Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 221 Tailored

Chapter 221 Tailored

"Mr. Li, you have taught us the Tao of Alchemy and the Tao of Qi during this period of time. These may not be worth mentioning in your eyes, but I dare say that everyone present can be described as benefiting a lot. Can you Let us forge some spiritual weapons for Xiaoyaozong, that is to respect everyone, if you still need to provide the materials, isn't that a slap in the face of our Magician Guild?" Suppressing the clamor of the crowd, Qin Yuechuan immediately came out and asked: " Do you think this is the case?"

"That's right! Mr. Li wants to provide materials by himself, isn't that a poor person?"

"Although we are not as good as Mr. Li in terms of skill cultivation, we don't have any materials."

"That's right, we have to ask Mr. Li to point out the shortcomings of the spirit weapon we have refined, and provide some materials as tuition fees. Do you think it's too much?"

"Not too much! Not too much at all!"

Looking at the group of urchin-like magicians in front of him, Li Yichen felt dizzy for a while, "I appreciate everyone's wishes, but this time I am asking everyone for help, how can I ask everyone to contribute materials and efforts?"

"Don't practice! If Mr. Li wants to produce materials by himself, I will be the first one not to practice!"

"That's right. Although Mr. Li didn't give us a title, how is the grace of teaching us the past few days different from that of a master? If the master asks his disciples to serve him, what materials do he have to produce? What are they talking about? If it gets out, I can't afford to lose this face!"

"Yes, we have this attitude. We provide the materials ourselves. We can do whatever you want us to practice. If you provide the materials, then I'm sorry, we have to retreat!"

After Li Yichen said a word, it was as if a gunpowder keg had been ignited, and the crowd immediately began to attack, which was no different from Li Yichen's Wizards Guild in the Baizhan Kingdom Imperial City back then.

"Okay, okay! Since that's the case, I'm here to thank you all!" Li Yichen, the magicians, also fully understood their belief in the art of magic. Make up your mind, after they refine the spirit weapon, give them guidance according to each person's shortcomings, which can be regarded as a kind of reward for them.

"Thank you so much, we'll start now." Seeing Li Yichen's answer, all the sorcerers entered their respective refining rooms with smiles as if they had received great benefits.

If Qin Ruhai could see this scene, I don't know if he would be so sure that he could force the Wizards Guild to hand over Li Yichen.

"Mr. Li, the Treasure Exchange Conference is about to start. I need to deal with some matters, so I can't refine the spirit weapon to listen to your guidance. But afterward, I will definitely refine a spirit weapon and send it to Xiaoyaozong Please taste it!" After seeing everyone leave, Qin Yuechuan said with some embarrassment.

After all, among all the people, he was the one who benefited the most from Li Yichen, but when Li Yichen needed it, he couldn't contribute because of his responsibilities.

"It's okay, I mainly need spiritual weapons below the seventh level now, and I will find you when I need them in the future!" Li Yichen knew that there was no shortage of high-level spiritual tools in the Xiaoyao Sect, and what he needed now was applicable to those An ordinary spiritual weapon for disciples with low cultivation bases.

"The Treasure Changing Conference will be held in one month. If Mr. Li is interested, he can go for a walk. Every Treasure Changing Conference will also have some dusty pearls. I believe that with Mr. Li's eyesight, he will definitely not go astray. Yes." Qin Yuechuan said immediately.

"Since it's a grand event held once every ten years, I naturally want to take a good look at it, but I still need to practice some things during this time, so go and do your work!" Li Yichen also nodded.

"Okay!" Qin Yuechuan has actually piled up a lot of business in order to listen to Li Yichen's explanation these days, so he is not polite at this time.

For Li Yichen's gratitude and respect, he knew that keeping it in his heart was far more meaningful than saying it out loud. As long as Li Yichen needed it, he would definitely be obliged.

After Qin Yuechuan left, Li Yichen went into the refining room again.

Although he once joked that he would not refine spirit weapons for Shen Qiqi, but in real operation, how could Li Yichen treat one more favorably than another.

What's more, Wang Zhifeng and Li Tianxiong also need a good spiritual weapon to strengthen their fighting ability, but fortunately, they have the weapon embryo that Du Qing left in the Xiaoyao Holy Ring, and the refining furnace of the Artisan Association is eight. Li Yichen had the confidence to complete the refining of the three spiritual weapons within half a month.

Wang Zhifeng, who had finished his revenge on the Scattered Alliance in the black market, returned to the Magician Guild, and consciously guarded Shen Ziyan's door, taking on the responsibility of guarding him, and at the same time giving some guidance to Shen Qiqi's cultivation.

Although the three of them knew that their understanding of martial arts was inferior to Li Yichen's, it was more than enough to guide Shen Qiqi.

In Shen Ziyan's room, apart from the fluctuation of mental power becoming more and more intense, there is no intention of leaving the level.

Li Yichen was refining the required spiritual weapons day and night. It was the first time since his rebirth that he was so forgetful about refining the weapons. Li Yichen, who was completely immersed in it, also enjoyed it very much.

Half a month later in the blink of an eye, when Li Yichen came out of the refining room, a large group of sorcerers were already standing at the door, watching Li Yichen come out, immediately the brilliance of each wrist flickered.

"Young Master Li, what do you think of the Eight Treasures Umbrella I refined?"

"Young Master Li, look at my Dragon Sword first."

"Young Master Li and my Soul Suppressing Pagoda..."

All of a sudden, a group of sorcerers took out their achievements of the past half month, as if handing in a homework waiting for the teacher to correct.

"Why don't we go to the art lecture hall and watch one by one, what do you guys think?" Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Li Yichen chuckled lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Li!" Li Yichen said to this point, and everyone didn't know that he had the intention of giving pointers.

Aware of the movement here, Ning Yunlong also gave up his protection of Shen Ziyan. In his words, if something went wrong, it would be Wang Zhifeng and Li Tianxiong's business. It would be more practical for him to go to the lecture hall to listen to the lectures.

As soon as he entered the art lecture hall, Ning Yunlong froze there when he saw a large pile of spiritual weapons shining with endless brilliance in front of Li Yichen.

He didn't expect that in just one month, Li Yichen had obtained so many spiritual weapons, and among them, most of them were seventh-order and sixth-order, and the last one was fifth-order.

Both the quantity and quality have far exceeded the expectations of the three of them when they left Xiaoyaozong.

With these spiritual weapons, it will be difficult for Xiaoyaozong not to dominate the Southern Wilderness!Ning Yunlong, who didn't know the incident of Xiaoyao Sect, looked at the small hill-like spirit weapon, and felt a sense of happiness in his heart.

At this time, Li Yichen also began to talk about the selection of materials for each spiritual weapon, refining, forming, carving...

After Li Yichen's targeted explanation of every step of the refining process, the people present felt even more mesmerized, especially when some magicians directly pointed out that they were confused when Li Yichen used their spiritual weapons as a demonstration. When there is a long-term problem, there is an urge to cry.

Although high-level magicians are high in the eyes of others, it is extremely difficult to go further. At their level, the number of people who can guide them is quite limited, and there are even fewer people who can give them targeted advice like Li Yichen. Up and down, now they have met...

A sermon proceeded smoothly with mutual gratitude, but this time after Li Yichen finished explaining, none of the magicians present asked any questions, because everyone was thinking about what Li Yichen had said in response to their questions. opinion.

After seeing everyone lost in thought, Li Yichen walked out of the art lecture hall gently, and because Ning Yunlong didn't have the spirit weapon he refined, he didn't feel as deeply as other magicians, so he also walked out with Li Yichen at this time.

"How is Zi Yan?" Li Yichen asked immediately after seeing Ning Yunlong following.

"When I came, she hadn't woken up yet, but the fluctuations in her mental power in the room were getting stronger and stronger." Ning Yunlong replied immediately.

"The fluctuation of mental power is getting bigger and bigger?" Li Yichen frowned slightly, "Let's go and have a look first!"

Now that the things to be done have been done, Li Yichen feels much more relaxed. He just waited for the treasure exchange meeting to end before going back to Xiaoyaozong to see what was hidden in the last seal in Emperor Ningcheng's collection.

Regarding Li Yichen's decision, Ning Yunlong naturally couldn't say anything. After following Li Yichen for a while, the two of them had already walked to Shen Ziyan's house.

"See the suzerain!" Seeing Li Yichen, Wang Zhifeng and Li Tianxiong saluted immediately.

"Excuse me!" When Li Yichen waved his hand, he also felt the huge fluctuation of mental power in Shen Ziyan's room, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

No wonder Yaoqin fell into her hands, I didn't expect her spirit to be so powerful.

After looking at it, Li Yichen immediately noticed that Shen Ziyan was completely absorbing the power of the ninth-rank pill. According to Li Yichen's previous guess, with Shen Ziyan's ability, it would take at least ten years to completely absorb the power of the ninth-rank pill. time, but at this time he found that Shen Ziyan actually planned to absorb it all at once.

Then it can only show that Shen Ziyan's soul is so powerful that it is unbelievable. I don't know how much her spiritual power can reach after this practice.

"Sect Master, what did you say?" Wang Zhifeng asked without hearing Li Yichen's self-talk clearly.

"It's nothing!" For Shen Ziyan's change, Li Yichen was naturally happy to see the result, "By the way, I specially refined a seventh-level spirit sword for the two of you during this time, take it and see how it goes."

"Thank you, Sect Master!" They knew Li Yichen's technique better than anyone else. Since Li Yichen said it was tailor-made for them, it must be stronger than the spiritual weapon they got from Ning Cheng's Holy Tomb.

"The two of you are the strongest force in the Xiaoyao Sect right now. If you are not well armed, the safety of the Xiaoyao Sect will not be guaranteed!" Li Yichen, who was in a good mood, chuckled and already had two extra spirit swords in his palms.

"With the suzerain, Xiaoyaozong has everything!" The two replied at the same time, but as soon as the words came out, their eyes fell on the two spirit swords in Li Yichen's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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