Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 1613: Hit the Keys

Chapter 1613: Hit the Keys
But just when Han Yongcheng was in a dilemma, Li Yichen continued, "But Guanshi Han is a businessman, so I can't take advantage of you for nothing. The Xuantian Cauldron gave us [-] meritorious deeds for hunting demons. I pay it to you, if you really want to pay compensation, then pay me the remaining [-] demon hunting feats!"

"It should be, it should be!" It was only at this time that Han Yongcheng realized that Li Yichen was blackmailing him before taking revenge. He can still get the magic meritorious deeds. Although his heart hurts, how dare he refuse at this moment, "I will pay you right away!"

"By the way, I remembered, I seem to have a Demon Hunting Token here, you can turn it over directly!" Li Yichen said and took out a Demon Hunting Token from the Holy Ring of Freedom.

Shameless!How shameless!

Although everyone is aware of the mystery hidden in the storage bag that Li Yichen gave Han Yongcheng, and also understands that Li Yichen's extortion is purely Han Yongcheng's own fault, but brother, you lie, do you still have some snacks?
Each person has only one Demon Hunting Token. If it is really lost and replaced, then the Demon Hunting Common will also use a special method to erase the pattern on the previous Demon Hunting Token, turning it into a piece of scrap iron!
When Li Yichen arrived, he said that he had lost his Demon Hunting Token and asked for compensation, but immediately took out another Demon Hunting Token.

However, regarding these details, Han Yongcheng didn't dare to ask more questions, and immediately presented his prey order respectfully, "Thank you a lot, Mr. Li!"

Obviously, if Li Yichen accepted his meritorious service in hunting demons, no matter what Li Yichen's intentions were, then this conflict between the two parties would be considered over.

Li Yichen was not polite at all. Since he wanted to deceive himself for his achievements in hunting demons, he had to be prepared to be deceived by himself. Han Feng was just a young man, although he was a bit domineering, but he had no time to care about other people's character. Han Yongcheng Although he wanted to cheat himself, after all, he didn't cause any loss to himself, so there's no need to delve into it now, and since Ren Kong's token was revealed, Li Yichen naturally wouldn't waste its effect.

After receiving Han Yongcheng's Demon Hunting Order, when he crossed out his demon hunting merits and returned to the other party, Li Yichen suddenly said, "Actually, my relationship with Mr. Ling is just a dispute between young people, so don't worry about Guanshi Han. superior!"

"Thank you so much Mr. Li!" When Li Yichen said this, Han Yongcheng also heaved a sigh of relief, he knew that the matter was finally over.

"However, I really think Mr. Ling's words are quite right!" Li Yichen continued.

"The dog is ignorant, how can it be right!" Seeing Li Yichen say this, Han Yongcheng's heart that had just been let go suddenly hung in his throat again.

"No, that's right, we have to listen. After all, Mr. Ling said that some people with problematic character should not enter this alchemy shop. I think it makes sense. After all, this alchemy shop is the property of Alchemy Valley. If something is really lost, then Manager Han is in trouble, so I think if Manager Han thinks that something has really been lost, it is best to keep the suspect here as a guest for the time being, and wait until the matter is found out. Plan!" Li Yichen smiled slightly, but unconsciously glanced at the other five sect disciples.

"This... this..." Li Yichen's expression was so obvious, how could Han Yongcheng not know what he meant?
But those are people from the five major sects!If he really detains them, he will not be able to bear it with his identity if he really conflicts with the five major sects because of this matter.

"Of course, that's what I said. After all, as an outsider, I can't participate in the matter of Dan Daogu. If Guanshi Han is in trouble, then forget it!" Looking at Han Yongcheng's hesitation, Li Yichen said again.

Although Li Yichen's tone was still extremely calm, Han Yongcheng's ears were full of displeasure and threat, "Don't make it difficult... don't make it difficult!"

"Come on!" How dare Han Yongcheng wait any longer at this moment!

"Here!" Following Han Yongcheng's drink, the disciples who followed him immediately responded in unison!

"I checked just now and found that our alchemy shop lost some elixirs. Please invite the disciples of Wu Zong to the guest room to rest and talk about it after the matter is resolved!" Han Yongcheng will naturally not hesitate after making a decision.

Offending Wu Zong is a trouble, but Li Yichen is a big shot holding Mr. Ren's token!It will be more troublesome to offend him!
"Yes!" Although the order at this moment is completely different from Han Yongcheng's previous explanation, these disciples obviously saw that the situation had changed, and immediately carried out the order.

"Manager, you can't do this!"

"Manager Han, we are..."

"Whoever talks nonsense, directly imprison their vocal cords!" Now that he had already started, Han Yongcheng naturally wanted to do it thoroughly, interrupting their words with a stern voice, and at the same time expressing his determination.

Seeing Han Yongcheng's resolute attitude, the disciples of the five sects also realized that the situation seemed to have completely exceeded their expectations, so they could only maintain restraint for the time being.

Seeing that the disciples of the five sects were all taken away, Li Yichen nodded in satisfaction and said, "Manager Han really thinks of Dan Daogu in everything he does, but I think it is necessary to investigate things like this kind of theft carefully. Not a good thing!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Li, it's related to the interests of my Alchemy Valley. If I can't find out about this matter in one day, I'll investigate it for ten days. If I can't find it out in ten days, I'll investigate it for a month. I will definitely find out the truth. Give us Alchemy Valley and also give it to us." Satisfactory explanations from the other five cases!" Han Yongcheng responded immediately.

Only now did he truly experience Li Yichen's methods!
First, he took away the Xuantian Ding from his hand, and then knocked away his [-] merits in hunting demons. Of course, if these were just for the examination questions of the six sects and revenge on himself, then Li Yichen's last move was a draw from the bottom of the pot. Brilliant plan!

I have kept the disciples of the five sects here, so for the next six exchanges, is it necessary to continue the competition without the absence of these disciples?
Wu Zong tried his best to team up with him to trick Li Yichen, but he didn't expect to be hit by Li Yichen's backhand in the end, hitting the vital point directly!

"Then the next thing is up to Manager Han. We won't bother you. The elders of the Zongmen are still waiting to return to their orders!" Li Yichen clasped his fists slightly and turned around, but before leaving, it was Han Yongcheng who spoke via voice transmission. , "I don't want to make my identity suspicious because of today's events!"

Although he was forced to show Ren Kong's token, Li Yichen still didn't want to be too ostentatious, but now that there are so many eyes in the alchemy shop, Li Yichen knows that even if he wants to keep a low profile, today's incident will probably spread around in half a day The entire Zexing City, but Li Yichen also believed that since he confessed, Han Yongcheng should be able to think of a solution with his sophistication.

Watching Li Yichen turn and leave, Fang Yuxuan naturally followed, apparently she was not surprised by all this, even though she didn't know that Li Yichen's storage bag contained Ren Kong's token, but She also guessed that it must be something that can prove the relationship between Li Yichen and Ren Kong, otherwise Han Yongcheng would not have changed his attitude in an instant.

As for Qiu Manqing, her expression was still a bit dull at the moment. Obviously, even though everything happened in front of her eyes, she still had a feeling of unreality.

However, with the three of them leaving, the good show was over, and the crowd watching the fun also left, but at this moment they looked at Li Yichen with awe in their eyes!

What kind of existence is a person who can make Han Yongcheng lower his figure like this?At this moment, no one felt that Han Yongcheng had discovered something of conscience, so all of this must have something to do with Li Yichen!
"Junior Brother Li," Following behind Li Yichen, Qiu Manqing was still full of curiosity, but she also knew that this seemed to be related to his secret, so she shook her head and said, "Forget it, I still don't ask." Already!"

"It's nothing special. Didn't I come back late before? I happened to find some questions about Han Yongcheng by accident, so I put this question in the storage bag. After he saw it, he naturally didn't dare to provoke me again." Already!" Li Yichen said with a slight smile.

"So it's like this..." Although I still don't quite believe Li Yichen's explanation, but now that Li Yichen said so, Qiu Manqing has no choice but to believe it. Two explanations.

In a short while, the three returned to the trading shop of Xingyue Tower. Since they already knew that they were disciples of the Ice Palace, the disciples in the trading shop of Xingyue Tower did not stop them at this moment, and directly led them to the back hall. Also leave.

" three are back already? Look at your Frost Palace this time, you really did a great job, and you completed the mission so quickly!"

"That's right, we haven't heard from those disciples who didn't live up to expectations. It seems that we will lose to your Ice Palace in this competition!"

"Elder Mei, Elder Ren, congratulations on your Ice Palace victory, you are the first to win!"

Seeing Li Yichen and the three of them come back, the other five elders spoke slightly!

But since they had already made an agreement with Han Yongcheng, they naturally knew that Li Yichen and the others couldn't even enter the gate of the Danpu, so how could they complete the task?Moreover, according to the regulations of the Six Sects, once the competition starts, in order to ensure the fairness of the competition, no one can go to watch, and everything can only wait here for the disciples to come back, so they don't even know what happened in the alchemy shop.

Seeing Li Yichen and the others come back now, how could the boring elders of the five sects miss this opportunity to sneer?

"Are you all right?" Mei Yueran and Ren Hongyu didn't pay attention to the ridicule of the elders of the five sects. After all, they also guessed the result from the beginning. Now if they really talk to each other, they would be humiliating themselves. At this moment, all they care about is Did Li Yichen and the others encounter any other difficulties...

(End of this chapter)

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