The king of all people

Chapter 31 Disappointing first-week sales

Chapter 31 Disappointing first-week sales

Albums are different from singles. The performance of singles can be glimpsed from the data in various charts.The performance of an album is good or bad, but it must be measured from various angles and various indicators.

As the newcomer of the year highly praised by EMI, Li Xian's new album "Let's Go" has done quite enough promotional work.

As an experienced music company, EMI aims at the Internet-centric potential market.Although at this time in 2000, the Internet was still in the emerging stage, but they were very business-minded, and they calculated that there would be an Internet hurricane that would sweep across the country in the future.It is a business that will not lose money in any case to get through the Internet marketing promotion first.

Of course, gimmicks and publicity can only fuel the flames of the album after all. The real focus lies in the quality of the album. A well-crafted and excellent album with proper promotion will generally not be too much to achieve. difficult thing.

The market price of the "Let's Go Now" album is 25 yuan, which is very cheap and affordable compared to the later album prices that are basically no less than 50 yuan.But in 2000, considering the general domestic consumption level, it was not a price of cabbage without threshold.

Li Xian's recent schedule is also full.He is not one of those queen-level singers. If he wants to further expand the popularity and influence of the album, he must keep going between announcements one after another.In this era, album sales don't mean everything, and a singer's income doesn't just come from album sales, and record companies won't be foolish enough to expect huge profits from singers with album sales.

However, album sales are good or bad is the first step for a singer to solidify his foundation.For a newcomer, if the album sales reach an unimaginable height, then his fame and status will also rise accordingly.Followed by a series of announcements, endorsements and commercial performances and other activities.The sales of the album will be smoothly converted into pure commercial benefits.

Many times, in order to gain attention, some singers and companies chasing fame and fortune will even spend a lot of money to buy back albums and falsely report sales figures, so as to achieve outstanding sales results.This kind of thing has not happened before. After analysis by industry insiders, many people can calculate the moisture in the sales volume of an album...

Real record sales can best reflect the commercial value of a newcomer, and the whole company is also very concerned about how far this "Let's Go" can achieve.

Due to the special focus of EMI Records, "Let's Go Now" also caused a small discussion on the Internet.Coupled with some promotional videos of the album broadcast on Satellite TV for a fee, many people know Li Xian and the news of his new album release.

Under this kind of intensive promotion, major audiovisual stores have ordered part of Li Xian's new album.However, in order to avoid risks and prevent losses, the owners of these audio-visual stores did not buy too many supplies at one time. Each audio store probably purchased about ten pieces, and the most did not exceed twenty pieces.

After all, no matter how good the verbal skills are, this is only a rookie's first album, and they have no idea about the quality of the album.Even some bosses who are not optimistic about Li Xian are holding a wait-and-see attitude for the time being. They don't think the album "Let's Go Now" can trigger a big sales frenzy...

With the relevant personnel working around the clock, the sales volume of the album in the first week was quickly counted.

It is true that as a newcomer who debuted for the first time, the first-day sales figure of his first album reached 2000 copies. Looking at the entire domestic entertainment industry, this figure will not be too low.However, this number is indeed a bit low for Li Xian.

The mediocre sales situation did not improve in the next few days. In the first week after the album was officially released, the sales volume of "Let's Go Now" stabilized at 8800 copies in the first week.

The media who received the news were as excited as if they had discovered a new continent. Under their extensive exaggeration, Li Xian could only say that Wu Bo's first-week album sales were ridiculously low and useless.

As the media, they don't care about the real performance of this album, what they want is news that can spark topics.Li Xian's reputation these days is not small, and he can be regarded as a newcomer who has been in the limelight recently. Titles like "The album hit the street, Li Xian failed to enter the music scene" will definitely attract the attention of many people.

He is the key newcomer of EMI's annual new star program, and it can be said that he has placed a lot of expectations on the company's top management.The company did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to bring together gold medal producers from all over the world to create this album for him, and also gave Li Xian a high degree of autonomy and participation.

The predicament of not being able to meet the demand is getting worse every year, and the company's top executives are becoming more and more restless.They urgently need to cultivate a leader who can compete with newcomers from other leading companies.Otherwise, EMI's status in the industry will go from bad to worse...

With this urgent mentality of "hoping for a child to become a dragon", associating with the painstaking efforts in cultivating Li Xian in the past few months, a rift of controversy has emerged within EMI.

The "anti-Li faction" believes that the company should immediately stop promoting Li Xian.The mud can't support the wall, and so much effort was made to build him, but in the end, the sales on the first day were not as good as the sales figures of the autograph session.Get back to the shore as soon as possible, so as to save yourself a lot of trouble on this money-losing product...

The "Li faction" believes that it is too hasty to draw a conclusion too early.Good works need word of mouth, and being recognized by the audience is a gradual process.The sales volume on the first day or even the first week cannot represent everything. They are unanimously optimistic about the stamina of this album after word-of-mouth fermentation.

People who have always been jealous and hated Li Xian seem to have heard the great news. If they were not public figures, they would have liked to dance a sexy dance on the spot to express their joy.

"It has been said for a long time that the last press conference was just a short-lived excitement. Without the blessing of external forces, Li Xian is basically a useless waste!"

"Hehe, now I really want to see if he still has the confidence to let me wait and see! Sometimes, being too naive can turn into a ridiculous stupidity..."

The two people who spoke were Wu Qifan and his manager who had an affair with Li Xian.At this time, they were no longer as serious as they were on the day of Li Xian's album launch, but replaced by a deep smile that couldn't be concealed, and the extraordinary disdain hidden in it.


All of a sudden, doubting voices and contemptuous eyes filled Li Xian's side.

Rejecting Xiao Yun's offer to let him relax on vacation, Li Xian made a special trip to apply to the company for more album signings and business activities.

He does not allow failure, let alone being defeated by gossip and ridicule from the outside world.At this critical juncture, all he can do is desperately publicize and sign for sales.Let this album be known by more people, and let more people know and accept the "Let's Go Now" that he put his heart and soul into.

(End of this chapter)

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