my brother is god

Chapter 143 Comprehensive Support

Chapter 143 Comprehensive Support
After the dinner was over, Feiyue leaned on Feimi's right shoulder, and the moonlight shone on the two of them one after another. At a glance, they seemed to be covered with moonlight, and their bodies were glowing with a faint silver-white light.

Feiyue looks at the huge World Tree, but she always thinks of a myth in her previous life. She is at least half a god now. Although she is not complete, will her behavior become a myth in the future? ?
Thinking about it, Feiyue fell into sleep again, and the vines lying quietly beside the two wove a soft bed under Feiyue's body. The blooming flowers on the vines covered Feiyue's small body, and now she fell into a The frequency of sleep became more and more frequent.Fimi gently placed Feiyue's head on the vines, while she sat aside, looking up at the World Tree that was dotted with starlight.

The next day, when Feiyue woke up from the bed made of vines, Feimi was still sleeping beside her, and the flowers covered Feimi's body, but the vines did not form a bed for Feimi for some reason, allowing Feimi and Feimi to sleep together. Feiyue sleeps together.

Feiyue supported her face with her hands, and looked at Feimi's sleeping posture, as if she had returned to the original time. Although that time was so short, it was Feiyue's happiest time, and that time Gone forever.

"Feiyue?" Feimi slowly opened her eyes under Feiyue's gaze, her eyes were a little puzzled, because Feiyue rarely wakes up before Feimi, and this kind of thing seems to have only happened today in the past six months This time, of course, it is also possible that such a situation occurred because she rested too late last night.

When Feiyue and Fimi returned to the Congress and started a new round of foraging, Feiyue suddenly found a few sneaky figures not far behind her. Feiyue knew what those guys were thinking. He simply pretended not to see anything, and continued to wander aimlessly in the street.

"Feiyue, there seems to be something wrong with the tree of life elves!" Just as Feiyue was happily taking a few guys shopping, Xin suddenly appeared beside Feiyue, "But we have no troops to mobilize. Already!"

"Let the Third Legion stationed in the Paris Federation pass!" Feiyue thought for a while, "Well, let me think about it, you should go and have a look too! I'm just worried about letting the Legion pass!"

"If I go there? Will the fighting power of the capital be too weak?" Xin always put Feiyue's safety first, "The temple has mobilized most of the defenders and priestesses, as well as some Yaolings and angels Participating in the rescue of Zhanlan, it may be difficult to completely maintain the law and order of Fei'er by relying on hell alone, and if I go to the elves again, the situation may get out of control!"

"Don't worry, I can still ask the undead to cooperate. Uncle Tunas and the others will help! You can go there without worry! And I will let Taotie and the others come over!" Feiyue gently pushed the core Back, "Hurry up! I'm fine here, and it's still the capital city. If it's so easy to go wrong, can it still be called the capital city?"

"In that case!" Xin left a mark on Feiyue's body, then activated another mark, and directly recruited Xiaobai, "When I leave, Feiyue will be handed over to you!" Said After finishing, Xin flew directly to the place where the third army was stationed.

"Xiaobai, you go there first, and then come over through the portal, it's a waste of energy!" Xiaobai looked coquettish, but he was unexpectedly silent. If it wasn't for the Sandworm King insisting on him Signing a certain contract with Feiyue, he probably just watched Feiyue silently until now.

"Feiyue——" Three minutes later, Xiaobai passed through the portal and arrived in front of Feiyue. This speed was faster than the last time Isabella came over, and with Xiaobai's arrival, Feiyue could also feel Xiaobai's arrival. The joy of the earth, when the three ancient giant beasts arrived, the elements seemed to be very happy. Until now, the little fire around Xin is still very active?

"Well, let's go! Let's go shopping, anyway, idle is idle!" So Feiyue took Xiaobai to continue wandering in the street, Xiaobai was still silent, he is really handsome and professional Guard, before everyone just praised Feiyue for being cute, now it is unavoidable to start adding girls' screams, and these two are simply gods of wealth, whichever store you enter, the business is full, and Feiyue will not be able to do it later. Dare to walk into the shop casually, those guys are really crazy, the man is okay, how can those girls look at Xiaobai with the slightest bit of restraint as a girl?
However, the few people who quietly followed Feiyue remained silent. Feiyue had deliberately walked to places with less traffic several times, but the few people still followed quietly, neither stepping forward nor retreating. I really don’t know. What's going on in your head.

Fortunately, after the individual competition and mixed competition, Feiyue has nothing to do. As the commander, Feiyue can't just expose herself as a target in front of the opponent, especially in the frontal battlefield, no matter how good Feiyue is. It's amazing, and it can't be said that it can definitely face injuries from all angles. The real challenge will come when the mixed competition is about to end. From now until the end of the competition, Feiyue must ensure that she is in the best condition. In order to be ready to accept the impact of other colleges in the mixed competition at any time.

In fact, Feiyue is okay with these things, but when she thinks of angels and demons on the opposite side, Feiyue can't calm down, and Xin is also worried about these things, so she let Xiaobai stay by her side, right?After all, there was Ai Feiyang's assassination last time, as long as Xiaobai buys time this time, Sandworm King and the others will be able to arrive. At that time, even Ai Feiyang may have nothing to do with Feiyue.

So, as if in the center of the storm, Feiyue can see friction and battles between students everywhere around Feiyue, but they all very skillfully avoid Feiyue as the commander. In this way, Feiyue, who seemed a little busy at first, suddenly didn't know what to do, but couldn't walk away, which really made people feel uncomfortable.

Immediately, Feiyue thought about the elves and Zhanlan again, "Takava, Shariel!" Feiyue called out, and about 1 minute later, the two came to Feiyue.

"Takawa, take my token to Uncle Silverbeard. Since the elves and Zhanlan have both had accidents, the dwarves may not be optimistic. Uncle Dwarves has always been stubborn and will not ask us for help when he has to. All the elites of the abyss, go!" Feiyue handed a leaf of the world tree to Takawa, "I will let the kings of the underworld mobilize the undead to complete the security maintenance work, go at ease!"

Immediately, Feiyue turned her gaze to Shariel, "You take the orcs, elves, and dwarves who live in the world tree and some of the stone statues to the orc prairie, where Zhanlan encounters sea monsters, and the orc prairie is in contact with the ocean. Impossible without any problems!" After that, Feiyue also handed a green leaf of the World Tree to Shariel. "You have to be careful, I think there will be bigger movements behind the scenes, and this is just a prelude!"

"As you wish!" After finishing speaking, the two of them turned into a ball of flames and disappeared in front of Feiyue.

"Feiyue, I think it's better to let Taotie, King of the Sea and my father come here! It's fine if you take all Fei'er's defenses out like this, but if something happens, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it!" After a short silence, Feiyue was about to continue While shopping, Xiaobai suddenly suggested, "And I think it might be better to let Neptune deal with the sea monster, and then I can hand over the dwarves to my father, and Uncle Taotie can take care of the elves. Just need to solve the things on the Orc Plain!"

"Xiaobai, I know all of this, but last time Xin said that someone was targeting ancient giant beasts. If it wasn't for Xin's immortal body, I wouldn't rest assured that Xin would go out alone, and you are different, unless one day , you are the same as Xin, you are promoted to the holy spirit, that is, the pure element posture, otherwise I will not let you go out alone!" After finishing speaking, Feiyue looked into Xiaobai's eyes with a serious expression and said, "Your father, Taotie and Neptune and the underworld The kings have now arrived at the World Tree, don't worry, I won't make the same mistake a second time!"

In the next day, almost all of Feier's city guards changed their water, and the demons returned to Moya, the capital of the dwarves, through the tunnel of the dwarf stronghold and some of the dwarves stationed in the World Tree, and Shariel also Already leading the coalition forces of the World Tree out of the dense forest and embarking on a journey to the prairie, as for the portal, to be honest, Feiyue really dare not use it in this situation, except that the underworld is absolutely sure that there is no problem between the two sides, orcs, elves There are more or less problems in Fangdu, what if there is a ghost inside?This is no joke once it explodes!
A group of people followed Feiyue until late at night, so Feiyue had to admire the endurance of this group of guys. Today, Feiyue was busy with the transfer of undead, and unconsciously forgot a few guys. Feiyue didn't realize until the work was over, it seems that those guys are still following her?

"Feiyue——" Finally, when Feiyue brought Xiaobai to Qiangwei's garden and arranged dinner for Qilu and the others to come to eat, Ellie, Qier, Mina and others who had been with Feiyue all day An Cai poked his head out from the bushes.

"I'm sorry—" the four of them walked up to Feiyue in a few steps, and said to Feiyue while bowing continuously.

"I'm sorry? You're not wrong? What are you saying sorry to me for?" Feiyue continued to arrange the dinner and asked at the same time.

"That day, that day—"

"That day? If you weren't angry, I wouldn't have brought Yingying back so easily!" Feiyue looked up at the four people who were still bowing their heads, and said flatly, "And when it comes to people's life and death, even I can do it." There are really too few of them—" Saying that, Feiyue's gaze dimmed again.

"Hey, little Feiyue—" Just when the atmosphere was infinitely close and solidified, Feixue suddenly appeared behind Feiyue and hugged Feiyue, "What's for dinner tonight? Ummm—it's all sweets Na-"

(End of this chapter)

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