The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 447: Inviting Foreign Recruits

Chapter 447: Inviting Foreign Recruits (3)
"Senior Sister Song, don't worry, Senior Sister Meng can handle this trick." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Tianmo Dao is his uncle, although he has only met his uncle once when he was so old, he still understands his martial arts. When he analyzed the famous combat skills of Ding Hanhai's four disciples with several masters, Xiao Yun already knew it. Now that he understands this relationship, and, based on previous years' matches, Meng Yiran will definitely meet Ning Xiangrong, so Xiao Yun already has a countermeasure.

Seeing Ning Xiangrong pull out the Heavenly Demon Slash, Meng Yiran's expression sank, and he swung the long sword in his hand, and quickly performed a set of very weird combat skills. With each swing of the sword, the red fighting spirit automatically condensed into a strange symbol , Swinging 63 swords in a row, 63 strange signs quickly condensed into a strange tiger head shield.

Discovering that her junior sister has used a new move, Song Yanan hastily said: "Young Master Xiao, you should have taught this junior sister, right?" The senior sister has been around for thousands of years, and Song Yanan naturally knows her junior sister's combat skills, and what she uses now, But she has never seen it before, except for Xiao Yun teaching her, she can't think of where the junior sister's fighting skills come from.

"I was also fortunate enough to see Uncle Tianmo Saber use Tianmo Zhan once in the past. Senior Sister Meng's move was just my temporary idea, and it was enough to deal with Tianmo Zhan. It's just that Ning Xiangrong still has a second move. Whether he wins or loses depends on it." Senior Sister Meng has adjusted herself." Xiao Yun said hastily. When he was 13 years old, the master took him to meet the master Tianmo Dao, and she was lucky enough to see the Tianmo Zhan when the master and the master were sparring, otherwise, he would not be able to help Meng Yiran.

Gathering a large amount of fighting spirit and summoning the Heavenly Demon Slash, Ning Xiangrong clenched the hilt of the sword with his right arm and slashed down with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Seeing the Heavenly Demon Slash coming down, Meng Yiran withdrew the long sword with his right hand, swung his left palm forward, and the tiger head shield met Ning Xiangrong's Heavenly Demon Slash like a flying tiger.

Seeing that Tian Mo Zhan was about to meet Tiger Head Shield, Ning Xiangrong stretched out his left hand suddenly, a white light flew out from his sleeve, and a soft sword as soft as lightning came towards Meng Yi like lightning.

Seeing the soft sword flying out of Ning Xiangrong's left sleeve, Song Yanan and others understood why Xiao Yun reminded Meng Yiran to be careful before she came on stage. It turned out that Xiao Yun had already discovered Ning Xiangrong's secret.

Xiao Yun reminded Meng Yiran to be careful before, so although Meng Yiran has made great progress in cultivation and gained new combat skills and body skills, she has not forgotten, so the battle with Ning Xiangrong is all steady and steady, without too many tricks Now that the other party used the Heavenly Demon Slash, Meng Yiran knew that the last moment had come. If Ning Xiangrong wanted to use the devil's trick, this was the best time, so when he used the tiger's head shield, Meng Yiran had already With preparation.

Seeing that soft sword was stabbing into Meng Yiran's heart, Feng Wuqing smiled slightly at Lingxiao Academy: "Brother Xiao, it seems that Senior Sister Meng has lived up to your expectations, she won."

As soon as Feng Wuqing said "Win", such a scene suddenly appeared in the sky, a domineering giant sword was chopping on a tiger's head shield.A white soft sword appeared behind Meng Yiran.But Ning Xiangrong had a red sword on his neck, and a figure turned from a tiger into a real one, it was Meng Yiran.

When the phantom became real, the previous real shadow turned into a tiger, Ning Xiangrong's soft sword pierced through the air, and with a click, it was inserted into the ground, and two thirds of it was buried in the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Yiran's voice sounded leisurely: "Senior Brother Ning, I admit it."

Leaving a word, Meng Yiran quickly retracted her long sword and flew back to Lingxiao Academy, leaving Ning Xiangrong in the air blankly.

Seeing such a result, everyone immediately thought of the previous battle between Wen Bifan and Hu Weibo.

"Young master Xiao, the movement method that my uncle uses seems to be very similar to mine?" Wen Bifan couldn't help but speak.

"You both have the same physical skills, but your cultivation base is relatively weak, and you still can't reach the realm of your uncle. Bifan, you have to work hard." Xiao Yun said lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao." Wen Bifan said hastily.The speed of Uncle Master's move just now is obviously much faster than his own. As long as he works hard, one day he will be as fast as Uncle Master. Mr. Xiao is really powerful!

Seeing Meng Yiran flying back, everyone in Lingxiao Academy cheered, but Mojie Academy was downcast.A string of defeats has demoralized them.Especially Ding Hanhai, whose old face was almost blushing.

Looking at the victorious Meng Yiran, Mo Zunhuang narrowed his eyes slightly: "Li Yu, is this Meng Yiran Meng Tianen's niece?"

Seeing Mozun Huang ask about this, Li Yu hurried forward and said: "Your Majesty, Meng Yiran is Meng Tianen's niece, and his body style is somewhat similar to Meng Yuen's body style."

"Meng Tianen and Ji Mengning have been away from the Demon Lord for hundreds of years, and there is no news. How could his body skills appear in the Demon Lord's city? Could it be that he is back?" the Demon Lord asked hurriedly.Meng Tianen, Ji Mengning and his third daughter Li Lingxiao have the best relationship. If they can be found, they may know her whereabouts.This time, the granddaughter came back, did they come back together?

"Your Majesty, this minister doesn't know that Meng Yiran knows Meng Tianen's body skills, maybe it was passed down by their Meng family. This is not enough to show that Meng Tianen has returned to China." Li Yu explained hastily.

Meng Tianen is one of the Four Great Sword Gods in the Xiluo Continent, and one of the best masters in the Mozun Kingdom. If he comes back, the Mozun Emperor will naturally be happy.But the relationship between Meng Tianen and Li Lingxiao, when Li Lingxiao was kicked out of the Mozun Kingdom, I am afraid that this knot has not been untied, Meng Tianen and his wife will not return to the Mozun, so he thinks that if Meng Tianen wants to come back, unless the misunderstanding between the Mozun Emperor and Li Lingxiao is resolved .

In the first match, Meng Yiran from Lingxiao Academy won, and in the second match, Su Yahui and Huang Yuanming won.With Xiao Yun's guidance, Su Yahui successfully promoted to the first-level magic master, which can be said to be gratifying, but his opponent Huang Yuanming is in the middle of the third-level sword god, and it is not easy to defeat him.

The two fought in the sky when they came and went, and they fought for two hours, neither winning nor losing.

It was getting late, so the Emperor Mozun ordered the end of the match. Su Yahui and Huang Yuanming should be considered a draw.Such a result is readily accepted by the people of Lingxiao Academy, but the people of Mojie Academy are a little unwilling, but the Emperor Mozun has ordered, Li Yu Li Earl also opened his mouth, Mojie Academy is not good to say anything, so we have to Angrily, he went back to the academy.The people watching the game in the Southwest Square also slowly left, and the people from Lingxiao Academy also left together.

Everyone happily returned to the academy, Song Yanan and Meng Yiran went to arrange the students' affairs, and Xiao Yun, Feng Wuqing and Su Yahui stepped into the Qingxiu Hall again.

As soon as the three of them stepped into the Qingxiu Hall, they soon felt a familiar atmosphere.That aura was coming towards this side at an astonishingly fast speed, and soon appeared in front of the three of them.

From this point of view, this person is about forty years old. He wears a green robe and a dust whisk in his hand. He has the demeanor of a Taoist nun. This person is the dean of Lingxiao College and Li Lingxiao's first disciple Liu Lingyun.Today, I heard Xiao Yun's arrangement to practice in Qingxiu Hall and didn't go to watch the competition. Now I noticed a few familiar breaths as soon as I succeeded in the promotion, so I came out to have a look.The improvement of her cultivation has given Liu Lingyun the domineering aura of a strong person, but she is deliberately restrained, and ordinary people can't see it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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