Chapter 1999
It's not hard to wait for half an hour!Gone in the blink of an eye!
"Half an hour has passed, and we didn't feel any power fluctuations. The situation just now must have been a misjudgment. What do you think?" Then the person who reminded everyone to wait for half an hour said again.

"I already knew it was fine, why do you still have to say that waiting for half an hour is not a waste of time? If there is any benefit, it should be snatched by the guys who went in earlier!" Then someone shouted in dissatisfaction , Immediately, the figure flashed and rushed straight away.

With such a start, the others couldn't sit still, and they couldn't help running towards the front one by one.

"What should we do?" Looking at the situation, Yuan Xue couldn't help frowning and asked.

Based on Yuan Xue's understanding of Li Yichen, she naturally believed that what Li Yichen said just now was not a threat.

"What else can I do? If I'm not mistaken, the first batch of people who went in just now, those who made everyone wait for half an hour, and those who showed dissatisfaction just now are all members of the Flying Fish League. Under their arrangement, the others must be unable to sit still, if we don't go in, then it will definitely be exposed, they can make so many preparations, isn't it just to screen us out?" Li Yichen's mouth couldn't help but twitch, Apparently, he didn't expect that this trip to Shenzun's cave would start with such a battle of wits.

At the same time, Li Yichen also realized that there must be people with extraordinary means over there, so they counterattacked him in such a short period of time, and under their counterattack, he was forced into this dilemma.

Don't go in, be exposed!Go in and fall into the formation prepared by the opponent!
"Then what do you mean?" Yuan Xue naturally understood what was going on when she heard it.

"Go ahead and have a look and say, enter the formation, everyone don't stay too far away from me!" Li Yichen had no choice but to lead a group of people, and followed the crowd forward.

But before entering, he had obviously obtained protection from the sword spirit, who could guarantee their safety in the formation.

"No, I didn't feel any abnormality!" Liu Qinghe said with a frown as he walked forward for a while.

As a formation mage, if he is really in the formation, he feels that he should feel it. When he fought with Li Yichen's formation, he was completely defeated, but Liu Qinghe didn't think that his formation was really bad. It's come to this point.

"Hasn't President Liu noticed that our sensitivity to the people around us is getting weaker and weaker?" Li Yichen's mouth twitched slightly, "The other party doesn't have the power to activate the formation, but it is gradually separating us. I think they want to use this opportunity to identify my identity!"

When Li Yichen said this, everyone's expressions changed slightly. Before, everyone was only paying attention to the changes in the formation, so they didn't notice the aura of the people around them, but now that Li Yichen reminded them, they naturally felt it.

"Assessing your identity, you mean that Fang Zhi is not in Chaos Jingyu, but is targeting you?" Knowing Li Yichen's identity from the beginning, combined with the current situation, Cen Jianfeng's expression also changed.

"Whether the other party has thoughts about Chaos Jingyu, I don't know, but I know they must have thoughts about me!" Li Yichen nodded slightly.

"Then it's fortunate that you have bewitched so many people together, otherwise it would be really troublesome!" Naturally, they are not extraordinary people who can become the leader of the outer city division. The taste of words comes.

But at this moment, everyone only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the surroundings turned gray in an instant. Fortunately, Li Yichen told them not to be too far away from him from the beginning, so everyone was not isolated at this moment.

"Everyone, don't panic!" At this moment, a deep voice came over.

"I don't want to hurt everyone when I set up this battle. I just want to find an old friend who has been lost for many years. Because I have some misunderstandings with this old friend, I know that he is among you, but he doesn't want to see me, so Everyone just needs to keep moving towards the west to get out of the formation, and as soon as you leave the formation, I can take a close look at it one by one, and then I can find my old friends!"

The voice was as erratic as Li Yichen's before, but at this moment Li Yichen and the others changed their expressions. No need to ask, they seemed to have guessed that the old friend the other party was looking for was Li Yichen. Questions you can think of with your toes.

"This is the peak formation near the god level!" At this moment, Liu Qinghe really felt the power of the formation, and finally understood how big the gap between himself and Li Yichen was in the formation.

Li Yichen had sensed it long before entering the formation, but he didn't feel it even after going deep into the formation, this is the difference!

"Yuan Xue, give me your hand!" Hearing this, Li Yichen said to Yuan Xue.

Yuan Xue was taken aback when she heard the words, and immediately stretched out her hand. Although she didn't know what Li Yichen was going to do, she knew that Li Yichen's holding her hand at this moment was obviously not to take advantage of her.

"Share the power of the world!" Li Yichen said immediately, holding Yuan Xue's hand.

When Yuan Xue heard this, she immediately let go of her own defenses, allowing Li Yichen to mobilize the power of the world in her body at any time!
Then at the next moment, Zai Yuanxue's face paled for a while, and she didn't expect that Li Yichen would drain most of her world power in an instant.

"Bullshit! If you say you're looking for old friends, you're looking for old friends. If we give up resistance, why do you guarantee our safety? How do we know if you're going to kill us one by one quietly? Anyway, there's a formation separating us, so what do you do?" What, we have no way of knowing!" Immediately, Li Yichen shouted sharply, his voice was obviously as erratic as that of the person before!
Sound transmission through the array!But at this moment, Liu Qingshan and the other three formation masters' sub-lords' expressions changed at the same time.

Sound transmission through the array is to transmit one's own voice to every corner of the array through the array set up by others. This is no longer a problem of loud voice.

You must know that in the formation, not to mention the sound, even your attack sometimes has difficulty extending beyond several feet, but Li Yichen has managed it now!

This requires not only profound cultivation, but also an extremely solid formation background. It can be said that if Li Yichen can do this, it is no longer difficult for him to get out of this formation safely.

Although he couldn't see the expressions of other people at this moment, Li Yichen believed that his words would definitely cause them to panic.

Falling into the unknown will always make people's minds more fragile, and now coupled with the temptation of their very likely situation, it is absolutely impossible for them to follow each other's rhythm.

"Besides, it's just a Thousand Luo Misty Formation, just relying on this to trap us?" After waiting for a while to ferment the fear in everyone's hearts, Li Yichen went around, "Don't panic, everyone, you just need to treat Dong, Simultaneously launch an attack from the west and north directions, and the formation will break down on its own, everyone, get ready, when I call to start, you all will do it together!"



Following Li Yichen's stern shout, he could only hear the sound coming from all around, and then in the fluctuation of the power of the world, the illusion around him disappeared, and everyone went back to before falling into the formation.

But at this moment, there are more than [-] people not far away, and the leader is a young man who looks to be in his early twenties.

The young man was extremely handsome, his face was as clear as a sculpture, and his angular face was extremely handsome.But even so, everyone still felt the devilish energy flowing from him.

Mozu!Seeing such a situation, everyone couldn't help feeling tense!
Needless to say at this moment, they have already guessed that the formation just now must have been created by this pedestrian. If it wasn't for the mysterious voice reminding them, they might still be trapped in the formation now.

For a while, everyone was waiting for these reactions. Of course, at the same time, they couldn't help getting closer to each other, as if this would make everyone feel more at ease.

"Don't get me wrong, we don't have any malicious intentions here!" Seeing everyone's expressions, the demon boy raised his mouth slightly and said with a bit of disdain, "We don't even have much interest in the chaotic crystal jade here. !"

Such an opening remark immediately made everyone more confused. After all, if the opponent dispatched so much power, if it wasn't for Chaos Crystal Jade, then what else could it be for.

"Because I'm also one of the candidates leading to the God's Cave you talked about, so I caused so much trouble before, but I just wanted to find some fellow travelers so that I wouldn't be bored on the road!" the demon boy said. He continued, "That's right, everyone guessed right. In fact, the mysterious voice who gave you advice along the way is a candidate for the successor of the gods like me. Are you right, Mr. Li?"

Being called by his name directly, Li Yichen's complexion couldn't help but darken.

If he still had the idea of ​​muddling through before, then Li Yichen knew that it was absolutely impossible to realize it now.

Because the other party has revealed his identity, this is enough to show that the other party's attitude is aimed at himself, and he can actually guess who he is, which shows that the other party has done enough homework.

"So everyone wants to find Chaos Crystal Jade, it's very simple, you just need to pass through us one by one, we just need to make sure that the Mr. Li I'm looking for is not in any team, then we will naturally let it go!" Wei Wei, a demon boy He smiled and said, "Of course everyone chooses to pass slowly like this, or to use force to fight us to the death before passing, then it depends on everyone's decision, but since I have said so much, it also means that even if you If we want to fight, we will never back down!"

In the end, the demon boy showed a fierce fighting spirit, and at the same time, the aura emanating from his body also indicated that he already had a cultivation base close to the god level...

(End of this chapter)

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