The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 431 Brave Pang Yan

Chapter 431 Brave Pang Yan (2)
Although she allowed Wen Bifan to advance by herself, she only advanced to the first-tier sword god not long ago, and now she has advanced to the next level in a short period of time. Although her strength has adapted, her speed still cannot keep up. After watching her match, Xiao Yun Then I knew her situation.

"Ah, it's far behind? What is the standard for the speed of the second-level sword god?" Wen Bifan looked curious.

"The fourth uncle's speed can barely reach, but only barely, the fourth uncle's speed is not up to the standard." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Meng Yiran was taken aback by the speed standard. She has been practicing for so long, but no one has told her that there is still a standard speed.Because, when Xiao Yun said this, Meng Yiran said, "Young Master Xiao, how is this standard defined? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I also read this standard from a book. How to determine it is too complicated, so I won't talk about it now. Bifan, if you want to improve your speed, the only way you can do it is to change your body. Your current agility is not suitable for the skills you use. Not only you have to change, but also the Fourth Senior Sister, Fourth Senior Sister." Saying this, Xiao Yun turned to look at Meng Yiran: "Senior Sister Meng's cultivation is So stagnating for so long has something to do with the agility you learned." Xiao Yun said lightly.

"Change body skills? Is there enough time?" Meng Yiran was a little surprised. She really didn't expect that the stagnation of her cultivation was caused by body skills. Such a fact made her a little hard to accept.

"You must change your body skills, otherwise, senior sister, you will not be able to advance in your life. Every level of cultivation has a kind of body skills to match it. As long as you have the right body skills, you will get twice the result with half the effort and advance quickly. This is One of the secrets of warrior cultivation." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Hearing Xiao Yun's words, everyone's eyes were wide open. No one had ever told them about these things before!

"Brother Xiao, it turns out that you have mastered the secret. No wonder your cultivation has improved so fast, no wonder I can't catch up with you no matter how hard I try." Feng Wuqing sighed.

"Girl, your agility is not good. Your current agility is still not at its highest level. After you reach the level of a holy mage, you may be able to understand its true meaning. I also got it because of many chances." Don't be envious of today's strength!" Xiao Yun laughed.

"Ah, holy mage. Brother Xiao, you are not kidding me, are you? My movement skills are so powerful? Why don't I think so?" Feng Wuqing was at a loss, but she had followed her for 20 years. She is more familiar with it than anyone else, how could he speak so mysteriously.

With a slight smile, Xiao Yun said: "You, you usually only rely on cultivation, and you haven't fully experienced your body skills. Do more research when you have time."

"Okay, I will definitely study it carefully." Feng Wuqing hurriedly said, like an obedient little girl, lovable.

After Feng Wuqing finished speaking, Xiao Yun turned around and said, "Bifan, the other party has a second-level fire-type holy magician. If you meet her, you must not go head-on. Although you have the resistance to fighting spirit and are not afraid of raging fire, but Huo is too disadvantaged to resist raging fire with fighting spirit. I will teach you a special movement technique so that you can deal with her. Tonight, I may teach a lot, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiao, Bifan will definitely not let you down." Wen Bifan looked serious.If she can't learn what Xiao Yun taught, it means that she has no chance of being No.1 in this rookie competition, so she has to go all out.

Gently nodding, Xiao Yun said: "Girl, I will leave the other three students to you. I will help Qiqi and Bifan. Other students and senior sisters can certainly watch from the sidelines if they are interested."

Hearing what Xiao Yun said, Liu Lingyun and the students were very happy to teach, and they learned a lot tonight.They are naturally happy to have expert lectures and guidance.

After assigning the task, Xiao Yun stood up, a white spiritual energy suddenly emerged from his right hand, muttered for a while, then stretched his right hand upwards, and the white spiritual energy shot up into the sky, flying five feet above the Qingxiu Hall. It split open suddenly, forming a floating white boundary, wrapping the entire Qingxiu Hall.

After setting up the enchantment, Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and his figure split into two, forming two identical Xiao Yun.

Seeing the two Xiao Yun, except for Feng Wuqing, everyone else couldn't help but exclaim.

"Okay, everyone, don't take it for granted. This is a special movement method, but it separates the power of different attributes of a person to form different avatars. You are not suitable for learning, and even if you learn it, you will not be able to use it. In fact, the teacher Nephew, come with me." Feng Wuqing said, then walked to the side.

Except for Meng Yiran, Lu Qiqi and Wen Bifan on both sides, everyone else followed suit and passed by ruthlessly.Everyone knows that whether they can win the first and second place this year depends entirely on Lu Qiqi and Wen Bifan, so they don't want to disturb Xiao Yun's passing on the art, nor do they bother the two of them learning the art.

Two avatars, one was in charge of teaching Lu Qiqi, the other was in charge of teaching Wen Bifan and Meng Yiran, a temporary art transfer was quietly carried out in the Qingxiu Hall.With Xiao Yun's mysterious barrier, outsiders can't see what's going on inside, and can't feel any spiritual energy fluctuations. Therefore, the Qingxiu Hall looks calm, but inside it is full of waves.

The sun had already risen, the sky was already bright, and the students of Lingxiao College got up early in the morning, all of them had anticipation on their faces.This time, five of the seven senior sisters in their academy have entered the quarter-finals. Today's semi-finals are very important, so they got up early to wait.

However, it was already dawn, but they didn't see the master and the others coming out. The Qingxiu Hall was a forbidden area of ​​Lingxiao College's ordinary colleges, so they didn't dare to trespass, so they could only wait in the front yard.

However, after waiting and waiting, the dean and the others still didn't come out. The students became more and more surprised. In the end, some students thought that the dean and the others must have flown from the sky like they appeared on the first day, so they didn't see them come out. So the students hurried to the Southwest Plaza instead of staying in the front hall.

The competition is more exciting as it progresses. Therefore, there are more and more people in the southwest square every day. When the students from Lingxiao College arrive, the entire southwest square is full of darkness except for the passage leading to the competition and the venue for the competition. When you come here, your heart will be infected by the atmosphere of the scene.

Seeing the students from Lingxiao College coming, everyone cheered.In two or two days, the students of Lingxiao Academy performed wonderfully. This year, they are very likely to regain the first place. Therefore, the common people are all excited about it.

Let's talk about Mojie Academy, they came early in the morning.This year, Lingxiao Academy has more people entering the quarterfinals than them, and their strength is very strong.If it weren't for a lucky student who didn't match up with someone from Lingxiao Academy, only the two strongest seniors in their academy would have entered the quarterfinals.

Today's battle is related to whether the people of Mojie Academy have the chance to enter the championship competition, so they have to go all out for whatever they say.

(End of this chapter)

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