Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 44 Devil Master

Chapter 44 Devil Master
When Tang San woke up from the coma, he found that he was already in the dormitory, the warm feeling came into his body from all directions, the warm comfort almost made him groan.

Gathering his mind, Tang San found that his naked body was in a big wooden barrel, which was full of brown liquid, and Oscar was on the other side, still deeply asleep in the wooden barrel.Due to the addition of two large wooden barrels in the dormitory, it already seemed overcrowded at this time.

Stirring the liquid in front of him casually, the not-too-strong medicinal smell came in his nostrils, Tang San moved his nose, and suddenly understood a little bit in his heart.

After coming to this world, although he has not carefully studied the medicines in this world, he still knows some of them. The medicines in this world have many similarities with his previous life. The liquid in this vat should be boiled with some medicines. The effect of these medicinal materials is mainly to relax the tendons, activate the blood and strengthen the body.It's no wonder that after such intense consumption, I didn't feel much pain when I woke up.Only the legs are slightly sore, and the body is slightly weak.

It was only later that Tang San knew that in order to maintain the water temperature in the bucket, the master had to add some hot water to their bucket every certain time.The girls were taken care of by Icarus and Remram-sama.

A note was pasted next to the barrel with the master's handwriting on it.

"After waking up, go to the cafeteria to eat." Seeing the word "eat", Tang San suddenly felt his stomach growling, as if thinking about it, the sense of hunger suddenly surged.

After standing up from the water, he discovered that beside the two large wooden barrels there were two other smaller barrels filled with clean water, obviously for washing their bodies. The clear water was not lukewarm. When Tang San was soaked in it, he couldn't help shivering cleverly, and suddenly felt refreshed, and the sore feeling all over his body gradually disappeared.

After hastily washing off the liquid medicine on his body and putting on clean clothes, Tang San walked out of the dormitory.He was surprised to find that the sky outside was already full of stars, and in the silent night, insects and birds rang out occasionally, giving people a sense of tranquility.

Stretching his body vigorously, the bones all over his body made a series of crackling sounds, as if his whole body had been stretched.Taking two deep breaths of fresh air to replace the stale air in his body, he strode towards the cafeteria.

From a distance, the canteen lights could already be seen on, when Tang San walked into the canteen, he found a person sitting there eating.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the one who was eating and drinking looked back at Xiaosan, it was Dai Mubai.His cultivation of soul power made him wake up earlier than Tang San.

"Little San, come and eat. The taste is really great, Ye Feng made it himself." Dai Mubai's evil eyes had completely returned to normal, seeing Tang San, he immediately smiled.They have shared joys and sorrows more than once, and the feeling of sympathy does not need to be expressed in words. When they look at each other, they can already feel each other's friendship.

Walked to Dai Mubai and sat down, there was still a lot of food on the table in the cafeteria, the golden buns, Tang San was surprised that there was a "quack quack quack" laughter from the crack, Tang San Sannin couldn't help laughing.And the golden-yellow fried noodles, one bite, the soup burst out like lava, full of fragrance.There is also a note left on the table, which is also the handwriting of the master.

"After eating, clean the tableware. Pour out the water in the bucket in the room and wash it up. Don't sleep, practice soul power before dawn. Gather in the morning for class.

The stomach's protest made it too late for Tang San to talk to Dai Mubai, and immediately began to feast, sweeping away the food in front of him like a storm.

Cool, very cool, very cool.After a lot of physical exertion, food supplements seem to make people feel that the body is rapidly absorbing the nutrients.

Dai Mubai had already finished eating when Tang San was feasting, leaning on the table and looking at him, seeing that he had finished eating, he said: "Little San, Master is ruthless enough, this is even worse than Dean Flanders before. Meng. Judging from the meaning of the master's message, I'm afraid we will have a hard time in the future. Is this what the master taught you before?" Tang San shook his head and said: "The teacher taught me mostly theoretical knowledge before. This kind of training This is also the first time I have encountered it. However, the teacher told me yesterday that as a soul master, the body is the foundation. I can withstand the impact of the soul power of the man-faced spider soul ring that exceeds the limit, and the state of the body is the same. No. Only a strong body can withstand more soul power. Perhaps it is because of this that the teacher decided to let us strengthen the basic training of the body."

Dai Mubai smiled wryly: "It's not as simple as strengthening. The master arranged our training completely according to the limit. If it weren't for our good physical fitness, this time I might not be able to get up after lying down for a few days. But the strange barrel Liquids also seem to play a role."

"I'm starving, where's the food?" A figure rushed in from the outside in a hurry, and didn't care about saying hello to Tang San and Dai Mubai, and rushed directly to the food on the table.

It was Xiao Wu who came, looking at her flushed little face, Tang San immediately revealed a smile.Obviously, Xiao Wu has also recovered from the extreme consumption.

While eating, Xiao Wu also saw the note on the table, and at the same time made a few gestures to Tang San, meaning wait until she finishes eating first.

After waking up from the lethargy, after eating, Tang San felt his body was too lazy to move at all, imitating Dai Mubai's movements, leaning on the table, watching Xiao Wu eat without a ladylike image Looking at the food in front of you.

The fourth person to come to the cafeteria was not another Oscar who had reached level [-] or above, but Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's eating movements are much more graceful than Xiao Wu's, chewing slowly, every movement looks so graceful, behind the graceful movements is the speed.If it wasn't for seeing the food in front of her decrease rapidly, Tang San would have found it hard to believe that she could eat so fast with her seemingly slow movements.

Xiao Wu's pretty face suddenly turned red, she sat up straight, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you wearing any clothes?"

Tang San was taken aback, then nodded subconsciously.

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue, "The note left in our dormitory says, don't panic, Icarus and the others helped you take off your clothes. Eat in the cafeteria."

Everyone laughed and said nothing...

After eating, everyone cleaned up the dishes and went back to the house.

silent night...

It was already dawn when Tang San woke up again, the biological clock habitually woke him up.During the practice last night, he entered into a deep concentration. It felt like he was completely immersed in the ocean of internal power of Xuantian Kungfu.He didn't even know when Oscar got up to eat.

He had already cleaned his water bucket before practicing last night. At this time, the dormitory was empty. Oscar was also sitting on the bed practicing, and he cleaned his water bucket by himself.

Early the next morning, I went out quietly, practiced Ziji Demon Eyes, and had breakfast.After finishing all this, the familiar bell rang, and the Eight Shrek Monsters almost rushed to the playground immediately.

The master had already stood in the middle of the playground and waited for them.Looking at Grandmaster's calm and stiff face, except for Tang San and Ye Feng, everyone else unconsciously felt a little nervous, including the two soul sages Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing who were even a little scared.

Even if they are soul saints, they are just a little girl in essence.

"Very good. You all came very quickly today." The master nodded, his gaze swept over everyone's faces habitually, "I am very satisfied with your actions yesterday. Although some people did not complete the punishment, I am satisfied." The most important thing is, from you, I see the spirit of never abandoning and never giving up. As partners, how can we make each other feel at ease and hand over our backs to each other? What is needed is the word trust. You have done a good job, Mutual trust allows you to better complete yesterday's test."

"Before today's class starts, Tang San, go and finish your training first."

"Yes." Tang San agreed, turned around and ran out of the academy.

"Little San, I'll accompany you. I didn't accompany you yesterday, so I can't be left behind this time." Ye Feng chased after him.

Ning Rongrong suddenly said: "Let's go too. Aren't we a whole?"

Oscar stretched his arms, "It's good to warm up. We're not punishing this time, we're running with you, and we don't need to carry weight anyway."

"Brother, wait for me!" Xiao Wu also bouncing after her.

The fat man said with a sad face: "It seems that I really want to lose weight. Is it easy for me to raise this little meat?"

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing had already run out, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and follow."

The whole, a good whole.The master looked at the departing teenagers in astonishment, and suddenly felt an impulsive feeling in his heart.There are only four words that can flash in his mind, the proud son of heaven.Although the seven children have been together for less than a month, it can be seen from their actions at this time that the friendship between them will last a lifetime.

Clenching his fists tightly, the master secretly decided that he must do his best to raise these children well.

It was also from this day that the master let the Shrek Seven Devils fully understand the meaning of the word devil.

What happens when a monster meets a devil?
The master's training for them is very simple, one to two hours of fighting every day.The situation of the battle is different every day, and the two sides of the battle are randomly combined.Sometimes it is one-on-one, sometimes one-on-two, and there are two-on-two, even three-on-three, three-on-four competitions.

Every day, the battle masters will put forward some special requirements, such as what kind of soul skills are allowed to be used, what are not allowed to be used, and what restrictions are there.

After the battle training is over, physical training will begin.Just like the first day, during physical training, the use of soul power is absolutely not allowed.At the same time, it must be completed by seven people.There are endless ways for masters to train their physical fitness.The easiest is to run with a weight.There are also various methods such as weight-bearing climbing.But no matter what kind of physical training method, the Shrek Seven Devils must reach the limit that their bodies can bear.After a while, they were all used to waking up from the barrel potion every night.

Although this devil-like training is tough, there is one thing that the master is not stingy about. In terms of diet, Ye Feng, Sakuya, and Ram and Rem will change their styles to satisfy everyone's appetite to the greatest extent.

Due to the intensity of the training, after three months, Ma Hongjun may have consumed too much of the evil fire in the devil's training, and he didn't go to the restaurant to eat even once.

But the stove Tang San bought from the blacksmith shop had already arrived, but he didn't have time to forge hidden weapons.Even the first parts that the smithy had completed hadn't had time to be assembled yet.

Tang San and Oscar officially registered as soul masters in Soto City.In order not to cause a stir, when they went to register, the master specially asked them to wear specially made masks.Although it aroused certain doubts, the soul master world sometimes hides their appearance, and they still successfully received their subsidy.

Three months of devil-like training did not improve the spirit power of the Shrek Seven Devils much, during this period only Ma Hongjun's spirit power increased by one level.However, these three months of extreme physical training have brought about a huge change in their physical fitness.

Now, when Tang San and Dai Mubai ran long distances with heavy loads like the first day, the weight on their bodies had already exceeded fifty kilograms, and they were still able to handle it with ease.You know, without the use of soul power, this is already an extremely terrifying statistic.

Everyone's physical condition has been greatly improved, and it is first reflected in the figure under the large amount of exercise and sufficient nutritional supplements.

Dai Mubai has obviously become stronger, his evil eyes are a bit more majestic, his whole body seems to be full of explosive power, the current him is really like a tiger descending the mountain.

Oscar's changes are more obvious, he has lost a lot of weight, but if he only looks at his appearance now, absolutely no one would think that he is an auxiliary system soul master.His strong body is comparable to that of most battle soul masters.Of course, his voice was still so soft, and the beard and peach eyes on his face hadn't changed much.

Tang San's appearance changed very little, his appearance was still so ordinary, but he looked more restrained, his figure was not too strong, just a little taller.It feels like a very ordinary teenager.It definitely belongs to the kind that cannot be found in the crowd.Surprisingly, Tang San's spirit power has reached level 32. This is not from the three-month special training, but from the original Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring.Perhaps it was because of breaking through the limit, although the pain brought to Tang San by the Man-faced Demon Spider spirit ring was enormous, but the benefits were also quite a lot. In addition to the spirit ring and spirit bone, even the spirit power was directly raised to level 32, making other People are envious, of course, envy is envy, none of them dare to leapfrog to absorb spirit rings like Tang San did.

Ma Hongjun has lost a full two laps, and he doesn't look so bloated anymore. Although he is still fat, he feels powerful.The soul power has been raised to level 28, and he is striding forward towards level [-].The changes in his body made him look much sharper.

Xiao Wu is still the same, with the least change in appearance, she is the only one in the crowd, her skin is not even tanned, she looks happy and lively all day long.

Of course, the soul saint is not so easy to change.

However, she also made everyone suffer a lot during the daily battles.Her third spirit ability, teleportation, was mysterious, even Dai Mubai and Tang San suffered a lot.

Fortunately, her teleportation distance can only maintain five meters now.

Even so, combined with the two energy-savings of Waist Bow and Charm, the melee effect of the three soul skills is enough to make people feel terrifying.

Compared with the time when Ning Rongrong first came to the academy, although it cannot be said that the arrogance of Ning Rongrong is completely gone, it is much better than before.There was a bit of heroism between her brows, and her restrained temper made her even more confusing.

It rekindled the hope of Oscar, which had already given up its pursuit.Of course, in the past three months, even if Oscar had the heart to pursue her, he didn't have the strength to pursue her anymore.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, I have to say that her perseverance is not weaker than men's. The three-month devil training has never been bitter.

The whole person has lost a lot of weight, but, as an agility attack system soul master, her speed has also increased a lot when her body has become stronger.

As for Ye Feng, it is still not much different from usual, but his physical body is stronger, even if he uses the faster "Extreme Sword Skill Meteor", it will not cause serious damage to his body. It also looks more manly.

The three-month devil training finally ended yesterday. The master gave our Shrek eight monsters a seven-day holiday to let them adjust their state.

(End of this chapter)

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