my brother is god

Chapter 136 Qilu's Melancholy

Chapter 136 Qilu's Melancholy

In the early morning of the next day, the Paris Federation rebellion was quelled and the news of the Eighth Army was sent back to Fei'er. At Qilu's request, Feiyue's days of letting go of the shopkeeper were over. When the investigation report of the Eighth Army was handed over to When Feiyue was in front of her, Feiyue realized that the adventure group she joined by mistake was actually the legendary Eighth Legion. The reason for this appearance, in Feiyue's view, is quite helpless.

"Bring Yayu, Tess, and Fang Rui to me!" Feiyue said to Ling who was quietly standing on her right, and at the same time, tilted her head to Feimi who was standing on her left, "Hey, Feimi, can you I can't stop doing this! It feels so uncomfortable! You know I don't like this!" Feiyue gently tugged at the corner of Fimi's clothes, looking really aggrieved.

"Qilu asked for this, and I can't help it!" Feimi shrugged at Feiyue, and then spread his hands, "But Qilu is also for Feiyue's good, so Feiyue should be patient?"

While talking, Yayu, Tis and Fang Rui were taken to the hall by Ling. In fact, this is Feier's entrance to the World Tree, and it is also the place Feiyue prepared for the national meeting. Qilu used it as her own studio, and so did the group of elves and fairies. They even co-operated with Qilu to deceive herself, covering the original open-air amphitheater-style building with vines and flowers, completely changing it. It became Feiyue's private studio.

"Your Majesty Queen Feiyue!" The three of them came to Feiyue and knelt down on one knee to salute as a knight.

"——" Feiyue sat high on the position formed by her vines. No matter how she sat, she felt uncomfortable. Thinking about it, she was afraid of being scolded by Qilu who was watching her, so she didn't even notice the three people who came to her. knight.

"Feiyue, Feiyue—" Feimi tugged at the corner of Feiyue's clothes.

"Fimi? What's wrong?" Feiyue asked, turning her gaze from Qilu to Feimi.

"——" Everyone present could see this scene. If it were any other king, he might have been accused of being inconsiderate of his subordinates, ignoring the government, and being cynical. However, this appearance was placed on Feiyue. , It has completely become a variety of praise words, such as cute, cute, etc. Anyway, there is no anger in the eyes of the three kneeling below, but more of a wonderful emotion, this kind of emotion It is difficult to explain directly in words.

"Ah?" After a short silence, Feiyue realized that there seemed to be a few more people below, and after a closer look, two of them were Yayu and Tis, and the other one was unknown. "Ahaha, just—er—just—that—"

"Okay, okay, I'm still kneeling!" Fei Mi said softly to Feiyue when Feiyue was embarrassed to find a step for her to go down.

"Well, you guys get up first!" Following Feiyue's order, the three of them slowly stood up.

"Your Majesty, this is Fang Rui!" Yayu then introduced.

"Hey, can I not sit here?" Facing Yayu's introduction, Feiyue tilted her head to Feimi who was next to her again, and Feimi turned her gaze to Guan Qilu. Not knowing what to say, he could only sigh, shook his head, turned and left.

Seeing Qilu leave, the three present breathed a sigh of relief, and Feiyue was no longer so restrained, and walked up to the three of them, "Fang Rui, I remember that when Feili was suffering, It was you who led the soldiers under your command to attack the opponent's supply line many times, successfully delaying Fei'er's defense!"

"If it weren't for those dead soldiers, I don't think I would be able to stand here today!" Fang Rui said with his head down, "I am ashamed of your praise!"

"If it wasn't for the dead heroic spirits, let alone you, we wouldn't be able to stand here today!" Feiyue Fang Rui said, "But, if it wasn't for you, those warriors wouldn't have gathered together, and naturally it would be even more impossible to succeed." Delay the intruders, so please don't feel ashamed or regretful, because you deserve it!" Immediately, Feiyue turned her eyes to Yayu and Tiss, "I'm sorry, I couldn't keep Yayu, You also failed to protect my father and mother, my brother, and your former subordinates, Cheshire and the others!" Feiyue bowed her head and apologized to Yayu and Tiss.

"You are—" Yayu and Tis almost fell to their knees when they saw Feiyue saluting and apologizing to them. Fang Rui who was beside him was also shocked by Feiyue's behavior. He didn't have any pretensions. When he came here today, he still didn't believe it when he saw these ostentations.

"You are the only fighters of the First Legion left!" After raising her head, Feiyue said to Yayu and Tiss, "Let them all come in! Although I don't know their names, please at least let me die on their behalf Partners, brothers, friends say thank you!"

At Feiyue's request, including the soldiers who were injured yesterday, all entered the palace. They were carried by the giant dragon in a carriage with Lagon. As soon as they arrived in Fei'er in the morning, they were called to meet Feiyue. At first, the group felt a little resentful. After all, they had just crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses, and they were not allowed to rest. The wound was simply bandaged, and then they were dragged to meet the Queen. How does this feel different from a zoo?
"Thank you!" When a group of people walked into Feiyue's hall, Feiyue went straight to the group. Before the group could respond, Feiyue took off the crown, bowed and said, "This is for you who have passed away." My partner, brothers and friends!" Immediately, Feiyue put the crown back on her head again, "Thank you!" Feiyue bowed slightly again, "This is for the people who live in Fei'er now, and even the entire Feili Republic. Say it!" After finishing speaking, Feiyue tidied up her appearance and sprinkled the water of life on the wounds of the soldiers. It's just caused by excessive blood and insufficient rest, and it's not a serious problem.

"Your Majesty—" After making sure that everyone's injuries were healed, Feiyue sighed softly, but the soldiers who were still a little unhappy couldn't say anything except crying.

"Hey!" Feiyue took out two bottles of water of life from the ring, "Pour one bottle into water to dilute it, let Uncle Ragon lie in it, and give Uncle Ragon to drink the other bottle, you must watch him drink it , don’t co-operate with him to fool me!" After finishing speaking, Feiyue handed over two bottles of water of life to Yayu and Tis who were also speechless with excitement.

After finishing everything, Feiyue returned to Feimi's side and sat down. This position is really uncomfortable! "Huh? Is there anything else?" Feiyue turned her gaze back to the hall and found that Yayu, Tiss, and Fang Rui hadn't moved, so she asked again.

"We will swear allegiance to Your Majesty to the death!" The knights knelt on one knee at the same time, saluted Feiyue, and said.

"Okay, okay, you guys go to rest first, let Uncle Lagon come to see me when Uncle Lagon recovers!" Feiyue paused as she said this, "Well, it's better when I go to Uncle Lagon, To prevent that guy from showing off, well, if there is nothing else, I will go first!"

After finishing speaking, Feiyue smiled at the group of knights looking up at her, and led Fimi to chase Qilu who had left. After all, she was more suitable for this state, not as Qilu said. She tends to be more majestic, although Feiyue also feels that this will dampen Qilu's enthusiasm, but it is the truth.

"Qilu!" Walking out of the hall, Feiyue saw Qilu standing aside waiting for her, "I'm sorry!"

"It's my fault, not yours!" Qilu said very straightforwardly, "However, I can give in on the political aspect, but on the military aspect, I have to listen to me no matter what!"

"Well, listen to Qilu no matter what!" After finishing speaking, Feiyue took Feimi and ran away, "Rest now!"

Seeing Feiyue running faster than a rabbit, Qilu couldn't laugh or cry. Thinking back in the underworld, Feiyue cared more about her words. Now that she has a body, why does she seem to be dealing with it?
"You, you are still the same!" At this time Qili walked out from Qilu's side, "Are you thinking that Feiyue cared more about your words back then, but now you are a little careless?" Qili winked at Qilu Blinking, as if to say, look, I guessed it again, right? "Do you know why Feiyue can be like this today? Wherever she goes, people greet her, and wherever she goes, people smile at her?" Qili gently hugged Qilu in her arms, letting Qili's head Leaning on his left shoulder, "My good sister, you are always confused by some superficial things. It is true that Feiyue's problems in commanding battles are due to An Yi for too long, but you have ignored the people around Feiyue. People, whether it's us, Feiyu, Hania, Hemir, Isabella, Aisha, Takawa, Rita, Lulu, or Grandpa World Tree, or the group of people who come to Feiyue all day long The ancient giant beasts and the kings of the underworld chatting to relieve boredom, not to mention the human warriors who swear allegiance to Feiyue, Feiyue is no longer the unknown little skeleton in the past, but a real queen. In the future, she will also become a true goddess—”

"Sister, what do you mean?" Qilu still looked puzzled, she didn't quite understand the meaning of Qili's words.

"What I mean is, the war matters should be handed over to the knights of Feiyu and Feiyue, the state affairs should be handed over to Fei Mi, Ling and their team, and the law and order should be handed over to Aisha and Taka Wa they, haven't these Feiyue arrangements already been made?" Qili gently stroked Qilu's head, "And we just need to watch Feiyue, accompany Feiyue, and warn Feiyue when she goes astray. She, comforts Feiyue when she is sad, spurs her when Feiyue is lazy, and returns her calmness when Feiyue is dazed, you have done a good job before, why do you want to add to the snake? "

"Yes!" Qilu leaned on Qili's shoulders, and her bewildered eyes became brighter under Qili's enlightenment.

As for Feiyue, she has already wandered the streets looking for food, and Fei Mi and Ling have returned to their places, and everything has returned to the way it used to be.

(End of this chapter)

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