Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 93 The King of Flowers

Chapter 93 The King of Flowers (Part [-])
Finally it was Shrek Academy's turn to appear, "Come on." Dai Mubai stretched out his right hand first, followed by Tang San, Ye Feng, Xiao Wu, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing..., 13 people, holding hands Stacked together, shouted, come on.

Inspired by everyone's confident eyes, Xiao Wu walked slowly into the arena.

Shrek Academy's opponent in the first round was from the Barak Kingdom, the Royal Academy.Just like the status of Tiandou Royal Academy in Tiandou Empire.The name is also the same as their kingdom, called Barack Academy.

The first person from Barack College to appear was a tall young man who looked to be in his 20s, wearing a black school uniform with gold trim.When he saw Xiao Wu, he couldn't help being stunned.

And the reason why he was stunned for a moment was naturally Xiao Wu's appearance, because she was really too small.

"Little sister, how old are you this year? Your Shrek Academy will not be empty, right? I sent you up to fill up the number? My brother has a heavy hand, and it will be bad if you get hurt. I think you should go down. Find someone Come up stronger. This is not where you should come." The tall young man said earnestly.

Although Xiao Wu's figure is about the same as that of an adult woman, some important parts are still in bud. What's more, the childishness on her face is obviously not what people over 20 years old should have.During team battles, many people mixed together, no one would pay attention to this, but this time it was a one-on-one match, and the looks of both sides naturally stood out.

Xiao Wu frowned, the tall young man's voice was so loud that most of the students from various academies outside the competition venue heard it.

Oscar said to Ma Hongjun beside him with some doubts: "Fatty, why are you covering your eyes?"

Ma Hongjun said sincerely: "Because I can't bear to watch it anymore. I'm afraid this brother from Barack Academy will be in trouble for belittling Xiao Wu like this. Have you forgotten Xiao Wu's true strength, and the terrifying Xiao Wu back then?" Continuous fall. It seems to be called Baduan fall. Oh, yes, you were not there that time. It’s a pity that you didn’t see the situation at that time. I really can’t bear to watch it.”

While Ma Hongjun was talking with Oscar, the match had already started under the referee's announcement.

Xiao Wu didn't strike first, and blinked at the tall young man opposite, "Big brother, I think you're right, this is really not the place I should come."

Even though she said this, her body had already started to change, the spirit was released quietly, four red, four spirit rings circled up.

The tall young man from Barack Academy noticed the spirit ring on Xiao Wu's body and shouted in horror, "A red spirit ring? A 10-year spirit ring? Impossible! How is this possible!" The tall man's face was full of horror, How could a little girl who was only twelve or thirteen years old have a soul ring of 10 years.Illusion, all this must be an illusion.The tall man warned himself so.

Xiao Wu ignored him, the moment Xiao Wu released her spirit, her soul skill was also released at the same time, the second spirit ring skill Charm was activated.

The red halo shone brightly, Xiao Wu's eyes turned into a seductive pink at the same time, the tall young man was stunned for a moment, and he became a little confused.And at this moment, Xiao Wu moved.

According to the rules of the competition, the two sides started the official match at a distance of 20 meters. Xiao Wu's long legs bounced vigorously, and the distance between the two was shortened to ten meters in almost an instant.

After all, the soul power of this tall young man was higher than Xiao Wu's, and he hadn't been in a daze for too long. He subconsciously realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly activated his martial soul while his eyes were still blurred, and at the same time, he slapped his hands vigorously. He touched his face to make himself more sober.

His reaction was indeed not slow, when Xiao Wu rushed to about five meters away from him, he was completely awake.How could he not be startled by the three soul rings enlarged in front of him, and the speed of Xiao Wu's body.

He raised his hands almost subconsciously, and launched his first soul skill towards Xiao Wu in front of him.

However, at the moment when the other's soul ability was activated, he was stunned again, because the opponent who was originally in front of him had disappeared.

Xiao Wu appeared behind the tall young man with his back facing him, with his scorpion braid thrown out, when the tall young man was still surprised, he only felt a tightness in his neck.

Xiao Wu didn't even turn around, while her braids wrapped around her opponent's neck, she put her left foot on the ground and her right foot back, directly pressing against the tall young man's waist.The first soul skill, Waist Bow, was activated.

The braids were pulled back, the waist was pushed, and the sudden burst of power completely suffocated the tall young man. The next moment, Xiao Wu had already thrown him into the air.

From the very beginning of the match to the present, it was actually just a few moments, when the Charm skill was activated, Xiao Wu charged forward, the teleportation skill was activated, and the Soft Skill upper body was used to throw out the opponent.The whole process is like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any delay.

It was precisely because of this that she did not give her opponent any chance to resist.

Changing from behind to obliquely above her body, Xiao Wu's braids had already slipped away quietly as she flung her opponent away. At this moment, she leaped high to face the opponent's out-of-control body in the air.

By this time, there was no suspense in this battle.

The soul skills of a soul master need to be stored for a short time, and once a person loses balance and at the same time his body is locked by the opponent's soul power explosion, it is impossible to use the soul skills again.

Whether it's Xiao Wu's charm skill, or the soul power output from her scorpion braid wrapped around the opponent's neck, they all produced this effect.

"Goodbye." Xiao Wu grabbed the back collar of the tall young man with one hand, raised her left knee, and slammed heavily on the opponent's waist with strong soul power.At the same time, the waist bow skill was activated, twisted his body, and made a simple throw, throwing the tall young man heavily towards the ground.


The tall body hit the ground heavily, and many people had already closed their eyes.Xiao Wu descended from the sky, her feet stepped directly between the chest and abdomen of the tall young man.

Under the action of the huge momentum, the body of the tall young man who had already been thrown suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help screaming out in agony.

Lifting her foot and kicking it out, Xiao Wu's toe directly touched the opponent's chin. At the same time, she turned around and stepped on the opponent's chest to make a wonderful rotation. The other foot tapped lightly on the opponent's temple. .The tall young man has fallen into darkness.Completely passed out.

After the air froze for a short time, it suddenly became hot, and exclamation and exclamation sounded one after another.Not to mention those foreign soul master academies.Even the members of the Four Elements Academy who had fought against Shrek Academy were all surprised from ear to ear.

From the beginning to the end of the game, it is actually only a short time.

Relying on her own strength, Xiao Wu didn't give her opponent any chance to resist.A soul sect of more than 40 levels was perfectly defeated by her after only releasing the first soul ability.From the beginning to the end, the leader of the battle was Xiao Wu.

At this moment, his unconscious body was still twitching on the ground.

Because his chest and abdomen were severely injured by the trample, even in a coma, things still gushed out of his mouth, accompanied by blood and dirt. Although it was not considered a serious injury, it would be very difficult to participate in tomorrow's competition.

There was a harmless smile on Xiao Wu's face, her eyes drifted to the other players of Barack Academy, and she said softly, "Next."

Those three simple words seemed to ignite a gunpowder keg, seven or eight people rushed up to the side of Barack Academy, and rushed towards Xiao Wu aggressively.

What are you doing? "The referee appeared in time, but he just used words to stop the opponent.

"Want to fight in groups?" The other members of the Shrek team stepped onto the arena almost immediately.Xiao Wu didn't take a single step back, she just quietly watched the other party approach.

The players on both sides didn't see clearly when there was an extra person in the center of the field, but as soon as she appeared, a tyrannical aura immediately swept towards the Barack Academy as if overwhelming the sky.

Even the pupils of Ning Fengzhi and Platinum Bishop Salas in the VIP seats couldn't help shrinking a little with that domineering aura.

The one who suddenly appeared in the center of the field was none other than Liu Erlong, the horn of killing.What is Liu Erlong's temper?Only a master can suppress her in a fiery way.

Now Xiao Wu is her goddaughter, seeing her opponents attacking in groups, how can she bear it?No matter what the occasion is, she finally has someone who can protect her shortcomings, how can she be stingy?

Under Liu Erlong's powerful oppressive force, the players of Barak Academy stopped almost at the same time.Seeing Liu Erlong showed a look of horror.

Liu Erlong's domineering aura is not only derived from her soul power, but also from her martial spirit and her own temper.Even though she was a soul sage, the aura that erupted at that moment made even higher-level soul masters look sideways at her.

"This is a game, what do you want to do?"

A deep and cold voice came into the arena. If Liu Erlong's voice was breathtaking, then this voice made one's whole body chill.

Platinum Bishop Salas had stood up from the VIP seat at some point, staring coldly at the two sides in the field.

At this time, the teacher leading the team of Barak Kingdom has also entered the competition field.

His soul power was no worse than Liu Erlong's, but seeing Liu Erlong's domineering expression, he felt guilty for some reason.

Turning around and bowing far away to the VIP seat, "Master Platinum, please calm down. We just want to carry the students of this academy down. There is no other meaning."

Salas said indifferently: "Both of you please remember your identities. Non-competition personnel who re-enter the field without the referee's permission will be expelled from this competition immediately."

The fiery scene that was about to explode was suppressed like this, but the smell of gunpowder between Shrek Academy and Barack Academy undoubtedly became stronger.

Xiao Wu still stayed on the stage, Ye Feng whispered a few words to her when passing by her, and then walked off the stage.

Barack Academy was obviously enraged. To the surprise of everyone in Shrek Academy, the second opponent to step up to the stage turned out to be a Soul Sect who was above level [-].Once on stage, before the referee announced the start of the match, he had already released his martial spirit.His martial soul is very strange, it is a flower.Red heart, orange petals.

"Sunflower." Tang San frowned, Xiao Wu's second opponent was a soul master with a plant spirit.The quality of the sun flower is obviously not comparable to that of the blue silver grass.Possesses a strong limiting ability.

Wild sunflowers can release a peculiar smell that incapacitates the enemy.It is a peculiar psychotoxin.And the sun flower is as hard as iron, and it can be used as a martial spirit, which can be used as a weapon in itself.Poison and attack are equally important.

Obviously, Xiao Wu's opponent is not easy to deal with.

Seeing the four spirit rings of white, yellow, purple, and purple on the opponent's body, Xiao Wu's expression also became serious.Her ability has already been demonstrated once, and the opponent will definitely be on guard.Of course she knew about Sunflower.Opponents with poisonous attacks are difficult to deal with.

"You have to pay the price for what you did just now." Although the second member of Barak Kingdom is not tall, he is very strong, and the bulging muscles on his broad shoulders can be clearly seen.Holding a flower in such a shape, the appearance is also a bit weird.

The referee reminded: "Don't forget the rules of the game. If you violate the rules, you will lose the qualification to continue participating."

Xiao Wu and her opponent nodded at the same time, but neither of them seemed to restrain their breaths.

Xiao Wu knew that the gap between herself and her opponent was mainly in the fourth spirit ring, in fact the level difference was not much.Judging from the fluctuation of the opponent's soul power, it should have just passed the fortieth level not long ago.

"Game start."

After the referee's announcement, the first soul ring on the body of the Barack Academy student immediately lit up, and the sunflower in his hand grew in the wind. Meters away, it suddenly turned into a strange weapon.

With a wave of his hand, a dense yellow mist was released from the sun flower, directly enveloping Xiao Wu.

At this time, Xiao Wu can't go in, so she can only retreat, taking big steps back.But even so, there was still a faint scent of flowers.The fragrance of the flowers is very strong, even though there is only a hint of it, Xiao Wu immediately felt dizzy in her head.

At the same level, especially when the soul power of both parties is not too high, the poisonous soul master has an advantage.Only
Applied properly, it can limit the opponent to a great extent.Like the student of Barak Academy in front of him, judging from his attributes, apart from the martial souls that specifically restrain poison, only water and fire martial souls like Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er can restrain him.

There was a tightness in her chest, Xiao Wu knew that the toxin had already begun to take hold, so she hurriedly mobilized her soul power to suppress the toxin.And her opponent didn't pursue, instead there was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and the sunflowers in his hands kept flapping, blowing the big yellow mist towards her.

What made Xiao Wu's opponent even more horrified was that the moment the poison he released touched the golden-red light on Xiao Wu's body, it immediately melted like ice and snow.In the blink of an eye, the poisonous mist within ten square meters around Xiao Wu's body was gone.

Not to mention the opponent, even Xiao Wu herself doesn't know what's going on right now. With rich practical experience, she naturally won't give up such a good opportunity.He rushed towards the opponent without hesitation.

"What's going on? What is that golden-red light?" Liu Erlong couldn't help asking Grandmaster.

The master also looked at a loss, although he had a thorough research on martial spirits, he was still a little puzzled by the situation in front of him.Originally, he had decided that there was little hope of winning this game, but it was the golden-red light that brought hope back.

"I see." Tang San suddenly whispered, a smile appeared on his face.

The eyes of everyone in Shrek Academy fell on Tang San immediately, Tang San smiled and said: "Do you still remember Xiaowu's Acacia Heartbroken Red? As a fairy product among immortals, Acacia Heartbroken Red is undoubtedly the king of flowers, Even the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product is far from being able to compare with it. The sun flower is also a flower, although the lovesickness heartbroken red is not good at resisting poison, and Xiao Wu did not eat it. But the position of the lovesickness heartbroken red in flowers is too high Now, after merging with Xiao Wu's blood, it has already formed a certain connection with Xiao Wu. When Sun Flower launched an attack on Xiao Wu, Acacia Heartbroken Red would naturally think it was a provocation to itself. The king of flowers was attacked by Hua. Provocative? How can it bear it? This golden-red light should be the brilliance of the lovesickness heartbroken red King's Landing Qunfang."

Oscar couldn't help but said, "Then didn't we violate the rules of the game?"

Ye Feng smiled lightly and said: "Even the teacher can't see it, do you think the judges can see what's going on? After all, the light came from Xiao Wu's body. It's not what she used. Continue to watch the competition Bar."

That's right, just as Tang San said, the golden red light on Xiao Wu's body was released from the lovesickness heartbroken red.Sensing the provocative aura of Sunflower, Acacia Broken Heart protects herself.

Of course, this kind of reaction will only appear when facing flowers.If you change to a highly poisonous one, it will naturally have no effect.This could be considered unlucky for Xiao Wu's opponent.

Seeing that his poisonous mist was ineffective, and under the effect of the golden-red light, as the poisonous mist melted, the soul power of the Barack Academy member was also consumed in large quantities.Shocked, he had no choice but to use his third soul skill.

With a half turn of the body, the sunflower swung out violently. In an instant, countless pale yellow light spots spilled from the huge flower disc, covering a large area with a strong aura. It was obviously impossible to dodge of.

Originally, Xiao Wu could dodge by teleporting, but for some reason, there seemed to be a voice in her heart telling her not to dodge.And Xiao Wu did so subconsciously.

When she woke up and tried to use her soul skills, it was already too late.

The dense yellow light spots rushed into the golden-red light around Xiao Wu's body in an instant, to the surprise of both parties, the moment the yellow light spots entered the light of Xiao Wu's body protection, they went like moths to a flame and never returned.

Not only did it not produce a half-point effect, but it made the golden-red light around Xiao Wu's body blaze, from the original three inches to a thickness of more than a foot.

In an instant, all the rays of light that attacked her were destroyed.

At the same time, a very special aura suddenly released from Xiao Wu's body, and the golden-red light surged instantly, although it faded with the distance.But it also easily enveloped her opponents.

The referee in the arena was also shrouded in this layer of light, but he didn't feel anything strange.But Xiao Wu's opponent was different, shrouded in that golden-red light, he only felt as if he was facing a Title Douluo.

The soul power in his whole body lost its effect in an instant, and the sunflower in his hand also withered and withered quietly in the light.

Xiao Wu was also stunned, in the situation before her, she didn't need to make a move at all, and as the sunflower in the opponent's hand withered, the heat flow in her body also slowly disappeared, and after a while, it disappeared into nothingness.The dazzling golden red halo also disappeared.

The game started normally and ended weirdly.Compared with the fiery scenes of the first game, this one gave people an even more unbelievable feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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