Chapter 450
It turned out that she was Qiao Feng, the Qiao Feng who defeated Wuzun Kingdom's envoy at the Chess Sage Tower. Could it be that Qiao Feng didn't show up in the magic city so much? It turned out that she went to Lingxiao Academy.However, Qiao Feng, who played chess that day, was only fifteen or sixteen years old. How could she really have such a high level of cultivation at such a young age?Could it be that she practiced Jue Jue that can rejuvenate people, isn't it possible?
"It turns out that you are Qiao Feng, Junior Sister, and I have admired you for a long time." Mao Zeyu said hastily.

"You're welcome. Teacher Mao, are you sure you want to compete with Miss Ben? Don't you regret it? Miss Ben can't control the strength of her shots. If you hurt you, Dean Ding will fight for Miss Ben. Miss Ben Look, it's better not to compete this time, you can compare with my elder sister." Feng Wuqing hurriedly said.Her goal is Ding Hanhai, there is no need to spend time tossing with Mao Zeyu.

Want to hurt me, little girl, are you going too crazy? Mao Zeyu was displeased, but he said: "Junior Sister Qiao, your chess skills are well known. But if you want to discuss cultivation, you may not be able to hurt my brother." , you just make moves."

"In that case, please invite Teacher Mao." Feng Wuqing said lightly.

"Junior Sister Qiao, don't worry, you said your name, but you never took off your veil. You were so majestic in the Chess Saint Building that day, but brother was in the academy at the time, and didn't see your true face , Can you let Brother Wei take a look? Besides, won’t it be too much of a disadvantage for you to compete with Brother Wei while wearing a bamboo hat?” Mao Zeyu asked hastily.

With a slight smile, Feng Wuqing said: "Mr. Mao, if you want to see the true face of this lady, you can pick it yourself. If you can pick it off, you can see it. If you can't pick it off, put away your curiosity. If you are too curious, sometimes you will Killing people. Teacher Mao, please." Speaking of Feng, the white clothes quickly moved back three feet, Feng Wuqing stood quietly on the spot with his hands behind his back, and did not make any moves.

His complexion changed, Mao Zeyu was furious, and he took a bite of his junior sister. This girl is good, she doesn't even call her senior brother, a teacher Mao is superior to her teacher, and she doesn't respect herself at all. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you won't know me Mao Zeyu's interests.

After making up his mind, Mao Zeyu clasped his hands tightly, and a powerful fire spirit gushed out of his body, quickly occupying the space within a radius of one mile, and at the same time wrapped Feng Wuqing in it.The raging fire kept burning Feng Wuqing, trying to burn her into ashes.Seeing that Mao Zeyu on the stage had already started to attack, while Feng Wuqing stood quietly in the raging fire without making the slightest movement, he began to worry about her.

"Young master Xiao, why doesn't my little uncle fight back! Isn't she worried about the other party's fire?" Lu Qiqi said hurriedly.Although she is a magician of the water element, she is still clear about the dominance of the aura of raging fire. The little master didn't even make any resistance. Isn't she afraid of raging fire?

"Don't worry, with Mao Zeyu's cultivation base, even if your little uncle stands still and doesn't fight back, he can't hurt your little uncle. Don't worry about that. To defeat Mao Zeyu, she only needs one move. Your little uncle Uncle Shi is younger than you, and sometimes he still likes to play, so Mao Zeyu is probably going to be her plaything." Xiao Yun explained.

Uh... just one move, Mr. Xiao is going to be too exaggerated.Is the little uncle so powerful?It is unacceptable to think that the second-level magic god is a plaything.However, in this raging fire, an ordinary person would have burned to death.But the little uncle's white clothes, bamboo hats and veils did not move at all. This result shocked everyone on the field, including Mozunhuang and Li Yu in the judges' area.

Suddenly, a voice resounded, touching everyone's hearts like a thunderstorm on a sunny day: "Mr. Mao, you can't be just as capable as you are?"

Feng Wuqing's words shocked everyone present, Mao Zeyu's fire was no small matter, how could she say that the other party was only capable like this, could it be that her strength was stronger than Mao Zeyu's?
"Junior Sister Qiao, this ability is enough for you. You'd better think about what to do next." Mao Zeyu laughed.She is trapped in her own fire, why is this girl still so crazy, does she really know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?

"Mr. Mao, I don't know how your water-type spiritual power is. Your raging fire is useless to this lady." While speaking, Feng Wuqing waved his left hand behind his back, and the raging fire within a mile made a 'poof', and all Turned off, as if nothing had ever happened.

Seeing that his fire was completely extinguished by the opponent with a random wave of his hand, Mao Zeyu was shocked like a thunderbolt in his heart.On the side of Demon Jie Academy, Ding Hanhai couldn't sit still any longer, and suddenly stood up from his chair. He was also very shocked. With his own strength, he couldn't extinguish the fire as big as his apprentice in an instant. This Qiao Feng It was so easy that he couldn't believe his eyes for a moment.

Not only Ding Hanhai, but even Mozunhuang and Li Yu were surprised. Qiao Feng's strength was beyond their expectations, not to mention the others in Lingxiao Academy, all of them had already become dumb.

At this time, Ting Feng Wuqing said in a calm and unhurried manner: "Mr. Mao, the strength of the second-level magic master should be more than that, show your true ability."

When he came back to his senses, Mao Zeyu said, "Qiao...Qiao Feng, how did you extinguish my fire?"

"What's so difficult about extinguishing your fire? As a magician, you should understand that there are only two types of aura that can extinguish fire, one is water and the other is wind. How do you think this lady can extinguish your fire?" Feng ruthlessly asked back.

"Are you a wind magician?" Mao Zeyu suddenly realized.The only thing that can extinguish the raging fire so quickly without leaving any traces is the wind.It's just that he didn't seem to see her using her spiritual energy just now, so why did he extinguish his own fire? Could it be that he was delusional?
With a faint smile, Feng Wuqing said: "Is it the wind element, this lady doesn't need to tell you. Teacher Mao, don't you want to compete with this lady? While there is still a chance, then you should use it well, otherwise this lady If you do, you won't have a chance."

"Qiao Feng, you are so crazy, do you think you are invincible?" Mao Zeyu looked displeased, although the other party had a way to extinguish his fire, it did not mean that he had lost, so he not only Only fire aura.

"Ms. Ben has never thought that she is invincible. It's just that Ms. Ben thinks that she is a little bit taller than you in terms of cultivation. Do you want to listen to some crazy ones? Yes, Ms. Ben will give it to you." Get crazy." Speaking of this, Feng Wuqing paused slightly, "Let's not talk about you Mao Zeyu, even if all the teachers and students of your Mojie Academy come together, this lady can handle it with ease."

"Uh... Junior Sister is really young and frivolous! It's just that she will get into trouble like this!" Liu Lingyun sighed.The little senior sister is young and energetic, if things go on like this, something will happen one day.

At this time, I heard Xiao Yun from the side say: "Senior Sister Liu, you don't have to worry about her. Girls are always crazy, but she doesn't always do this. As long as there is a master who threatens her, she will be better than her." Little Jinyang is still good. Among the people present, basically no one can pose a threat to her, so she can do whatever she wants."

(End of this chapter)

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