The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 494: The Evil Dragon Unleashes the Sword

Chapter 494: The Evil Dragon Unleashes the Sword (1)
"Okay, we know." Qi Yan and Luo Xiaoying agreed, and they jumped on the body of the Flaming Lion and headed towards the east gate.

After sending the two of them away, Xiao Yun said: "Prince Ninth, the other two princes, you should also hurry up and guard the south, west, and north gates. If anything happens in the city, you'd better not come in. Otherwise, send Xiao Yun is not responsible for his life."

After hearing Xiao Yun's words, the Sixth Prince, Eighth Prince and Ninth Prince left in three different directions.

Seeing that the three of them also left, Xiao Yun turned around and looked at the remaining ten people, his eyes fell on Wu Zun Huang's body the most, and then he bowed slightly with his fists: "Wu Zun Huang, Xiao Yun, what would you do before?" I feel that Xiao Yun is trying to harm you, and I forgive you for the offense just now."

If it wasn't for his stubbornness and disbelief in him, he probably didn't need to warn himself with extreme strength.The servant is so powerful yet so humble, plus he is also trying to save the people of his Wuzun country, as the Wuzun emperor, if he blames him again, it will be unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Emperor Wuzun said: "Xiao Yun, I was too excited just now because I was worried that you would be unfavorable to me and others. Please don't hold grudges."

Seeing that he had let go of his airs of respecting the emperor, Xiao Yun immediately felt relieved.I have to rely on their help to deal with those eight evil dragons. If they don't hate me anymore, I will have less worries and have a group of helpers.

"Xiao Yun, since you said that there is only one full hour left, then tell me, how should we cooperate with you?" The eldest prince said hastily.

If the matter is really as serious as Xiao Yun said, then only he can save this catastrophe here. For the sake of Wuzun country and Wuzun people, it doesn't matter if they put down their dignity.

Seeing that none of them objected, Xiao Yun said: "These eight evil dragons are very strong. If all of us here, plus the girl above, there are only 12 people. Your Majesty Wuzun, you are a water magician, you three first The magician and the two sword gods work together to block the blue fire dragon. The power of the fire dragon is very domineering, so you must be careful."

Hearing Xiao Yun's arrangement, Wu Zunhuang said: "Okay, then the second brother, second emperor, fourth emperor, fifth emperor, and seventh emperor will be in this emperor's group."

"Xiao Yun, do we want to be in a team with you?" The eldest prince seemed very excited to fight against a sword master for the first time.

"No, you can't be with me, it will be more dangerous for you if you are with me." Xiao Yun said, then shouted to the top: "Girl, you can come down now."

As soon as Xiao Yun's voice came out, the boulder in the sky suddenly turned into a strong rustic air and shrank towards the middle. Soon, the boulder disappeared, revealing a figure.

Immediately afterwards, the figure disappeared in a flash, and suddenly there was a slim figure on the ground, it was Feng Wuqing.She listened to Xiao Yun's arrangement and made such a huge boulder, the purpose of which was to force everyone back, now Xiao Yun told her to come down, she took back the mountain and returned to the ground.

When Feng Wuqing appeared, Wu Zunhuang was shocked: "Ling Xiao, why is it you."

Smiling slightly, Feng Wuqing said: "Your Majesty Wuzun, you have to see clearly, don't mistake someone."

She looks exactly the same as her mother, so it is easy for people to mistake her. When she was in the Holy Demon Kingdom, Mr. Xiao once told her that Emperor Wuzun Luo Shuai had pursued her mother, but she was rejected by her own mother.After so many years, he still hasn't forgotten his mother, this time he admitted the wrong person.

Hearing what the other party said, Wu Zunhuang was taken aback for a moment, and then carefully looked at Feng Wuqing in front of him, and soon found the difference between her and Li Lingxiao.

"Little girl, who are you?" Wu Zunhuang Luo Shuai was a little surprised, this woman looked too much like Li Lingxiao, if she hadn't been young, he really thought that the woman in front of him was Li Lingxiao.

"Your Majesty Wuzun, little girl Feng Wuqing, Li Lingxiao is my mother." Feng Wuqing smiled.

"You are Ling Xiao's daughter!" Wu Zunhuang was a little surprised, he really didn't expect Li Lingxiao's daughter to grow up so big.

However, I asked an idiotic question, if it wasn't Li Lingxiao's daughter, how could she look exactly like Li Lingxiao.But, why did Li Lingxiao's daughter come to Wuzun Country? What's going on?This Li Lingxiao disappeared on the Xiluo Continent for 13 years, why did her daughter suddenly appear?

After hesitating for a moment, Wu Zun Huang said: "Little girl, why did you come to Wu Zun Country? Where's your mother?"

"Brother Xiao and I just came to Wuzun to play, and I don't know where my mother is." Feng Wuqing smiled.

Although he didn't know what happened back then, but from Wu Zunhuang's eyes, Feng Wuqing could see that he cared about her very much, and it was all because of her mother in the final analysis.

"Oh, so who is this Xiao Yun?" Wu Zun Huang hurriedly asked.I really didn't expect to see her daughter here today, it was so surprising.But who is this young man in Tsing Yi? Not only is he handsome and extraordinary, but his cultivation level is astonishingly high. He is truly a hero born out of a boy!

Smiling slightly, Feng Wuqing said: "Your Majesty Wuzun, you may not know about him, but you should be very familiar with his father and elder brother."

"Oh, I don't know who they are?" The eldest prince looked curious.To have such an outstanding son, his father must be a great person. This Xiao Yun's father is really exciting.

"Xiao Yun from the Holy Demon Kingdom is his father, and Xiao Luo, the military commander of the Holy Demon Kingdom, is his elder brother." Feng Wuqing said indifferently.

Hearing Feng Wuqing mention Xiao Yun's father and elder brother, Wu Zunhuang and several princes were all shocked.Xiao Yuan, Earl of Wuzhi, is one of the four famous sword gods in the Xiluo Continent, and he is a remarkable figure.Unexpectedly, Xiao Yun was his childless son.

Xiao Luo may not have known each other before, but this time Wuzun Kingdom and the army of the Holy Demon Emperor fought, the commander of the army of the Holy Demon Kingdom, Xiao Luo, and the others knew it well. They really didn't expect that the old commander on the battlefield turned out to be Xiao Yun's elder brother .The Xiao family is indeed stronger than the other.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. The most important thing is to find a way to deal with those evil dragons in the Tianwei Saber. Girl, you are fast, and you lead these four brothers to deal with Qinglong." Xiao Yun Hastily said.

"Brother Xiao, even with such a division, it is impossible for us to deal with so many evil dragons!" Feng Wuqing hurriedly said.

"You hold on to the other two, and I'll figure out a solution for the other five." Xiao Yun said flatly.As far as their strength is concerned, they can only hold back two dragons at most, so he doesn't let others follow him.

Hearing what he said, Feng Wuqing said with a worried face: "Brother Xiao, will you..."

"Girl, we have no choice. If the eight evil dragons are let go, the people of the world will suffer." Xiao Yun looked serious.With his strength, it is not difficult to take them away, but once they escape, the people around them will not escape bad luck, so they have to stay here and try their best to stop and destroy these eight evil dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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