Medical San Zi Jing

Chapter 6 Appendix

Chapter 6 Appendix
yin and yang
Knowing a word can tell a doctor
A guest asked Yu Yu and said: Medicine is the way, because the ancient sages revealed the secrets of the world, seized the power of creation, and brought the dead back to life. It is impossible for those who have to read thousands of books and understand the principles of things.Today, if you don't understand Confucianism, you can also gain a reputation for curing people's diseases, why?Yu said: There are innumerable principles in heaven and earth, and the innumerable principles can be innumerable, so a learned doctor will respect them from far and near, and then he will be able to do his best in the way of living people.However, Zhongjing was the sage of medicine, and he hadn't seen it at that time. Looking at the preface of "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", it can be seen that the sage is still old with a plain king.After Zhongjing, famous sages came out in large numbers, and none of them had the ambitions of the time, so they wrote books behind closed doors, thinking that they were a way to spread the word; while the books of Mr. Yu Jiayan and Ke Yunbo were particularly angry and complained about injustice. Those who carry on.Today's professional doctors, no matter whether they are not good at Confucianism, but those who seek to be literate are good doctors.No matter how many characters they know, anyone who only needs to know one word can be a good doctor.The guest said: What is this character? Is it the so-called T-character?Yu said: It is similar to ears.You don't have to ask for it, that is, the character is also.Humans are formed by the combination of yin, essence, and yang. The left is yang, and the one on the left is the position of yang; the right is yin, and the one on the right is the position of yin.Writers naturally wave their hands lightly, Yang dominates Qi, and the image of lightness is also light;The two paintings are inseparable, the way that Yin and Yang are mutually rooted; the two paintings have their own positions, and the way that Yin and Yang are treated.Those who are on the left cannot be made to the right, and those who are on the right cannot be made to the left. Yin and Yang are inseparable.Left from heavy to light, all things are born in water, that is, men and women intercourse with essence, the meaning of all things to be born, from yin to yang.Right from light to heavy, the shape is born of Qi, that is, the great Qianyuan, it is connected with the sky, and the Kunyuan is followed by the righteousness of the sky, and the yang is governed by the yin.When the two are combined, one becomes an adult, and the meaning of the combination is called "holding" in medical books, and "Jiao Yi" is called "Jiao Yi", and "Jiao Yi" is called "Tai Yi".Let’s try to put it in a simple way, a person’s nose is below the mouth and the mouth is above the Shuigou point. Among other people, it takes the meaning that the human body resides in the sky and the earth (the weather flows through the nose, and the earth’s energy flows through the mouth. Heaven eats people with five qi, The nose receives it; the earth cannibal uses the five flavors, and the mouth receives it. The cave lives in it, so it is called the human middle).Going up from the middle of the person, there are two openings for the eyes, nose, and ears (even painting), and going down from the middle of the person, there are single openings for the mouth and stool (an odd painting).The upper three paintings are occasionally yin, and the lower three paintings are odd and yang, taking the meaning of heaven and earth to synthesize Tai Gua.In addition to appearance and scenery, it must be combined with the image of yin and yang to become a human being. What's more, the reason why people live is justified, and the righteousness of people is great!If a child meets a doctor and asks this word, he is afraid of being tall and full of horses, and those who boast of being a famous doctor will not know a word.When the guest heard what I said, he also laughed and left.

Twelve officials

"Linglan Secret Canon" says: The heart is the official of the monarch, and the gods come out.For the lungs, the official of Xiangfu, he can control the festival.The liver, the officer of the general, is full of plans.The courageous, the official of Zhongzheng, makes a decisive decision.Those who are in the middle of the mutton, the ministers make them officials, and they are happy.The spleen and stomach are the officials of the warehouse, and the five flavors come out.The person with large intestine, the official of preaching, has changed a lot.Those with small intestines are the officials who receive the prosperity, and the things come out.

Kidney, as a strong official, skillful tricks.The triple energizer is the official who will judge the blasphemy, and the waterway will come out.The bladder is the official of the state capital, where the body fluid is stored, and it can be released when it is vaporized.Note: This uses the combination of the spleen and stomach as one official, so I'm afraid it will be wrong. "The Supplement to Acupuncture Method" says: The spleen is the official who advises and discusses, and the knowledge of the week comes out; the stomach is the official of the warehouse, and the five flavors come out.Take this to make up, and it will be enough for the number of twelve officials.

heart said
The heart, the internal organs of the fire, the master of the body, and the home of the gods.Xiaozhuan tastes the words, and the heart character seal script is just a fire word ear.Covering the heart is fire; I don't want to burn it up, so I turn it upside down to see the beauty of regulating Xie.Zhu Wugong said: In Pao's painting, if it is upright, it is vertical, if it is leaning left and right, it is horizontal, if it is narrowed, it is curved, it is round and divine, and one side is straight. There are many variations of characters in the world, and there is no other one. The one who builds.Duxin characters want to move and flow, they are round and wonderful, and they are beyond one, and even a single word can't match it.Those who are honest with their hearts are new.The official of the gods changes and renews every day.The heart governs the blood vessels, and if the blood vessels are renewed day by day, and the new ones are not stopped, then it is an ordinary person, otherwise it will be sick. (Its conjunctive veins, its glorious color, open to the tongue)
Liver says
Liver, wood dirty, hidden by the soul.The liver is dry, and has branches because of its body shape.Again in the east, and the Lord is angry.The doctors at that time were ignorant of its rationale, and there was no way to nourish the liver. It was suitable for cooling and cutting.March [-]th is wood, which is located in the east, which is the position of Zhen Xun in the Houtian, and when Xun goes up and down, it is Guan. "Yi" says: Guan, the divine way of heaven, and the four seasons are not indifferent.The shaking of the upper Kun and the lower is called recovery. "Yi" said: "Recovery, it can see the heart of heaven and earth, and it is a great righteousness!" (Its joint tendons, its prosperous claws, open to the eyes)
Spleen said
The spleen is an earthy viscera, which stores meaning and wisdom, and resides under the heart and lungs, so it is humble.And the spleen is good, it helps stomach qi to dissolve grains.It is said in the scriptures that "the one who accepts the grain will prosper", that's what it means. (Its joint flesh, its glorious lips, open to the mouth)
lungs say
The lungs, the metal organs, and the soul are also hidden.The lungs, Pei Ye, have 24 holes in the middle, which distribute the clear and turbid Qi to travel to the various organs, so that Pei Ran can't be resisted. "Nei Jing" said: Lung aversion to cold.It is also said: if the body is cold and the drink is cold, it will hurt the lungs.Don't just stick to the theory that fire can overcome gold. (Its skin is combined, and its hair is also opened in the nose)
Kidney says
Kidneys, water organs, store essence and will, Huayuan Hua is called the root of life.And the kidney, Ren Ye, governs the bones, and is in charge of the affairs of the whole body, so the strength is tied to it. "Jia Yi Jing" said: Kidneys are Yin Ye, which can lead Qi to the bone marrow. "卮言" says: The kidney is the god, and it is also wonderful in terms of all things. (Its joint bone, its glory and hair are opened to the two yin)

stomach says
Stomach, which belongs to soil, is also the organ of the spleen. It is the official of the warehouse and the house of the five grains, so it belongs to the field.The field is where the five grains come from, and it is considered a market for the five grains.And the stomach, Wei Ye, water and grain enter the stomach, overflow the essence, go up to the lungs, reach the limbs, cloth and protect the whole body, enough to protect the outside and solidify it.

dare say
The word follows Zhan, not Dan.Gallbladder sounds sandalwood, which is mouth fat, which is different from gallbladder.Those who follow the courage today are rumors of inheritance.

Gallbladder, which belongs to wood, is also the viscera of the liver.As the official of Zhongzheng, the palace of Zhongqing, the Eleven Classics all depend on gallbladder.People's courage, cowardice, evil and righteousness come from Zhan, so the word Cong Zhan.Also, the courageous person is responsible, and only those who have the courage are enough to take on the affairs of the world.The liver governs benevolence, and the benevolent cannot bear it, so the gallbladder is used to cut it; the gallbladder is attached to the short leaves of the liver, and the benevolent must have courage.

E.I. says

The large intestine, the official of the preaching, has changed. It belongs to gold and is the organ of the lungs.The small intestine, the organ that receives the energy, transforms things out, belongs to fire, and is the heart's internal organs.When people receive water and valleys, their temper turns and rises, while the intestines turn and turns and goes down.If the intestines are covered, they are smooth, so the qi in the stomach can flow freely, and if the intestines are unobstructed, it is a normal person, otherwise it will be sick.

Sanjiao says

Those of the triple energizers are the qi of the upper, middle, and lower energizers.The scorched one is hot, and the hot air in the chest is filled with protection, which can regulate the waterway.It is the internal organs surrounding the heart and belongs to fire.If the upper burn is not cured, the water will flood to a higher source.If the middle burner is not cured, the water will remain in the central cavity.If the lower coke is not cured, the water will be disordered and the stool will be disordered.When the Sanjiao Qi is controlled, the meridians will be unblocked and the waterways will be smoothed, so it is called the official of Judgment.

The palm of the hand said (i.e. the heart envelops)
The heart is the master of the internal organs, and its envelop is the outer guard of the monarch, and Xianghuo acts on behalf of the monarch, so it also has the name of the master.Why tie it with your hands?It is covered by the Jueyin pulse of the hand, which comes out of the pericardium; the three yang pulses of the hand, scattered in the pericardium; it is the combination of the hand and the heart, so the pericardium is called the palm of the hand.The five viscera plus this one is the real six viscera.

Bladder says
The bladder, which belongs to water, is the organ of the kidney.The scriptures say: those with the bladder are the officials of the state capital, the body fluid is stored there, and it can be released when it is vaporized.It is said that it can be gasified, and the body fluid goes out to moisturize the fur.If the special division of the water channel is in the internal organs of the triple burner.Therefore, it is said in the scriptures: the official of the Sanjiao Judao, the waterway will come out.It is said that its hot air is clothed to protect, so that the waterway goes down and it is drowning. There are two words in the "Neijing": one is going out, and the other is going down. Its purpose has been seldom understood through the ages, so I will distinguish it here.And the bladder, the side; the bladder, the light.If the vitality of the sea of ​​Qi is sufficient, the body fluid will flow endlessly, and the skin, skin and skin will be smooth.

life gate says

Yue people refer to the right kidney as the gate of life, which is not the case among other schools of thought.I test the "Nei Jing" that the sun is rooted in the most yin and tied in the gate of life.The gate of life is the eye. "Lingshu · Jiegen Pian", "Wei Qi Pian", "Su Wen · Theory of Yin and Yang Separation and Combination", all three theories are the same.After reading the "Huang Ting Jing", it says: there is Huang Ting on the top, and Guan Yuan on the bottom;Fang realizes where it is.At the beginning of a mortal's birth, the innate essence gathers under the navel, between the Guan Yuan and the sea of ​​Qi.In women, it can be obtained by palpation, and it is commonly known as the birth door.In males, when ejaculation is ejaculated, there is a self-awareness of closing the appendage.The secretary of the lock and key of the north gate is the place where people live.Also examine the theory of the seven gates of the Yue people: Feimen, the lips; Humen, the teeth; Suction gate, the epiglottis; Cardia, the upper mouth of the stomach; pylorus, the lower mouth of the large intestine; appendix, the lower mouth of the small intestine Also; soul door, anus also, defecation comes out by gasification.The drowning orifice is also added as the valve.Whenever it is called a door, it refers to the point of entry.When the body is not born, when the parents rendezvous, the male gives out through this door, and the female's receiving enters through the door.And the fetal element is sufficient, and it is born from this gate.Therefore, besides the eight gates, the most important one is called the gate of life.Among the fourteen vertebrae of Ruofu Du Meridian, there is the acupoint of Mingmen, which is like the five viscera and six fu organs in terms of the outside.It does not mean that the gate of life is here.

Meridian verses
Jiang'an's "Compendium of Materia Medica" is attached hereafter. It is advisable to read it familiarly, and there is no need to rewrite it.

Four consultations
Look at
In spring, summer, autumn, winter and long summer, blue, yellow, red, white, and black are suitable.

The left liver and the right lung are in the shape of cheeks, the heart, forehead, kidney and nose govern the spleen.

It is auspicious to know the living, but it is sad to encounter Ke during the trial.

In the dark, the old and the new are divided, and the faint yellow is the period of recovery.

There is also a method of distinguishing tongue.No coating on the tongue means it is on the outside, bright red means fire, and pale white means cold (the main word is no coating, it does not mean that the coating is light and white.) If there is white coating, it means half outside and half inside, yellow coating means inside, black coating means less disease Yin, how dead.Moisturized moss with liquid means cold, dry moss with no liquid means fire, no moss on the tongue such as oiled kidneys means dead liquid, and it cannot be cured.

The anger of the liver makes the heart happy and laughs, the spleen sings for longing, the lungs cry for worry, and the kidneys groan for fear.

In another method, those with weak qi and weak words are false, those with strong qi and strong words are true, those who speak without paying attention to the beginning and the end are dizzy, those who speak wildly and scold are overheated, those with phlegm and phlegm are dead, and those who have been ill for a long time and hear uh are stomach ache.Generally speaking, it is auspicious if the language sound is the same as usual, and it is bad if it is the other way around.

(Published "Jingyue Quanshu". Zhang Xin is enriching it.) One question about cold and heat, two questions about sweat, three questions about head and body, four questions about bowel movements, five questions about diet and six questions about chest, seven questions about deafness and eight thirsty questions, nine questions about old diseases and ten questions Because, combined with taking medicine and changing the machine, women must ask about the menstrual period, and slow closure and collapse can be seen. Add a phrase to pediatrics, smallpox and measles.

It is the most difficult to know under Wei Mang's finger, and the threads are found to understand and control silk (the old formula uses floating, thick, slippery, solid, stringy, tight, and flood as seven expressions, and sinks, slight, late, slow, wet, subdued, weak, Astringent is eight li, with long, short, empty, quick, knot, generation, firm, moving, and thin as nine ways. Li Binhu and Li Shicai add the three veins of number, leather, and scattered, and there are 27 characters in total. It is really difficult to find out. The thread is like a person who controls the thread, and he is methodical).The three parts hold the fixed method (the heart is waiting for the outside of the left inch, and the middle of the body is waiting for the inside. The lung is waiting for the outside of the right inch, and the chest is waiting for the inside. The liver is waiting outside the left gate, and the liver is waiting for the inside. Waiting for the spleen. The kidneys are waiting two feet away, and the abdomen is waiting inside. For the abdomen, the large and small intestines and bladder are all inside. The front is waiting for the front, and the back is waiting for the back. The lower part, the lower abdomen, waist, thighs, knees and shin. This is according to the distribution method of the "Neijing", the eight principles are easy to see is a good rule (floating main surface, sinking main interior, the two pulses are under the finger to distinguish the severity, easy See also. Late governs cold, number governs heat, and the two pulses are divided by breath to a few points. It is easy to see. The big one is evil and solid, and the thin one is good and empty. The two pulses are divided by shape and width, which is easy to see. Long The main element is strong, the main element is short, and the main element is weak. The two channels are divided according to the length of the department, which is easy to see. Take the eight channels as the guideline. The remaining channels can be identified and seen at the same time, or they can be placed together. Sentence, always mentioning the great method of palpation).Stomach Zishuiguren is the root (the pulse belongs to the lungs and the lungs receive qi from the stomach), and the earth has Chong and the pulse Weishe (not firm and straight, but gentle, the pulse is so angry in the middle earth, so the first thing is to observe the stomach qi).Visceral qi depends entirely on its generation and restraint (examination of visceral qi’s generation and restraint is the second most important thing. For example, if spleen disease is afraid of strings, wood can restrain soil. Lung disease is afraid of floods, and fire can restrain metal. Otherwise, it is harmless to visceral qi).The time of the day and the reverse are peeped (the third key is to push the fortune of the sky. For example, the air of spring belongs to the veins of wood and should be strings, and the energy of summer belongs to the veins of fire and should be flooded. If it is the opposite, it should not be in harmony with the weather).Yang is floating and the shape is hyperactive (Zhongjing uses floating, big, moving, slippery, and numbers as yang, and those with strong pulses are all the same. Late is yin, and all pulses are weak. Here, the two characters of yin and yang are proposed, and the following four sentences should be avoided in distinguishing pulse disease, which is the fourth point). Flood, if it turns thin and weak, righteousness cannot overcome evil), and internal deficiency and yang are actually sad (after the blood is removed, the pulse should be quiet and thin, but if it turns strong and strong, the qi will also escape from the outside). partial yang and grand, partial yin and thin and weak, all of which are diseased pulses), sudden changes are extremely urgent (the old formulas include bird pecking, house leaking, fish flying, shrimp swimming, bouldering, untying cables, and cauldron boiling seven monsters. It is said that it is always due to the separation of yin and yang, and abnormal phenomena appear suddenly). Only these words account for it. The ten kinds of pulses are all visible, how can one diagnose the pulse and immediately know the cause of the disease? The deceiving language of the pulse book is the most inaudible).

Appendix Luck
Zhang Feichou is unlucky

The proverb goes: If you don't read the Five Lucks and Six Qis, you can check all the prescription books, He Ji.Therefore, those who are a little bit involved in medical theory should take transportation as their business.Knowing that "Tian Yuan Ji" and other chapters are not the original text of "Su Wen", Wang took "Yin Yang Da Lun" and added them into the scriptures.It is clearly stated in Kuang Lun that there is a permanent position from time to time, but the qi is uncertain. It is still a detailed discussion, but it is just a thorough study of the reasoning.Even if victory and recovery are permanent, the government is divided into north and south.There are differences in the four directions, and the four seasons are out of time; within a hundred steps, the weather is different; thousands of miles away, the greetings are different.How can a definite method be used to measure extraordinary changes?If you are familiar with it, you can use it as a consultant, but if you regard it as a cure, you will not understand it.

(End of this chapter)

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