Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 714 The Polar Entrance

Chapter 714 The Polar Entrance
"Yes, I have realized something recently and made a breakthrough!" Li Yichen didn't explain much.

"Both of you master and apprentice are monsters!" Mo Gaofeng couldn't help shaking his head.

Although Ling Yun, who had just been promoted from a drug boy to a full-time disciple, said that the promotion to the Saint Emperor Realm was due to eating Nirvana Fruit, but Ling Yun's record during this period also attracted the attention of all the high-level officials in the Dan Temple.

Because Ling Yun's leapfrog challenge has changed from being difficult to see a victory at the beginning to losing more and winning less, and then to winning more and losing less, and now it is even more difficult to find a defeat. The state of the audience still never appeared, making Mo Gaofeng sigh at the abnormality of Li Yichen, the master and apprentice, and at the same time feel a little relieved.

With the existence of Li Yichen and Ling Yun, the Pill Temple should be able to win a place in the top ten of the future emperor list and immortal list, so during this period of time, Mo Gaofeng not only pays attention to Ling Yun, but also arranges disciples with good fighting power to work with him. to hone his fighting ability.

"'s just luck!" Li Yichen smiled slightly.

"Okay, come with me!" After achieving the result he wanted, Mo Gaofeng naturally understood what Li Yichen wanted.

After Li Yichen nodded, he followed Mo Gaofeng and walked forward. Along the way, Mo Gaofeng explained to Li Yichen some deeds about the Danhuo Pole.

The Danhuo Pole is both the holy land of the Pill Temple and the forbidden area of ​​the Pill Temple. Although it is said that no one has the qualifications to enter the Pill Fire Pole for thousands of years, but guarding such a treasured place, can the Pill Temple really bear it?
It's just that entering the Danhuo polar region has always been an extremely secret matter, not with such a big fanfare like this time.

But in the past thousand years, at least ten disciples have entered the Danhuo Pole, but none of them have ever come out alive.

Which of the disciples who can get the qualification to enter the Danhuo polar region is not talented and despises his peers?But after entering one by one, they all disappeared like stone and sea, and there was no more news from then on.

The Danhuo Pole, the reason why it is called the Fire Pole, is actually a world of fire, and I don’t know what kind of supernatural means the original creation of this space has, so that countless fires are moved into the space, which will not be extinguished all year round. Moreover, the flame can break through the protection of spiritual power and directly burn the body.

It can be said that entering the Danhuo Pole is a very dangerous thing. Of course, these various difficulties seem to be arranged by the mighty to test future generations, because there are also countless opportunities, big or small, hidden in the Pillfire Pole .

The Pill Fire True Art is definitely not the only one, and no one knows whether it is the greatest chance. It can only be said that the Pill Fire True Art is currently the best skill that the Pill God Palace has obtained from the Pill Fire Pole. It is a pity that this skill The tactic can only be understood but cannot be conveyed in words, that is to say, even a successful person cannot pass it on to others.

And it's not just the true formula of Danhuo, any skill practiced in the polar region of Danhuo cannot be taught to others, but even if it is not as good as the true formula of Danhuo, it is still a good skill in the sanctuary, just Even Mo Gaofeng had a chance encounter in the Danhuo polar region back then, and although the skills he got were not as good as the true solution of Danhuo, they were not much different.

Of course, Qingyun Pavilion actually had the idea of ​​Danhuo Jidi back then, but Danhuo Jidi seems to have a boundary limit, only warriors whose cultivation level does not exceed the holy fairyland can enter, even though Qingyun Pavilion has tried many methods, it is still unable to lift this restriction , and Qingyun Pavilion also sent hundreds of disciples into the Danhuo Pole within a hundred years, but only two people survived, and none of them got the true formula of Pillfire.

Faced with such a ratio of output not as good as input, Qingyun Pavilion also gave up exploring the polar regions of Danhuo. Of course, they will also try their best to fight for the disciples of the Danshen Temple who have cultivated the true formula of Danhuo. It can be regarded as keeping the tasteless Dongtian Futian of Danhuojidi.

"Thus, although there is a chance in the Danhuo Pole, it also has great risks. If you give up now, there is still time!" Mo Gaofeng said after explaining.

"Wu Zhidao can advance but not retreat. Now that we have decided to go, there is no reason to give up!" Li Yichen's expression was firm.

As a human being in two lives, he did not know how many times he had experienced the front line of life and death, but Li Yichen never said to give up, because he knew that once he gave up, he would feel fear in his heart.

Martial arts, if it's just for the wealthy, if it's just for dominating a certain area, then it's fine when you reach a certain level, but if you follow the way of heaven, you must defeat the way of heaven, and if you want to win, you can't be afraid.

Therefore, many warriors often went deep into dangerous situations in order to pursue the peak of martial arts, and even more died because of this, but none of them retreated. If the retreat is scattered, it will be difficult to advance again.

This is also the reason why Li Yichen valued Ling Yun, because Ling Yun's heart towards martial arts is firm enough, Li Yichen knows that in the future, if he encounters these problems, he will definitely know how to choose.

"Okay!" Mo Gaofeng seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, so he stopped persuading him.

In a short while, the two of them walked to the peak of Danshen Mountain. The peak was a huge flat ground surrounded by various restrictions. Feeling the fluctuation of its spiritual power, Li Yichen could clearly feel that the formation here was at least Seventh level, and there are many disciples guarding the surrounding area.

Seeing Mo Gaofeng come to salute together, but Li Yichen didn't even take a second look.

None of these disciples are not at the peak of the Holy Immortal Realm. If they are placed in the Pill Temple, they will definitely reach the level of an elder, and Li Yichen even suspects that these are just defenses on the surface. Existence of the first class.

After Mo Gaofeng responded a few words, he led Li Yichen to walk forward, and at this time Li Yichen followed Mo Gaofeng's footwork closely. Although he was very talented in formations, Li Yichen was not arrogant enough to feel that he could be in the respected ranks. The formation is as smooth as walking on the ground, the rank formation is enough to trap the first-level powerhouse of the saint, but this does not prevent Li Yichen from constantly observing the formation of the formation during the walk.

"The mountain top array was exchanged by the seniors of the Pill Temple with a high-level elixir and the seniors of the Shenzhen Gate. I know that you also have good attainments in array formation. If you are interested, let go of your mental strength to investigate. Let's do it!" Mo Gaofeng didn't hide his secrets, nor was he a selfish person.

Even though he knew that Li Yichen's future destination would definitely not be the Pill Temple, but he knew that he hoped that Li Yichen would win greater glory for the Pill Temple on the list of saints, so he had to give Li Yichen strong support, and at the same time, he was on Li Yichen's body. The more you give, the more Li Yichen will remember the kindness of the Pill Temple in the future. In this way, when Li Yichen stands at the top, the Pill Temple will be richly rewarded.

Li Yichen's heart was indeed itching for a long time, but each sect has its own rules, and Li Yichen would naturally not break the rules of others. Now that he heard what Mo Gaofeng said, how could he be polite, and his mental power was immediately released. In order to ascertain the full picture of the formation as much as possible, Li Yichen didn't have any reservations about his mental strength.

"Immortal rank alchemist?" Sensing Li Yichen's spiritual power, Mo Gaofeng was also startled, and only then did he know that Li Yichen seemed to have reservations about his strength during the palace test.

"No, it's just that the mental strength can barely reach this level." Li Yichen also understood that Mo Gaofeng's state could naturally sense his own mental strength.

"Then feel it first, and go in when you're done!" Mo Gaofeng also became numb to Li Yichen's abnormality.

Just stepping into an alchemist of the imperial rank, the strength of mental strength is comparable to that of the immortal rank, and people say that it is only barely reaching this strength. As a result, even Mo Gaofeng, as the master of the Dan Temple, felt a little speechless.

Li Yichen nodded and stopped talking, and began to print the formations that he could explore with his spiritual power into his mind. After all, it was the first time he had seen such an advanced formation, so naturally he couldn't miss such an opportunity.

However, the formation is advanced, but Li Yichen found that the advanced formation seemed to be impossible to penetrate completely with his own mental power. A fraction of it was uncertain, so in desperation, Li Yichen had no choice but to write down the formation map that could be detected by his spiritual power, and then gave up further exploration. After all, the main purpose of his trip was the Danhuo polar region. I have to save it for future research.

"Okay!" Li Yichen opened his eyes and said after a stick of incense.

"Okay!" Mo Gaofeng nodded, and played out several spiritual formulas, only to see the gray and white quickly separated to the left and right sides, and a raging fire appeared in the middle.

In the center of the flame was a cyclone-like vortex, which continuously pumped out hot forces one after another to keep the surroundings burning.

After feeling the scorching heat, Li Yichen frowned slightly. You must know that with his current cultivation level, the cold and heat are not invading, even ordinary spiritual fire can't make him feel uncomfortable, but the flames in front of him are still far away, but they can make him feel uncomfortable. He felt the heat, and Li Yichen's face suddenly became serious.

At this time, Mo Gaofeng didn't need to say anything, Li Yichen also knew that the entrance of the Danhuo Pole was the vortex in the center of the flame, because he could already feel the faint spatial fluctuations above it.

"This is the fire-avoiding bead!" At this moment, Mo Gaofeng handed over a bead, "This is the fire-avoiding bead left by the patriarch back then. Without this bead, it would be impossible for warriors in the Holy Immortal Realm to pass through this space channel." It's extremely difficult, but over the years, there have been fewer and fewer fire-avoiding beads, so now the requirements for disciples entering the Danhuo polar region are becoming stricter and stricter!"

"Thank you, Palace Master!" Li Yichen was not polite at this time, after receiving the fire-avoiding beads, he immediately felt the heat waves blowing around him as if separated by an invisible force, and a burst of coolness swept over his body.

"Go in quickly. The fire-avoiding orb can only last for five hours, and it will disappear after five hours. Seize this opportunity and go as deep as possible!" Mo Gaofeng nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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