Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 1937 Pure Master-Apprentice Love

Chapter 1937 Pure Master-Apprentice Love

"Brother Ling is serious. I accepted Ling Yun as my disciple because I admired his dedication to martial arts, and it has nothing to do with whether he is a member of the soul clan or not!" Li Yichen immediately expressed his attitude, but although in fact he was Appreciation of Ling Yun's obsession accounted for a larger proportion, but at that time accepting Ling Yun as a disciple was also instigated by the sword spirit.

That is to say, accepting Ling Yun as his apprentice was somewhat due to his identity, but with the constant contact between the two sides, the relationship between master and apprentice deepened day by day, and Li Yichen was even more unwilling to exchange this friendship for some kind of reward from the soul clan.

"I know Brother Li is a person who never forgets to repay his kindness, but I, Ling Junfeng and the Soul Clan, are not ungrateful either!" Although he recognized Li Yichen's affection, Ling Junfeng also had his own principles for handling things.

Li Yichen smiled slightly, and didn't bother to continue entangled in this matter, and immediately turned to Ling Yun and said, "Ling Yun, show your adoptive father the soul formula I passed on to you!"

"Yes!" For Li Yichen's orders, Ling Yun never compromised in his execution.

Soul tactics!Ling Junfeng also frowned, obviously he didn't understand what kind of medicine Li Yichen sold in the gourd, showing off the soul formula in the soul clan?And it is the soul clan who has already found the second half of the soul formula!
wrong!Ling Junfeng suddenly thought that when Ling Yun and the others came back, they had mentioned that the reason they were able to retrieve the soul art was because of Li Yichen's help, that is to say, Li Yichen had already seen the soul art.

But soon Ling Junfeng's doubts turned into surprises!

Because he felt that although the soul formula that Ling Yun was operating was somewhat similar to the soul formula of their soul clan today, there was a huge difference between them. The most obvious difference was that Ling Yun seemed to be in the process of cultivation. The speed of improving the soul power seems to be faster than my own cultivation!

Ling Junfeng knew that it was impossible for Ling Yun's cultivation to be better than his own, but now his soul power improved far better than his own in the process of cultivation, which only showed that the key to the problem was the soul art.

Of course, for ordinary warriors, the power of the soul formula may only speed up the improvement of soul power during cultivation, but for the soul race, the meaning contained in a profound soul formula, and the benefits it brings are absolutely not outsiders can understand.

Even though he has seen countless strong winds and waves, the corners of Ling Junfeng's mouth can't help twitching at this moment.

"Brother Ling also knows my current situation and naturally understands that what I have to face is definitely not a small problem. The words I said just now are naturally enough to show the sincerity of the Soul Clan!" Li Yichen said at this time, " But I don't want my master-student relationship with Ling Yunzhi to become less pure because of my needs, so I'm giving this skill to the soul race now!"

"Master!" Ling Yun stopped and stood up immediately after hearing the words, "Master has something to do, and it's my duty for the disciple to help him!"

"This matter cannot be solved by your own strength, what is needed is the power of the soul clan, so I also need to give an explanation to the soul clan!" Li Yichen has his own support.

"The soul clan belongs to me, and it belongs to the master, so there is no need for such an exchange of benefits!" This time Ling Yun firmly opposed Li Yichen's opinion.

Li Yichen didn't want to make the master-student relationship between the two impure, but Ling Yun felt that if the soul clan had received this soul art and then went to help the master-student, it would also appear that he was not loyal to the master!
"My disciple is only Ling Yun and not the entire soul clan, so there is no need to discuss this matter again!" But Li Yichen was too lazy to waste his time talking.

"Brother Li, Ling Yun is right. The soul clan is his soul clan. This is the rule of our soul clan!" Ling Junfeng naturally knew the precious person of this soul art, but when Ling Yun expressed his attitude, he knew I can no longer accept this soul formula.

Because compared to this soul art, what the soul clan needs more is Ling Yun, the sole heir!

"If brother Ling refuses again, then I won't say anything about this trip again!" But since Li Yichen has already decided, how can he change it lightly?

Ling Junfeng couldn't help but turn his attention to Ling Yun, after all, this matter was to some extent a matter between the two masters and apprentices.

After a while, Ling Yun could only nod slightly!

Ling Yun knew Li Yichen's character, if he hadn't been forced, he would never have been able to speak to anyone, and now even if he spoke to the Soul Clan, he would also prepare generous gifts himself, which naturally showed that this matter was no small matter, and at the same time he knew better, if the Soul Clan did not accept With this soul art, it is estimated that Li Yichen will really not open his mouth to express his request.

This will only put Li Yichen in greater danger, and this is obviously not what Ling Yun wants to see.

With Ling Yun's nod, Ling Junfeng naturally had no choice but to agree to this matter, after all, helping Li Yichen was the keynote set by the Soul Clan long ago, and now that there is such a profound soul formula, a fool would refuse.

Although this feels somewhat bad, but from the bottom of his heart, Ling Junfeng still really wants to get this soul art, because after this soul art, he feels that he may soon be able to break through the entrance and enter a new realm.

The other party nodded, Li Yichen didn't need to come up with another copy of the Immortal Soul Art, after all Ling Yun knew this art in the first place, and Ling Yun could naturally prepare another copy in the Soul Clan afterwards.

In this way, Li Yichen roughly stated the purpose of his trip.

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Ling Junfeng naturally couldn't refuse, but his brows were still tightly knit together.

Although he knew that what happened to a genius like Li Yichen would definitely not be a trivial matter, and he was prepared in his heart, but he still didn't expect that the matter would turn out to be such a big deal.

It can be said that once the soul race is involved, it is tantamount to entering the catastrophe of the heaven!

It was indeed a catastrophe. This battle has forced all the first-class forces in the Tianyu, and even the Tianyahai Pavilion is secretly involved. This is enough to show that it now appears that it is just a battle between various forces against Dan Daogu. But after this battle, there will definitely be a reshuffling of Tianyu's power branch.

If you win, you will have a prominent position!If you fail, no one can predict the consequences!
However, Ling Junfeng had to admit that if Li Yichen hadn't helped Ling Yun back then, perhaps the inheritance of the soul clan would have been broken, so no matter how difficult it was, he had no reason to reject Li Yichen.

"Brother Li, can you tell us what we need to do?" Ling Junfeng asked after a while after digesting the news.

"Frankly speaking, now I only know that the other party has such an idea, but I still know exactly how they will do it, so when the time comes, you can only bring people there, and then we will adapt accordingly!" Speaking of this, Li Yichen is also Some helpless.

Although several forces have been contacted now, they really have no idea how to deploy it.

"Okay!" Ling Junfeng nodded immediately.

"However, I estimate that once the battle starts, it will be earth-shattering, so there is no need to take it under the good luck environment, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties!" Then Li Yichen added.

After all, he also sees the attitude of the soul clan towards him. If the soul clan even takes the good fortune realm to show their sincerity, then once these good fortune realms fall into the half-step god-level battle meat grinder, it will definitely be a waste of time. There will be no residue left.

"I understand this!" Ling Junfeng actually had such a plan.

"If that's the case, then I'll take my leave first. Of course, it's best to keep our relationship a secret, maybe this way it will be more effective!" Li Yichen added before leaving.

"Okay!" Ling Junfeng nodded again.

"Master, I'll see you off!" But this time Ling Yun and Ling Junfeng didn't stay with Li Yichen, because they knew the problems Li Yichen was about to face, so they naturally knew how important this moment was to Li Yichen.

"Okay!" Li Yichen nodded slightly, and after bidding farewell to Ling Junfeng, the two walked out.

"Is there any teleportation formation here, without going through the gate!" Li Yichen asked immediately after walking out of the hall.

Obviously thinking of the pair of sisters who were still guarding the door at this moment, Li Yichen still felt that it would be better to avoid it if he could.

"Yes, the teleportation array here can send you directly to the vicinity of Alchemy Valley!" How could the soul race, whose strength faintly surpasses the first-class forces, not have a teleportation array?And Ling Yun also knew Li Yichen's worry, so he said immediately.

In this way, without going through the gate, the two of them came directly to the teleportation place of the Soul Clan. With Ling Yun's detached status in the Soul Clan, there would be no problem in using the teleportation formation.

"I'm leaving, you go and say goodbye to them!" Standing on the teleportation formation, Li Yichen said to Ling Yun again.

Although in fact he doesn't need to grab such a little time, it is not a comfortable thing to talk about sharing just after meeting. Maybe everyone will feel more comfortable if Ling Yun spreads the word!
Just when Li Yichen was comforting himself like this, a burst of spatial fluctuations came, Li Yichen's figure had disappeared, and Ling Yun also turned and left after respectfully saluting the place where Li Yichen disappeared.

Teleporting from the soul clan to the vicinity of Alchemy Valley almost spanned half of the sky, even using the teleportation array took a full half a day.

The exit of the teleportation array was at the bottom of a cold pool. Obviously, the design of the Soul Clan was to prevent anyone from discovering their teleportation array. This also made Li Yichen not arouse anyone's vigilance after he came out of the teleportation array.

The cold lake and water were cold, but it didn't make any sense to Li Yichen. As for breathing, with his current state, even if he could hold his breath for several days, there would be no problem.

After confirming his position, Li Yichen's figure rose straight up, and immediately floated out of Huping.

"There are people, there are people here..." Who would have thought that as soon as Li Yichen showed his head, he heard a coquettish cry.

Hearing the prestige, I saw two men and a woman sitting beside the cold pool, surrounded by a bonfire, and the almost cooked grilled fish exuded an alluring aroma...

(End of this chapter)

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