Chapter 780

Although there are still many questions she wants to ask Li Yichen, An Qing also knows how precious time is to Li Yichen at this moment.

Regardless of the fact that the next round will be a week away, considering Li Yichen's consumption this time, the recovery time of seven days is not enough, and even somewhat insufficient.

Because the next round will be a hard fight, and a battle of endurance!

The top nine seeded players all entered the top nine, and the battle for the top nine is not a knockout match like before, but a free challenge!

It was similar to the chief disciple challenge when Li Yichen joined the Nine Gates School, but the difference was that now there was a pre-selected ranking, so he started from No.9 to choose whether to challenge upwards.

According to the rules, the ninth will challenge the eighth, and the winner will be promoted to No.8, and at the same time be qualified to challenge No.7, and so on.

Of course, if No. 9 loses to No. [-], he will naturally drop to No. [-], but after the previous No. [-] challenge is over, he still has another chance to challenge upwards.

Originally, such a rule was very beneficial to Li Yichen, who ranked first in the preliminaries, but it was just a theory.

Because An Qing knew that if Mingjian was sitting in the first position, perhaps at most only the second and third would challenge him, but Li Yichen was sitting in the first place, and it was very likely that he would be challenged by everyone.

Because everyone can let the people behind come up first, wait for them to challenge, and then use the opportunity of their own challenge to challenge upwards, and this is also a common thing in the immortal rankings of the past dynasties.

After all, the higher the ranking, the lower the chance to challenge, so naturally there is no need to go all out when challenged.

Because the challenge of the top nine of the fairy list is to be completed at one time, there is no rest time in the middle, that is to say, if you are injured because of too hard work, you will become very passive in the subsequent challenges.

Therefore, the ranking of the top nine in the Immortal Ranking has always been not only a battle of strength, but also a battle of wits. It requires a warrior to know how to make trade-offs, so as to maximize his strength.

Of course, if someone has the strength to instantly kill the entire audience, it's a different matter to suppress the eight people behind and win the crown directly, but this kind of situation has never happened since the establishment of the Immortal Ranking.

So how to win and how to preserve strength in battle has become one of the keys. Of course, there is another more critical thing is your own strength, so before the battle, it is naturally crucial to adjust yourself to the best state .

Li Yichen, who had already understood the rules of the battle of the nine strong ones, naturally began to adjust his breath, but he didn't need to use the exercises too deliberately because the true understanding of immortality had already penetrated into his bone marrow. Instead, he began to continue breathing while adjusting his body. Thinking about how Sword Spirit used to control his body in the arena.

Although the sword spirit's movements were extremely random, Li Yichen connected them completely together, as if they were moving according to a certain rhythm. Although Li Yichen wanted to ask the sword spirit afterwards, the immediate situation was obviously a bit strange. suitable.

After all, no one knows whether Qingyun Pavilion will have a more powerful existence in the dark. If the connection between oneself and the sword spirit is spied on, the consequences will most likely be more serious than the exposure of the reincarnation ladder.

So much so that even now, the sword spirit didn't take the initiative to contact him, and Li Yichen didn't dare to take the initiative to find the sword spirit, so he could only think about the sword spirit's body skills in his heart.

right!That's a set of movement techniques, but it's too mysterious and beyond my comprehension, so I feel that the sword spirit is twisting its body at will.

"It seems that you really have a bit of comprehension, kid. Since you can see some mysteries, I will teach you this set of free and unfettered movements, but with your current state, how much you can comprehend depends on you." You're lucky!" At this moment, the voice of the sword spirit appeared in Li Yichen's mind, and then countless figures appeared in Li Yichen's mind constantly flying around.

"There is such a good thing, it's not too early to give it to me!" Li Yichen, who was instantly attracted by those figures, still couldn't help complaining to the sword spirit.

"Give it to you earlier, it can only make you crippled!" Jian Ling immediately said disdainfully, "This set of free and unfettered movements, not to mention your current state, even if it is the so-called respected martial artist's cultivation, it is very likely to go off the rails Bewitched, you are just because I have an immersive experience when I use your body to use it, so I let you try it for the time being, otherwise you will toss yourself with your little foundation, you can toss yourself disabled, you Believe it or not?"

"Is it so serious?" Li Yichen naturally knew that if he practiced a martial skill that was much higher than his own strength, he might go crazy, but he didn't expect this set of movements to be so powerful. Of course, this also made Li Yichen realize that this set of moves No small matter.

"Of course, I'll give you five days. If you can't even get started, then try again after your cultivation level breaks through the honorable rank, otherwise it will be harmful and useless to you!" Sword Spirit said solemnly. Said.

"Okay!" Seeing the rare seriousness of the sword spirit, Li Yichen had to take it seriously.

Immediately, the sword spirit ceased to speak, and Li Yichen also began to seriously comprehend this body technique.

The little figures kept walking around in his mind, and Li Yichen began to calm down and record every footprint of each figure.

Body movement is the way to move the body, and body movement is naturally focused on the feet, so usually if you want to practice a body method well, you must first remember the footwork.

"This... the amount of work is too big, isn't it?" After more than 20 hours, Li Yichen found that the footwork of the ten or so figures in his mind did not repeat at all.

Calculated now, wouldn't it be necessary to memorize tens of thousands of steps, and this does not include the changes in them. No wonder the sword spirit said it would cripple people!
However, even though he was amazed at the difficulty of this body technique, Li Yichen was also more excited, because the greater the difficulty, the greater the benefits, as a human being, Li Yichen has never been afraid of any difficulties in cultivation, and immediately became more serious record every step.

Fortunately, Li Yichen's mental strength was astonishing, otherwise, if he memorized it like this, he wouldn't have to learn it at all, and it would directly break people down.

But after persisting for more than 20 hours, even though Li Yichen's mental strength was extremely strong, he seemed exhausted at this moment.

For a total of nearly fifty hours, two days and two nights, the dozen or so figures didn't seem to stop at all no matter whether they shifted or moved, let alone repeating in the slightest.

This... Do you still want to learn this?Can you still learn it?

In desperation, Li Yichen had no choice but to stop and recover his spiritual power while recovering his heavenly power.

Facing this set of almost perverted body skills, Li Yichen felt that Jian Ling was a little reserved just now, and probably even a high-level warrior would have no other choice but to be helpless in the face of such body skills.

wrong!The sword spirit guy doesn't know what it means to be reserved except for his exaggeration. Since he said that a high-ranking warrior can try to comprehend it, then he must be able to.

And my own understanding is that even a respectable martial artist can't comprehend, there must be some details that I haven't discovered.

Although he didn't continue to wait and see the movement skills of those little figures, Li Yichen recalled the movement skills he had memorized in his heart before.

Although this will consume mental power, it is naturally much easier than waiting and memorizing, and even the current mental power can bear it.

This time, Li Yichen didn't want to study from the beginning to the end, but just kept repeating and repeating the records recorded in the first hour.

Of course, recalling is naturally much faster than watching. In ten hours, Li Yichen had already recalled the movement of that little figure nearly a hundred times, and suddenly a gleam flashed in Li Yichen's eyes.

It was so!
With a thought in his heart, Li Yichen continued to wait and see the movement of the little figure in his mind, but this time Li Yichen's eyes were no longer so perplexed, but from time to time, after falling into deep thought for a period of time, they showed a strong look of surprise.

But this also confirmed Li Yichen's conjecture that the set of movements that the sword spirit entered into his mind only focused on the meaning, not the shape.

If he blindly memorizes the moves of those villains, Li Yichen believes that even if it takes a year, there will be no repetitions, and what he has to do is, in the process of waiting and watching, understand their meaning and recognize their essence.

A door was pushed open, and Li Yichen found the right direction. Although it was impossible to reach the ultimate shore overnight, Li Yichen was able to extract his own essence from it.

While Li Yichen was practicing, An Daoquan also gathered with several of his confidant elders to watch the video in Qingyun's cabinet during the Battle of the Immortal List.

"It seems that the Water of Myriad Demons is indeed related to the famous sword!" Elder Qin couldn't help sighing when the video ended, which also aroused the echo of other elders.

Although these conjectures can't be directly proved, but all the people present are old and mature, so why can't they analyze the desired result from the expression of the famous sword?

As for the evidence?When did Qingyun Pavilion do things on its own land, what evidence did it need?
"Water of Ten Thousand Devils, even in the pavilion, there aren't many of them? It is absolutely impossible for the Golden Sword Sect to have this thing, and even if it does, it probably won't fall into the hands of Ming Jian!"

"From this point of view, the famous sword may have another layer of identity!"

"It's impossible for Mingjian not to know that he can definitely become a disciple of Qingyun Pavilion, so if he is willing to bear another identity, it means that that force should be able to give him more things!"

"The only thing that can do this on this land is the Hall of Reincarnation that has been hiding in the dark!"

All the confidants were discussing each other, and the direction of the matter was moving forward step by step according to Li Yichen's expectation.

"I don't know what attitude you guys have towards Li Yichen's thoughts!" An Daoquan had already made up his mind, but he still needed to discuss it with his confidant.



"If Li Yichen has that ability, we absolutely support it. Regardless of whether Li Yichen got the reincarnation ladder or not, but before he started the battle with Li Tian, ​​he was able to confess his love to the little princess in public, which already shows that the little princess has a certain weight in his heart. The sword is much stronger..."

(End of this chapter)

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