Chapter 85

The feathers exuding golden light slowly fell down. This beautiful scene made the members of Blazing Academy want to catch the golden feathers.Not only the members of Blazing Academy, but even Shrek's people couldn't help but want to catch this beautiful feather, even Tang San, who was always calm, was lost in this beautiful scenery.

Now there is no movement in the arena, only Ye Feng, E Liyi, Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.Because they know, know what this beautiful feather is.

"I advise you not to touch these feathers." Ye Feng reminded kindly from the side.


Before everyone could react, they saw a piece of feather lightly landed on the body of a member of the auxiliary department of Blazing Academy, and then...

With a sound of "Boom!", the golden feathers burst open, and the power directly caused the team member to lose the ability to fight.

"Not good! Get away from those feathers!" Huo Wu from the Blazing Academy shouted loudly. Although the team member just now was not the lowest in spirit power in their team, he was still in the middle class. Such a small piece of feather was blown up and lost its fighting ability, which shows its great power.

After hearing Huo Wu's words, everyone retreated hastily, not only the members of the Blazing Academy, but even the members of the Shrek Academy were also quickly avoiding the feathers.Just kidding, it wouldn't be a joke if it was blown up.

However, the people of Shrek are undoubtedly much luckier than the members of Blazing Academy. After all, they have Icarus' "absolute defense circle" that can block these feathers.But Blazing Academy's side didn't have such good luck, and everyone was made miserable.

Soon, there were only three people left at Blazing Academy who could move.

"Is it over like this? I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!" Huo Wu gritted her teeth and said.

"Give up, you have no chance of winning." Ye Feng looked at Huo Wu in front of him expressionlessly, and said coldly.

"Give up? No! I will never give up! Brother, use that! Otherwise we have no chance of winning!" Huo Wu said to Huo Wushuang who was standing by.

"Sister, are you really sure? You have to know, that's... well, I know." Originally, Huo Wushuang was planning to make Huo Wu give up this idea, but he knew it when he saw Huo Wu's resolute eyes. This is absolutely impossible, so I had to follow Huo Wu's intention.

The two injected their own soul power into Huo Wu's body, and clusters of solid fireballs were injected into Huo Wu's body. The orange flames on her palms became brighter and brighter, and they did not rise too much, but gradually changing color.

From orange to blue.Then from blue to incandescent.The scorching heat from before completely subsided at the moment when the firelight turned white.It seemed that it was no longer a flame.

Tang San frowned and looked at Ye Feng and said: "No, that soul power seems to have broken through the sixtieth level of the Dao."

"Oh? Interesting." Ye Feng looked at Huo Wu who seemed to have turned into a human-shaped little sun and said.

Fire - dance -, Yao - yang. A clear voice spewed out from Huo Wu's mouth. Every word appeared, the incandescence in her hand would become a little bit stronger. When the last word Yang appeared, a huge white fireball had already condensed above her head. , really blooming like a sun. At this moment, even the sunlight in the sky has been covered by its light.

"Flame Dome!" Ye Feng's hand ignited a group of colorful flames, Ye Feng seemed to wave his hand, and the colorful flames turned into a thin wall.It's not big, but it just covers Shrek and his party.Not thick, this curtain of fire is no thicker than a piece of paper in the eyes of others.

However, this fire curtain, which is not much thicker than paper, blocked the "fire dancing and shining sun" like the sun.After the light dissipated, the entire arena was completely destroyed by Huo Wu's "Huo Wu Yao Yang", but Shrek and his party behind the "flame dome" were completely fine.

"What? How is this possible!" Huo Wu looked at the intact Shrek group in disbelief, her Huo Wu Yaoyang's power just now was at least level [-], how could there be nothing wrong?
"Nothing is impossible. I can tell you that my martial spirit 'Diyan' has a suppressive effect on all fire-attributed martial spirits, and all fire-attributed moves against 'Diyan' will be nullified. So even if My Emperor Flame is only a thin layer, and it's not something you can break through with your soul skills." Ye Feng said coldly what seemed like thunderbolts to Huo Wu.

"Nullification?" Huo Wu knelt on the ground and said with a look of disbelief.

"Surrender, you have no chance of winning." Ye Feng looked at Huo Wu and said.

We admit - lose -. "Admit defeat" was almost squeezed out between Huo Wu's teeth. Gritting her teeth tightly, she kept staring at Ye Feng. She was also a soul master in her forties, but the one in front of her looked older than herself. What the young man brought her was an unfathomable feeling. He was like a treasure that could never be unearthed, constantly showing his abilities bit by bit.

And every time, his opponents were defeated in such a display.

If it is said that the battle with the Weevil Academy made Shrek Academy famous, then the current battle has pushed Shrek Academy's reputation to the peak of the preliminaries.At this moment, no one doubted that they would be the most favorable contenders for the top spot in the qualifiers.

With the referee coming on stage, the players of both sides lined up again, and the result of this match was decided, but at this moment, the expressions of the players of both sides had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The seven members of Blazing Academy no longer had the confidence they had before, and they were more unwilling.Especially Fire Dance.Her big beautiful eyes fixed on Ye Feng, as if she wanted to eat him.She is not reconciled, really not reconciled.

She has always been the favored child of the academy, and among the five elemental academies, she can definitely be ranked among the top five, or even the top three, in terms of strength.But losing to an unknown opponent like this, and losing both in terms of wisdom and strength, that feeling is definitely not good.

For her, this battle was a huge blow, especially the feeling of powerlessness when facing Ye Feng made her extremely painful.

No matter what, I felt that my own strength should be higher than that of the opponent, but in the end I still lost, and even the loss was a little inexplicable, because of the simple three words of invalidation.

"We will meet again, next time, you will never be so lucky." Huo Wu stared at Ye Feng with burning eyes.

Ye Feng smiled lightly, "Waiting for you anytime."

"Congratulations to Xiaofeng for completing the task: defeating Blazing Academy!"

"Mission reward: five random draws, 5000 Myriad Realm Points!"

"Currently there are [-] random draws left!"

"Current remaining Ten Thousand Boundary Points: [-] points!"

Sister Ziyou also sent mission rewards, which is really gratifying, Coca-Cola.

Shrek Academy had eleven victories in eleven battles, Blazing Fire Academy had ten victories and one loss in eleven battles.Although it was only one loss, they have already left the real first group.

When everyone was celebrating, Ye Feng said to Ziyou: "Sister Ziyou, I want to do a ten-game lucky draw!"

"Okay, congratulations to Xiaofeng for drawing the 'Primary Fire'!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for drawing the "Winning Golden Sword!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for drawing "Three True Ancestor Bloodline Stones!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for drawing "Five Bloodline Evolution Stones!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for getting the "Alchemy Mastery!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for getting "Forging Mastery!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for drawing "Guardian of Holy Water!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for drawing the "Sword of Promised Victory!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for getting "a set of rank cards!"

Congratulations to Xiaofeng for getting the "Surgery Fruit (Perfect)!"

"Current remaining lottery draws: ninety times!"

"Perfect, there are surgical fruits and two curry sticks! (The real name of the Sword of Vowed Victory is EXCaliburn, and the real name of the Golden Sword of Victory is Caliburn, understand) But Ziyou, this bloodstone What is it?"

"The bloodstone can be given to the owner or other people's corresponding bloodline. For example, Xiaofeng's true ancestor bloodstone in your hand can bestow the true ancestor's bloodline on you or others."

"Oh I got it."

In the players' rest area, Oscar laughed and said, "Xiaofeng, you really have it." Although it was the first time they knew about Ye Feng's Emperor Yan's fire immunity.But being able to apply it in this way is still an eye-opener for everyone. The game that was supposed to be a hard fight ended so calmly.

Undoubtedly, the confidence of everyone in Shrek Academy has been raised to the peak.

When Shrek and his group walked into the players' rest area, no matter the players who hadn't started the game or the players who had finished the game, they looked at them with a little more awe, especially when they looked at Ye Feng.

Naturally, there were also members of the Blazing Academy who returned to the rest area. Naturally, they were unwilling, but what can they do?As the game ended, they gradually calmed down.

Both Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu knew that even if they did not lose to Ye Feng in terms of strength, it would be difficult for them to defeat Shrek Academy.

As the soul of the team, Ye Feng has the ability to nullify the fire element, which restricts them too much.

With the existence of such a control-type soul master, they would not have any chance.

"Huo Wushuang, we will avenge you in a few days." When the entire group of Blazing Academy was extremely depressed, a somewhat deep voice sounded.Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a group of participating players in blue team uniforms walking towards them.

The cyan team uniform is decorated with silver silk embroidery, which complements the Blazing Academy's team uniform.It is the Kamikaze Academy, which is also the Five Elements Academy.

The one who spoke was the captain of Kamikaze Academy, and at the same time the soul of their team.

Although he was talking to Huo Wushuang, his eyes were always on Huo Wu, and the fiery heat in his eyes could not be concealed.

Huo Wushuang snorted coldly, "If we can't do it, you must do it?"

Feng Xiaotian chuckled, and said, "Wu Shuang, you know I didn't mean that. You didn't lose in strength, but in attributes. That Ye Feng happened to be immune to fire, otherwise, sister Huowu's The fourth soul skill probably destroyed him a long time ago. However, he is immune to fire, but not necessarily immune to wind. Although the guys from Thunder Academy can restrain us, this Shrek Academy can't. The battle between soul masters In many cases, the outcome is determined by the restraint of each other's attributes, so you don't need to be too depressed."

After listening to Feng Xiaotian's explanation, the expressions of everyone in Blazing Academy became a little bit better.At this moment, Huo Wu suddenly said, "Feng Xiaotian, do you really want to associate with me?"

ah? "Feng Xiaotian's eyes widened, although he had always had this idea, but at this time in front of many teammates being called out by Huo Wu, it still embarrassed him for a while.

"Is that so?" Huo Wu didn't seem to notice that many people around him were focusing on him.

Feng Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, and glanced at Huo Wushuang next to him, but at this time Huo Wushuang was also surprised, and did not understand why Huo Wu would say such words at this time.He and Huo Wu are brothers and sisters, and they have always been very fond of this sister.

"Are you a man? Yes, yes, no. Don't you even know how to speak?" Huo Wu's voice was a little cold, which was the exact opposite of her martial soul attribute.

"Yes, I have always liked you." Feng Xiaotian didn't want to be a laughing stock. If he didn't say anything at this time, I'm afraid he would never have the opportunity to pursue Huo Wu again.

Wu nodded to him, and said: "Okay, as long as you can defeat the Shrek team, you can defeat that Ye Feng. I promise to associate with you. Brother, let's go." After finishing speaking, she took the lead and walked outside go out.The whole group of Kamikaze Academy were left behind in amazement.

Huo Wu has lived in an environment surrounded by stars since she was a child. Although she is a girl, she is the object of everyone's care, no matter at home or in the academy.Coupled with her own talent, she has been at the top of her peers since she was a child.He is only 19 years old this year, and he has already reached level [-] or above.It can be said to be unprecedented in Blazing Academy.Her pride is justified, appearance, strength, family background, she is all worthy of pride.However, now she can't forget Ye Feng's eyes, let alone what Ye Feng said to her.

For Huo Wu, losing is not only a game, but also her pride and dignity.The victory or defeat of this game hit her too hard.The most unacceptable thing for her is that Ye Feng restrained her in terms of attributes, so she had no chance of turning the tables.

Even Huo Wushuang couldn't fully understand his sister's heart at this moment, so he could only follow quickly.

Feng Xiaotian stared blankly at the direction of Huo Wu's disappearance, and didn't wake up until her figure disappeared completely.

what did she say?She said give me a chance to date?As long as I can defeat Ye Feng from Shrek Academy, will she be my girlfriend?Omg, this is pie in the sky.

As his mind gradually cleared up, uncontrollable excitement began to ignite in his body, and it was no longer a day or two for him to like Fire Dance.Shenfeng Academy and Blazing Academy are very close, and they often communicate with each other. When he saw Huowu for the first time six years ago, he fell in love with this beautiful and talented girl.In order to pursue Huo Wu, he even put down his dignity to be friends with Huo Wushuang.And in the sparring with these two brothers and sisters, they have never won.But even so, Huo Wu has always been lukewarm towards him.The opportunity finally came. At this time, Feng Xiaotian's heart was burning with the power of love. He suddenly discovered that the players of Shrek Academy were so cute, and their victory today was so timely.This is really great, the opportunity has finally come, Huo Wu, just wait, I will prove to you with my strength that I am the most suitable man for you.

 It's one hundred chapters, and the recommendation ticket collection is flying! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  It's been too long since I sent out a mission, and I forgot about Sister Ziyou, so I'll fix the previous chapter and add it!


(End of this chapter)

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