Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 23 Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake

Chapter 23 Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake
Zhao Wou-ki looked at the group of little monsters in front of him one by one, and Zhao Wou-ki's eyes suddenly shifted to Ning Rongrong, "Why didn't you use your own martial soul to assist everyone just now?"

Ning Rongrong blinked his big eyes, and said: "It wasn't suitable at that time. No one knows that I am a disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. If I activate my martial spirit at a critical moment, the effect will be better. It will be more sudden."

Everyone else cast doubtful glances at Ning Rongrong, but Ye Feng nodded and said, "It will be more effective if you catch him by surprise. If Mubai's power and speed suddenly increase by 30.00% when performing the White Tiger Transformation , I am afraid that the Xuangui Soul King will also suffer."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Zhao Wuji nodded in relief, and said in a deep voice: "Remember, since you eight have all entered Shrek Academy, you are a whole. You are all little monsters of the academy. Go out in the future. It can also be called the Eight Shrek Monsters, each other must help each other. With your talents, if you cooperate well, it will not be difficult to defeat a soul master who is stronger than you."

"Yes, Teacher Zhao."

"Of course, I guess you will have to wait until you become Titled Douluo before you can help Ye Feng." Zhao Wou-ki said at this time as if he was hitting them.


Under the envious eyes of many civilians, the Shrek Academy group went back to the hotel.

Silent all night.In the early morning of the next day, as soon as the sky was bright, Zao Wou-Ki called everyone up with his loud voice.

Tang San didn't care, he got up very early every day, and had already developed good work and rest habits, but for others, especially Oscar and Ye Feng who were lethargic, it was a bit painful.So much so that when eating breakfast, most people are still in a hazy state.

The sun slowly rose from the east, making the white fish belly gradually enlarged, and the sky gradually became brighter.

Although Tang San saw this scene every day, no matter how many times he repeated it, the feeling brought by the appearance of the light would still shock his heart.The rays of the sun drive away the darkness, representing the arrival of a new day.

After leaving the small town, everyone accelerated forward. This place is very close to the Star Dou Great Forest. Everyone hurried on their way. The most excited one was of course Oscar who was about to get his third soul ring. He really wanted to know, his third soul ring. What kind of enhancement effect can the soul ring bring?

He knew that without reminding himself, Zhao Wuji would definitely take everyone to kill at least one ordinary thousand-year-old soul beast for him.

The Star Dou Great Forest was located just south of the Heaven Dou Empire. The forest stretched across the two empires. Due to the numerous spirit beasts here, it was also the place where the border between the two countries was the most indistinct.Judging from the map, most of the Star Dou Forest was within the territory of the Star Luo Empire. Of course, the Heaven Dou Empire had never admitted this.

As one of the three major wild soul beast settlements, this is naturally the place where soul masters most want to come, because every time they come here, it means that they are about to advance.

No one could tell how many years the Star Dou Great Forest existed in Douluo Continent, but after walking into the forest, the denseness that covered the sky was enough to tell people that it existed for a long time.

From a distance, Tang San vaguely felt bursts of fresh air blowing from the front, that refreshing plant fragrance, indescribably comfortable.Taking a deep breath of fresh air, all the [-] pores in the body seem to be stretched out. The feeling is indescribably refreshing.

Lifting the Purple Demon Eye and looking far away, what Tang San saw was a sea of ​​green, the endless green ahead looked so shocking, that's where the comfortable fresh air came from.

Finally, they came to the Star Dou Forest. The tall trees were at least 20 meters above, and this was only the outermost part. The dense forest had no paths at all, and the trees were full of shadows, so they couldn't see the real scene inside.

Before coming to the forest, the air became more comfortable, as if the temperature had dropped a little.The refreshing feeling with moist earthy aroma constantly stimulates everyone's sense of smell.

"Everyone stop." Zhao Wuji said.

Everyone stopped in their tracks, their bodies were already warmed up after traveling hundreds of miles, especially Oscar and Ning Rongrong. They compare.

Of course, Ye Feng is definitely not included in this list, his body can only be described as abnormal.

Oscar chanted his obscene incantation in a low voice, and handed a piece of tofu to each person. After these few days of running-in, everyone no longer disliked his tofu, and at most they pretended not to hear him when he chanted the incantation.

The tofu entered the stomach and turned into a hot stream, restoring everyone's physical strength, and everyone's emotions became high.

Zhao Wou-ki looked at the eight students in front of him seriously, "Listen clearly to me, the Star Dou Forest is not the kind of place where the state keeps magical beasts in captivity. The magical beasts here are extremely dangerous, and you may face millennium, or even Ten-thousand-year-level magical beasts attack. Therefore, after entering the forest, none of you should leave my body for more than 20 meters. Ning Rongrong, Oscar, you two must follow me closely. Without my order, no one is allowed to attack easily Soul beast, do you understand?"


"Understood, Mr. Zhao, I spent almost half of my time here before I came to Shrek Academy. Maybe I know this place better than you, so you can rest assured." Ye Feng said to Zhao Wuji with a smile. "Besides, we have a Titled Douluo and three Soul Sages here. As long as our luck isn't too bad, there shouldn't be any problems."

"That's true, but Xiaofeng, why didn't Master Zi and the others follow? Wouldn't it be more secure to have any of them follow?" Zhao Wou-ki asked puzzled.

"Zi said that this trip to the Star Dou Great Forest is also a kind of experience. Under normal circumstances, she will not make a move, unless one of us is about to die, she will make a move. Even if someone really dies here, as long as Not too long, Kuang San can revive him, time ability is not a joke." Ye Feng said to Zhao Wuji.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it, you are more perverted than the other, anyway, I feel relieved with your words, now Oscar is preparing tofu and sugared garlic, and we are going to enter the Star Forest." Zao Wou-ki gave up on Ye Feng. asked Oscar on the side to prepare stinky tofu and sugared garlic for emergencies.

Oscar quickly chanted the incantation, and after a while, there was a lot of tofu and sugared garlic in his hands.

He handed each of them a piece of stinky tofu and a head of sugared garlic, and said, "My tofu can maintain vitality in the air for twelve hours, that is to say, it will be effective if eaten within twelve hours. The tofu recovers The treatment is accompanied by hunger, and the main function of sugared garlic is to detoxify."

Everyone took it one after another and put it carefully on their bodies.They understood that Oscar was afraid that it would be too late to give them tofu when facing a crisis, so he gave them some first.

The continuous release of soul power made Oscar's complexion a little pale. The sausage he transformed had a good effect on others, but only one-third of the effect on himself, which was basically balanced with the consumption of soul power. Therefore, After his soul power is consumed, he can only recover it through meditation. Of course, the effect of tofu to satisfy his hunger is also useful to him.

Seeing him like this, Ye Feng sighed, and instilled some soul power into him with the power of the realm, and Oscar's complexion immediately changed a lot.

"Thank you, Ye Feng." Oscar felt that his own soul power was constantly being replenished, and immediately knew that it was Ye Feng's credit, and quickly thanked Ye Feng.

"You're welcome, it's just a trivial matter." Ye Feng said indifferently.

Zhao Wuji looked around the crowd, seeing that the seven teenagers in front of him were all ready, so he waved his hand, "Let's go."

This time, Zhao Wuji asked Dai Mubai and Tang San to go ahead together, he and Ye Feng personally broke up, and took the first step into the Star Dou Forest.

After entering the Star Dou Great Forest, Xiao Wu was the most excited. She didn't seem to feel that this was a dangerous place at all. She was bouncing around, unspeakably happy. Zao Wou-ki frowned when she saw it, but Xiao Wu couldn't help it. Wu didn't exceed his limit, so he didn't say much.Only Ye Feng knows why, because Xiao Wu is a 10-year-old soul beast, this is Xiao Wu's home, wouldn't you be excited to go home?
The terrain in the Star Dou Great Forest is very complicated, there is no road in the forest at all, the job of opening the road naturally falls on Dai Mubai.

Using the martial soul possession, Dai Mubaihu's sharp blade bounced away, and between the waving of his palms, he split the thorns in front of him, which did not affect everyone's forward speed at all.

Tang San followed closely behind Dai Mubai, raising his vision and hearing to the strongest state, carefully observing the surroundings.

The master once told him about wild soul beasts.Wild soul beasts are extremely aggressive, and they hate humans who increase their strength by killing them. The most terrifying thing is that among wild soul beasts, some are clustered, that is to say, they are likely to encounter To a group of powerful wild soul beasts.In this case, unless the soul master's own strength is amazing, it will be difficult to resist.

Therefore, the master reminds you that once you enter the range of wild soul beasts, you must be extremely careful and do not make any mistakes, otherwise, you will probably usher in a catastrophe.

The reason why the master asked Tang San to come to Shrek Academy to study was not to let him learn something. How could the master not be able to teach what Shrek can teach.But the master was troubled by his own strength. Although there was no problem teaching Tang San, after Tang San reached level [-], it was impossible for him to assist Tang San to obtain the spirit ring.

The soul rings that can be tolerated at level [-] are millennium level. Millennium soul beasts are very rare in the country's captivity, and even rarer with good attributes. Only in places where wild soul beasts live can it be possible to find suitable ones.Therefore, the most important reason why the master let Tang San go to Shrek Academy is to help Tang San obtain a suitable spirit ring with the strength of the Shrek Academy teacher.

Soon, they encountered soul beasts, and it was a group of soul beasts.

In Zao Wou-ki's deliberately lowered voice, everyone stopped moving forward. This group of spirit beasts was first discovered by Tang San. They were a group of rodent weasels. This kind of spirit beasts were not big in stature, and their attack power was not too strong, but their teeth were Very powerful, capable of biting through gold and iron.

Tang San held Dai Mubai, who was slashing forward, with one hand, and shook his hand behind his back to everyone, signaling that there was no danger.Relying on the experience the master taught him, he could tell at a glance that this group of twenty or thirty rodent weasels were nothing more than ten-year spirit beasts.

The rodent ferret has a very sensitive sense of smell. It is obvious that they have spotted them at this distance, but they didn't show much, obviously they have no interest in them.

Tang San pointed to the side, Dai Mubai understood, and continued to cut the thorns to the side to help everyone move forward.

While walking forward, Dai Mubai asked Tang San in a low voice, "Why did we go around, those rodent weasels were not strong just now, just kill them."

Tang San smiled and said: "They have no threat to us, why bother to kill them. If all soul masters are like this, after many years, will there still be soul beasts in this forest? What's more, my teacher said that in wild souls In the beast forest, even if you encounter low-level spirit beasts, you can't take it lightly, because once you fight with them, the bloody smell and sound may attract powerful spirit beasts. We'd better be careful."

Dai Mubai said sincerely: "Your teacher must be a very powerful elder. This is all valuable experience."

Thinking of the helplessness of the master, Tang San couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, powerful?Master and these two words seem to be unreliable.This is also the greatest regret in the master's life.

The Star Dou Forest is really too dense, and the word "covering the sky and covering the sun" is not an exaggeration to describe it. It is not easy to see the sun in the forest.

Everyone walked forward for about an hour, and at this time, it was already noon.In the past two hours, they have also encountered many spirit beasts, but most of them are ten years or one hundred years old. When encountering spirit beasts, they mostly avoid them, and do not directly confront them. Palm directly solved the problem.Of course, he followed Tang San's advice, and didn't kill these spirit beasts, just drove them away or wounded them.

"Okay, let's rest for a while." Zao Wou-ki's voice made everyone who had been tense to relax, and Dai Mubai cleaned up the surrounding thorns, creating an open space of nearly [-] square meters.Everyone sat down against the trees and temporarily repaired.

Oscar naturally contributed his tofu again. At this time, everyone was not in the mood to feel what was delicious and what was not. They ate Oscar's tofu and drank the drinking water they carried with them, temporarily recuperating.

What Zao Wou-ki gave was an order to repair for an hour.This place still belongs to the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, and there are not many high-level soul beasts, so it is relatively safe.Their goal is to help Oscar kill a suitable thousand-year soul beast, so they need to go deeper.The more dangerous you get inside, the better your rest time will be.Therefore, it is very necessary to adjust to the best state in a relatively safe place.

Xiao Wu leaned on Ye Feng's shoulder, for some reason, she was still in high spirits when she first entered the forest, but after meeting the soul beast for the first time, she seemed listless, as if she had something on her mind, Ye Feng also looked for it Chance asked her, but Xiao Wu always said that she was fine.

When everyone rested for about half an hour, suddenly, Ye Feng, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhao Wuji cast their gazes in one direction at the same time.

Zhao Wuji shouted loudly: "Get up, there is something telling you to approach."

Tang San and Dai Mubai took the lead to block Oscar and Ning Rongrong very tacitly, while Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Fatty stood guard beside them. Immediately, everyone released their martial spirits, including Zhao Wuji and Ning Rongrong. Ye Feng is inside.

The rustling sound changed from small to loud, even Oscar and Ning Rongrong, who were auxiliary soul masters, could clearly feel how fast the unknown creature was approaching.

"Xiaoqing, look what it is." Ye Feng ordered to Zhu Zhuqing, there was a hint of seriousness in that voice.

Zhu Zhuqing let out a "hmm", and quietly jumped up, with sharp claws out of his hands, he quickly climbed up a big tree next to him as if walking on level ground, and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

The cat's vision is very good, even at night, not to mention it is noon in the middle of the day.

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing's cold voice came from the tree, "It seems to be a flying snake, but it can't fly high, it can only fly forward at a position about three meters above the ground. It has a fleshy crown on its head , looks bigger than the head, bright red like blood. The tail is quite special, fan-shaped."

Zhao Wuji's eyes lit up, "It's a cockscomb snake. This kind of soul beast is quite rare. The meat crown on its head has many wonderful functions. Oscar, you are blessed. It's a pity that I don't know what this cockscomb snake is. How many years. Zhu Zhuqing, keep an eye on its direction, and report to me immediately if there is any change."

"Yes. It is coming in our direction, and it is very fast, but its body seems to be out of balance."

Tang San suddenly asked: "How long is this Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake, and what color are its wings?"

Zhu Zhuqing said: "The wings are light red, and the length is about six to eight meters."

Tang San made some calculations in his mind, and said in a positive tone: "This is a thousand-year-old cockscomb snake, and the light red wings are the symbol of its thousand-year evolution. Judging from its length, six to eight meters, it should be a thousand years old. Between 300 and 800 years of cultivation. Oscar is just right for you."

"The Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb itself is non-toxic, and it is a rare and powerful non-venomous snake. It uses the body to wrap the enemy and suffocate it as an attack method. The attack method is very simple, but it is extremely fast, and its cockscomb stores various nutrients. In times of crisis, you can give it the effect of increasing speed instantly. If you get this spirit ring, then your next spirit ability should be related to speed. Whether it's to help increase speed or add speed to yourself, it's all about speed. It is a good choice. The Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake is not very strong and relatively single in its own attack power, so it is rare for more than a thousand years. You are lucky this time."

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(End of this chapter)

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