The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 428 The Battle of the Second House

Chapter 428 The Battle of the Two Courts (1)
Sensing the eyes of the elder sister, Feng Wuqing said: "Dean Ding, the strength of the students is all related to their hard work and hard work. There is no good way. Dean Ding has been practicing for so long, have you found any way to make them faster?" Are you self-cultivated and diligent? If you have something, you might as well tell our juniors, so that our Lingxiao Academy can add more talents to the country."

"Hehe, my nephew is really good at talking. This court is just curious." Ding Hanhai said hastily.I really didn't expect this masked woman to be so powerful, blocking his words as soon as she opened her mouth.

"This year our college is just lucky and met a few students with good qualifications. Besides, doesn't Dean Ding also have a few good students this year? We are just each other, and Dean Ding has many outstanding students every day. One point, our academy should ask you more for advice, how can we select so many outstanding students every year?" Feng Wuqing said lightly.

"Hehe, luck, it's all luck." Ding Hanhai smiled awkwardly.How could this little girl be more powerful than Li Lingxiao back then.

Seeing that the junior sister replies every word of Ding Hanhai, turning passivity into initiative, Liu Lingyun and others secretly admire her. Only she who has experienced countless battles and fought against countless powerful enemies has such courage and courage. If it were them, they would not be able to do it at all. It seems that Ding Hanhai met his nemesis tonight.

"Dean Ding, did you invite some experts to do something for your Mojie Academy? Why does your academy have so many outstanding students every year? You might as well tell us, and let Lingxiao Academy study, anyway, everyone They are all cultivating talents for the country, you don't mind our Lingxiao College cultivating a few more outstanding students, right?" Feng Wuqing said with a smile.

Seeing her start to fight back, Ding Hanhai screamed in his heart that something was wrong, although he was able to deal with Liu Lingyun and the others with ease, but for their little junior sister, she had no way of understanding and could not do anything.

"Hehe, little nephew, you really know how to joke, how can you be an expert! The students of our Mojie Academy can achieve such results all rely on their own efforts and the guidance of our instructors. As long as the method is correct, the students' cultivation Naturally, it can be brought up." Ding Hanhai said calmly.

With a slight smile, Feng Wuqing said: "Dean Ding said the truth, but there is one thing I hope Dean Ding will not forget. As a student's mentor, not only to teach students cultivation and skills, but also one very important point, I wonder if Dean Ding has forgotten."

"Oh, I don't know what the little nephew is talking about?" Ding Hanhai was a little dazed.Does this little girl have some tricks to play tricks on herself?
"Dean Ding, to be a man first, to teach students, the first thing to teach is not cultivation, but to be a man. If a person's conduct is not good, the more skills he learns and the higher his cultivation, it is only for the country. It will be a scourge. At that time, not only will the country lose face, but the academy will also lose face, and the instructors will also be to blame, don't you think so, Dean Ding?" Feng Wuqing said lightly.The implication is obvious, Feng Wuqing is warning Ding Hanhai not to let his students be too arrogant.

Ding Hanhai is not stupid, it is impossible not to hear the implication of Feng Wuqing's words, but he can't refute it, the consequences of teaching a rebellious student are really unimaginable.

"Little Martial Nephew, it's rare that you have such insights, it's the blessing of Lingxiao Academy!" Ding Hanhai smiled awkwardly.

"Dean Ding, congratulations. All the participating students of your college have entered the next round. As the dean, you should encourage them and let them continue their efforts." Feng Wuqing said hastily.

Hearing what Junior Sister said, Liu Lingyun and the others were stunned for a moment, not understanding what Junior Sister meant by her words.

"That's natural." Ding Hanhai said hastily.Facing this little girl, he was always passive.It's really infuriating that I am an elder, but I have to listen to her in everything.

"Dean Ding, tomorrow will be the [-]th entry to the [-]th grade. The people from our Lingxiao College will definitely meet your college. You also know that the strength of these students in our college has just been promoted. Naturally, it is better than not your college , so as their little uncle, I have to let them sharpen their knives before the battle, please forgive me for being slow." Feng Wuqing gave a slight salute.

Uh, this little girl is really good, and she can still speak so euphemistically in the next order to evict guests, I really admire her.It's incredible to know so many things at such a young age. Liu Lingyun and the other four were all surprised.

This stinky girl dared to order her to be chased away.Hmph, just wait, one day, this old man will definitely clean up you.Feeling resentful in his heart, Ding Hanhai said: "Oh, my little nephew is right, I understand that there is going to be a competition, so I won't bother you. Let me go." Ding Hanhai said, turned around and left the living room.

After Ding Hanhai walked away, Meng Yiran said: "Wow, junior sister, you are too powerful, only you can make Ding Hanhai angry like this!"

"Fourth Junior Sister, it's alright you guys come to be my role, this villain will let me come. Anyway, I don't care what others think, if Ding Hanhai is not convinced, he will come at me, I don't mind letting him play." Feng Wuqing said lightly , There was a hint of evil in the voice.

"You guys are good, let me be this villain." Hearing her words from the bottom of her heart, the four of them were moved for a while. Except for the master, they hadn't been moved by anyone for a long time.

However, just when the four of them were moved, Feng Wuqing moved his body slightly, and his hands were slowly held behind his back, giving off a haughty feeling: "Okay, I've been watching the show for a long time, should you come out too?" ? Peeping at a group of women talking, if it spreads, I'm afraid your reputation will not be good, right?"

As soon as Feng Wuqing's words came out, a black light flashed in the living room, and a figure appeared in the living room.

Seeing that there was one more person suddenly, Liu Lingyun and others were surprised, their faces were full of vigilance, why did a man in black come again after sending away Ding Hanhai.Why did they not know when such a man in black came to Lingxiao Academy?

"Who are you? Why did you break into our academy at night?" Su Yahui shouted.

Ignoring Su Yahui, the man in black stared closely at the veiled Feng Wuqing: "Little girl, when did you find out the old man? It seems that the old man didn't show any flaws, right?" She came after Ding Hanhai Yes, even Ding Hanhai didn't find himself, how could this little girl find out?
"I knew it when you first came, but I didn't know whether you were an enemy or a friend, so I didn't want to alarm you." Feng Wuqing said lightly.

Ah, it turns out that the younger junior sister knew this was coming, it's really amazing!Liu Lingyun and the others were surprised again.

"Oh, so you now know whether the old man is an enemy or a friend?" the man in black said flatly.She wasn't bothered by Feng's ruthless attitude, nor surprised by her intelligence.

(End of this chapter)

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