Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 12 The Seven Shrek Monsters Gather

Chapter 12 The Eight Shrek Monsters Gather

"Phoenix!" Ye Feng and the others shouted in surprise. In the Douluo Continent, there are some martial spirits or spirit beasts that are inherently stronger than others. The phoenix is ​​one of them. The phoenix is ​​the ancestor of all birds. In front of the phoenix, all the martial spirits of birds would become powerless to resist.

"That's right, Fatty's Martial Soul is a Phoenix. Hmm...it should be considered a Phoenix, but Fatty's Phoenix Martial Soul is a mutated Martial Soul."

"Mutated martial soul? What kind of martial soul and what kind of martial soul is the mutation?" Tang San asked.He had heard a lot from the master about the mutated martial soul.Once the Wuhun mutates, there are only two situations, one is to become extremely powerful, and the other is to be weakened.Grandmaster himself suffered from the mutation of the martial soul.And the martial soul of Ma Hongjun in front of him obviously belongs to the kind of benign mutation.

Dai Mubai said: "Let's say it's me, maybe even Ma Hongjun himself doesn't know. In their village, everyone's spirits are basically a kind of fowl with no offensive power. I don't know what happened, but when we came to him, The martial spirit has mutated, and he is born with the ability of flames. Fatty didn't enter the school by himself, but was brought back after being discovered by the headmaster in their village three years ago. He should be about the same age as you."

"Due to the mutation of the martial soul, Fatty has a very strong flame ability. This kind of flame is very strange. Not only is the temperature extremely high, but also has a strong adhesion and is difficult to extinguish. The dean said that after his martial soul mutated, It is really possible to become a phoenix. However, his martial soul also has a huge flaw. Although the mutation has brought a powerful soul power, it also has a certain impact on his body.

"What's the effect? ​​Can he eat and drink?" Xiao Wu asked puzzled.

"It's just too edible... The dean said that Fatty's martial spirit consumes a lot, and he must be suppressed by eating food, otherwise he will be eaten back by the martial spirit and die!"

Dai Mubai looked at Ma Hongjun who was still eating and sighed helplessly.

Ye Feng and the others were all in a daze, and then looked at Ma Hongjun who was eating non-stop with strange eyes. To be honest, they all understood the mutation of the martial soul, but they had never seen such a strange mutation of the martial soul. .

At this time, Ma Hongjun also finished eating the steamed stuffed bun in his hand, but he still didn't feel it was enough, so he said to Dai Mubai: "Boss Dai, I'm going to the cafeteria first." After speaking, he disappeared in a flash.

Seeing that Ma Hongjun had already run away, Dai Mubai said to Ye Feng and the others: "Let's go, let's go to the cafeteria quickly, otherwise the fat man will have to finish eating by himself in a while."

"It's okay, we've finished eating." Ye Feng said to Dai Mubai with a smile.

"Ah? Have you finished eating? When did you know where the cafeteria is?" Dai Mubai asked in confusion.

"Sakuya and Rem Ram heard that we didn't have breakfast early in the morning and were hungry, so they prepared the meal in no time and brought it to us."

"But I don't feel it at all. You also said that it was delivered, which means that you are not eating in your own room. Even if Sakuya and the others are titled Douluo, people will definitely notice such a big movement? "

"Sakuya's first soul skill is 'Time Pause', which can suspend time within a certain range. The range of suspension increases with the increase of Sakuya's strength. Sakuya can also unlock the time suspension at any time. Sakuya used to use it frequently. It’s very convenient to prepare black tea and meals for us.”

Hearing this, Dai Mubai's heart was actually the same as Tang San's: "What are you using such awesome soul skills for? Making black tea? Cooking? Do you know that you will be punished by heaven like this! !" In short, Dai Mubai's heart is now in chaos.

Immediately, with Dai Mubai leading the way, the four came to the cafeteria.

However, the cafeteria was completely eaten up, and Dai Mubai had already quarreled with Ma Hongjun.

"You're cheating, you've finished eating everything, what should we do?"

"Who told you to come so late!"

"I've said it n times, let you go to the cafeteria alone at the end, and wait for the others to finish eating. If you eat alone first, the others will be gone."

"I've lost my relationship, and I've been severely frightened. Is it okay to have a full meal? Are you still human? Do you have any sympathy?"

"No, you're just an idiot, not worthy of love!"

Swish, swish, swish!
The two quarreled very fiercely. If no one was present, they might have fought.

Xiao Wu was the only one, looking at these empty bowls in disbelief, said: "There are so many things, how did he stuff them in?"

Tang San was also speechless, stunned, more shocked than fighting.

The cafeteria door opened, and Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing walked in slowly.

"Xiaofeng, Xiaowu, Third Sister Kuang, Eliyi, Icarus." Zhu Zhuqing happily greeted Ye Feng and the others one by one. As for Tang San, she only greeted indifferently, Zhu Zhuqing That's it, being gentle with your own family and friends, as for outsiders?Hehe, she will let you know what the cold from nine days is.

"Ah, Zhuqing, you're here, how many are Zi and the others?" Ye Feng asked.

"Sister Zi is sleeping in the cage, Nimfu is watching TV, Astrea is eating, Sakuya, Rem and Ram are making food for Astrea, sister Yuyuko is having dinner with Ah Streia eats together, sister Xue Nai is helping, sister Li Yasi and sister Zhu Nai are familiar with the current strength, and they can't come for the time being." Zhu Zhuqing explained to Ye Feng one by one.

"Hey, these people, I agreed to come to see them on the first day of the school, but they were either sleeping or eating, so Lias and Zhu Nai should be more serious." Ye Feng said angrily from the side.

"Hehe——" Zhu Zhuqing just smiled at the side, thinking she didn't know what to say, she said it well at the beginning, but she changed her mind after a while.

"Where's the meal? Where did the meal go?" Ning Rongrong looked at the empty rice bowl on the table and questioned. She didn't eat at night and is now hungry. Seeing the empty rice bowl on the table, she didn't lose her temper on the spot. Not bad anymore.

"Fortunately, I've finished eating..." Zhu Zhuqing thought to himself from the side.

Suddenly, a magnetic voice sounded, and a handsome guy walked over with a smile on his face, and said, "Beautiful lady, please don't worry, I'm here, I have everything to eat!"

Immediately, a lump of stinky tofu appeared, almost choking Ye Feng and the others to death again.

However, Ning Rongrong couldn't believe that the person in front of him was the old man from yesterday.

And Zhu Zhuqing?She is still what she was when she first came in, she is what she is now, she only loves Ye Feng, even if Oscar becomes the Jade Emperor, she will not take a second look.

"Who wants to eat my tofu?" Oscar asked with a smile.


As soon as the words fell, Oscar was kicked away by Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Ye Feng, and was beaten ruthlessly, leaving Oscar speechless.Nonsense, dare he say it, Ye Feng is a titled Douluo, it's fine if he isn't killed.

"Forget it, I'll cook." Seeing Ning Rongrong's pitiful face, and Dai Mubai a little pitifully, Ye Feng prepared to show them off. (Oscar, Ma Hongjun: "Where are we? What about us?" Crack - kicked away)

"You know how to cook?" Ning Rongrong asked in disbelief. Ye Feng looked like the young master, and those more than a dozen guards with the price of Douluo, and the three maids, no matter how old they were. From any point of view, she didn't think that Ye Feng would be associated with the word cooking.

"Of course, Xiaofeng's cooking is delicious." Kuangsan said with some bright eyes. Of course, Ye Feng's craftsmanship goes without saying. The products produced by the system must be high-quality goods. The culinary skills drawn from the system are proficient. How could Feng's craftsmanship be poor?

Brother Ye Feng~I want to eat~Hurry up and cook for me~Ning Rongrong saw Kuangsan's expression and knew that Ye Feng's craftsmanship must not be bad, so she started one of the girl's natural skills "acting like a baby" , cute" begged Ye Feng to let him cook quickly, completely ignoring Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu's murderous eyes.

"Damn it, you dare to cling to Brother Feng (Xiaofeng) so much that you want to kill her, but she may become a member of this family in the future, what should I do? You can't kill her, it's okay to beat her up ?” There was a sudden gust of cold wind in the cafeteria.

"Do you feel a little cold?"

"Illusion, hehe...hehe..."

"Yes, it must be an illusion, hehe..."

At this time, Dai Mubai and the three of them could only hug each other and tremble silently, and cast their eyes on Ye Feng for help.

"Hehe, okay~ okay~ I'll do it for you, let go, there are still people watching." Ye Feng smiled and patted Ning Rongrong's head and said to her.

"Really? That's great! Brother Feng, you can go!" Ning Rongrong said excitedly, and pushed Ye Feng into the kitchen without any explanation.

"Okay. I'll show you off today!" After speaking, Ye Feng took out a lot of food from the "Ring of Infinite Food" and started working in the kitchen.

After a while of tinkling...

Dai Mubai and the others were already speechless in shock, their mouths were drooling looking at the delicious food, when did Dai Mubai and Oscar see such a meal in Shrek? The sumptuous dishes, as for Ning Rongrong, she felt that the meals she ate in the sect might not be as delicious as this.

"Don't look, the food will be cold if you don't eat." Ye Feng reminded them with a smile when he saw that they were just watching and not eating.

At this moment, there is a huge battlefield on the dining table...

"I'm a girl, you should let me go, give me that dish!"

"Xiao Ao, put down that plate of meat quickly, or don't blame me for not recognizing you as a brother!"

"Boss, you see how skinny I am, just give me this plate of meat!"

"Didn't you just finish eating, fatty, why are you here again?"

There was a fight at the dining table, and Ye Feng just watched with a smile.

Dai Mubai, Ye Feng, Tang San, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong.Zhu Zhuqing.At this time, the Eight Shrek Monsters officially gathered together.

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(End of this chapter)

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