Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 26 Tang 3 VS Meng Yiran

Chapter 26 Tang San VS Meng Yiran

"Oh? The rules of the world of soul masters? Please tell me, senior." Zhao Wou-ki is not pretentious, he has never regarded himself as a person in the world of soul masters, he only behaves according to his own preferences, otherwise he would not have gained a bad reputation.

Chao Tianxiang said: "It's very simple, since they both need this spirit ring, and in the process of capturing this phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake, both sides have also put in their best efforts. Since everyone is reluctant to give up at this time, then use your strength Isn't it the most appropriate to determine the ownership of this cockscomb snake? If you, a disciple, defeat my granddaughter, we will leave immediately without saying a word. The snake gave up."

Zhao Wou-ki spread out his hands and put on a helpless look, "I'm sorry, Miss Chao, I'm afraid this won't work out as you wish."

Chao Tianxiang's complexion changed, and she said slightly angrily: "Zhao Wuji, I've already given in, what else do you want? Isn't the old man who bullied me here? Hmph!"

Zhao Wou-ki said with an apologetic smile: "No, of course not. It's like this. My disciple is not a battle soul master, he's just an auxiliary system soul master, and a food system soul master, how can he be with me? How about your granddaughter for the competition?"

After hearing Zhao Wuji's words, Chao Tianxiang was taken aback again, "What did you say? He is a food-type soul master?" The three words of food-type made her immediately look at Oscar differently.

Just like Shrek Academy Dean Flender said, Oscar, who is a food-type soul master and innately full of soul power, is definitely a genius among geniuses. I am afraid that in the history of the entire continent, there is no one who cultivates better than him. Fast food is martial soul.

Chao Tianxiang looked at Oscar with a pleasing expression, "Young man, are you really a food-type soul master? I wonder which sect you are from?"

Oscar shook his head, and said: "I am not from any sect. The dean said that my martial soul became like this because of a mutation."

A genius food-type soul master with no background and a mutated martial soul, the combination of these points makes Chao Tianxiang's heart tense. If he can dig such an outstanding food-type soul master into his sect, then, in the future, Wouldn't it be perfect to have him assist her granddaughter?
However, before Chao Tianxiang could say the winsome words, another voice suddenly interjected.

"Mr. Zhao, why don't you let me act for Xiao Ao. I'm level 29, so I shouldn't be taking advantage." It was Tang San who spoke.

Tang San has been observing the grandchildren of the Snake Woman for a long time, it is obviously not a good choice to waste time here, and he also heard from the dialogue between the Snake Woman and Zhao Wuji that the other party has a more powerful character and is not willing to do so. did not appear.In case that Duke Long also comes here, although they also have Ye Feng, the title Douluo, and Zhu Zhuqing, Zhao Wuji, and Xiao Wu, the three soul saints, it will be very troublesome.What's more, he and Oscar are roommates, and the method of fighting to obtain the spirit ring was proposed by the other party. Tang San is very confident in his own strength, even though the granddaughter of the Snake Woman is a level higher than him in spirit power, But Tang San didn't think that the opponent would be able to defeat him.

While speaking, Tang San had already walked to Oscar's side.

29 levels.The Snake Lady's heart suddenly contracted, and she wondered in her heart, who are these children that Zhao Wuji found, why are they better than the other?This one looks younger. If he was in another place, he would probably look like he just graduated from the Junior Soul Master Academy, but standing here right now, he said that he already has the strength of level 29.This is really...

Seeing Tang San stand up, Zhao Wuji couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes, and said to the snake lady: "Senior, what do you think? My disciple is a battle soul master, and can meet the requirements of the first battle. He will represent Oscar to fight , if he loses, this thousand-year-old cockscomb snake is yours, senior, otherwise, please forgive me, senior."

The snake lady nodded slowly. If her granddaughter can't even defeat a soul master who is one level lower than her, then what else can she say?
Oscar secretly showed his thumb to Tang San, and said in a low voice: "Good brother."

Tang San smiled, "We are roommates and friends, aren't we? Don't worry, this spirit ring must be yours."

While speaking, Tang San strode out, and the girl on the opposite side had already stepped out, and the others on both sides retreated slowly, leaving enough space for them to fight.

"My name is Tang San, Wuhun Blue Silver Grass, level 29 second-ring battle spirit master."

The girl said coldly: "Meng Yiran, Wuhun Snake Staff, level [-] second-ring battle spirit master."

Getting closer, Tang San found that this girl named Meng Yiran was very beautiful. After all, she was already 16 years old, and her body was already perfectly developed. Compared with her, the three girls in the academy seemed a little greener. .

Meng Yiran's big brown eyes had long eyelashes. He was about the same height as Tang San, extremely well-proportioned, and his slender waist twisted slightly like a snake. grace.

The leaves of the forest are rustling as the breeze blows, and the sun shines through the jagged shadows of the trees.Tang San raised his right hand and said: "Please."

The anger in Meng Yiran's heart was already raging at this time, seeing such a mistake in the rare soul ring she got, how could she feel better in her heart.Can't wait to kill Tang San in front of him quickly, so that he can get the Millennium Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake to absorb the advanced spirit ring.

In fact, although Duke Long Meng Shu is also in the Star Dou Great Forest, he was separated from Snake Woman and Meng Yiran because of tracking another soul beast, and it is not easy to find it in a short time.Otherwise, if Duke Long was really nearby, how could Snake Pom Chao Tianxiang be so talkative.

In a blink of an eye, Meng Yiran quickly came to Tang San, and the two-meter-long snake staff hugged the top of his head and smashed straight at Tang San's head.

It seemed that Meng Yiran was just a slender girl, but she was no longer a girl when she moved her hands. Not only was her momentum extremely fierce, but her soul power was also full of domineering aura.

Seeing the Snake Staff descending, Tang San slipped, stepped back quickly, and at the same time, the first spirit ring on his body lit up.

Blue Silver Grass's first soul ring skill, Entanglement, activates.

The thick blue-black blue silver grass surged up from the ground without warning, instantly entangled Meng Yiran who wanted to chase Tang San tightly.Spikes protrude from the blue silver grass, and the paralyzing toxin is activated instantly.

Tang San was only three meters away from Meng Yiran at this time, and seeing Meng Yiran entangled tightly by his blue silver grass, he couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face, "I think this competition can count It's over."

Tang San still had great confidence in the Blue Silver Grass.Opponents who are stronger than him may still have a chance to break free, but if an opponent of the same level is entangled by the blue silver grass, it is almost impossible to break free.After all, everyone's soul power is about the same, and the toxin attached to the blue silver grass will greatly reduce the power and paralyze the whole body, so it is even more impossible to break free.

This is also the advantage of control system soul masters among soul masters of the same level.Especially when everyone's level is not high, there are not many soul skills that can be displayed, and it becomes even more difficult to break free from the control skills of a control-type soul master.It is not so easy for the Blue Silver Grass with the two century-old spirit rings of Datura Snake and Ghost Vine to break free.After all, not everyone has the level of strength like Zao Wou-ki.

Meng Yiran and the snake-headed cane in her hand were all entangled in the blue silver grass, but she didn't seem to have the slightest intention of admitting defeat.

With a cold snort, the two soul rings on Meng Yiran's body suddenly lit up at the same time.

Seeing the shining spirit ring on her body, Tang San was startled. You know, once paralyzed by the toxin attached to the blue silver grass, it is impossible to continue to mobilize the spirit power. This is why the blue silver grass's current control ability Already strong for an important reason.And since Meng Yiran was able to activate the two spirit rings, she must not be poisoned.

At the same time astonished in his heart, Tang San did not hesitate to step on Ghost Shadow Mistrack again, quickly backing away.While retreating, he also saw a strange scene.

I saw that Meng Yiran's body, which was entangled in the blue silver grass, was distorted as if without bones, and the body that became soft suddenly came out of the blue silver grass as if oiled, with the snake's head in his hand. The crutch directly smashed towards Tang San.

From the snake head on the top of the snake head crutch, a two-foot-long tongue spewed out, instantly closing the distance with Tang San, the tongue blade shone with a blue luster, obviously very poisonous.

Meng Yiran activated two soul skills at the same time, the first soul ring skill, tongue blade, and the second soul ring skill, snake body.Relying on the body of the snake, she slipped out of the package of the blue silver grass, while the tongue blade burst into a tyrannical attack, and immediately reversed the attack.

However, Meng still looked a little embarrassed at this time.Although the spikes on the blue silver grass couldn't make the toxin work, and couldn't even pierce her extremely slippery snake body, but her clothes didn't have the effect of skills.

At this time, the whole body is already riddled with holes, and some beauty can be vaguely seen through the holes.

This is also the reason why Meng Yiran killed Tang San as soon as she broke free from the Blue Silver Grass. At this time, she was not only angry, but also ashamed and angry.

Seeing that the Blue Silver Grass couldn't play its role, Tang San couldn't help frowning slightly, the blade of his tongue was already in front of him, the sudden increase of two feet was extremely sudden, and he couldn't dodge any longer.

The body tilted slightly, Tang San no longer retreated, exerted force with his feet, and rushed forward almost against the edge of his tongue, at the same time his left hand was pulling with the crane control force, and his right hand was smashing out with the dragon capture force, the target was just below the snake's head on the snake staff , if this is really a snake, then Tang San's goal is the seven inches of this snake.

At this moment, Tang San already understood why Meng Yiran was immune to the toxin on her blue silver grass, because her spirit itself was highly poisonous, so she was naturally immune to it.It is precisely because of this that she was able to successfully escape from her entanglement skills.

There was a muffled bang, and the snake-headed crutch rose slightly. Meng Yiran's spirit power was even more domineering than Tang San imagined. Pulling back, the hands holding the snake stick shook slightly, the snake stick had already turned into eight lights and shadows and pointed towards Tang San at the same time.

These eight rays of light and shadows, with their surging domineering spirit power, almost covered all the space where Tang San could dodge.

And at this moment, Tang San's eyes suddenly lit up, and the deep purple light shot out, it was Ziji Demon Pupils.

Seeing Tang San's eyes suddenly turning purple, Meng Yiran couldn't help being slightly stunned, and couldn't help slowing down his hands.

It can be said that each of the eight lights and shadows transformed by the snake-headed crutches is true, or each of them is false. Only by constantly changing between true and false can they maintain their existence.

Even a master like Zhao Wuji encountered this kind of attack, he had no choice but to block it, but in front of Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes, the extremely fast snake-headed crutch slowed down.All the trajectories were clearly reflected in Tang San's brain through the Ziji magic pupil.

Tang San's hands moved, and he stretched forward without hesitation, the viscous soul power made the snake head crutch suddenly stagnate, and then, Tang San's right hand penetrated like a magic pen like lightning, and he caught it with one hand. On the body of the snake-headed crutch, the grasped position is exactly the seven inches where he hit it before.

Meng Yiran only felt that the snake stick in his hand tightened, and all the illusory lights and shadows disappeared, but Meng Yiran's attack did not end yet.

The tongue blade spewed out from the snake head crutch suddenly slipped down strangely, directly cutting towards Tang San's right hand holding the crutch.The sharp blade shone with a blue luster, and everyone knew that if it was cut this time, I'm afraid...

Meng Yiran's reaction speed was extremely fast, almost at the same time Tang San grabbed the snake's head crutch, the tongue blade had already struck down.In this case, even if Tang San wanted to hide, it was too late.If he let go of the hand holding the snake stick, Meng Yiran will definitely drive the snake stick down, and the target of the tongue blade will immediately turn to Tang San's body.

The so-called one inch is long and one inch is strong, although Tang San's ghost shadow fascination is mysterious, it is almost impossible to dodge Meng Yiran's attack under this situation.

Zhao Wou-ki's face is gloomy now, but in this kind of fair competition, if one's own side makes a rash move, it will violate the rules of the game.

Facing the tongue blade cutting downwards, Tang San chose the simplest solution, and it was also a suicide-like method.

He didn't let go of his right hand, but raised his left hand quickly, grabbing the tongue blade spewed out by the snake stick.

With a soft ding, Tang San's left hand had already firmly controlled the tongue blade, and at this moment, his hands had turned into crystal jade color.It is Xuan Yushou, the Tang Sect's top school.

Xuanyu hand, the unique knowledge recorded in Xuantian Baolu.For hidden weapon masters of the Tang Sect, Xuanyu Hand is one of the compulsory courses.

In Tang San's previous life, except for the Tang Sect, most people who used hidden weapons, especially poison-enhancing hidden weapons, had to wear deerskin gloves on their hands to prevent their palms from being injured.If the disciples of the Tang Sect were the same, wouldn't that be a joke?

Xuanyu Hand, based on Xuantian Kungfu, makes the palm of the hand as tough as cold jade, invulnerable to all poisons.With it, Tangmen disciples don't need to be cautious when using any hidden weapons, let alone be afraid of hurting themselves.

Of course, the Xuanyu hand also has a limit. When the attack limit exceeds its own, the palm will still be injured.However, the limit of Tang San's Xuanyu hand at this time is obviously not what Meng Yiran can reach.It might still be possible to replace it with the snake-headed crutch of Snake Woman Chaotianxiang.

With the tongue blade in hand, Tang San tightened his five fingers, grasping the snake stick and the tongue blade with both hands, tightly holding the top of Meng Yiran's snake head crutch in his hands.The two were at one end of the snake stick, and they were immediately deadlocked.

The tongue blade can be said to be the essence of the snake head crutch. Many skills need to be used through the tongue blade. The tongue blade is held in Tang San's hand, like copper cast iron. Recaptured, even Tang San's palm that suddenly became as white as jade could not be cut.

Meng Yiran's strength was all in this snake staff, she naturally couldn't give up her weapon, Tang San certainly understood this truth, this snake staff became the key to their struggle.

Almost without hesitation, the two simultaneously activated their soul power to attack each other through the snake staff.

Tang San's spirit power was blue, Meng Yiran's spirit power was gray, and the two different colors of light displayed on the snake staff at the same time, suddenly erupting into a violent collision.

At this time, the soul skills had no effect, and the soul power of the two was about the same. Facing the storm-like impact of the opponent's soul power, they could no longer spare their hands to interfere with the opponent in other ways.

Of course Tang San could activate his hidden weapon, but he didn't want to do that.If he couldn't defeat an opponent whose strength was similar to his own with his martial spirit and combat skills, then his practice for so many years would be in vain.Even though the control ability of the Blue Silver Grass spirit was restrained by the opponent, Tang San still had to prove that he was stronger than the opponent.

In this way, the battle between Tang San and Meng Yiran turned into a battle of soul power.

Meng Yiran's spirit power was fierce and domineering, coupled with the resentment and anger in her heart, just as soon as Tang San and Tang San entered a stalemate, they immediately launched a strong impact like a stormy wave hitting the shore.

Tang San's Xuantian Kungfu is an authentic and superior Taoist inner family mentality, flexible and strong, and endless life are its characteristics.Tang San knew that the opponent's spirit power was higher than his own, so as soon as Meng Yiran launched an attack, he was not in a hurry to fight back, but contracted his spirit power to one-third of his snake stick to resist tenaciously.You can attack me any way you want, but I don't mean to stand still.

Seeing that Tang San and Meng Yiran were at the point of soul power contest, Snake Lady Chao Tianxiang and Zhao Wuji became a little nervous.They are very clear that the contest of soul power is a very dangerous duel, if one is not good, it may be severely injured.Subconsciously, both of them approached the battlefield slowly, so that if something went wrong, they could immediately rescue it.

Time passed minute by minute, whether it was Tang San or Meng Yiran, sweat stains began to appear on their foreheads, both of them had tried their best.

Tang San wins in the aspect of Xuantian Kungfu's flexibility and endless life, and his own recovery speed is fast.And Meng Yiran wins because his spirit power is higher than Tang San's.If both of them maintain a balanced defense, then this competition is very likely to be a lose-lose situation in the end.

However, Meng was still too eager for quick success, her attack was too violent during the initial spirit power confrontation, so that her spirit power consumption was far greater than Tang San's passive defense.

On the surface, her gray soul power occupies two-thirds of the entire snake stick, but in fact, the consumption of her soul power will only be greater.

As time went by, under the ebb and flow, Tang San's counterattack gradually started, and the blue spirit power gradually gained the upper hand on the snake staff.The strength contrast between the two is gradually tilting.

No, I can't lose.Meng Yiran gritted her teeth and held on, seeing Tang San's spirit power approaching step by step, but she gave up without saying anything.Once lost, the Millennium Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake will become the opponent's.

Ever since she was a child, Meng Yiran has grown up under the doting of Duke Long and Mrs. Snake. She has never failed to get what she wants. As for the cockscomb snake, she is bound to get it. Although she is gradually at a disadvantage, But she refused to give up no matter what, and kept squeezing her own potential.

Tang San was also secretly surprised by Meng Yiran's persistence, his Xuantian Kungfu recovery speed was obviously faster than the spirit power of this world, after such a long time, he had already gained the upper hand, but Meng Yiran persisted so persistently.

A competition of spirit power is like a competition of internal strength, Tang San is very aware of the consequences.If one party's soul power is exhausted, the damage suffered by the exhausted party must be huge and irreparable.At least it was severely injured, most of the veins in the body were broken, and if one is not good, it will kill him.He and Meng Yiran did not have a deep hatred, and from some perspectives, they even sympathized.He didn't want to kill the opponent, but at this time, it was no longer something he could let go of if he wanted to.

The snake woman sighed towards Tianxiang, and said to Zhao Wuji: "Forget it, we lost. How about you and I attack together?"

With Zhao Wou-ki staring at him, Chao Tianxiang naturally didn't dare to act rashly, at this time, in order to keep her granddaughter, she had no choice but to do so.After all, although the soul ring is good, the life of the granddaughter is more important.

Of course Zhao Wou-ki was so happy, he immediately nodded in agreement.At that moment, these two strong men with the strengths of Soul Sage and Soul Emperor respectively floated out at the same time, came to the backs of Tang San and Meng Yiran respectively, and at the same time stimulated their own soul power.

"Let go." Zhao Wou-ki said in a deep voice.Strong soul power poured into Tang San's body, Tang San naturally heard his conversation with Chao Tianxiang, under the protection of Zhao Wuji's soul power, he immediately let go of his hands, and was led back a few steps by him.

On the other side, Chao Tianxiang also used her soul power to protect Meng Yiran, and grabbed her body to prevent her from continuing to attack.

Meng Yiran's face was pale, and with a wow, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and sat down on the ground wearily.

She was at a disadvantage before, and was struggling under the pressure of Tang San's soul power. Now that there was no attack, the potential she had stimulated quickly dissipated like a deflated ball, and she couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground. With the help of the snake lady Chao Tianxiang, she immediately entered the state of cultivation to heal her injuries.

Oscar quickly moved to Tang San's side, handed a piece of recovery tofu that he had already prepared to him, winked and said: "Brother, eat it quickly. If my brother has a future in the future, he will never forget you."

Tang San said angrily: "My own people, what are you talking about?" He took the tofu and ate it, and didn't ask Zhao Wuji to help him like Chao Tianxiang helped Meng Yiran, but went to the side and sat down to cultivate by himself.With the help of Oscar's tofu, his recovery speed will not be too slow.Zhao Wuji is the only strong man on the Shrek Academy side. It is better to maintain his strength as much as possible. Who knows if that Dragon Guild will suddenly appear?
Zhao Wuji seemed very satisfied with Tang San's refusal to help him recover his spirit power, and he couldn't help smiling when he saw him walking aside.

Ye Feng immediately stood beside Tang San who had begun to cultivate and recover his soul power. Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Ma Hongjun also stood over one after another, surrounding Tang San in the center to protect him.Tang San defeated Meng Yiran for Oscar, which made them all feel a little touched.The distance between each other seems to have narrowed a bit.

Zhao Wuji looked at Snake Woman with a smile on his face, "Sister Chao, what do you say?"

The snake woman said indifferently: "I would like to bet and admit defeat. If you lose, you lose. The thousand-year-old cockscomb snake is yours. I will remember what happened today."

(End of this chapter)

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