The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 438 The Real Contest

Chapter 438 The Real Contest (1)
"Ah..." Everyone was at a loss.

"Qiqi is on, and others will think that we won't win by force. In this round, let Bifan play, Qiqi, you follow me." Feng Wuqing finished and walked towards the stage.And while walking, he said: "Your Earl, Dean Ding, please come to the stage, I have something to say."

Hearing Feng Wuqing's call, Ding Hanhai and Li Yu were taken aback for a moment, not knowing what she was going to say, so they left their respective positions and walked towards the stage.Seeing the masked woman in white suddenly bring Lu Qiqi and Wen Bifan to the stage, the people with opinions began to discuss.

When the two approached, Feng Wuqing gave a slight salute: "Master Earl, in this group of contestants, Lu Qiqi from our academy has the upper hand in terms of spirit energy. Can you see if we can switch this round?"

"Swap?" Li Yu was a little surprised. The advantage of aura is that it is beneficial to Ling Xiao. Why does this girl want to change? Doesn't she want Ling Xiao Academy to win?

"This kind of excellence is innate. Even if our students win, the people of Mojie Academy will say that we are superior innately, not acquired. If we want to win, we must win the hearts of everyone, and we must be the number one. Everyone is the number one, Earl, what do you think?" Feng Wuqing said lightly.

What a convincing number one, this girl is really crazy.Thinking of this, Li Yu looked sideways at Ding Hanhai: "Dean Ding, what do you think?"

Hu Weibo is a student of their academy, Ding Hanhai is very aware of his strength, and the disadvantage of aura. Note that Hu Weibo is unlikely to be Lu Qiqi's opponent with the same cultivation level. Ding Hanhai is a smart person, so it is impossible not to know the truth. Now He was naturally happier than anyone else when the people from Lingxiao Academy proposed to change them.

Therefore, when Li Yu asked him, he agreed without much thought.But in the end, he couldn't help but said: "Little Nephew, why did you switch? Don't you know that if you switch, your academy is very likely to miss No. 1?" He couldn't believe that people from Lingxiao Academy would be like this good heart.

"Dean Ding, this year's No. [-] and No. [-] are definitely our Ling Xiao College's. The reason why I want to change is to tell everyone that our college does not win by virtue of spiritual energy. Our victory depends on our own true strength." It's not luck." After Feng Wuqing finished speaking, he turned to look at Lu Qiqi: "Qiqi, you don't blame the little uncle for changing your game, do you?"

"No, my little uncle is right. The real number one is not based on luck, but on our own strength. We must convince our opponents, otherwise, we would rather not have such a first place." Lu Qiqi looked determined, What the little uncle said is correct, if the other party is not convinced, they will still be challenged at that time. Instead of doing this, they might as well make the other party willing to admit and handle it once.

Nodding in satisfaction, Feng Wuqing said, "Well, good job, this is a student of Lingxiao Academy. Bifan, do you have any comments?"

"I support what my little uncle said, and Bifan has no objection." Wen Bifan nodded hastily. Anyway, Xiao Yun had already taught her how to deal with Hu Weibo. She was confident in herself, so she didn't object.

Turning his head slowly, Feng Ruqing looked at Hu Weibo who was opposite him: "Mr. Hu, what's your opinion on the change of the match?"

Hu Weibo is not a fool. He has reached the second-level holy magician. It is impossible for him not to know the mutual restraint of aura. If he is asked to change the game, this is the best condition for him. He has no reason not to agree, so Respectfully replied: "Wei Bo has no objection."

"Okay, since there is no objection, then this game will be replaced. Bifan, this round is up to you, Qiqi, you will compete in the next round." Feng Wuqing said lightly.

"Yes, little uncle." Wen Bifan bowed respectfully.

After the game was set, Feng Wuqing took Lu Qiqi back, and Li Yu and Ding Hanhai also returned to their seats.

Seeing the master coming back, Mao Zeyu hurriedly said: "Master, why did you change people? Is Lingxiao Academy out of its mind, and it's not profitable!"

"People from Lingxiao Academy said that if they want to win the first place, they must convince everyone. They don't want others to say that they won the competition by relying on their aura advantage." Speaking of this, Ding Han paused slightly: "Hmph, to put it bluntly She wants to completely destroy our Mojie Academy, this stinky girl is really crazy, Zhengping, you must fight for the academy, and don't lose the game."

Hearing the meaning of Lingxiao Academy's change of game, everyone in Mojie Academy looked heavy. This is undoubtedly the people of Lingxiao Academy demonstrating to them. It seems that they can't lose in this rookie game.

Seeing Feng Wuqing and Lu Qiqi come back, Liu Lingyun was puzzled: "Little sister, why do you want to change the game? Do you know that our hearts will be even more dangerous if we take a load?"

"Master, it's good to have a big risk, but don't you think that the greater the risk, the more challenging it is? Bifan and Qiqi have little experience in fighting enemies. If they have more experience in recruiting and learning from experts of different nature, they How do they grow up? This victory or defeat is only temporary. If they do not strengthen themselves, they will still lose to the opponent in the future. Instead of a temporary victory, they will not grow up in the game, which will be beneficial to their future. There is more help, what do you think?" Feng Wuqing said lightly.She has survived death again and again, and she knows that the road to being strong is cruel, so she cannot let Lu Qiqi and Wen Bifan grow up weakly in ease.

Hearing what the little junior sister said, Liu Lingyun was shocked. Only by fighting with stronger opponents can they grow up well. The younger junior sister's thinking is much farther than her own. Hey, I am not as good as her!Thinking of this, Liu Lingyun said, "Little Junior Sister, it's better for you to think farther."

"The master sister has won the award. Don't worry, this year's No. 2 must belong to our academy. Because I trust them." Feng Wuqing said lightly.

Although it is just a simple sentence, I believe, it is enough to express her trust in the students.As students, what they get first is the support and encouragement of their tutors, which has gone beyond the scope of the two, which makes Liu Lingyun, the dean, feel inferior.Lu Qiqi, who was standing aside, and the students behind her were also secretly moved.

Seeing that everyone else had left the competition arena, Hu Weibo couldn't help but said, "Wen Bifan, your academy is really crazy, aren't you afraid that you might lose if the competition changes?"

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, it's just that what my little uncle said makes sense. If we want to be number one, we must be number one convincingly. We just want to prove to everyone that the people in Lingxiao Academy are the best Yes. Hu Weibo, if you have any skills, show them!" Wen Bifan said flatly.

"Okay, if your Lingxiao Academy is so righteous, how can we let you down. Let's start." Hu Weibo said, his whole body was full of momentum, and the raging fire was burning.With yesterday's experience in the game, he didn't release all of his aura, so the entire fire barrier was much weaker than when he dealt with Pang Yan yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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