Chapter 468 Expediency (2)
Hearing what she said, everyone looked horrified, this little girl still decided to confront Li Yan head-on, she was really more stubborn than the other!

"Little girl, do you insist on fighting with your grandfather? Aren't you afraid of losing?" Li Yu asked back.

"Grandpa Li, are you so sure that Ruthless will lose?"

"Isn't it? Your ninth grandfather has ten thousand years of cultivation, and his cultivation is close to the second-order holy magic master. Are you sure you can win?" Li Yu asked back.This little girl really doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, the cultivation of the Holy Magic Lord is not a joke.

Smiling slightly, Feng Wuqing said: "Grandpa Li, what do you think of Wuqing's light power in the Mentor Competition today?"

Hearing her question, Li Yu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of her performance on stage today.Then he said, "It's so strong that I can't even keep my eyes open."

"If that's only [-]% of Wuqing's strength, does Grandpa Li think that Wuqing has the strength to fight against Grandpa Jiu?" Feng Wuqing asked back.

Although his overall strength is still not up to the second-level Holy Magic Lord, but he possesses various spiritual powers, coupled with his mother's aura conversion method, he can also display the strength of the second-level Holy Magic Lord, and even stronger , Besides, she still has so many beasts, she is confident that she will be undefeated.

"Thirty percent? Little girl, aren't you joking with Grandpa Li? That's only your thirty percent strength? How far is your cultivation?" Li Yu looked surprised.What this little girl said can always shock people, but also make people unbelievable.He said she was just kidding, but her expression didn't look like it, and she said she wasn't kidding, but she didn't think it was credible. I really don't know if what she said was true or not.

"Grandpa Li, you don't need to worry about Wuqing's safety. For the safety of everyone in the magic city, Grandpa Jiu and I will not compete in the city. If Wuqing is really not the opponent of Grandpa Jiu, it is a big deal to admit defeat. If Grandpa Jiu still refuses to forgive , then it’s not too late to escape Wuqing! Besides, Wuqing is young and vigorous, and you are still worried that Wuqing won’t run faster than that old man, grandpa!” Feng Wuqing said cheerfully.

Although he has never compared his speed with Grandpa Nine, his ghost avatar can take on many fake avatars, and he doesn't know which one to chase after that, so in this world, as far as she knows, among the masters she knows, except for Xiao Yunzhi Besides, no one can catch up to her.

Knowing the truth of Feng Wuqing's words, Xiao Yun said: "Grandpa Li, the girl's escape is unparalleled in the world. Even a sword master may not be able to catch up with her. Don't worry. If she really wants to run away, Master Uncle You can't catch up with her. You can rest assured of her safety."

"Xiao Yun, is it that exaggerated? Have you seen the speed of the Juggernaut? Why do you two like to talk big?" Li Yu was a little unhappy.

Although he admitted that Xiao Yun and Feng Wuqing are very powerful, what he said was too exaggerated.However, Li Yu didn't know that Xiao Yun and Feng Wuqing were telling the truth, but he didn't know the background of the two of them, and he also felt that they should not have such a strong strength at such a young age, so he felt that what they said was too much. exaggerate.

"Grandpa Li, Wuqing and Brother Xiao are not talking big. The old Holy Emperor of the Holy Demon Kingdom was killed by the two of us together. You should be very clear about his cultivation. The cultivation of the ninth grandfather is far behind him. Don't worry. Nothing will happen tomorrow. If Grandpa Ninth reaches the end, Wu Qing will practice with her; laughed.

There is no one who does not respect the Holy Magic Venerable.Accepting the temper of the Holy Magic Venerable, only she can say such words.

However, when Feng ruthlessly mentioned the matter of the old saint and demon emperor, Li Yu couldn't help but said: "Little girl, it is rumored that you and Xiao Yun teamed up to kill the old saint and demon emperor who was a sword master. Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. If we don't kill the old Holy Demon Emperor, how can we quell the civil strife in the Holy Demon Kingdom?" Feng Wuqing explained.

"In the civil strife in the Holy Demon Kingdom, it was rumored that Xiao Yun died with the old Holy Demon Emperor? Is the news misinformation?" Li Yu hurriedly said.The news was reported by their spies, so there should be no mistake. Why did Xiao Yun appear in front of him alive.

"Brother Xiao didn't die. He was seriously injured and fell into a coma at the time. He woke up after a few days. Originally, the new Holy Demon Emperor wanted Brother Xiao to command the three armies. He definitely didn't want to be bound by power. That's why I came here with me." Feng Ruqing Hastily explained.

It is a supreme honor for the new Holy Demon Emperor to let Xiao Yun command the three armies. It is something that everyone dreams of, but Xiao Yun refused, which is incredible.However, the decision to let him command the armed forces as a teenager was too hasty.Everyone had another idea.

Seeing them mentioning the matter of the commander in chief, Xiao Yun said: "Grandpa Li, the two countries are at war, and it is the common people who suffer. I hope you can persuade the Demon Emperor to stop fighting. Xiao Yun admits that the strength of the Demon Empire is stronger than that of the Holy Demon Kingdom, but In a real fight, there will only be mountains of bones and rivers of blood."

"Xiao Yun, it's really rare for you to understand this at a young age. Don't worry, the two countries will not fight again in Grandpa Li's lifetime. As for whether it will happen later, this Grandpa Li can't guarantee it." Li Yu said lightly.If it wasn't for Wuzun Shengfa and the two countries mobilizing troops at the same time this time, the Demon Emperor would not be moved.Now that there are so many black-clothed masters suddenly appearing in the Holy Demon Kingdom, and Xiao Luo, a military genius, is in command, I believe the Demon Emperor will not go to war again.

"In this case, Xiao Yun will thank Grandpa Li on behalf of the holy demon people." Xiao Yun bowed respectfully.With this old earl speaking, I believe that in a short time, the two countries will not fight again, and I believe that the world will be peaceful for a while.

"Grandpa Li, it's getting late, you'd better go back to rest earlier, Wuqing will have to deal with the difficult Ninth Grandpa tomorrow." Feng Wuqing hurriedly said.

"Little girl, are you really sure to win tomorrow's battle?" Li Yu was a little worried.

"Grandpa Li, just rest assured that nothing will happen if you are ruthless. If you can't beat me, then I will ask my master for help. With my master around, Grandpa Ninth will not dare to do anything to me." Feng Heartless smile.

Hearing her talk about his master, Li Yu was stunned: "By the way, little girl, your cultivation seems to be higher than your mother's, and your magic doesn't seem to come from your mother's hand? Who is your master? ?”

"This is a secret, Wuqing can't tell you. If there is a chance, Wuqing will let you see his advantages and disadvantages. His strength is definitely not inferior to that of Grandpa Jiu." Feng Wuqing said cheerfully.

"Yeah, that's good. It's getting late, and I should go back, Grandpa Li. Xiaohan Xiaoqiu, let's go back." Li Yu said, and went back with his two grandchildren.

And Liu Lingyun and others sent them to the gate of the academy before returning.

"Junior Sister, I don't seem to have heard you mention your master. I wonder who senior he is?" Song Yanan looked curious.Before, she didn't say that her cultivation was raised through experience, why suddenly there was another master.

(End of this chapter)

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