The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 440 Water Spiral

Chapter 440 Water Spiral (1)
Seeing Wen Bifan disappear suddenly under the eyes of everyone, they miraculously put the sword on Hu Bifan's neck, and everyone looked horrified. They saw Wen Bifan being swallowed by a fire lion just now. Why did they suddenly appear behind Hu Weibo? What kind of pro body technique is it, why is it so strange.

Slowly turning around, Hu Weibo finally saw that the person who put the red blood on his neck was Wen Bifan, and a disbelief appeared on his face: " just weren't...not..."

With a faint smile, Wen Bifan said, "That was just a phantom. Do you really think I'm stupid enough to fight with you with all my strength? Let me go." Leaving a sentence, Wen Bifan withdrew the red sword and went back to the dean.Xiao Yun taught her this move, without Xiao Yun, she would not be able to win today.

"Master, did you see Wen Bifan's speed clearly just now? Isn't she a second-level sword god? How could she have such a fast speed? Could it be that her cultivation is not just that?" Huang Yuanming asked hastily.Before, she only paid attention to the battle on the field, and did not pay attention to Wen Bifan's actions. Therefore, he didn't know how Wen Bifan appeared behind Hu Weibo, so he asked his master for confirmation.

"It's not that her speed is fast, but her body technique is very strange. Although she is only a second-level sword god, she can use the speed of a third-level sword god, so if you don't pay attention, you will lose her trace." Ding Hanhai said lightly.

He never thought that Wen Bifan's students had such a strange movement skills. It seems that this group of students in Lingxiao Academy is not easy.Wen Bifan has already advanced, and Chu Zhengping is the only one left in his academy.With Wen Bifan's speed just now, Chu Zhengping may not be her opponent. It seems that they have missed the first place this year. I don't know if Chu Zhengping has any hope of winning the second place.

Seeing Wen Bifan walking back, the students of Lingxiao College hurried up to greet him, their faces full of excitement.Defeating Hu Weibo meant that Wen Bifan had already entered the No. 1 competition, and now only Lu Qiqi and Chu Zhengping were left to fight.

"Junior Sister, you're doing well." Lu Qiqi hurriedly said, with excited smiles on her face.

With the help of Xiao Shishu and Xiao Yun, their strengths have undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few days.Now the junior sister has defeated Hu Weibo and won the game, which is really gratifying.After today's battle, do people from Mojie Academy dare to look down on them?

With a slight smile, Wen Bifan said, "Elder Sister, the next game is up to you."

"Well, I won't let everyone down." After saying that, Lu Qiqi strode towards the stage.The second junior sister has already won, and she, the senior sister, cannot lose.Xiao Yun taught her day and night, and she couldn't let him down.

Seeing Lu Qiqi go to the stage, Feng Wuqing couldn't help but said: "Bifan, did Brother Xiao teach you the movement technique you just did?"

"Yes, little uncle. It's only Bi Fan's stupidity, who can barely master the three levels of strength of this movement method. Mr. Xiao said that if he can master all this movement method, at least three phantoms can be separated. It's a pity that I There can only be one!" Wen Bifan hastily explained.In terms of age, she was a few years older than Xiao Yun, but what she didn't expect was that Xiao Yun knew more than she imagined.

"Brother Xiao is like a collection of books. Everything in him is enough for ordinary people to learn for a lifetime. Bifan, work hard, as long as you can mature all the things that Brother Xiao can teach you, then you will also be a master , As for how far you can go and how much you can cultivate, that depends on your own efforts." Feng Wuqing said lightly.

Hearing the meaning of the little uncle's words, Wen Bifan hurriedly said: "Little uncle, Bifan will work hard."

Without the guidance of my little uncle and Xiao Yun, it would be impossible for them to advance so quickly in their cultivation.Now that she has a special body, she has no reason not to work hard.

"Okay, the stage is about to start, let's see Qiqi's performance, I believe she will not let us down." Feng Wuqing said, turning his eyes to the stage again.

Coming to the stage, Lu Qiqi looked at Chu Zhengping who was walking slowly, with a faint smile on her face.In the past, when the people from Lingxiao Academy saw the people from Mojie Academy, they felt suffocated, but now their cultivation base has greatly increased, which is enough to suppress each other.As the saying goes, Yigao people are bold, and now she is not what she used to be, and she doesn't need to find her own way like before.

Walking to the center of the arena, Chu Zhengping hesitated for a moment: "Lu Qiqi, I really can't see that your junior sister Wen Bifan's body skills are so weird. Could it be that you have been instructed by some expert?"

"Our academy itself has masters. Could it be that your Mojie Academy doesn't have one? Isn't your dean the fourth-ranked master in Mozun Country? Isn't he a master? Or, you are too stupid to learn at all. What did your dean teach?" Lu Qiqi turned against the general.

Originally, she wanted to extract some useful information from Lu Qiqi's mouth, but she was silenced by the other party's words.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, Chu Zhengping, if you want to advance, then use your skills. You are the only one left in Mojie Academy. If you lose again, you Mojie Academy I can get No.3." Lu Qiqi reminded.

"Your academy wants to take first and second place, but there is no way. Just now my senior sister lost to Wen Bifan, and the loss was due to her body skills. Now I will get it back for my senior brother." Chu Zhenglai said coldly, The two feet touched the ground lightly, and the person flew into the sky, floating in the air just like Wen Bifan just now.The red fighting spirit was released, and the strength of the second-tier sword god was displayed in front of everyone.With such great strength at such a young age, Chu Zhengping can be regarded as the best in his generation.

Seeing that the opponent had opened up, Lu Qiqi took a few steps back, and the blue water aura was released quickly, and layers of water mist filled the surroundings, forming a blue body protection aura soon.In the third part of the gas mask, strands of blue aura swirled, quickly forming extremely sharp ice swords.

Seeing that Lu Qiqi had already started to prepare, Chu Zhengping drew his sword away, shook the red long sword in his hand, and Ling Li's sword energy went towards Lu Qiqi.The master sister has already lost, and he can't lose no matter what, so he chooses to strike first.

Although her strength is improving and she has Xiao Yun's guidance, Lu Qiqi is not what she used to be at this time, but Lu Qiqi is very cautious, so she has been more distracted when the opponent puts on a stance, so Chu Zhengping's preemptive attack , she has already prepared, so the move is not messy.The three ice swords spinning around the body greeted him in the shape of a character.

Sensing the three cold swords coming towards him, Chu Zhengping hastily swung two swords to block Lu Qiqi's ice sword, moved his body back a foot, and organized another attack.In this way, the two of you come and go and show off your strengths on the stage.

Warriors are famous for their speed, while magicians are famous for their magic. Chu Zhengping is not stupid, he knows the principle of using strengths to make up for weaknesses. Although he can't vent his fighting spirit like Wen Bifan, he will Give full play to the strengths of fighters and take the lead with speed.Even though there was no way to win in a short time, he did not fall behind.People from the two colleges each shouted for their own people to encourage and cheer.

(End of this chapter)

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