Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 2023 The Power of Origin

Chapter 2023 The Power of Origin
Regarding the Divine Sword of Destiny, apart from the sword spirit, it is impossible for the gods to have such an understanding!
For example, the [-] three-party god-level powerhouses who had already rushed to the core of the catastrophe saw their strength weakening as the core of the catastrophe continued to shrink, and their expressions became complicated and abnormal.

At their height, it is naturally impossible to judge subjectively after the first glance. All this is because the Heavenly Fate Excalibur is dissolving the power of catastrophe. Although they also have this optimistic judgment in their hearts, they also have in their hearts Sword Spirit is as worried.

Even if they didn't know that Jianfeng was also in the heart of the catastrophe, they could sense that the Divine Sword of Destiny that suppressed this place all the year round was now in the heart of the catastrophe.

It is a matter of catastrophe, and it is rare for the three parties to stop arguing at this moment, but after some discussion, no one can tell what kind of situation is in front of them.

In the end, everyone had to plan for the worst!

After all, if the Divine Sword of Destiny really resolves the power of catastrophe, then everyone will naturally have more time to deal with the next catastrophe. If it is strong, then they need to restrain this power within a certain range, otherwise all things will be destroyed and all lives will be destroyed!
Those who are strong in the divine realm usually don't need other means. That's because there is no existence in the world that is worth them to use other means, but it doesn't mean that they don't have other means.

Such as array!

Now that the situation is unclear, it is impossible for them to attack the core of the catastrophe in advance. After all, if their mistakes lead to bad results, they will not regret it at that time.

So at this moment, after some discussions, everyone decided to set up a great formation around the center of the activity!
The Absolute God Formation is a formation that realizes that even gods can be exterminated. This time, the fifteen god-level powerhouses continued to discuss many details of the formation, and finally formed the formation. Such a formation can be said that even if it is If they were trapped in such a formation, it might be difficult for them to get out alive.

In this way, even if the real catastrophe comes, they believe that at least they can survive for a long time!
After all, they don't know the situation now, and it is indeed difficult to have other means besides setting up the formation in advance.

Of course, Li Yichen didn't know about all this. Although the power of catastrophe permeating the surroundings has weakened a lot, the subsequent spatial turbulence has also become more active. Not to mention Li Yichen, even the sword spirit can't perceive this at this moment. edge situation.

"Indeed, it's only half a year, and after half a year, you won't even be able to choose to escape!" The sword spirit naturally knew that half a year was too short, but the fact would not change because of someone's will, "After half a year, you either Kill him, or he kills you!"

"Is there a quick way?" Li Yichen naturally knew the result, so he could only look for a way to quickly improve his cultivation.

After all, in half a year, if it is done step by step, it will definitely not have much effect. Now we can only pin our hopes on the sword spirit, and hope that he has other means.

But this time, the sword spirit didn't speak anymore, and Li Yichen's response was only a moment of silence!
Facing the silence of the sword spirit, Li Yichen naturally couldn't ask any more questions. He knew that if there was a solution, the sword spirit would have already told him.

"Actually, there is no solution, but there is a great risk in it!" After a while, the sword spirit finally spoke again, but his tone was extraordinarily dignified.

"Risk? In the current situation, there should be no risks we can't take!" Hearing the tone of the sword spirit, Li Yichen naturally realized that this is very likely to be a narrow escape method, but in the current situation, so what?

If he can't have the strength to compete with Jianfeng within half a year, by that time there will be ten deaths and no life, and this is only aimed at himself, and it is aimed at countless creatures in Tianyu.

"Recover your strength first!" Sword Spirit didn't say much, and didn't even elaborate on how to operate it.

"Okay!" Li Yichen nodded slightly, and immediately began to perform the exercises.

In fact, this time it was mainly due to excessive consumption of power. Although there were injuries on the body, it was not a serious problem, and there was an incomparably rich chaotic energy here. Once the kung fu was activated, the power was quickly replenished, and the chaotic energy was constantly nourishing Looking at the injuries on Li Yichen's body.

While the meridians in the body are constantly being strengthened, the scars on the physical body are also rapidly healing. Perhaps it is because he has just experienced the front line of life and death again. The remnants of eternal life.

Immediately, Li Yichen seemed to sink into that mysterious artistic conception all of a sudden, and when the air of chaos around him poured into his body more quickly, a light blue brilliance also emanated from Li Yichen's body.

At the same time, Li Yichen also felt that he was in a chaotic world. In this world, it seemed that every breath was purifying his body, and at the same time, every breath inhaled was also improving his understanding of the way of heaven. This is a very mysterious realm, not only hard to express in words, but also extremely difficult to comprehend, but for Li Yichen at this moment, everything seems to be a real existence.

Suddenly Li Yichen couldn't help but his body trembled, as if his body was about to be exploded by some force, which made him escape from that mysterious state instantly.

At the same time, Li Yichen felt that his body seemed to contain a strong and violent force at this moment, and this force was constantly impacting his body.

Even though he was already running the exercises desperately, he still couldn't suppress the impact of this force on his body.

How is this going?Obviously feeling that his body was constantly swollen, Li Yichen couldn't help feeling a little flustered, because the speed of his body swelling now was much faster than when he refined a swell of Chaos Qi, and at the same time Li Yichen could also feel this The power seems to be stronger than the air of chaos.

"Embracing Yuan Shou Yi, forgetting the feelings of the body, and refining this original power with all your strength!" Just when Li Yichen was flustered, the voice of the sword spirit came from his mind.

The power of origin!All of a sudden, Li Yichen finally understood why he couldn't suppress this force at all. It turned out that this is the original force that must be passed on the road to the nerves!

Thinking of this, Li Yichen immediately put away his extra thoughts, and used all his strength to refine this power!

At this critical juncture where every second counts, it is definitely the best news that I can comprehend the power of the source, and Li Yichen will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Although his body was still swollen, Li Yichen didn't seem to feel the slightest bit. He was just concentrating on refining his skills. Since the sword spirit said so, Li Yichen believed that the sword spirit would definitely not harm him.

The body continued to swell, and it was three times bigger than before, but now Li Yichen, who was running the exercises with all his strength, didn't feel the slightest bit at all, as if it wasn't his body at all.

This lasted for about two days, and suddenly Li Yichen heard a crisp sound that exploded in his body, and then his body shrank and returned to its original appearance. At the same time, Li Yichen also felt a force flowing straight into his dantian like a flood.

In an instant, under the action of this force, the power of the world in the dantian seemed to be assimilated in an instant, and there was a qualitative change. At the same time, while the dantian was changing, an invisible force spread throughout the body. Li Yichen, whose physical strength was already quite strong, now also has a feeling of being reborn.

A sharp and long howl could not help but come out from his throat, Li Yichen obviously felt that he had experienced a transformation in just a few hours.

Even Li Yichen was confident that if he met Jian Feng again at this moment, he would definitely be able to kill him without using any external force.

From this point of view, it shouldn't be difficult to break through to the God Realm within half a year!
Of course, the changes brought about by the refining of the original power are not limited to these. At this moment, Li Yichen can even feel that he is in his own eyes, and the chaotic atmosphere around him seems to have become much clearer at once, and he can even see the various aspects of it. A combination of power, and I seem to be able to feel the breath of some original power.

Such a result made Li Yichen realize that as long as he can refine the first source of power in the near-divine realm, then as long as he has enough time, he will definitely be able to enter the divine realm.

It's just that encountering the power of the source requires chance, taking it into the body requires even more chance, and refining it requires a deep foundation and strong strength.

Under various coincidences, I finally took the most difficult first step, so the next road will naturally be much smoother!
"While hurrying, let's comprehend the condition of your body at the same time!" But time was running out, and the sword spirit didn't give Li Yichen too much time to comprehend, and the voice immediately entered Li Yichen's mind.

"Where are you going now!" Li Yichen believed that the reason for the sword spirit to let him go on his way at this time was naturally related to the catastrophe that would happen half a year later.

"Target southwest, go at full speed!" Sword Spirit didn't elaborate, but gave Li Yichen a clear direction.

"Okay!" Li Yichen didn't ask any further questions, and in response, the figure immediately flew forward, but after having the original power enter his body, Li Yichen couldn't help but find that his speed was several times faster than before. .

It can be said that although the current realm is still close to the God Realm, Li Yichen believes that if he encounters an ordinary Near God Realm, he can even easily kill three or five of them.

"Where are we going?" Although he didn't intend to ask, but as he continued to move forward, Li Yichen felt that the air of chaos in front of him became more and more solid, and the power of the world in the air became stronger and stronger. More importantly, , with the original power in his body, Li Yichen seemed to feel that there seemed to be a huge group of original power hidden in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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