The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 480 The Legend of Tianwei

Chapter 480 The Legend of Tianwei (2)
Li Lingxiao said that she went to St. France, and Feng Wuqing wanted to find her mother, so she should go to St. France.With the speed of the two of them, it only takes one day to get there, but after leaving the Holy Demon Kingdom and passing the Demon Zun Kingdom, two of the four major powers have already left, so Feng Wuqing is very curious about what the Wuzun Kingdom is like The situation, after going to Wuzun country and then going to St. France, they will go all over the four great powers, so she didn't go directly to St. France, but went around to Wuzun country.

Wuzun country is full of mountains, but the road is unblocked.The two walked along the way, traveling in mountains and rivers, very happy.Although the two of them were good-looking and attracted the attention of many people wherever they went, they didn't stay for long, so the locals left before they had time to understand their situation.So there was no trouble along the way.

"Brother Xiao, it seems that we will reach Tianwei City, the capital of Wuzun Kingdom, if we cross the two mountains in front again?" Feng Wuqing pointed to the looming mountain peak in the distance.

"That's right, this Tianwei City is located on Tianwei Mountain. The terrain of Tianwei City is steep, easy to defend and difficult to attack. That's why Wu Zun Huang first made Tianwei Mountain as the corner of the capital. Tianwei Mountain also has a very peculiar Legend." Speaking of this, Xiao Yun paused slightly, as if thoughtful.

"Legend? What legend?" Feng Wuqing suddenly became interested. The legend is probably true. If there is a legend in Tianwei Mountain, she would like to hear what kind of legend it is.I have loved listening to stories since I was a child, so Feng Wuqing would not let Xiao Yun let it go when he heard that there were legends.

With a slight smile, Xiao Yun said: "Tens of thousands of years ago, the capital of Wuzun Kingdom was not on Tianwei Mountain. Wuzun Emperor passed by Tianwei Mountain without any objection, and obtained the Tianwei Sword on Tianwei Mountain. Since getting the Tianwei Sword, Wuzunhuang cultivated rapidly and created a territory of thousands of miles in Wuzun Kingdom. After conquering thousands of miles of territory, Wuzunhuang moved the capital to Tianwei Mountain. Because the Tianwei Sword helped Wuzunhuang make a lot of contributions, Tianweihuang asked people to build Enter the Tianwei Hall, and enshrine the Tianwei Saber as if it were a god."

"Oh, so this knife should be very powerful." Feng Wuqing was a little surprised, it turned out that the legend was about a knife!
Gently nodding his head, Xiao Yun continued: "After the Tianwei Palace was completed, the Emperor Wuzun put the Tianwei Saber in it. Two years later, when the Emperor Wuzun wanted to continue to expand the territory, he would increase the size of the Wuzun Emperor. After entering the Tianwei Palace, he wanted to take out the Tianwei Saber to show off his glory. However, after Wu Zunhuang entered the Tianwei Palace, he couldn't take out the Tianwei Saber!"

"I can't take it out, why? Didn't Wu Zunhuang put the knife in by himself?" Feng Wuqing looked curious.

"It's true that he put it in by himself, but when Wu Zunhuang entered the Tianwei Palace again, the Tianwei Saber told Wu Zunhuang that it was waiting for its master to appear in the intermediary of Tianwei Mountain. The reason why Wu Zunhuang opened it so The purpose of a large territory is only for its owner to come back to inherit it in the future, and Wu Zunhuang is not his master." Xiao Yun said lightly.He didn't know about these things, nor had he seen them with his own eyes. He only saw them from the legends of legends from various countries when he was in the Holy Demon Kingdom.

"Ah, after making so much, it turns out Wu Zunhuang is just making dowry for others!" Feng Wuqing sighed a little, "Then what happened after that?"

"Think about it, how could the country that Wu Zunhuang managed to bring down be given away to others? Therefore, Wu Zunhuang was very angry, so he prepared to destroy the Tianwei Saber, and then led his troops to open the territory. Unexpectedly, the Wei Saber was angry that day. He reacted and severely wounded Wu Zunhuang. He told Wu Zunhuang that his master was seeking to help the common people in the world. He was the real Son of Man. As long as one day, the scene of eight dragons soaring into the clouds appeared in the sky of Tianwei Hall, that would be his It's a sign when the master appears." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Where did the dragon come from in the Xiluo Continent, and where did the scene of the eight dragons soaring into the clouds come from!

"Eight dragons soaring into the clouds, that's quite a spectacle! By the way, Brother Xiao, did the scene of the eight dragons soaring into the clouds appear later? Is the Mighty Heavenly Sword still in the Hall of Mighty Heaven?" Feng Wuqing was curious for a day.

"No, it has been more than 4 years, and there is still no scene of the eight dragons soaring into the clouds. The Tianwei Sword is still in the Tianwei Palace. Every year, several Wuzun Emperors in Wuzun Kingdom want to see them Whether it is the owner of Tianwei Saber or not has become their regret in the end. Tianwei Saber has become the biggest secret of Wuzun Kingdom." Xiao Yun said lightly.

"Brother Xiao, do you really have such a knife? Could this legend be too false?" Feng Wuqing said in disbelief.

"I don't know if it's true or not. However, in Wuzun Kingdom, many outstanding students entered the Tianwei Palace to try to carry this Tianwei Saber. Over time, this move became a big hit in Wuzun Kingdom. This is a grand event. The Tianwei Kingdom's sword raising ceremony came about from this." Xiao Yun said lightly.

Slightly stunned, Feng Wuqing said: "Brother Xiao, when will this saber-raising session start?"

"Calculating carefully, it should be three days later. Girl, do you want to raise this three-power knife?" Xiao Yun said lightly.This girl just loves to be lively, so I guess she must participate in the knife raising event!I don't know if there will be any trouble this time.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao, you still understand me. Anyway, no one has been able to lift the Mighty Sky Saber for so many years, so let us both try, maybe we can!" Feng Wuqing looked excited.She has obtained the Bright Divine Sword, and if she obtains this Heavenly Mighty Saber again, then she will have another divine weapon.

"It is said that the owner of Tianwei Saber is the one who saves the world. Why, you want to be the one too?" Xiao Yun said with a smile.

"I don't think I'm the right man, I just want to play with the Tianwei Saber. Besides, I don't believe that after so many years, no one can afford this Tianwei Saber. Brother Xiao, you will go too when the time comes Try it, maybe Tianwei Saber is waiting for you!" Feng Wuqing hurriedly threw the words to Xiao Yun.

Guessing what she was thinking, Xiao Yun smiled and said: "You, you just like to join in the fun! Even if we can get the Tianwei Dao, will Wu Zunhuang let us take it?"

"Brother Xiao, you are so humble. With our strength, if we want to leave, who can stop us!" Feng Wuqing looked confident.

"Hearing what you said, why do I feel that you don't seem to be going to participate in the knife-raising meeting, but to grab the Tianwei knife?" Xiao Yun laughed.

"Brother Xiao, don't speak so harshly, I just want to see if this knife is as magical as they say!" Feng Wuqing hurriedly made excuses for himself.

However, as soon as Feng Wuqing's words came out, Xiao Yun's face changed, and he stopped in a hurry, looking forward: "Girl, there are a few masters coming towards us." Although they seemed to be leisurely all the way, but They are well aware of the surrounding situation.

Seeing Xiao Yun's face suddenly changed, Feng Wuqing was slightly taken aback, and quickly released his mental power, and soon found that four auras were rushing towards them.They are two great swordsmen and two magic instructors.

(End of this chapter)

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