The Taoist who started alone

Chapter 121 Judging from the attitude of the battle, the scorpion actually...

Chapter 121 Judging from the attitude of the battle, the scorpion actually...

Although the technique of elephant reincarnation is really powerful, it is not omnipotent. The reincarnation body can only store 30.00% of the body's chakra, and the body's movement is also limited. If it is used on the frontal battlefield, it will kill every minute Rhythm.

However, it is quite good for blocking or luring the enemy.

It's a pity, neither Kisame nor Itachi-san intended to lure people away, but prepared for a big fight.

One is seeing the 'Precious Beast' and can't help but want to fight again, while the other... the purpose is not clear, it is very likely that he wants to vent his anger on his younger brother...

After all, as the team leader, he lost his team members. Orochimaru is a very dangerous person. Where is the younger brother, can the elder brother not panic?

There is a price to pay for arrogance. Kisame's chakra volume is only 'comparable to a tailed beast', but it has not yet reached the level of a tailed beast. Although his 30.00% is also very good, but when he is facing pure body skills When it comes to ninjas, the amount of chakra is less important.

This is where the taijutsu ninja is scary. He will forcefully pick out your anger, and then let you choose to fight him with taijutsu involuntarily, and finally defeat you with a strong body!

Kai is such a ninja, and Shangguan Junior One is the same. The only thing stronger than Kai is the first step, because he has a lot of ways to stir up the opponent's anger and make him lose his mind in anger.

For this reason, Shangguan Chuyi also created a set of sword techniques called "Gonghuo Sword Technique". The tricks in it... If you are brave enough to face swords, lights and swords without moving, then you will win, but you Once it moves, it won't kill anyone, but it will only intensify the fight...

When the anger hits the heart, it is the time to launch the fatal blow!
He was planning to give this set of saber techniques back to 'A Lian', because although the saber techniques are different, it still depends on the person. If it was given to Zhang Lingyu, it might not be useful, so he blushed first, but 'ah Lian 'absolutely not, he will definitely use it as a special skill at the bottom of the box, and never use it unless it is critical!

Pulling a little far...

Although the two of them didn't distract Gaara's reinforcements, they managed to delay enough time to complete the task of sealing Yiwei smoothly.

"Fish...the last fish is"

That's right, as soon as the work was done, Didala rushed over and snatched the last grilled fish. Even though it was cold, for Didala who had been hungry for two days, the fish was still so delicious!

My Great Chinese Cuisine, unstoppable in all heavens and myriad worlds!

"Shangguan, you can go. Next, it's about me and Didara."

"Senior Scorpion, don't worry, I won't bother you, if you hit you, I'll roast my meat..."

In order to find a reason to stay, Shangguan also went all out on the first day of the junior high school. He roasted the cow abruptly. You know, roasting this cow is a lot of trouble for the old man. Not only is he particular about the seasoning, he also has to control the heat. , but God is inseparable!
Hearing that he can't do anything, Xie didn't care. As for Didara...he knew his temper, and he would definitely not stay in the way.

When the seal of the gate was shattered by Sakura's punch, even Shangguan Chuyi, who had been prepared for a long time, was deeply moved in his heart.

The new generation of Sannin has already taken shape...

Naruto's light, Sasuke's darkness, Sakura's...violence, isn't it just a copy of Sannin back then?

"I love Luo!!!"

After Naruto rushed in, he saw Gaara under Didara at first glance, his eyes turned red instantly, but soon, he and others felt something was wrong, the smell inside...

"Hey, Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi-senpai, are you here?" Shangguan Chuyi greeted them with a smile, and then shook his head before waiting for them to speak: "Your matter , I will not participate, your opponents are them!"

Now is indeed not the time to be distracted. After hearing that Shangguan Chuyi would not do anything, Sakura and Naruto breathed a sigh of relief in secret, but at this moment, Didara got a bird out and rolled me up. Aira's body flew away.

Naruto moved very fast, and followed in a blink of an eye. Kakashi was worried and followed, while Chiyo and Sakura stayed behind, staring at Scorpio.

The family reunion, but the feeling of having to divide life and death is indeed a kind of torment, but when Scorpio took out the "human puppet" made by the third Kazekage, the little fantasy in Chiyo's heart was completely fulfilled. Broken.

Can not go back……

The disappearance of the three generations of Kazekage, but almost put Sahikari into a situation of eternal doom. Scorpion was the murderer of the three generations of Kazekage, how could such a person return to the village as if nothing had happened?

Not to mention, Wudai Kazekage was also taken away by him this time...

At the time of the attack, Chiyo was still guarding against Shangguan Chuyi. Although she didn't know this young man, just because he was wearing the same clothes as Xie, it was enough to prove that the opponent was not a friend but an enemy!

"Grandma, don't worry about the one next to him. If he says he won't do it, he won't do it, so..."

The third Kazekage is also a master, and the one-handed magnetic escape is also a very headache. Sakura doesn't know, but Chiyo's mother-in-law is very clear, but when she tells the situation, Sakura is happy, or it can't be used. Kunai or something, small things!

When she used the aesthetics of violence, Grandma Chiyo was both happy and sad in her heart. The happy thing is that she regained confidence in this battle. The sad thing is that such a talent was born in Konoha, but It's not their Sand Hidden Village.

Look at the attitude from the battle.

When Xie controlled the puppet and showed mercy in several key places, Shangguan Chuyi sighed, he knew...

The art that Scorpion pursues is eternity, so he turned himself into a human puppet, but when he really reached the state of "eternity", he found that this road is so lonely.

It is impossible for his parents to come back, and his only relative, grandma, is also old, so Xie is confused. He suddenly found that this road has come to an end, and the scenery at the end is so boring, so another kind of eternity... …

There is only death.

I don't even want to live anymore, leaving some legacy, that's all.

By the way, the puppet master kid I met before used the puppet I made when I was young. It seems that this business has declined.

The third Kazekage was eliminated, and the cooperation between Sakura and Chiyo became more and more tacit, so Scorpion used his real trick: "The red secret technique, a hundred machine exercises!"

Hundreds of puppets appeared, and at the same time Xie's real body was revealed, with the same young face, but... he could no longer be considered a human being...

 All set to break a hundred plus more!Although very helpless, but said to do it!
(End of this chapter)

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