Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 1994 The Current Situation

Chapter 1994 The Current Situation

"When I came, I was already being arranged by someone. If Mr. Li intends to act, he is expected to leave tomorrow!" Zheng Jing obviously guessed Li Yichen's decision.

"Then there will be leader Lao Ling!" Li Yichen was not surprised by such a result.

"Mr. Li, of course we mainly focus on you passing the test, but if you can pass the test, then these chaotic crystal jades obviously have no meaning to your girl Yuanxue, so..." Ling Jing continued.

"Of course, on the premise of not conflicting with me, I will try my best to help Tianjianmeng get more Chaos Crystal Jade and I won't take any of it!" Li Yichen naturally understood Ling Jing's meaning.

"Then thank you, Mr. Li!" Although Li Yichen was alone, Ling Jing believed that his strength was absolutely extraordinary.

"But Mr. Li, don't be careless!" Then Ling Jing said, "It's been so long, and the other candidates have not shown up, which means that they are also waiting for an opportunity. Now you can't wait, and if you don't dare to wait, they probably don't dare to wait either. !"

"Isn't this exactly the effect that God Venerable and the others want? Since there is no way to avoid it, let's fight!" Although he has not really broken through to the near-god realm, Li Yichen can feel that the breakthrough in his distance has already been achieved. It's only one step away, but the combat power is already barely comparable to that of ordinary near-god-level powerhouses.

"Okay! Then I'll get ready again, we're leaving tomorrow!" Seeing that Li Yichen was mentally prepared, Ling Jing stopped talking nonsense.

Ling Jing left, Li Yichen also walked out, and immediately walked towards the place where Yuan Xue lived, after all, since he was going to leave, Yuan Xue naturally had to go.

"Are you out?" But Li Yichen had just entered the small courtyard where Yuan Xue lived, and only felt a slight movement in the space, and Yuan Xue had already appeared beside him.

"You..." Sensing the strange aura on Yuan Xue's body, Li Yichen was also taken aback.

"For a moment, I was lucky enough to realize that I broke through to the God-near realm before you, but I'm still your senior sister, and it's only natural for me to break through before you!" At this moment, Yuan Xue seemed to have found some sense of existence.

For so many years, Yuan Xue has had a vice-lord's father in Tianyahai Pavilion, and naturally he has taken a lot of geniuses and treasures. Moreover, during Li Yichen's retreat this time, Yuan Xue even went to find Qin Qianyan and insisted on letting him use it. Panlong Cauldron helped him refine two furnaces of pills, and at the same time refined the Primal Chaos Qi on his body.

He already has a good talent, and with all the above, it would be a strange thing if he couldn't make a breakthrough.

So when Li Yichen first entered the small courtyard, Yuan Xue had already sensed it and was suppressed by Li Yichen all the time. Now that she managed to break through earlier than Li Yichen, how could Yuan Xue miss this opportunity to show off?
"That's just right, we'll set off tomorrow!" Seeing Yuanxue break through, Li Yichen felt much relieved, at least he didn't have to spend too much time taking care of her.

"Leave tomorrow? Now is the right time?" Yuan Xue immediately asked excitedly.

When Li Yichen was practicing in seclusion, she naturally inquired about the situation, so she understood what Li Yichen was waiting for. Now that Li Yichen was about to leave, the time must have come!
"No, but there have been some changes..." Li Yichen then told Yuan Xue the general situation.

"There is such a thing in the world?" Yuan Xue's eyes were full of light when she heard the Chaos Crystal Jade. If we can get some Chaos Crystal Jade on the way, will our fighting power be much stronger in the future? ?

"It's like this in theory, but we still focus on traffic, after all, it's more important than anything else!" Thinking back to when Yuan Xue impulsively chased the Iron Tower Snow Bear back in the Earth's Core Forest and almost put them in trouble, so at this moment Li Yichen quickly reminded.

"Naturally, I still know the priority of the matter, but if it can be done conveniently, why not do it!" Although Yuan Xue agreed, she obviously still had her own ideas.

After all, her Primal Chaos Qi is not as rich as Li Yichen's. This time, she has already exhausted her energy for a breakthrough. If she can get some Chaos Crystal Jade, it will just make up for this vacancy.

"Then get ready!" Looking at Yuan Xue's appearance, Li Yichen knew that it would be pointless to persuade her, but he just made up his mind to keep a close eye on her.

"Okay!" The excitement on Yuan Xue's face did not subside, but Li Yichen had already disappeared.

Oops, he forgot to show off after saying that!It wasn't until Li Yichen left that Yuan Xue remembered her original thoughts.

After explaining to Yuan Xue, Li Yichen went to find Ling Jing again, and was about to set off, no matter how much he cultivated, it was obviously meaningless, instead of cultivating, he should pay more attention to the situation on the passageway of the God Venerable's cave.

As for these materials, Ling Jing had already prepared them for Li Yichen. As soon as Li Yichen opened his mouth, someone sent all kinds of materials to him.

After taking the materials, Li Yichen found a quiet room and began to study.

After some careful reading, Li Yichen realized that he still thought the question too simply. There were dragons and snakes mixed up in that channel, but now because of the news of Chaos Crystal Jade, even the monsters and demons were involved. Come in.

In fact, the status of the Tianjian League in the inner city can only be ranked among the top ten at most, and there are still many forces stronger than him who are now entangled in it.

Among them, the Flying Fish League and the Jiujue League are the objects highlighted by the Tianjian League. According to the speculation of the Tianjian League, these two parties are very likely to have hidden candidates for the successor of a certain god, but after Li Yichen sorted it out, he still couldn't find it. Definitely yes or no!
Suddenly, Li Yichen remembered that Yuan Xue had done intelligence analysis in Tianyahai Attic, so he immediately took the information and went to find Yuan Xue.

Although she wanted to show off, Yuan Xue had no choice but to hold back temporarily when Li Yichen mentioned something serious, and immediately began to look up the information Li Yichen brought.

Of course, Li Yichen was not idle either. After all, they were blind to the city in the center of the earth, so it was naturally much slower to read and understand, and even if they couldn't sort out the effective content, Li Yichen naturally needed to know more about other things. Condition.

But as time went by, Yuan Xue's expression became more and more dignified.

"See what's coming?" Seeing Yuan Xue's appearance, Li Yichen asked quickly.

"Wait a little longer!" Yuan Xue did not answer Li Yichen immediately, but continued to look up other information.

It wasn't until the sky became dark that Yuan Xue put down all the documents in her hands!
"If these records are correct and my analysis is correct, then there is good news and bad news!" Yuan Xue finally spoke.

"Let's tell the good news first, at least it will make people happy!" Li Yichen said immediately.

"According to what the gods said before, each god can only have five candidates at most, but now it seems that there are only about ten people left, and the error will not exceed five, because the demons With the Yaozu, the information here is not complete enough, so it is impossible to make an accurate estimate!" Yuan Xue said with a sigh.

"You mean that there are only about ten candidates left, including all the candidates from the Demon Race and Yao Race?" Li Yichen couldn't help but exclaim.

Regardless of whether it is a monster race, a demon race, or a human being, if it can be selected as a candidate for the successor of the god, how bad is the strength?And according to the God Venerable, there are at least seventy people from the three parties, but now there are only about ten people left.

Thinking of this, Li Yichen couldn't help but sigh inwardly, how wise he chose to stay still!
"Almost!" Yuan Xue naturally also thought of the cruelty, and couldn't help sighing.

"What about the bad news?" Then Li Yichen asked again.

"There are only two of us left in the Yuan Department!" Yuan Xue couldn't help but have a bit of sadness in her eyes. Although Li Yichen didn't know the other people in the Yuan Department, but as Yuan Xue, he could definitely guess who they were. Which people.

Faced with such a situation, Li Yichen had no choice but to remain silent, and just nodded slightly.

"Of course the real bad news is that there is no one from the Demon Race, but now they don't know why, and they seem to be supporting Jianfeng with all their strength!" Yuan Xue then said solemnly.

"What? The demons fully support Jian Feng?" Li Yichen couldn't help being taken aback!
"That's right, and the demons are more united than humans. Now they are not a certain faction of the demons supporting Jianfeng, but almost all of them!" Just before Li Yichen's shock was completely exhausted, Yuan Xue Another big news.

" is this possible?" Li Yichen also frowned, obviously he couldn't figure out this situation.

Li Yichen is very clear about the unity in front of the race between the Demon Race and the Monster Race, but what Li Yichen doesn't know is that since they are so xenophobic, why are they still supporting Jianfeng in this way?
"Could it be that the information in hand is not complete enough, and your analysis is discrepant!" Li Yichen suddenly thought of something and asked.

"I also hope that my analysis is wrong, but that's not the case!" Yuan Xue said, "And among the ten or so of us who survived, there should be four to six of us who are with Jianfeng now! "

Li Yichen couldn't help but fell silent again. All along, they had been trying to make themselves rush to Shenzun's cave as much as possible, but now that Yuan Xue said so, Li Yichen obviously realized that the matter of rushing to Shenzun's cave was actually a mutual relationship. Cooperation can be achieved together.

After all, with a common goal, everyone can help each other, but he didn't think about it this way before, and of course he couldn't trust others, but now Jianfeng has obviously done so!

Every disciple who can become a candidate must have a certain background in addition to his own impressive strength. When these strengths are superimposed, they can naturally explode into even stronger strength.

"The monster clan is also basically unified, and they also have a candidate..." Yuan Xue continued.

After hearing such an analysis, Li Yichen suddenly became a little speechless. He originally thought that he would be more confident if he was drawn to the Tianjian League, but now it seems that his side has become the weakest side, and it is still pitifully weak side of...

(End of this chapter)

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