Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 53 Emperor Battle Team

Chapter 53 Emperor Battle Team (Part [-])
Habitually coming to the team battle area registration point, the master took out the Shrek Eight Monsters team battle registration badge and handed it to the staff, "Please, sign up for the team battle."

The staff also took the badge habitually, and when he saw the words engraved on the badge, his expression changed drastically, and he whispered, "Shrek's eight monsters?"

Grandmaster frowned, the quality of the staff in the Great Spirit Arena is still good, even if they meet high-level spirit fighters, they won't show much expression, and the performance of this staff member is obviously not satisfactory at this time .

"I'm sorry, sir. Are you the leader of the Eight Shrek Monsters?" the staff asked tentatively.

The master nodded slowly, "That's right. Please hurry up, please."

"Sir, please wait a moment." Under the surprised gaze of the master, the staff quickly left their actions and ran towards the back of the work area, still holding the team battle badge of the Shrek Seven Monsters tightly in their hands.

Although the master was very dissatisfied, the opponent had already taken away the team battle badge used for registration. Even if he wanted to change the division, he couldn't do it, so he could only wait here patiently.

In fact, the master didn't know that as long as he showed this badge at the Soto Great Spirit Arena today, no matter which division he was in, he would get the same treatment.

It didn't take too long. After a while, the staff member brought a person back to the registration point.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." The staff politely handed the team battle badge back to the master.

The person brought by the staff has the impression that it is the host, Director Ao, who was the Shrek Eight Monsters who came to Suotuo Great Soul Arena to participate in the first team battle this time.Afterwards, Tang San told the master that Director Ao had kindly reminded them how powerful the Berserk team was, so the master still had a relatively deep impression of this person.

Manager Ao smiled, "Hello, respected Mr. Leader, I wonder if we can talk. It won't take up too much of your time."

The master said calmly: "Is it representing you personally, or is it representing the Soto Great Spirit Arena?"

Supervisor Ao hurriedly said, "Of course it's representing Soto's Great Spirit Arena."

The master nodded. He had expected this kind of situation a long time ago. After all, the achievements of the Shrek Eight Monsters in this month were too outstanding, and it was impossible not to attract attention.Especially Tang San, who played the best and won all the spirit fighting victories throughout the month, must be the focus of attention.

Although Grandmaster is very unwilling to deal with the Great Soul Arena, the power of the Great Soul Arena is so great that even the country is a bit afraid, so he will not take the initiative to offend him, so he nodded immediately, and under the leadership of Director Ao Go to a quiet room behind the registration point.

"Mr. Team Leader, I'll get straight to the point." Director Ao said solemnly, "On behalf of Suoto's Great Spirit Arena, I hope that today's team battle with the Eight Shrek Monsters will take place in the central main Spirit Arena."

"Oh?" The master wasn't surprised, but said indifferently: "This doesn't seem to be in compliance with the rules. According to the regulations of the fighting spirit field, only soul masters above the silver fighting spirit level can show up in the main fighting spirit field, and Shrek The eight monsters are all iron fighting spirits."

Director Ao smiled wryly and said: "You don't need to be modest. With the record of the Eight Shrek Monsters this month, after today's fighting spirit is over, they will all get the silver fighting spirit badge. Even if they become silver fighting spirit one day earlier, there is nothing wrong with it. "

The master's expression is still Gujingbubo, "Since this is the case, you should not care about the difference of one day."

Director Ao sighed, and said: "I'm telling the truth. Three days ago, a team of seven soul masters came. They are all composed of silver fighting soul masters. It seems that they were recruited by several nobles in Suotuo City. Soul masters. For two consecutive days, those big nobles bet heavily on them, and they also won the soul fight without any suspense, which brought great losses to the big soul fight field. Since you I am familiar with the fighting spirit field, so I should know that, generally speaking, soul masters who have reached the silver fighting spirit level have a level above forty, but the members of this team are all soul masters, we can't break the rules, please forty The top Soul Sect team fights with them. But if this continues, the Great Soul Arena cannot afford continuous losses. Perhaps because they have tasted the sweetness, today those nobles have increased their bets. If they continue to lose, I am afraid……"

Like a bright mirror in his heart, the master immediately understood Director Ao's meaning, moved slightly in his heart, and said: "Hun Zun has already reached the first level of Yin Dou Hun, it seems that their strength is very strong. Then, two days ago, What kind of team does the Soul Arena use to fight?"

Director Ao said: "Because we don't have a silver soul fighting team at the soul master level in Suotuo Great Soul Arena, we have no choice but to send out a bronze soul fighting team at the soul master level to fight with it. One of them, It was just promoted to the Bronze Soul Fighting Team not long ago, and it was also the Berserker Team who had fought against the Shrek Eight Monsters. But they were completely defeated."

The master frowned slightly, "Among the soul master-level teams, the Berserker team's level is already quite impressive. Could it be that the members of the Silver Fighting Soul team are of a higher level than them?"

Director Ao shook his head and said, "No, it's not a matter of spirit power level, but mainly the difference in spirit rings. This silver fighting spirit team is the same as the Shrek Seven Monsters, and they are the best combination of spirit rings. In terms of spirit skills, The Berserker team, who is oppressed by huge advantages, has no chance."

After hearing this sentence, the master's face finally changed. As the most famous theoretical master in the soul master world, he certainly knows what the so-called best soul ring refers to, which means that the first soul ring is a hundred years old. The second soul ring is more than 500 years old, and the third soul ring is directly a thousand years old.Manifested in soul masters, there are two yellows and one purple, like Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Oscar.

"Even so, why does the Great Soul Arena think that we, the Eight Shrek Monsters, will surely win the spirit battle? After all, we only have six spirit masters above the thirtieth level, and they are still the ones who have just advanced. The remaining two Everyone hasn't reached the [-]th level yet."

Director Ao smiled slightly, and said: "You are being modest. Everyone knows that the Eight Shrek Monsters are among the last among all Soul Master teams in terms of their soul power levels. But in the previous 27 In the soul fighting team, they have achieved a record of complete victories. This can be said to be unprecedented in our Soto Great Soul Arena. The so-called existence is reasonable. I think that the Shrek Eight Monsters team must have the ability to compete with this silver team. Fighting spirit teams to compete."

The master's eyes flickered, and after thinking for a while, he said: "If I remember correctly, there should be extra rewards for participating in the soul fighting competition at the main center's main soul fighting arena."

Director Ao saw that the master seemed to be tempted, and he was secretly happy in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Of course, every soul master who participates in the competition in the main fighting arena will receive a direct reward of [-] gold soul coins. It was our invitation. If we can win this spirit fight, the Soul Fighting Field would like to pay an additional [-] gold soul coins as a reward. However, since the Eight Shrek Monsters have not yet obtained the silver fighting spirit badge, the points must be calculated according to the According to the previous calculation method, fortunately, their current team battles have been winning consecutively, and they have already gained a lot of points."

Before the master could speak, Director Ao continued: "For this spirit fight, please tell the members of the Eight Shrek Monsters not to participate in the one-on-one and two-on-two spirit fights today. Although we can't give them extra Adding points breaks the rules. But within the authority, our Soul Fighting Field can count their one-on-one and two-on-two fighting spirits today as victories. Let their opponents after signing up admit defeat. In this way, the Shrek Eight Monsters You can go all out to face your opponent.”

The master has never been a person who cares about every detail, not to mention the conditions given by the other party are already very generous. The most important thing is that the main reason why he is interested in this soul fighting is not the points and money, but the experience of the disciples.A silver spirit fighting team that can make Suoto's big spirit fighting field so important, plus all the best spirit rings, this kind of tempering can only benefit the Shrek Eight Monsters.

The master nodded slowly, "Okay, I promise you, please prepare the other party's information, I will go and recall the disciples first."

"Don't bother you, let our staff recall the Shrek Eight Monsters. I have prepared the opponent's information. You can study with them first. Later, I will take you into the central main fighting arena for the battle." Prepare."

After finishing speaking, Director Ao quickly turned around and left, apparently to report to the superiors that the Eight Shrek Monsters had agreed to participate in the soul fight, and to make corresponding arrangements.At this time, there is still an hour before the start of the group battle spirit, which is enough for Suotuo to make a lot of arrangements in the spirit fighting field.

It didn't take long, not only the Seven Shrek Monsters were brought to this room by the staff, but Flender and Zao Wou-ki were also invited over, which fully showed that the Soto Great Spirit Arena had observed their group not twice a day. God.

The master calmly repeated what Director Ao had said before, and at the same time spread the information he had just obtained on the table in the room.

Tang San standing aside suddenly discovered that there was something more in Grandmaster's eyes, it seemed to be a kind of flame-like brilliance, and it was the flame of battle.Even for him, this was the first time he had seen such a strong fighting spirit in Grandmaster's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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