Indestructible Mad Zun

Chapter 81: Three Sounds of the Twilight Drum

Chapter 81
"Come out for a walk with me!" Although she knew that her words would definitely be more misleading, but Yu Siqi knew that if she didn't speak, that guy Li Yichen would definitely sit down and continue reading right away.

"Let's go!" After all, he just did him a favor, so Li Yichen couldn't refuse, not to mention that after reading so many books for five consecutive days, Li Yichen also had a certain understanding of the changes in the terrain of Xiaoyaozong, so he could go out at this time Walk around to confirm it.

A proud daughter of the Xiaoyao Sect and a handyman disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect walked out of the Zangshu Pavilion side by side.

Pa... With a crisp sound, a handyman disciple slapped his face heavily, "Damn, I'm not dreaming, but why did a handyman disciple fall in love with Senior Sister Yu?"

But for his question, no one present could answer it.

"Thank you this time!" Li Yichen said after walking out of the Library Pavilion and casually walking on Yunshui Peak.

"You're welcome, anyway, I'm still short of five hundred contribution points for your mission, so I'll take it off this time, and I don't have to give it to you anymore." Yu Siqi then said in a low voice: "But your kid took Jiang Jingyu's storage bag , there should be a lot of good things in it, right?"

"I don't know, I haven't read it yet." Only then did Li Yichen remember that when he came back, he plunged into the library and even forgot Jiang Jingyu's storage bag.

"What? Didn't even look at it? Sometimes I really don't understand you. If other handyman disciples get the storage bag of a formal disciple, they will definitely open it immediately to see what's inside, but you seem to have forgotten it. "Yu Siqi gave Li Yichen a white look and said.

"With my talent, it is impossible to break through to the spirit pill realm. Since I can only be a handyman disciple for the rest of my life, why should I spend my time on useless cultivation? If I don't want to practice, then the contribution value is naturally low for me. Anyway, Xiaoyaozong takes care of food and housing, reading books every day, wandering here and there, isn't it good?" Li Yichen said casually.

"You... how can you be so unambitious!" Hearing Li Yichen's words, Yu Siqi couldn't help but glared at him and said, "Being a man should aim at the world, even if you don't have enough talent, you have to work hard To make up for it."

"Actually, the reason I read so many books is to see if I have the possibility of switching to an art practice." Fearing that Yu Siqi would continue to pester her, Li Yichen had to change his attitude towards life in front of her.

"That's a good idea. Back then in Congyunling, you could activate the Linglei Shuo as soon as you got it. Maybe you really have an extraordinary talent in the art of cultivation." Thinking of Sun Zhiyun's behavior after returning, Yu Siqi once again He smiled and said: "You don't know that Sun Zhiyun has been playing with the Lingle Shuo on the way back, but he couldn't activate it at all."

"Boom...boom...boom..." At this moment, a continuous and long bell seemed to come from the sky, resounding over the entire Xiaoyaozong.

"The evening drum rang three times. This is the bell to summon all the handyman disciples. Hurry up and go to Xiaoyao Peak to see what happened?" Yu Siqi said with a slightly changed expression.

Li Yichen, who had been wandering around in Zangshu Pavilion for many days, was naturally no stranger to Xiaoyaozong's rules, and he naturally knew that the three sounds of the evening drum was Xiaoyaozong's emergency summoning order for the servant disciples.

No matter where he is, no matter what he has on hand, as soon as he hears the three sounds of the evening drum, as a handyman disciple, he must rush to Xiaoyao Peak as soon as possible.

Of course, this was aimed at the real handyman disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect, and Li Yichen, a counterfeit, was naturally not among them, and not only was he not among them, he couldn't go, otherwise his identity as a fake handyman disciple would definitely be revealed.

Once his identity is revealed, the Zongmen will definitely pursue Zhao Shanhe, and if Zhao Shanhe tells the truth, Li Yichen's plan to find Qi Fengzhi in a low-key manner will only be in vain.

"You're going with me?" So at this time, Li Yichen naturally didn't dare to let Yu Siqi accompany him to Xiaoyao Peak.

"What? Is there a problem?" Yu Siqi said naturally.

"You didn't see how many pairs of jealous eyes were looking at me in Zangshu Pavilion just now. If you go to Xiaoyao Peak with me again, I really don't know if I will survive to come back alive." Li Yichen joked a little He said, "Have you ever heard of the saying that a beauty is a disaster?"

"The ghost gave you beauty, and the ghost wants to accompany you." Yu Siqi's cheeks flushed red, and she stomped her feet and ran forward quickly, but she still didn't forget to turn her head and remind: "Hurry up by yourself, it's too late But you will be punished."

When Yu Siqi's figure disappeared from sight, Li Yichen thought to himself: If I really go, I think I will really be punished, and then quickly ran towards the outer peak.

Now that the evening drum is ringing three times, the inner peak is no longer a place to stay for a long time, it is safer to return to the outer peak.

At this time, on Xiaoyao Peak, the main peak of Xiaoyao Sect, Sun Zhiyun stood in front of the suzerain Sun Zhengyang and the masters of the six major discussion peaks, but his palms were already sweating.

Although he is a formal disciple, seeing so many bigwigs from Xiaoyao Sect at the same time, and their eyes are still fixed on him, Sun Zhiyun couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

However, when he thought that he might be able to help Li Yichen get rid of his status as a handyman disciple this time, he felt a little excited again.

Sun Zhiyun, who has been retreating directly since Cong Yunling came back, has tried almost all methods for Ling Leisuo, blood recognition, spiritual communication, and spiritual activation...

Sun Zhiyun has tried almost all the conventional and unconventional means of using spiritual weapons in Qingyun Continent, but the majestic Linglei Shuo, who instantly killed the flame leopard in Li Yichen's hands, did not even emit light. Out half an hour.

In desperation, Sun Zhiyun had no choice but to go out to ask his master Wu Shunde, the master of Zining Peak, for advice.

Wu Shunde took Ling Lei Shuo and glanced at it, and he was stunned there immediately. Although he was only a martial artist, he had also seen some formations collected in the sect, even though the formations on Ling Lei Shuo were blurred, but he I can still feel the taste of some ancient formations.

After asking Sun Zhiyun about the origin of Ling Leisuo, and knowing that Ling Leisuo actually has the ability to instantly kill second-order spirit beasts, Wu Shunde directly took Sun Zhiyun to the Lingshu Peak for advice.

Lingshu Peak is also one of the six major discussion peaks of Xiaoyao Sect. The peak master Ning Yunlong is a fifth-level magician and the only fifth-level magician of Xiaoyao Sect.

"How did you get this Linglei Suo? To be honest, if you dare to say anything false, your cultivation base will be abolished and you will be expelled from the sect immediately!" After Shi Chen only caused Linglei Shuo to emit a weak light without any change at all, he immediately said coldly to Sun Zhi.

Although everyone is a peak master, Ning Yunlong, the peak master of the Six Great Discussion Peaks, has much more power than Wu Shunde, whose master Sun Zhiyun is just an ordinary elder.

To abolish Sun Zhiyun's cultivation and expel him from the sect, he can really do what he says.

Sun Zhiyun immediately gave a general account of how everyone entered Congyunling, but even under the pressure of Ning Yunlong, he still did not forget the lie everyone made up before, blaming the death of Jiang Jingyu and Zhou Dingyue on the ferocity of the flame leopard.

"Elder Ning, can this Linglei Shuo really kill second-order spirit beasts?" Seeing Ning Yunlong's anger, Wu Shunde also asked with a little confidence.

"Second-level spirit beasts are nothing. If the Ling Lei Shuo is in full bloom, it is not impossible to kill seventh-level and eighth-level spirit beasts!" As a fifth-level magician, Ning Yunlong's knowledge of battles is naturally not Master Sun Zhiyun's As far as the two disciples could compare, although the formation on Ling Leisuo was already blurred, they could roughly guess the power of Ling Leisuo back then.

Hearing Ning Yunlong's evaluation of Linglei Shuo, Sun Zhiyun and Wu Shunde's eyes could not help flashing with horror, let alone an eighth-level spirit beast, it is estimated that even a seventh-level spirit beast is enough to make today's Xiaoyaozong Falling into a situation of eternal doom, and this Ling Leisuo actually has the ability to kill and slash.

"You mean that handyman disciple named Li Yichen can actually activate this Linglei Shuo?" Facing the opportunity that could instantly increase Xiaoyaozong's strength several times, Ning Yunlong directly grabbed Sun Zhiyun's wrist and asked.

"Yes... yes..." Sun Zhiyun, who was still in shock, could only instinctively nod in reply.

"Pass down the order, and immediately bring all the disciples named Li Yichen in the sect to the Lingshu Peak!" After receiving Sun Zhiyun's affirmation, Ning Yunlong immediately summoned his disciples to pass on the order.

He also studied the Linglei Suo just now, but found that even he couldn't activate the formation in the Linglei Suo, so if he wanted to make Xiaoyaozong stronger, that handyman disciple named Li Yichen would naturally become one of them. The key point, and at this time Ning Yunlong was also full of curiosity about this handyman disciple named Li Yichen, maybe he was a formation genius.

Unexpectedly, after half a day, the disciples of Lingshu Peak did not find Li Yichen, and then Ning Yunlong directly used the power of the summit master to conduct a thorough search of all the records of the handyman disciples, and he was bound to find this handyman disciple.

However, after a thorough investigation of the information of all the handyman disciples, the result was that Xiaoyaozong did not have a handyman student named Li Yichen at all.

How can this be?

When Ning Yunlong was tracking down Li Yichen, he specifically asked Sun Zhiyun several times to make sure that Sun Zhiyun was not lying. At the same time, he also believed that if Sun Zhiyun was going to lie, he definitely didn't have any reason to use a spiritual weapon such as Ling Leisuo to lie.

So Ning Yunlong thought of a possibility, that Li Yichen was not the real name of that handyman disciple, maybe it was a pseudonym used by a certain handyman disciple for some reason.

Immediately, Ning Yunlong told the suzerain and the other five peak leaders about this matter, which was related to the improvement of Xiaoyaozong's strength. Finding the handyman disciple who urged Ling Leisuo as soon as possible became the top priority of Xiaoyaozong, so there was There are three drums beating today.

At this time, Li Yichen, who had fled back to the outskirts of Xiaoyaozong, had no idea that the three sounds of the evening drum this time were all caused by him alone...

(End of this chapter)

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