Chapter 851

It's just the consumption of the power of heaven, Li Yichen actually recovered in a day, but when Li Yichen was about to leave the quiet room, he sensed that Jin Siyan was guarding the door.

Li Yichen, who really didn't want to explain too much to Jin Siyan, had to stay in the room quietly. After two days of this, he found that Jin Siyan had no intention of leaving at all, so Li Yichen walked out in desperation.

"Why don't you stay for a few more days, I still have some questions that I haven't figured out!" Seeing Li Yichen come out, Jin Siyan smiled slyly.

"When I was just preparing to come out, I felt something again, so I stayed for two more days!" Li Yichen knew that his behavior was noticed by the other party, so he said casually.

"Junior Brother Li, Senior Sister here still has some questions to ask you. I wonder if you are free!" Jin Siyan smiled slightly and cut the topic straight to the point.

"No problem, if you have any questions, senior sister, you can just ask, as long as the junior brother can answer, you will never refuse, but the direction of remuneration can only be negotiated according to the difficulty of the senior sister's questions!" Li Yichen did not refuse.

"I still need contribution value? I even bet on you the spirit house now, what more do you want?" Jin Siyan said as a matter of course.

"But I can't be a coolie for free!" Li Yichen immediately shrugged, showing a look of helplessness.

"But that's also my labor income!" Jin Siyan smiled confidently at this time, "If you don't want to, then don't teach it, but after you have visited Qi Jiuxiao, I believe you will be happy to come back Teach me!"

"Then come back and talk about it!" Li Yichen smiled slightly. Although he didn't know where Jin Siyan's confidence came from, he felt as if there was something that he didn't know.

Jin Siyan didn't even pester Li Yichen, seeing that Li Yichen was about to go out, she just gave way.

Li Yichen walked out of Jin Siyan's mourning house with some doubts, and naturally went straight to Qingyun Four Heroes.

But today Su Changle was not at home because of something, the other two were polite and respectful to Li Yichen, and Qi Jiuxiao also explained that he went to Li Yichen, but Jin Siyan said that Li Yichen was still practicing , he had to wait at home.

After exchanging pleasantries with Hua Wuming and Li Yichen, Qin Hao and Hua Wuming left in a sensible manner. They knew that Li Yichen and Qi Jiuxiao must have a lot to say.

Immediately, Li Yichen expressed the doubts in his heart.

"It seems that Jin Siyan is also preparing to hit the rankings this time!" Qi Jiuxiao nodded and said, "If she really wants to, then it is very necessary for you to help her!"

Then Qi Jiuxiao began to explain the reason!

Dibang disciples are the key disciples in the outer city, and their main duty is to cultivate with heart, so challenging the Dibang disciples does not mean that you can fight if you want to, otherwise the Dibang disciples will do nothing for a day and just accept the challenge.

There is a Qingyun Peak behind Qingyun City. This peak is the only passage connecting the inner city and the outer city. Naturally, it is also the territory of Qingyun City. If you want to challenge the disciples of the list, you must enter Qingyun Peak and survive for three months.

Although Qingyun Peak is within the sphere of influence of Qingyun City, in order to sharpen the disciples, there are absolutely countless spirit beasts at the early stages of the respected rank, and it is not impossible to even meet the middle stages of the respected rank. Surviving in it for three months is naturally even more difficult.

Because these three months are not something you can finish by finding a place to hide after you go in, but you have to go to five designated places to pick up one item each, although there is no danger in the process of picking up the item. However, these five locations almost covered the entire range of Qingyun Waifeng, and there might be too many dangers along the way.

Of course, every disciple who enters Qingyun Peak will carry a teleportation talisman with him. If he encounters real danger, he can use the teleportation talisman to return to Qingyun City instantly. Of course, doing so means that the challenge will fail, and the result of failure will be It means that the challenge cannot be launched within the next five years.

Of course, the greatest danger in this process does not come from the spirit beasts on the Outer Peak, but from those brothers who have already been ranked on the ground list.

The brothers of the Dibang often enter the outer peak to practice or do some tasks. After all, while they are super strong, the resources they need for cultivation are naturally huge. It is impossible to rely on the contribution value given by the sect satisfy their needs.

In the face of challenges, even if they win, it is a waste of time for them, and if they fail, they will have to give up their status as disciples of the Dibang, and then the benefits of those sects will also be withdrawn.

So once you encounter the senior brothers on the list during the challenge and experience, then it is inevitable to face their destruction.

Although it is forbidden to kill each other in the same sect, it is common for them to find a reason to cause conflicts between the two sides, injure the challenger, and prevent them from completing the challenge experience.

However, in order to avoid this kind of unfairness, the sect stipulates that challengers can form a team for challenge experience, and the upper limit of the number of teams is six, because the real city lord of Chuzun Realm is a woman, so the addition of One requirement is that among the six people there must be at least one female disciple.

"It's impossible for Jin Siyan to be the only female disciple in Qingyun City!" Li Yichen seemed to understand where Jin Siyan's confidence came from, but he still said a little uncomfortable.

"There must be more than one female disciple, but she is definitely the most powerful among the female disciples in the outer city. In terms of personal strength, she should have reached the level of about [-] on the local list. She has not challenged in these years. It is estimated that one One is to be addicted to the formation, and the other is to find no suitable person to participate in the challenge!" Qi Jiuxiao explained.

"Then it's fine for the five of us to go, it's fine if we don't take her with us!" Li Yichen said immediately.

After all, according to Qi Jiuxiao's explanation, there are at most six people in the team, so one person would be fine.

"Any challenge team, as long as the number exceeds four, there must be a female disciple!" Qi Jiuxiao was also a little helpless, "It is because we have not been able to find suitable people to cooperate these years, so we have not been able to challenge. list!"

"So that's how it is!" Li Yichen was also very clear about Qi Jiuxiao's helplessness.

If it is said that Jin Siyan has the strength of around [-] on the list, Li Yichen, who has fought against Qi Jiuxiao, knows that Qi Jiuxiao also has this strength. In this way, he has a general understanding of the current strength of the outer city. .

In other words, as long as they passed the challenge and experience, it shouldn't be a big problem for them to make it to the top rankings, so this team formation really lacked the taste of Jin Siyan's failure.

After all, according to what Qi Jiuxiao said, once the challenge starts, no matter if any member of the team fails, it means the failure of the whole team. It is estimated that this is also a test of the friendship between the sects. There is a common fighting experience between them, so as to enhance the relationship between the same sect, and strengthen the cohesion of the sect.

"So if this matter can attract Jin Siyan, our chances will be greater. After all, if you want to enter the inner city, you must first become a disciple of the local list in addition to the contribution value!" Qi Jiuxiao said, "Although you want to become a disciple of the inner city You can also buy directly with contribution points, but the price is sky-high, and disciples who enter the inner city through the purchase of contribution points will generally be looked down upon by fellow disciples!"

"Okay, you guys prepare well during this time, I'll go talk to Jin Siyan!" Li Yichen thought for a while and said.

After all, according to what Qi Jiuxiao said, the aura in the inner city is far better than the spiritual houses in the outer city, even on the streets, and more importantly, the inner city is also covered by a sub-holy rank formation. This formation not only integrates offense and defense, but also guarantees While ensuring the safety of Qingyun City, on weekdays, the power of rules can be derived and distributed in the inner city, so that the disciples who practice in it can get more than just spiritual benefits.

Of course, it is not easy for the outer city to enter the inner city, but the disciples of the inner city can enter and leave the outer city at will, so Li Yichen will not worry that after entering the inner city, he will not be able to meet the disciples of the Yunfengmen. Starting to prepare, compared to Li Yichen who doesn't know enough about Qingyun City, it is much safer for Qi Jiuxiao to handle this matter.

But under the invisible pressure of the Hall of Reincarnation, Li Yichen knew that he needed to seize any opportunity to improve his strength as much as possible, so it was imperative to enter the inner city.

"Okay!" Qi Jiuxiao naturally understood that apart from making himself and others prepare for the battle, Qi Jiuxiao also had to prepare for the arrival of Yunfengmen.

After another simple discussion between the two, Li Yichen had no choice but to walk towards Jin Siyan, but although Jin Siyan was responsible for this matter, Li Yichen had his own plans.

"Brother Chen!" Just as Li Yichen was thinking about how to communicate with Jin Siyan, he happened to meet Su Changle who was not in the spirit house just now.

"It's Changle!" Under their insistence, Li Yichen didn't call them senior brothers anymore, but called them by their names.

"Brother Chen, are you free? Let's find a place to chat!" Su Changle nodded.

"Okay!" Seeing Su Changle's complicated expression, Li Yichen didn't even refuse.

Although he and the other three heroes are just acquainted for the first time, Li Yichen can see the sincere friendship between them and Qi Jiuxiao, so he naturally regards the three of them as brothers.

Su Changle nodded, then turned around and walked forward, Li Yichen followed behind him without asking.

Soon the two went directly into another spiritual house, but after entering, Li Yichen found that there was no one else in the spiritual house.

"I also rented this spiritual house. Jiu Xiao and the others didn't know it. To be precise, the person who rented this spiritual house was not me, but the Hall of Reincarnation!" When the two entered the spiritual house, Su Changle immediately Straight to the point and said.

"So you're from the Palace of Reincarnation?" Li Yichen wasn't surprised at all after getting in touch with the famous sword. The world is considered a waste of time. When he was speaking, the power of heaven in Li Yichen's body had quietly poured into his whole body.

(End of this chapter)

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