Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 1543 Qin Guan's Experience

Chapter 1543 Qin Guan's Experience

The mental power swept over Jingyu, and the formation formula immediately appeared in his mind. After a little thought, Li Yichen judged that the formation formula was correct, and then pinched his hands, and the power that enveloped the God-Suppressing Tower disappeared in a moment, and then the God-Suppressing Tower disappeared. With one cover, the two-winged demons were collected into the God Town Tower, and then the God Town Tower disappeared together with Li Yichen!
Keeping the lives of these demons is naturally something to ask, but the safest place now is naturally within the Holy Ring of Happyness, and they are collected in the Tower of Gods, just not wanting them to know that I brought them into the Holy Ring of Happyness.

Dealing with demons that are equivalent to the human body, naturally does not need the fourth floor of the God-Suppressing Tower, so all the demons are only included in the third floor by Li Yichen. Of course, the leader of the two-winged demons naturally has special treatment at the moment , he enjoyed a single room and was not with other demons.

Although the icy air can be released, Li Yichen has no ability to take it back again. At this moment, he can only borrow the power of Xiaotian Huoyuan to remove the ice from the demon's body. Otherwise, if this continues, the control over the icy air will be limited. Li Yichen was really worried that he would freeze this guy to death.

The cold was gone, and the warmth was coming, but before the Winged Demons could enjoy this joy, they felt as if they were plunged into extreme heat again, and their bodies trembled involuntarily!
Although the previous chill almost froze it, the demons are inherently yin and evil, and it was not too uncomfortable, but the source of the Xiaotian fire possessed the power of the sun, and had a natural restraint on the demons, so For the Winged Demon Race, the current situation seems even more unbearable.

What kind of monster is this human being with so many treasures on his body!The Winged Demon Race almost had the urge to cry.

"Should it be time for me to ask questions?" Li Yichen asked with a slight smile looking at the Winged Demon Clan.

"What do you want to ask?" Seeing that the other party obviously has the ability to kill him directly, but spared his own life, the Winged Demon Race naturally knew that the other party wanted to find some answers from him.

"Why are you ambushing here!" Li Yichen asked immediately.

"I'm just a small boss, so I can do whatever is arranged by the higher-ups!" The Winged Demon Race immediately said tremblingly, "The higher-ups only said that our team is in ambush here, and if humans invade, we will use the power of formation to , Capture it, of course, if there are too many humans, you can also send a message to the headquarters!"

Now being a prisoner, and feeling the terrifying power of Xiaotian Huoyuan, the Winged Demon Clan didn't have the slightest persistence at all, so they answered the situation in every detail.

"Is that so?" Li Yichen smiled slightly, and as soon as he pointed his finger, a howling fire immediately touched the body of the two-winged demon clan.

"Ah... ah..." Although the demons are practicing magic arts, they also have souls. The sky-shattering fire not only burns the body, but also burns the soul. At this moment, the body and the demon soul seem to be ignited instantly. The two-winged demons He screamed continuously, but didn't even dare to move his body.

Because he was also surrounded by a sea of ​​flames, if he was contaminated with other flames, he knew that he would suffer even more.

"Don't worry, if you still insist on what you said before, I won't ask you again, but although this flame can kill you, with your cultivation base, you won't die directly within at least six hours. Let's see who is more powerful." Be patient!" Li Yichen smiled slightly, as if he wasn't in a hurry.

But in fact, he was still a little uneasy, how powerful the Xiaotian fire source is, and Li Yichen's real estimation of the cultivation base of the two-winged demons might not be able to last for half an hour. The reason why Li Yichen said that was just Give him some psychological pressure.

Of course, if the Winged Demon Clan insisted on not telling, it could only mean that either he was not telling lies, or he would not tell even if he died. Li Yichen didn't bother to waste any more time, so he had to go to the bottom of the lake to find out.

"I said... I said... I can say everything, you can get rid of this fire first, can you?" Thinking of the six hours of torture, the two-winged demons would not dare to persevere.

"Get rid of it? You'd better tell me some information that makes me think I can get rid of it!" However, Li Yichen, who has been a man for two lifetimes, naturally has his own experience in extorting confessions by torture.He knew that the spirit of the two-winged demon clan was on the verge of collapse, and he had to squeeze out some dry goods first.

"Human... a human being is imprisoned here..." Although the Winged Demon Race didn't know whether Li Yichen came here for this matter, but the real core mission of his staying here was this, and he didn't dare to hold back at this moment .

"Imprison human beings?" Li Yichen couldn't help but feel his heart tense, but his face remained calm. Instead, he pretended to be a little surprised, but he still directed aside the flames of the two-winged demons.

"Yes! And it's a big secret related to you humans, as long as you let me live, I'll tell you the secret..." Originally, the Winged Demon Race thought that Li Yichen came here for this matter, but now they see Li Yichen As if he didn't know at all, he couldn't help saying in his heart.

"The big secret? Tell me first, and let me see if it's worth it in exchange for your life!" Li Yichen didn't agree, nor refused.

"You... no, unless you agree first, you won't kill me! Otherwise, I won't say anything!" The Winged Demon Race said with determination, "As for the value, I can tell you that this matter is related to the interests of human beings. Heavenly Destiny Sword!"

Although Li Yichen felt that he hadn't exposed any flaws at all, the two-winged demon clan is also an old monster who has lived for nearly a thousand years. He soon realized that Li Yichen actually came here for this. Afterwards, of course he had to find a way to save his own life!

"Excalibur of Destiny? If you can really provide information related to the Excalibur of Destiny, then why not spare your life!" Li Yichen seemed to realize that the other party saw his intentions, but he was too lazy to deal with it at this time.

"You swear by your heart demon first!" The Winged Demon Clan obviously didn't believe Li Yichen's verbal promise at all, and demanded immediately.

"Then you also have to swear to the Demon God that the information you provide must not be false!" Li Yichen immediately demanded.

The two-winged demons can't trust him, and he can't trust the two-winged demons either, but he knows that the demons are all devout to the demon god. For the demons, an oath to the demon god is like a human heart demon, and they dare not break it!

Then the two parties naturally swore separately. When the incident developed to this point, the two-winged demons naturally did not dare to be scruples about many aspects for their own lives. Moreover, they swear to the demon god that he did not dare to speak half a lie. Explain the situation in detail.

The matter needs to be traced back to more than ten years ago. He had a cousin. The two originally set foot on the demon hunting battlefield together, but that cousin has always been much better than him in all aspects. To the commander who commanded nearly ten thousand troops, and under the support of his cousin, his own men also commanded thousands of people.

In a victorious battle with the demons, his cousin unexpectedly got a Divine Sword of Destiny!
Fighting against humans for so many years, the demons are actually paying attention to everything about humans. His cousin naturally knew the meaning of the Divine Sword of Destiny, and after some hesitation, he decided to swallow the sword for himself.

Although he got the Divine Sword of Destiny, his cousin tried all kinds of means, and even consulted a large number of classics of demons and humans through various channels, but there was still no progress.

But soon his cousin discovered that there was actually a human soul-cultivating powerhouse chasing him into the battlefield to inquire about the whereabouts of the Divine Sword of Destiny.

If they were to change to other places, they would naturally avoid them if they could, but this is a combined battlefield, and the strong soul-cultivators dared not do anything at all. The demon hunting troops hiding in the human body were directly wiped out, and the human being in the soul-cultivating state was naturally captured alive by him!
His cousin thought very simply, since this guy did not hesitate to risk his life to find the Divine Sword of Destiny, he would definitely know more about the secrets of this sword, and if he was captured, he might be able to obtain the method of refining the Divine Sword of Destiny.

However, although this guy was captured, his mouth was extremely stubborn. After being captured, no matter what methods they tried, they didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

His cousin found out through other means that this person's identity was none other than Qin Guan, the current Lord of Immortal Sword Palace!
The Immortal Sword Palace is the root of the Heavenly Destiny Sword. After confirming Qin Guan's identity, his cousin naturally put all his hopes on Qin Guan!

But here is the demon race after all, imprisoning a human will sooner or later cause the suspicion of other demon races, so to be on the safe side, his cousin built an underground palace at the bottom of the lake with the help of battle needs, and opened a passage from the underground palace to the The bottom of his camp!
After doing all this, another battle was used to let the two-winged demons lead nearly 200 people to pretend to die in battle, and finally disappeared from the demons, and then hid here. Waiting for the person who came to rescue Qin Guan.

As for why they knew that someone would come to rescue Qin Guan, it was because they had to hide it from other demons when transferring Qin Guan, so they were extremely careful, but on the way forward, they found that Qin Guan had left secret marks along the way!
Not only did they pretend not to find out, but they also applied some liquid medicine on the secret marks left by Qin Guan, so that those secret marks would not disappear due to the growth of trees!
After all, Qin Guan stubbornly resisted to the end, what if the people who came looking for him were not as stubborn as him?Even if you are a diehard, threatening each other with their lives is not without a chance to pry their mouths open!

It's just that they didn't expect that this wait would last for more than ten years, and what they didn't expect was that this person who came here according to the secret order actually took them all at once. Now not only did they not become prisoners, but they themselves became prisoners of others.

After being told by the two-winged demons, Li Yichen also seemed to understand why he could still see the marks left by Qin Guan along the way.

Of course, what surprised Li Yichen even more was that the camp where his cousin lived was actually one of the three white flags that he had filled in during the sand table deduction, according to Li Yichen and the map.

(End of this chapter)

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