Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 62 Title Douluo?But Erer

Chapter 62 Title Douluo?But Erer (Part [-])
"Is the head of Mengshenji here?" Before the person arrived, the voice had already come in from outside.This man's voice is loud and full of confidence.But there was a bit of superiority in the voice, although it was not overbearing, but it was definitely not courteous.

Mengshenji was stunned for a moment, he could naturally hear who the owner of the voice was, and wondered in his heart, why did he come here?He hurriedly stood up and greeted him outside.After making the two education committee members follow him, the expressions of both of them seemed to have changed slightly.

Soon, three people walked in from the outside.Among them was a person that everyone in Shrek Academy had seen before, that was the young man who was kicked away by Dai Mubai at the foot of the mountain yesterday.

At this time, the young man was standing on the left side, with a haughty look on his face, and strong hatred in his eyes.

Walking in the center is an old man in Chinese clothes.This person was wearing a rhubarb robe embroidered with brocade flowers, but he didn't look messy.His gray hair was combed neatly behind his head.Medium build, slightly fatter body, handsome appearance.

It's just that a pair of eyes look smaller, which destroys the overall sense of facial features.Standing with hands behind their backs, even facing the three Contra education committees, there was no sense of respect at all, but a condescending feeling.

Seeing the appearance of these three people, everyone in Shrek Academy felt shocked at first.It's not because of the looks of these three people, but because of the person walking on the right side of the old man in fine clothes.

Before, whether it was Ning Rongrong, who was the weakest in Shrek Academy, or Flender, the head of Shrek Academy, the strongest.All I heard were two footsteps.But three people walked in.

What does this prove?
The one standing on the right side of the old man in Chinese clothes is also an old man, but unlike the old man in Chinese clothes, this person is tall and thin, looks like a javelin, his beard and hair are all dark green, and his eyes are more like emeralds. .

The whole person gives people an unreal feeling, it seems like a phantom.I couldn't see his steps moving, but he always followed the old man in Chinese clothes.

This person had no expression on his face, or it could be said that his expression was completely rigid, his cheeks were sunken, his green hair was disheveled, and his clothes were only a plain gray robe, which was in stark contrast to the old man in fine clothes beside him.

This person tucked his hands into the sleeves of his robe and walked into the hall of the education committee. He just closed his eyes and didn't even look at everyone present.

"My lord, why are you here?" Meng Shenji stepped forward and bowed slightly, saluting the old man in fine clothes.But whether it was him or the other two Contras, their gazes all fell on the green-haired man.

This person, even they, can't see the depth.

The old man in Chinese clothes smiled lightly, and glanced at him, everyone in Shrek Academy, the young man beside him was Xue Beng, at this moment, he hurried to the old man in Chinese clothes and whispered something in his ear.

Only then did the old man in Chinese clothes say: "What? The three education committees have guests here? Why don't you introduce me?" Meng Shenji frowned slightly. Although the other party was a prince, the status of the three of them in the world of soul masters, even if they were The prince shouldn't be so unreasonable.But this person is the person in charge of the academy in the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire, so they can't offend him.

Mengshenji smiled slightly and led the three of them into the hall. At this time, everyone in Shrek Academy had already stood up.

Mengshenji said: "His Royal Highness, let me introduce you. This is the dean of Shrek Academy, Flender. This time, he is here to discuss cooperation with us. Dean Flender, this is His Royal Highness Prince Xue Xing of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Royal Academy is now under the jurisdiction of His Royal Highness."

Although Flender was not too impressed with the high-ranking prince, he still saluted slightly: "Hello, Your Royal Highness."

Prince Xue Xing didn't even look at him, but said coldly: "Shrek Academy? I don't seem to have heard of it. It should be a low-level academy. Chief Mengshenji, how can you let these unknown People come to our academy?"

Hearing this, everyone in Shrek Academy couldn't help being furious. Zhao Wuji, who was standing beside Flender, was about to explode, but Flender forcibly held him down.

Meng Shenji's face changed, "Your Highness, you can't say that. Shrek Academy has cultivated countless outstanding soul masters, like our academy's Teacher Qin, who came out of Shrek Academy. This time, Flanders Academy The boss and all the teachers from Shrek Academy are willing to teach in our academy, they are all rare talents."

"Oh?" Prince Xue Xing looked better when he heard that Qin Ming came out of Shrek Academy. He looked at Flender and said, "Prince Mengshenji, according to the rules of the academy, when hiring teachers, They should have passed the assessment. I wonder if these people have already passed?"

Zhi Lin who was beside Mengshenji couldn't help but said: "The teachers in Shrek Academy all have the strength of Tiandou-level teachers, so they don't need to be assessed. Your Royal Highness. Did you come here today just for this?" His words It's obviously a bit rude.

Prince Xue Xing snorted coldly, "Tiandou Royal Academy is the pillar of the empire, where it sends the pillars of talent for the empire. As an academy teacher, it has a huge influence on the students. I absolutely do not want the academy to hire some arrogant and domineering people .I heard from Xue Beng that these 'distinguished guests' beat him as soon as they came to the academy yesterday. After all, Xue Beng is also the fourth prince of the empire, representing the dignity of the royal family. How can he be easily humiliated?"

Only then did the three of Mengshenji understand why this Prince Xue Xing had come. Looking at the fourth prince Xue Beng who was staring at Dai Mubai with a look of hatred beside him, the three of them couldn't help sighing secretly. It is precisely because of these brain-damaged nobles that more outstanding talents cannot be cultivated.

Flender said indifferently: "Then how does His Highness want to solve this matter? I don't know if you have asked His Highness Xue Beng why he was beaten?"

Soul masters are the most noble profession in Douluo Continent, and high-level soul masters don't value nobles at all.

Flender himself is a rebellious person, if not for these old brothers who have followed him for many years to have a good home in the future, as early as when Prince Xue Xing uttered the first sentence against Shrek Academy, he It's about to happen.

Prince Xue Xing snorted coldly, "This prince has always been kind to talents. Since you all came to seek cooperation from our Tiandou Royal Academy, Xue Beng also made mistakes yesterday. Let's forget about this matter. But..."

Speaking of this, his eyes swept over Flender and the teachers of Shrek Academy, "You have to prove to me that you are indeed talents."

Xue Beng, who was standing beside Prince Xue Xing, already had a proud expression on his face.

Flender suppressed his anger, "Okay, then how does His Excellency want us to prove it?"

Prince Xue Xing smiled indifferently, and said: "It's very simple, as long as you can persist in the hands of Mr. Dugu for 5 minutes, I will recognize you as talents. Treat everything favorably. Otherwise, just follow what Xue Beng said yesterday, and get out immediately." here."

"You—" Dai Mubai was furious, wanting to rush forward with one stride.But at this moment, the green-haired old man beside Prince Xue Xing opened his eyes.His eyes fell on Dai Mubai.

The moment he opened his eyes, the temperature in the entire hall of the Education Committee seemed to suddenly drop a bit. Those were a pair of dark green eyes, eyes without the slightest breath of life, showing not only ice-coldness, but also ruthlessness. evil.

Dai Mubai let out a muffled snort, his whole body trembled violently, and just fell silently to the ground, motionless.

A long cyan vine stretched out like lightning, wrapped around Dai Mubai's waist, pulling him back forcibly.It was Tianqingvine Contra Luo Zhilin who made the move.

"Your Highness, don't go too far." Meng Shenji said angrily.

Prince Xue Xing said indifferently: "How did I go too far? Chief Mengshenji, don't forget that the academy belongs to the royal family. As the direct manager, I have the power to make decisions about personnel matters. If you are dissatisfied, you can file a complaint with His Majesty. But Before His Majesty removes me from my position, I still have the final say here."

"You—" Meng Shenji was so angry that his beard and hair were all stretched out, speechless.

The blue light shone, entering Dai Mubai's body, Dai Mubai was wrapped in the blue light, and only then did he wake up.The eyes of the whole person are full of blankness with fear.

At that moment before, he just felt cold all over his body, and he didn't know anything.Not to mention attacking, there is no chance of resistance at all.

Prince Xue Xing turned to the right side of his body, facing the three education committees and Shrek Academy and others who were very arrogant, he was even more respectful to the green-haired old man beside him, "Mr. Dugu, please."

The green-haired old man looked indifferently at the people in Shrek Academy in front of him, "Prove yourself with your strength, come together." While speaking, a layer of strong green light suddenly released from his body, followed by circles of halos rising from his feet.But his own body didn't change at all.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.A total of nine soul rings hovered upwards, and the dazzling light made the entire Education Committee Hall dazzling.

The expressions of everyone in Shrek Academy changed, as did the expressions of the three education committee members.No one thought that this green-haired old man who looked untidy turned out to be one of the most powerful men on the continent today, a Titled Douluo with a soul power of over ninety levels.

Not to mention the people of Shrek Academy, even three Contras above level [-] have no confidence to fight against them.Although the difference between Contra and Title Douluo is only one level in title, their strength is far apart.

The higher the level, the greater the gap between the first level and the first level.Although the last five spirit rings on the green-haired old man were all black, everyone knew that the closer the spirit rings were, the closer to 10 years.It is conservatively estimated that his last soul ring will be produced by a soul beast over 7 years old.

From the aura of the green-haired old man, it could be felt that he was a titled Douluo with a beast spirit, but at this time when he released his spirit, his body did not change at all, which further proved his terror.To control the martial spirit to such a degree, only a top soul master of Title Douluo's level can do it.

"Your Excellency's surname is Dugu, and you have a fishy smell on your body. If my guess is correct. Your Excellency should be the Poison Douluo, Senior Dugu Bo." The master took a step forward, blocking the furious teachers of Shrek Academy, and turned to him. The green-haired old man said.

"Hahahaha." The green-haired old man gave a weird laugh, "I didn't expect that someone would remember me. Yes, I am Dugu Bo. Now that you know my name, why don't you get out?"

The master's face was still calm, but he nodded seriously, "Okay, let's go. Flender, let's go." After speaking, he pulled Flender with one hand and walked out.

Flender struggled hard, and broke free from the grasping hand of the master, with a stern look in his eyes, "Xiao Gang, I can't let Shrek suffer this humiliation."

The master said angrily: "You are not afraid of death, don't you want everyone to die with you? Title Douluo, how can you compete? If you are also a Title Douluo, you can let people go at will, but you No. Even if we old people are not afraid of death, do you want the children to go to destruction with them? Poison Douluo poisons the world. Do you think he only targets you when he attacks?"

After saying this, the master turned to the three Contra education committees, "I'm sorry, three seniors. Let's let it go for today. But we will never forget the warm hospitality of the three seniors. There will be a later date."

"Wait a minute." Meng Shenji's eyes shone brightly, staring at the Poison Douluo with the shining nine rings on his body, "Dugu Bo, let us three old fellows come and learn about your poison."

Tianxinglu Contra Baibaoshan, Tianqingteng Contra Luo Zhilin, respectively came behind Mengshenji.The three of them released a tyrannical aura at the same time.

Meng Shenji's body instantly became illusory, the whole person turned into a pitch-black phantom, a black mist rose from under his feet, two yellow, three purple, three black, eight soul rings bloomed at the same time.

The gap between the two sides can be seen from the soul rings. Poison Douluo Dugu Bo's fifth soul ring is already at the ten thousand year level, while Meng Shenji's fifth soul ring is still at the thousand year level.

In the palm of Luo Baibaoshan's palm, there was a glittering golden cauldron, and there were seven silver stars on it, shining brightly.In the shining soul ring of the same quality as Mengshenji, a solid and heavy aura spread all over his body.

Only one sky green vine appeared on Luo Zhilin's body, but the color of that vine was as bright as emerald, and a faint green energy was released from his body, permeating his whole body.

At this time, on the Shrek Academy side, everyone's faces were ugly, but no one noticed that Xiao Wu, who was standing at the back, was trying her best to restrain her breath, and her face was already a little pale.

She had already started doing this since the three of Prince Xue Xing entered here.It's just that no one has noticed her.Unknowingly, her eyes had turned red.

The confrontation between the three Contras and one Titled Douluo made the atmosphere in the entire Education Committee hall extremely solemn.

The breath of the three Contras protected the Shrek Academy and the others behind them, and the Poison Douluo Dugu Bo also naturally blocked the oncoming pressure for Prince Xue Xing and the fourth prince Xue Beng. Seeing that, the battle was about to break out.

Although Dugu Bo was unparalleled in strength, he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the three Contras teaming up, and his dark green eyes finally showed some seriousness.

"You three education committee members, what are you doing?" Prince Xue Xing said angrily.He already had some regrets in his heart at this time.After all, these three education committee members are all powerhouses above level [-], and they are deeply valued by Emperor Tiandou. If they really fight, something will go wrong.He also couldn't bear it.

"Prince Xue Xing, you insist on going your own way. After today, the three of you will come to His Majesty to impeach him and let His Majesty judge." Meng Shenji was really angry.

Everyone in Shrek Academy gave him a very good impression, especially Tang San, who surprised them very much. Seeing that the cooperation that will be of great benefit to Tiandou Royal Academy is about to come to naught, how could he not be angry? ?

In terms of age, even the titled Douluo Dugu Bo was not as old as him. At this time, the chief of the education committee got really angry and couldn't care less about the consequences.For him, the current situation was not only a matter of whether everyone in Shrek Academy would stay or stay, but also related to the face of their three Contras.Of course, the astonishment brought by Tang San also played an important role as a catalyst.


At this time, a melodious female voice suddenly came to everyone's ears, but they didn't have time to appreciate the melodious voice.You know, this is a competition between a Titled Douluo and three Contras, how could there be other voices reaching everyone's ears, this can only show one thing, that is, the owner of a voice is quite strong , even stronger than the Title Douluo in front of them.

Among the Shrek crowd, a purple figure suddenly came out. She was wearing a purple dress that looked like a Taoist robe, her golden hair was divided into several parts by a red bow, and she wore a white hat on her head. A lace hat with a huge bow tie pinned to it, a white parasol in his left hand, and a lavender folding fan in his right hand. His lavender eyes seemed to see through everything, revealing some anger. It means that the owner of this pair of purple eyes... is in a bad mood!

This is Yakumo Zi. Yakumo Zi looked at Dugu Bo and said, "Poison Douluo Dugu Bo, right? Five minutes, right? It's enough to survive five minutes in your hands, right? Then I Make a rule too, if you can survive 5 minutes in my hands, you will live!"

(End of this chapter)

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