The king of all people

Chapter 585 Sublimation from Celebrity to Brand

Chapter 585 Sublimation from Celebrity to Brand
"The first Chinese-language 3D supernatural blockbuster "Death is Coming" hit the theaters, raking in 1 million at the box office in three weeks!"

""Reaper is Coming" is coming in menacingly, and it has reached the top of the monthly box office rankings in February!"

"The effect of Li Xian's exit from the entertainment industry continues to ferment, and the popularity of his farewell work has remained unabated for a long time, breaking records repeatedly!"

"A strong contender for the box office king of the year is born! Experts predict that "Reaper" is likely to mark the era before it is released, and step into the 2 million club as the king..."

What is the phenomenon level?The first and second volumes of "Han Zhu Ge Ge", which became popular all over the country at the end of the last century, are a living example.Now, "Death is Coming" has successfully won the baton as a 2-hour movie, and has been promoted to a phenomenon-level blockbuster that has attracted thousands of people.

Breaking ten million!
2000 million!
5000!Over [-] million!
It wasn't until "Death Is Coming" that it took over [-] million accumulative figures on the box office rankings in one go, that people who were already shocked beyond recognition realized that the first domestic film to exceed [-] million born!

Strictly speaking, the time it took was only 3 weeks!

Generally speaking, as long as the box office is not so bad that it becomes a one-day tour of the theaters, the basic release cycle will hover between half a month to a month. 2004 is not 2014, and there are not many movies that can be put on the big screen throughout the year. In this case, even some ordinary movies can also be in the release cycle for a long time.

For example, "Death is Coming" has been breaking records for half of the time since its release this week. As long as the theaters have no brain problems, it should not be a problem to reach the release cycle of 2 months.

This also means that "Death is Coming" still has at least one more month to accumulate box office!
That's right, a movie will enter a relatively low period one month after its release. After all, most of those fans who are interested have already watched it several times, and the freshness of the movie itself will also decline a lot, but for those who have been crazy so far For a pervert who has won more than 1 million box office, in the remaining one month or so, I believe that no matter how poor his performance is, he will be able to break through the 6 million mark sooner or later.

Almost everyone in the Chinese film industry is excited and surprised by such a figure like a fantasy, especially those "senior" directors and producers of the older generation...

As we all know, 'word-of-mouth' and 'commercial elements' are often incompatible with each other.The previous generation of filmmakers, due to their different times and growth experiences, led to their perception of film being different from that of many younger generations.

Ethical films, educational films, and some historical films are the favorites of such directors, but these films are not in line with the taste of the times, which has led to their hard work for several months or even years. If the failure of collection is miserable, even the capital will not be earned back.

They keep saying that they don't care about the box office, they produce works for interest and for the plot of the movie in their hearts, but I am afraid that only they can see through the sourness in their hearts.

It doesn't matter if there is only one or two films, but after a long time, maybe if they want to direct new works, it will be difficult for them to be favored by investors again!

Why, he Li Xian, a young and outrageous new director, can make a movie that can sell nearly 2 million box office in less than a month like selling Chinese cabbage?

The senior director who is puzzled, the filmmakers have to temporarily put aside the so-called "figure", to watch this film in person, to explore various reasons, and to see why it is so popular .

You know, this film that topped the box office records of Chinese film history is not only impressive at the box office, but also the word-of-mouth field that they are best at. Even those film critics in the industry who are famous for poisonous snakes All of them were full of praise like chicken blood.

However, at this time, they didn't realize that they had completely underestimated the charisma of "The Grim Reaper"...

The first person to speak out publicly on behalf of the 'predecessors' was the director Chen Kaige, who had brilliantly bloomed at the Cannes Film Festival with "Farewell My Concubine".

"I have to admit that the Chinese film market is developing in a broader and more prosperous direction. I also have to admit that I am really old after working in the film industry for so many years... Fortunately, our Chinese film industry , and Li Xian. In fact, I regret it. It was not until two days ago that I officially enjoyed the movie "Death is Coming". To be honest, I have mixed feelings in my heart. This movie has refreshed my understanding of movies and Chinese-language movies. Attitude."

"What is a good movie? I have never said what level of movies I have made, but today I can tell you with certainty that "Death Comes" is definitely a movie worth watching with your heart How good is it? This needs to be understood by you. Many details in the film are particularly touching, and I still remember them vividly. In short, after watching it once, you may still be unable to restrain your emotions. , go to the cinema again."

"Taking advantage of the last day of February, let me say a few more words boldly. In my opinion, the success of "Death is Coming" is not only due to its word-of-mouth and box office success, but also because it has created a new line of Chinese-language films. The development path. It is really hard to say what the future will look like, we will wait and see how it changes..."

Chen Kaige, who has always been calm and reticent, uncharacteristically turned on the "nagging" mode at the launch conference of the new film "The Promise", and did not hesitate to praise Li Xian and this "Promise" that gave him a lot of personal inspiration. "Death is Coming" was praised again.

China, the most populous country in the world, is not number one, or even in the top five, when it comes to the film market.Chen Kaige, who has been troubled by this problem for at least ten years, has finally opened his mind. The root of all problems is actually in the movie mode and the movie itself!

Don't Chinese people like to watch super blockbuster movies?How can it be!No one would deny that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "House of Flying Daggers", "Party A and Party B", and "Farewell My Concubine" are not blockbusters, but after so many years, they have all looked similar to each other. Anyone is instinctively bored.

In Chen Kaige's opinion, the benchmark success of "Death is Coming" is due to the film's extraordinary forward-looking beyond the times!In the Chinese film market, which is flooded with various martial arts, history, humanities, and youth films, it has come up with a work that is comparable to international blockbusters in quality—it was destined from the very beginning!
Whether it's following the trend, joining in the fun, or speaking with sincerity, the "one-sided" voice of the well-known director has unsurprisingly set off yet another storm in the outside world.

More and more celebrities and people in the industry began to join the army of "sought after". Under the leadership of such a group of people, the box office figures and word-of-mouth effects of "Reaper" are still rising continuously. , increase...

Just the number of followers of Baidu's "Li Xianba" has skyrocketed from 260 million, which had been stagnant for several months, to 355 million, as if breaking through the shackles!
As the central soul of this film, Li Xian, a name that no longer belongs to the entertainment industry, has ushered in a sublimation of a qualitative change!
High popularity, high reputation, high support...

It can be said that the ups and downs of the past four years have been drawn into a thread by the butterfly effect of "Death Comes" this time.When it comes to Li Xian now, what everyone thinks subconsciously is not the actor Li Xian, not the director Li Xian, but——

Li Xian brand!

(End of this chapter)

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