Chapter 473
It was the first time I walked so slowly, but it was not boring at all...

I don't dare to say it in other worlds, but here, if I dare to be like myself, wandering in the crowd of zombies like this, I am afraid that I am the only one?

For research, a tube of blood is drawn from this body, and a tube is drawn from that body. Although there is no research equipment now, it does not mean that there will be no research equipment in the future. No matter what the reason is for the system, if it sends itself to this world, it must have appeals.

What is the biggest appeal of the zombie world?
Besides viruses, is there anything else?

When they were not mad, the group of zombies walked really slowly. He rushed to the front of the line, set up the tent and slept, woke up the next morning, and could keep up with the end of the line...

In this way, after walking for five full days and drawing countless tubes of blood, they finally arrived at a city. Of course... the city was already in ruins, and after entering the city, the group of zombies never wandered away again.

This human being...whether dead or alive, or half-dead, all yearn for the city...

After Alice woke up, she found that there was no one around her, and her body was full of tubes. She endured the pain to pull out the tubes, and then walked out of the empty hospital step by step. She saw the zombies at once, and at the same time ...also saw...

living person?

How do living people stay with zombies?
Actually... Shangguan was quite surprised when he saw Alice on the first day of junior high school. Of course, apart from this blonde beauty who was only wearing a sheet, there was also... He finally understood, what is this? A world away.

resident Evil!

That is to say, after confirming it, he knew that this...fucking is a transitional world...

If the system dared to issue a mission, he would dare to commit suicide on the spot!

In such a world, will there be fragments of 'Tao'?People with crooked nuts, um... and this group of crooked zombies, they don't believe in it at all, my brother who believes in it!

As for...the upper brother...maybe he didn't know what he became, he went to seduce a beautiful woman somewhere, and he forgot about this place... then it's none of his business!

The two... are not from the same department.

But now that we have met, it would be too rude to pretend not to see it. Shangguan Chuyi kicked away the zombies around him, walked towards Alice, and said with a smile, "Hello, may I ask...forget it, you still Run first, when you are safe, we are talking..."

Just when he was about to say something, the zombies found Alice, and this meeting had already rushed towards her. If we talked about it again... in her current state... there might be no such thing as 23456, even if there was, I'm afraid I have to change actors too.

Alice didn't think much about it, she swung her two pairs of long legs and ran away...

Just because zombies can't smell him, doesn't mean they can't smell Alice.

Shangguan Chuyi sighed, this not bad at all, but she is too A. By the way...a supermodel figure like not my thing...Forget it, wait for this girl to recover. Well, there is nothing to talk about now anyway.

Now...she should be suffering from amnesia...

In order to help Alice escape on the first day of the junior high school, Shangguan helped her set up a lot of roadblocks, but at this moment, he realized that the zombies he had always looked down upon... suddenly changed...

They ran faster and jumped higher. Even a skinny female zombie who looked like a stick of hemp actually made a big jump, jumped over a car nearly three meters high, and continued to chase Alice.

This is not over, there are some zombies who don't like to jump, they just climbed over the houses on both sides. Groups of...

Can Alice escape?
she ran away...

Although she has just been injected with the virus and has not yet become a real superwoman, she has made absolute progress in terms of physical strength, but unfortunately... in terms of brain development... she is still a little short, no, she was in Shangguan Chu. With Yi's help, she had already distanced herself, but...she ran to a dead end...

Don't worry... In desperation, Shangguan Chu had to open a secret door for her, and then took her away from the dead end and brought her to a supermarket. What's the matter, she had to get dressed first, right?

Sure enough... put on clothes... more A...

That's not the point...

"who are you?"

It's finally safe, Shangguan hasn't opened his mouth on the first day of the junior high school, Alice is the first to ask a question, but this question is...

"Half an hour ago, I just said that my name is Shangguan Chuyi. By the way, next... what are your plans?"

Alice is still in a daze, but she still knows whether it is good or bad. The man in front of her saved her just now, but she doesn't completely trust him. Of course, she doesn't know how to answer the question raised by the other party, because ...I completely lost my memory...

"It is impossible for me to help you all the time. You have to find out some things by yourself. I only know that all of this is caused by human beings. Well, don't ask me, because I am not much better than you. Food and clothing, and weapons, you... have to be stunned!"


Before Alice could react, her head was covered by a big hand, giving the protagonist a pat on the head. This is not the treatment that everyone can have...

Shangguan left on the first day of the lunar new year, but he didn't go far. Instead, he chose the highest place... After kicking down the zombies on it and cleaning it up, this is his temporary residence.

In fact, there are not no people who survived. There are always some lucky people who not only resisted the virus, but also escaped the zombies. Now, they are just struggling to survive.

When Alice found them... she didn't want to stay here, but wanted to stand out, because they believed that this zombie virus should only spread in this city, and other places should still be safe.

Of course, it was mainly because they received the broadcast and heard the information from the outside world...

The original intention of Umbrella Corporation to study viruses was just to earn a lot of money, but because of an accidental leak and the situation became completely uncontrollable, this plan changed...

No matter how much you earn selling the antidote, can you still earn as much as controlling the world? ? ?
As a result, the antidote plan became a human elimination plan, leaving the high-level humans in the company to sleep until the time came... and then re-emerged to take over this broken world.

These Shangguan first graders all know, but what he knows better is that this kind of plan is impossible to succeed, because... the worst thing they did was to get a 'Valkyrie' out with their own hands and stand on the ground. Leaving aside their opposites...

I also forgot one most important thing, which is...

Viruses can mutate!

When the mutated virus is no longer afraid of the antidote, all plans will come to nothing, which is why Alice will join forces with the umbrella in the later stage.

(End of this chapter)

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