjoys special allowances from the State Council, is personally received by the leaders of the republic, a national treasure who even disdains the news broadcast, Ji Hualin!
This... this... this... in the end...

Mr. Ji Hualin put down the brush, handed the written word to Nie Zong, and nodded to Nie Zong with admiration.

Xing Wuzhi opened his mouth wide in shock, what a joke, how could this be true?Even the leaders of the country came to visit in person, hoping to get old Mr. Ji Hualin's copybook, so that they could go home and frame it, but they were rejected. How could Nie Zong and his so favored by the old man!
Nie Zong took it with both hands with a solemn expression, as if issuing a military order, and said something serious and sincere to the old gentleman. The old gentleman nodded, patted Nie Zong on the shoulder, and then walked towards the inner room.

At this time, the camera is zoomed in quickly, just like the endless longing heart, Mr. Ji Hualin's handwriting finally jumped into the whole camera.

Those are the eight characters of flamboyant and flying phoenix dancing!
"Children of Yan and Huang, cultural self-confidence"!
(End of this chapter)

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